From gray skies to crackdowns, Québec’s got a lot going on! Check out the latest news that’s making waves!
The weather might be gloomy in Québec, but that's not stopping the action! While residents are braving the gray skies, they are also faced with strong winds reaching up to 50 km/h in Saguenay. Currently, the center of the province is experiencing a sprinkle of rain, promising a blend of refreshing vibes amidst the overcast skies. So grab that oversized sweater, a cozy hot chocolate, and let’s take a look at what else is happening in la belle province!
Meanwhile, in the heart of Sorel-Tracy, a massive anti-drug operation is underway. Around 70 police officers are on the scene, responding to an investigation that has been brewing since July. The operation's intensity isn't just about the sheer number of personnel but also involves tactical intervention teams tackling the underground drug scene. While the weather may be bleak, it seems that law enforcement is determined to brighten up the streets with their commitment to keep communities safe.
The city of Montreal is buzzing with concerns as two senior citizens have mysteriously gone missing. Local authorities are calling on the public to lend a hand in locating a 38-year-old man and a 92-year-old man from LaSalle. Their families are deeply troubled and are hoping for the best, while the SPVM is mobilizing efforts to ensure their swift recovery. It serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of looking out for one another, especially during these stormy times.
Adding to the list of unusual occurrences is the exclusive insight provided by J.E into the phenomenon known as "whitelining," which highlights the dangers of reckless driving at night. The operation revealed a series of high-stakes pursuits and defensive actions taken by the police under dimly lit conditions. Just when you thought gray clouds were the only concern on the roads!
Did you know that Saguenay is known for its stunning fjord and breathtaking outdoor activities? Meanwhile, Sorel-Tracy has a rich history as a pivotal site during the industrial boom in Québec. Let’s not forget that the aging population is one of the fastest-growing demographics in Canada, making the welfare of our seniors more crucial than ever. Every day in Québec can feel like a rollercoaster, but together, we can weather any storm!
Dans le centre de la province, le temps gris sera accompagné d'averses et des vents forts avec des rafales de 50 km/h, notamment au Saguenay, où de 10 à 15 ...
Cette frappe antidrogue qui découle d'une enquête amorcée en juillet a mobilisé environ 70 policiers, dont des membres du groupe tactique d'intervention dans ...
Le Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) sollicite l'aide du public afin de retrouver un homme de 38 ans qui manque à l'appel depuis mardi.
La police de Montréal cherche à retrouver un homme de 92 ans de LaSalle qui n'a pas donné signe de vie depuis mardi en fin d'après-midi.
L'équipe de J.E a eu un accès exclusif à une opération policière sur les routes de Montréal. Courses, poursuites, arrestations, saisies d'armes : la nuit a été ...
Le finnois et le suédois sont les deux langues officielles en Finlande. Le finnois est la langue maternelle de la majorité des quelque 5,5 millions d'habitants ...
Un jeune motocycliste qui profitait de l'une des dernières belles journées de la saison a connu une fin tragique, dans la nuit de mercredi à Gatineau.
L'enquête, menée par, a ainsi évalué les grandes villes canadiennes selon l'accessibilité des loyers et le temps nécessaire pour économiser pour son ...
D'importants affluents de l'Amazone, l'un des plus grands fleuves au monde, ont vu leur niveau baisser de façon drastique, avec des effets dévastateurs pour ...
La justice kosovare s'est saisie de l'affaire et a ouvert une enquête, a confirmé à l'AFP le porte-parole du bureau du procureur, Drin Domi.