
2023 - 4 - 3

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Trump arrives in New York City ahead of Tuesday court appearance (The Guardian)

Ex-president departed Florida around midday and is expected to appear at the Manhattan courthouse Tuesday afternoon.

“What he does have is a venue where it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a Fair Trial (it must be changed!), and a Trump Hating Judge, hand selected by the Soros backed D.A. The former president says he will give an address after the hearing, but may not be able to say all that’s on his mind. “America was not supposed to be this way!” Trump lamented on his Truth Social account on Sunday evening, in a post where he announced his travel plans for the coming days. The horde of reporters that has camped outside the Manhattan criminal court where the charges were handed down will likely swell on Tuesday, when Trump makes his appearance under heavy security. However he rules, the former president’s appearance in New York will receive the maximum amount of publicity possible. Late afternoon he entered the Trump Tower complex on New York’s Fifth Avenue not far from Central Park, where he has an apartment and offices.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

What to know about the Trump indictment on the eve of his court ... (CNN)

Donald Trump, the first ex-president in history to face criminal charges, is headed to New York this week for an expected arraignment on Tuesday after being ...

[asking to move the case to a different New York City borough](, Tacopina said. His team “will look at every potential issue that we will be able to challenge, and we will challenge,” Tacopina said. Ordinarily, a defendant who is released would walk out the front doors, but Secret Service will want to limit the time and space where Trump is in public. By the afternoon, Trump is expected to be brought to the courtroom, where the indictment will be unsealed and he will formally face the charges. Tacopina suggested in TV interviews Sunday the statute of limitations may have passed, and said the Trump businesses didn’t make false entries. Once the former president is finished being processed, he’ll be taken through a back set of hallways and elevators to the floor where the courtroom is located. “The office is more important than any individual person. “All the Tuesday stuff is still very much up in the air, other than the fact that we will very loudly and proudly say not guilty.” The Secret Service, the New York Police Department and the court officers are coordinating security for Trump’s expected appearance. The former president will stay at Trump Tower Monday night and is expected to depart New York immediately after Tuesday’s arraignment to head back to Florida, the source said. The Manhattan district attorney’s office has been investigating Trump in connection with his alleged role in a hush money payment scheme and cover-up involving adult film star Stormy Daniels that dates to the 2016 presidential election. Trump is expected to leave Florida around noon ET on Monday, landing at New York’s LaGuardia airport around 3 p.m.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Donald Trump arrives in New York ahead of arraignment (BBC News)

The former US president is now making his way to Trump Tower in Manhattan, where he will spend the night before attending court on Tuesday. The exact charges he ...

Mr Trump waved at supporters as he walked into the tower under tight security, just after 16:15 local time (20:15 GMT). His lawyers have already said he will plead not guilty. Dozens of media crews had set up camp on every available corner while at least five news helicopters hovered high over Fifth Avenue.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Trump arrives in Manhattan ahead of court appearance (Politico)

NEW YORK — Former President Donald Trump arrived in New York late Monday afternoon ahead of his court appearance in Manhattan the following day.

It will be a return to the normal schedule for the former president, which has included evening dinners with family and associates, as well as golfing at his nearby clubs. He’ll give a speech in mid-April at the National Rifle Association conference in Indianapolis, but there are no other major events on his calendar. The former president’s motorcade arrived at Trump Tower, in Midtown, shortly after. The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office “Have you looked at your 401K?” asked Vito Dichiara. The former president will stay the night in his penthouse at Trump Tower before heading to the courthouse on Tuesday morning, according to

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Donald Trump à New York pour sa comparution de mardi (La Presse)

Donald Trump est depuis lundi soir dans son gratte-ciel de New York, à la veille d'être formellement accusé au pénal dans une affaire de paiement à une ...

Pendant que le républicain débarquait à New York, le président démocrate était dans une usine du Minnesota (nord), pour vanter son bilan économique et promettre aux ouvriers des jours meilleurs. Si l’accord passé avec Stormy Daniels était bien autorisé, il pourrait toutefois correspondre à une dépense de campagne. L’ancien chef d’État populiste, qui a bouleversé le système politique aux États-Unis, a été inculpé au pénal le 30 mars par le procureur de Manhattan Alvin Bragg. Outre cette enquête à New York, la justice fédérale se penche sur son rôle dans l’attaque du Capitole, le 6 janvier 2021, et sur sa gestion des archives présidentielles après son départ de la Maison-Blanche, tandis qu’une procureure en Géorgie s’intéresse aussi à des pressions exercées sur des responsables électoraux pour contester sa défaite à la présidentielle de 2020. (New York) Donald Trump est depuis lundi soir dans son gratte-ciel de New York, à la veille d’être formellement accusé au pénal dans une affaire de paiement à une actrice pornographique en 2016, un fait sans précédent pour un ancien président américain. Donald Trump jure qu’il est « innocent » et a écrit en majuscules sur son réseau social Truth Social qu’il se rendait à New York pour « rendre sa grandeur à l’Amérique » et qu’il était victime d’une « chasse aux sorcières au moment où (son) grand pays sombre en enfer ».

