L'entente de principe conclue avec Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador fera passer le coût moyen de l'électricité de 0,2 à 4 cents/kWh d'ici 2075.
Newfoundland and Labrador has reached a tentative deal with Quebec over power flowing from the Churchill Falls hydroelectric plant that could reap hundreds ...
Quebec Premier François Legault met with counterpart Andrew Furey in St. John's for the announcement of an agreement in principle over the Churchill Falls ...
Today Newfoundland and Labrador signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Québec to terminate and replace the 1969 Upper Churchill Contract, ...
Photo: Paul Daly Archives La Presse canadienne Le premier ministre québécois, François Legault, et son homologue de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Andrew Furey, ...
QUÉBEC — L'entente que s'apprêtent à signer le Québec et Terre-Neuve concernant le complexe hydro-électrique de Churchill Falls sera probablement bénéfique ...
Officials from both provinces have been working to negotiate a new deal surrounding the Churchill Falls hydroelectric plant in Labrador. The current agreement, ...
N.L. is expected to announce details of a new Churchill Falls deal on Thursday that could bring a fairer payoff to that province. Read more.
NL, Quebec sign MOU to replace Upper Churchill contract, develop Gull Island and expand Churchill Falls, expected to bring NL $1b per year.
ST. JOHN'S, N.L. - A decades-old energy contract with Quebec that has long been a thorn in the side of Newfoundland and Labrador could be coming to an end.
The Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, will share details of the transformative Churchill Falls agreement in Happy ...
Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador have reached a sweeping deal to develop new energy projects in Labrador and end a decades-old contract that has long ...
Les Québécois paieront en moyenne 30 fois plus cher pour l'électricité du barrage terre-neuvien de Churchill Falls, au Labrador, pendant les 50 prochaines ...
Details are expected to be revealed Thursday on what could be a multi-billion agreement between Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec to reshape the contract ...
Le ministre fédéral de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, Jonathan Wilkinson, salue l'entente historique conclue entre les provinces de Québec et de ...
«Pour le Québec, l'entente garantit l'accès à un minimum 7200 MW pour les 50 prochaines années», a indiqué M. Sabia. Publié le 12 décembre 2024 à 14h24.
Le premier ministre François Legault et son homologue terre-neuvien Andrew Furey ont signé à Saint-Jean une entente de principe.
Les Québécois paieront en moyenne 30 fois plus cher pour l'électricité du barrage terre-neuvien de Churchill Falls, au Labrador, pendant les 50 prochaines ...
La feuille de papier sacrificielle était prête. Andrew Furey attendait seulement la question appropriée pour faire son spectacle.
Mais cette petite remarque, ajoutée au fait que le premier ministre disait aussi comprendre la « frustration » et la « colère » des Terre-Neuviens dans le ...
Il fallait voir le premier ministre de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Andrew Furey, jubiler à propos de l'entente, l'une des plus importantes de l'histoire ...
Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador have signed a sweeping new deal to build new energy projects and throw out a decades-old contract that has long been a ...
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey is hitting the road to sell the new Churchill Falls agreement, which he says is worth $200 billion over the ...
Newfoundland and Labrado and Québec have reached a new agreement on hydropower from Churchill Falls that includes developing Gull Island.
Newfoundland and Labrador has reached a tentative deal with Quebec over power flowing from the Churchill Falls hydroelectric plant that could reap hundreds ...
Quebec to pay 30 times more for power out of N.L. plant after decades-long dispute · Quebec, N.L. eye Churchill deal · Hydro CEO sees agreement as ideal for QC ...
Quebec and N.L. have renegotiated a Churchill Falls deal that will pay the Atlantic province more than $1 billion annually. Read more.