Super Tuesday

2024 - 3 - 4

Super Tuesday Showdown: Biden vs. Trump in the Race of the Century

what is super tuesday Democratic Party - Donald Trump - Joe Biden - Republican Party - Super Tuesday - what is super tuesday

Who will emerge victorious on the biggest day of nominations? Find out the key highlights and predictions here!

The highly anticipated Super Tuesday showdown is here, with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump at the forefront of the race. As Americans across the country cast their votes, the tension is palpable as both candidates strive to secure their party's nominations. With Trump's consistent lead in the polls and Biden's determined campaign, the outcome of this historic event remains uncertain.

Republicans have witnessed Trump's dominance in most nomination contests so far, setting the stage for a potential landslide victory. On the Democratic front, Biden faces the challenge of maintaining his momentum and clinching the much-needed support to secure his nomination. The stakes are high, and all eyes are on these two political heavyweights as they navigate the complexities of Super Tuesday.

As the day progresses, the nation awaits the results of key states and the impact they will have on the candidates' paths to victory. Trump's strategic moves to solidify his position and Biden's resilience in the face of mounting pressure are key factors to watch out for. The Super Tuesday narrative unfolds with suspense and anticipation, shaping the future of the presidential race.

In the aftermath of the Super Tuesday showdown, the political landscape will undoubtedly see significant shifts. Whether Trump maintains his stronghold on the Republican Party or Biden surges ahead with newfound support, the implications of this momentous day will reverberate throughout the election season. Stay tuned for the final outcomes and the decisive moments that will define the race to the White House.

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Image courtesy of ""

Super Tuesday: Biden and Trump poised to move closer to historic ... (

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are poised to move much closer to winning their party's nominations during the biggest day of the ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Super Tuesday: Four things to watch out for as Americans vote (BBC News)

Republicans have held 10 nomination contests so far. In all but one - Sunday's primary in Washington DC - Donald Trump has been victorious. Polls indicate that ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

L'exceptionnelle prévisibilité du «Super Tuesday» (Le Devoir)

Donald Trump maintient son emprise sur le Parti républician, avec des sondages qui le donnent grand vainqueur dans la plupart des États qui participent à ce ...

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Super Tuesday live: Donald Trump tries to push Nikki Haley from ... (Financial Times)

Over the past six months, Donald Trump has maintained a remarkably large and steady lead over his Republican rivals in national polling — currently about 60 ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

When do Super Tuesday polls close tonight? Here's how late you ... (CBS News)

Elections for the Democratic presidential nomination are also taking place in 15 states and one U.S. territory, American Samoa, though President Biden does not ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Super Tuesday 2024: Which states vote in primaries today and ... (NBC News)

The first Super Tuesday polls close on the Republican side at 7 p.m. ET, as voters cast ballots across the country.

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Image courtesy of "BNN"

Pivot to the General Election: What to Watch on Super Tuesday ... (BNN)

Voters in 15 states are expected to hand Trump a clear victory over his last remaining GOP rival Nikki Haley, effectively blocking her White House bid. The ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Super Tuesday: struggling Haley says 'We can do better than two 80 ... (The Guardian)

Republican Trump and Democrat Biden all but certain to take giant step towards nomination as 16 states vote in primaries.

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Image courtesy of ""

Trump compte sur un sacre républicain lors du «super mardi» (

Washington — Donald Trump veut être intronisé mardi comme le champion incontesté des républicains lors de la grande journée du «Super Tuesday», ...

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

En direct : les Américains aux urnes pour le Super Tuesday, grand ... (FRANCE 24)

Donald Trump espère être intronisé comme le champion incontesté du Parti républicain et enterrer définitivement sa rivale Nikki Haley, afin de pouvoir se ...

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