Cancer prostate

2023 - 11 - 16

Post cover
Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Cancer de la prostate: une maladie très rare chez les jeunes (Le Journal de Montréal)

«Seulement 300 cas toucheront des hommes de moins de 50 ans», avance le Dr Paul Perrotte, urologue au CHUM. Décédé à 47 ans, Karl Tremblay des Cowboys fringants ...

Exosome-based Genomic Testing improves Early Detection of ... (Urology Times)

However, the inherent limitations of PSA (prostate specific antigen) screening coupled with changing guidance pertaining to its use, has increased the need for ...

Do Bone Scans Over Stage Prostate Cancer? What a Multicenter ... (Diagnostic Imaging)

Fifty-seven percent of patients with prostate cancer diagnosed with osseous metastases on bone scans had negative findings on PSMA PET imaging, according to ...

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