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Trump à New York pour une comparution en justice historique (Le Devoir)

Bryan Woolston Associated Press Les abords de la Trump Tower, où l'homme d'affaires va séjourner 36 heures, sont sous haute sécurité depuis des jours, même si n ...

D’après son avocat Joe Tacopina, il ne sera pas menotté, mais pourrait avoir à traverser des couloirs du palais de justice de Manhattan en présence de médias. Après cinq ans d’enquête de la justice de l’État de New York. Car Donald Trump rêve de reconquérir la Maison-Blanche. C’est un événement d’autant plus extraordinaire que le milliardaire républicain de 76 ans s’est relancé dans la course à l’investiture républicaine pour reconquérir la présidence en novembre 2024. Celui qui a bouleversé le système politique, la société et l’équilibre des pouvoirs aux États-Unis « Le Parti démocrate fait simplement de l’ingérence dans les élections.

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[Couverture en direct] Trump arrive à New York : les faits saillants de ... (

Donald Trump doit comparaître devant la justice de Manhattan mardi. L'ancien président Donald Trump salue la foule et les caméras devant l'entrée.

Il avait décollé de l'aéroport de Palm Bay, en Floride, un peu avant 13 h. Des hélicoptères ont aussi survolé le périmètre de sécurité. Les autorités de New York demeurent sur le qui-vive. Il est entré rapidement dans son célèbre hôtel sous le regard de ses gardes de sécurité personnels. L'ancien président est arrivé quelques heures plus tard à New York, où une foule de partisans, de manifestants, de journalistes et de touristes l'attendaient avec impatience. Le respect de votre vie privée est important pour nous.

Donald Trump est arrivé à New York en prévision de sa comparution ... (L'Écho de Maskinongé)

NEW YORK — L'ancien président américain Donald Trump est arrivé à New York, lundi après-midi, où il devra répondre mardi à des accusations criminelles ...

Un petit groupe de partisans a accroché de grandes banderoles « Trump 2024 » en face d’un enclos improvisé de journalistes, en référence à la candidature du 45e président aux prochaines élections présidentielles. Sur son réseau social Truth social, il a répété qu’il est victime d’une «chasse aux sorcières». Trump nie avoir eu des liaisons sexuelles avec l’une ou l’autre des femmes et a nié tout acte répréhensible. «La ville de New York est notre maison, pas un terrain de jeu pour votre colère mal placée. La scène était assez différente à New York, où M. M.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Trump dans sa tour à New York, avant une comparution en justice ... (Le Soleil)

Donald Trump est depuis lundi soir dans son gratte-ciel de New York, à la veille d'être formellement accusé au pénal dans une affaire de paiement à une ...

Simpson, accusée de double meurtre. Pendant que le républicain débarquait à New York, le président démocrate était dans une usine du Minnesota (nord), pour vanter son bilan économique et promettre aux ouvriers des jours meilleurs. Un plan fixe de plusieurs minutes sur... Si l’accord passé avec Stormy Daniels était bien autorisé, il pourrait toutefois correspondre à une dépense de campagne. L’ancien chef d’État populiste, qui a bouleversé le système politique aux États-Unis, a été inculpé au pénal le 30 mars par le procureur de Manhattan Alvin Bragg. En 1987, il avait écrit, dans son livre à succès L’art de la négociation : «Ce qui est très amusant, c’est que même un article critique, blessant, peut être très profitable pour vos affaires.» Ou, pour le dire plus simplement : pour Donald Trump, il n’y a pas de mauvaise publicité. le déchargement des bagages de l’avion de Donald Trump : le voyage lundi, de la Floride à New York, de l’ancien président américain s’est fait dans une frénésie médiatique que le principal intéressé a certainement savourée. La journée de lundi a rappelé à quel point, pendant sa première campagne puis sa présidence, le républicain s’est nourri de la fascination médiatique autant que les journalistes se sont gorgés de ses propos les plus outranciers et de ses mises en scène les plus improbables. Pendant que les caméras sont braquées sur le Boeing 757 à l’arrêt sur une piste de l’aéroport new-yorkais de LaGuardia, filmant la moindre manoeuvre en attendant que le milliardaire ne débarque, une commentatrice de CNN souffle que tout cela est tout de même «surréaliste». Alors que le quartier du palais de justice, dans le sud de Manhattan, est placé sous haute sécurité et que la presse va y passer la nuit pour espérer y entrer mardi midi, le maire de New York Eric Adams, un ancien policier, a mis en garde les potentiels «fauteurs de troubles» en les sommant de se «maîtriser». Outre cette enquête à New York, la justice fédérale se penche sur son rôle dans l’attaque du Capitole, le 6 janvier 2021, et sur sa gestion des archives présidentielles après son départ de la Maison-Blanche, tandis qu’une procureure en Géorgie s’intéresse aussi à des pressions exercées sur des responsables électoraux pour contester sa défaite à la présidentielle de 2020. Mais avant d’espérer retrouver la Maison-Blanche, Donald Trump se prépare à la «bataille» judiciaire de New York, selon un de ses avocats.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Les Américains ont déjà eu un président pire que Trump (Le Journal de Québec)

