Just when you thought winter couldn’t throw more at us, Hydro-Québec announces power outages affecting over 100,000 customers!
In the Great White North, seemingly endless winter is stirring up more than just snowflakes. Following fierce winds and heavy snow, Hydro-Québec has had its hands full, facing outages affecting as many as 108,000 customers at a time! By early morning hours, reports filled in claiming that approximately 8,700 households were still in the dark, eagerly waiting for the return of electricity. So, if you were planning a cozy night in, you might want to reconsider that Netflix binge until the lights are back on!
On a more scheduled note, Hydro-Québec is not all about the chaos of storms. The energy supplier also announced some planned interruptions that come with the territory of keeping energy flowing smoothly. Mark your calendars dear residents of Stanstead! The power will be temporarily cut for around 3,300 customers on Monday evening from 9 PM. They claim it’s all for the greater good, but we imagine their planning sessions involve plenty of coffee and strategizing on how not to ruin everyone’s evening plans.
But back to our tempestuous friend, the weather! Canada’s Environment Canada issued alerts and warnings when these extreme winds crashed through the south regions of the province, prompting folks to brace for whatever Mother Nature could throw their way. For the brave, this powerful windy weather might just be a call to adventure, but for the power crews, it's all hands on deck to restore services as quickly as possible for thousands living in darkness.
So what comes after these storms? Well, Hydro-Québec takes its recovery efforts seriously with teams tirelessly working through the icy conditions to restore power—like superheroes, minus the capes, and definitely minus the spandex. But winds can be an unpredictable villain. In the battle between nature and power, let’s just say nature has been winning lately. Stay safe out there, folks, and remember the last time you had to torch some candles and rediscover board games? It might not be a bad time to brush up on those unique skills just in case!
And here’s a fun fact: Did you know that Quebec is cradling the largest underground power plant in North America? Hydro-Québec's La Grande complex is a testament to how far we’ve come in energy production!
Another interesting nugget? Winter weather causes a notable increase in power outages. During storms, as much as 80% of outages can be linked to damaged tree branches falling onto power lines. Keep those trees trimmed, Quebec!
Le dernier bilan affiché vers 6 h par Hydro-Québec, il restait quelque 8700 familles qui attendaient le retour du courant électrique dans leur foyer.
En raison de travaux planifiés qui seront effectués au poste d'Hydro-Québec de Stanstead, le courant sera interrompu pour quelque 3300 clients de lundi soir 21h ...
Les vents violents qui soufflent sur le Québec lundi causent des pannes d'électricité dans des dizaines de milliers de foyers de la province.
Les vents violents et les bourrasques de neige, qui ont balayé le Québec lundi, ont causé des pannes d'électricité dans des dizaines de milliers de foyers à ...
Hydro-Québec a informé la population qu'une interruption planifiée de courant aura lieu le mercredi 29 janvier entre 8h30 et 15h30 à Sainte-Agathe et à ...
Environnement Canada a diffusé des alertes et des veilles de vent et de bourrasques de neige pour la majorité des régions du sud de la province, lundi.
18 maisons de la rue Arnaud à Sept-Îles-Uashat ont manqué de courant de 21h48 hier soir à 7h ce matin. Jusqu'à 108 000 clients d'Hydro-Québec dans plusieurs ...