Discover the Jedi heresy on Star Wars Day and the unique celebrations in Kahnawake with Darth Vader and Mario.
In a galaxy not so far away, Star Wars fans celebrated the iconic franchise on Star Wars Day. However, amidst the festivities, a debate sparked over Jedi teachings. Contrary to Yoda's famous line, 'Do or do not, there is no try,' some questioned how it aligns with certain principles in the Gospel, adding a philosophical twist to the sci-fi saga. Meanwhile, across the St. Lawrence River from Montreal, Kahnawake witnessed spectacular Star Wars Day celebrations. The event brought together characters like Darth Vader, storm troopers, and even familiar faces like Luigi and Mario, creating a unique blend of sci-fi and pop culture. Vendors and collectors gathered at the expo, exchanging memorabilia and sharing the love for the Force. The force was truly strong with the crowds that day.
"Do or do not," Yoda said in "The Empire Strikes Back." "There is no 'try.' " But what does the Gospel have to say?
Across the St. Lawrence River from Montreal, Darth Vader, some storm troopers, Luigi and Mario rubbed shoulders with vendors and collectors that the massive K- ...