Did the snowstorm call the shots this time? Spoiler: Yes! Schools across Ontario and Quebec are shutting down as the snow piles up!
As the winter chill sweeps across Southern Ontario and Quebec, a massive snowstorm is shaping up to wreak havoc this week. With forecasts predicting up to 40 centimeters of snow, several schools have already announced closures well before the flakes even hit the ground! The anticipation in the air is electric, as students across the provinces revel in the unexpected day off, while parents scramble to adjust their schedules. Who else is secretly cheering for snow though?
The Laval School Service Center joined the ranks of closures marking their calendars for February 13, 2025. In the Outaouais region, anxiously waiting for incoming snow, schools have swiftly decided to close their doors ahead of schedule. School administrators are keeping student safety in mind, illustrating the ever-evolving adaptability educational institutions demonstrate during severe weather events. After all, better safe than sorry, right?
This impending storm has not only grounded the academic activities of many, but has also evoked laughter and joy as students start planning their snow days. After enduring months of classroom confinement, the prospect of embracing winter’s beauty with some casual sledding feels nothing short of bliss! The age-old question lingers—how many snowmen can one build in a single day?
However, this isn’t just about snow and snowmen. Various school service centers in the Montérégie area have echoed the ‘no school’ announcement for the same day due to the anticipated snow storm. It seems that nature is playing the ultimate prank on our academic calendars this week!
Fun fact: Did you know that any snow accumulation over 25 cm can adjust traffic patterns significantly, affecting both car and pedestrian movement? Also, snow can insulate the ground, keeping things warm beneath—so, while kids might be having fun outside, the ecosystem stays in its own chilled harmony!
Des accumulations de neige pouvant atteindre 40 centimètres sont attendues sur le Sud de l'Ontario et au Québec d'ici jeudi soir. La neige doit commencer ...
Le Centre de services scolaire de Laval a également annoncé la fermeture de ses écoles, comme vous pourrez le voir plus loin dans cet article. En Outaouais, ...
Quelques écoles de Québec ont déjà pris la décision de fermer leurs portes jeudi en prévision de la tempête va déferler sur la région.
Plusieurs écoles ont pris la décision de demeurer fermées jeudi en raison des importantes quantités de neige attendues au cours de la journée.
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Des centres de services scolaire du sud de la Montérégie ont annoncé la fermeture de leurs établissements scolaires le 13 février en raison de la tempête de ...
La tempête ne s'est pas encore pointé le bout du nez qu'on sait déjà que la majorité des établissements scolaires de l'Outaouais seront fermés jeudi en ...