Hold onto your shopping baskets, Canada! A measles outbreak is shaking up Laval and even Ski Saint-Bruno! Find out how to protect yourself and why vaccinations matter!
A recent measles outbreak in Quebec has public health officials on high alert, with fears of a significant increase in cases. Just on January 7th, a non-vaccinated individual visited Carrefour Laval after exposure to a confirmed measles case, setting off alarm bells. This incident has led to a spotlight on the necessity of vaccinations, as the Quebec public health department warns against the risks of uncontrolled spread. Dr. Luc Boileau, a health official, stated in a recent interview that the situation is notably concerning, urging residents to remain cautious and informed.
In addition to Carrefour Laval, other locations have also become points of interest in this outbreak. Notably, the main chalet at Ski Saint-Bruno and the Avril supermarket at Les Promenades have been identified as possible exposure sites. Visitors to these venues during the right timeframe may have been unknowingly exposed, creating a viral game of connection few would want to play. The fear of contracting measles, which is highly contagious, is causing anxiety amongst residents who are being advised to review their vaccination status immediately.
The public's response to the outbreak has been a mix of concern and the need for action. With 11 confirmed cases reported to date, officials are reminding everyone to be vigilant. Suggested preventive measures include keeping up-to-date with vaccinations and recognizing the symptoms of measles, which include high fever, cough, runny nose, and a distinctive rash. It's vital for those who display symptoms or believe they have been exposed to consult their healthcare provider promptly to avoid further spread.
Interestingly, Dr. Boileau and pharmacist Diane Lamarre recently discussed the links between recent spikes in cases of gastro and measles during a public forum, showcasing the importance of community awareness regarding contagious diseases. As the province hustles to mitigate the spread, the government emphasizes adherence to public health advisories and the ongoing push for vaccinations across all demographics. At the heart of the message is the reminder that vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of falling ill and protect those around us.
Did you know that measles is considered one of the most contagious diseases in the world, with a transmission rate of up to 90% among unvaccinated individuals? An interesting tidbit for you: vaccination not only protects individuals but also forms herd immunity, which is crucial for those unable to get vaccinated due to health conditions. So, next time you grab that shopping bag or strap on your ski boots, remember to check your immunity status!
Une personne non vaccinée qui a été en contact avec un cas de rougeole a magasiné au Carrefour Laval (photo) le 7 janvier dernier. L'éclosion de rougeole au ...
Deux lieux d'exposition auraient été ciblés, soit le chalet principal de la station Ski Saint-Bruno et le supermarché Avril des Promenades.
La situation est «inquiétante», affirme le Dr Luc Boileau en entrevue au «Devoir».
14 emplacements en sol lavallois ont été identifiés comme des lieux fréquentés par des cas récents de rougeole, dont le Carrefour Laval.
Écoutez Diane Lamarre, pharmacienne et professeure de clinique à l'Université de Montréal, parler des cas inquiétants de gastro et de rougeole.
Le gouvernement invite la population à redoubler de prudence et à suivre les recommandations de la Santé publique «en raison d'une circulation active de la ...
Elle a notamment visité le Carrefour Laval durant sa période de contagiosité, ce qui aurait pu exposer des milliers de personnes à la rougeole, selon le ministère de la Santé. Cette maladie est extrêmement contagieuse, mais le vaccin offert depuis ...