En attendant d'en savoir plus mardi sur les chefs d'accusation retenus contre Donald Trump, je vous propose un retour dans le temps.

C’est la sœur de Nan Britton qui proposa de l'adopter, mais le président Harding devait contribuer financièrement. À la lecture des écrits de Harding, on devine sans peine sa passion dévorante. «Return to normalcy», le retour à la normalité, était un des slogans de la campagne présidentielle de William G. Le 29e président est considéré par plusieurs historiens comme l’un des plus mauvais présidents de l’histoire. Avant le Watergate et la présidence Trump, il s’agissait du plus gros scandale politique. Après les deux mandats du démocrate Woodrow Wilson, dont le second marqué par la Première Guerre, les républicains écrasaient la compétition.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Trump is losing his capacity to control his fate with legal threats ... (CNN)

Former President Donald Trump is seen in New York City on April 3, 2023. Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images. CNN ...

Five still photographers will be allowed to take pictures of Trump and the courtroom before the hearing begins, however. And even a former president can’t disregard the choreography of a court case and rules of criminal procedure. But now he will be subject to the dictates of a judge and the rules and conventions of the legal system, which will be far harder for him to disrupt and divert than the institutions of political accountability he has subverted. If anyone knows how to thrive in a media circus, it is Trump. The media outlets argued that the case was of such public interest that it should be broadcast. Trump’s lawyers attempted to wrest some control of the court proceedings on Monday, arguing against a request by news organizations, including CNN, to allow television cameras into Tuesday’s arraignment. And it would further disrupt the ex-president’s capacity to dictate his political schedule and control his destiny. When he was under scrutiny in the Russia investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, or during his two impeachments, Trump exploited his huge popularity with Republican voters to discredit accusations against him. Ahead of his appearance Tuesday, for instance, Trump made a late shuffle of his legal team, bringing in another attorney, Todd Blanche, to serve as his lead counsel – a move some saw as sidelining another attorney, Joe Tacopina. Trump made a big show on Monday of his return to New York ahead of his arraignment. Trump hasn’t been charged in any of the other cases, but a multi-front defense in multiple cases would represent an extraordinary storm. Then there’s also a possible prosecution in Georgia led by a district attorney probing the ex-president’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election result in the swing state.

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New York City braces for historic Trump court appearance (

US Mayor Eric Adams tells protesters to 'control yourselves' in the lead-up to Donald Trump's criminal court appearance.

He clutched a sign of Trump in a prison jumpsuit adorned with the message, “Lock him up.” A lot of people come in here, a lot of foreigners. “I don’t know if the presence of Trump here is going to be good or bad. Already, on Monday, a handful of NYPD buses were parked across the street from Trump Tower. “They probably conferred with the Capitol Police — what they did wrong, how did it fail, how we’re probably going to learn from that. “I don’t think it’s going to be that much of a challenge for us,” Alcazar told Al Jazeera. We still are waiting to see what happens in a few days.” Another protester raised their middle finger to the skyscraper as they passed. Regularly, Mondays are a quiet day and today we’re having a lot of orders. “New York City is our home, not a playground for your misplaced anger.” We’re not going to let people storm the courthouse.” Reporters swarmed the sidewalks.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Trump est un leader de secte (Le Journal de Montréal)

On peut penser ce qu'on veut de Donald Trump – qui, aujourd'hui, va devenir le premier président de l'histoire des États-Unis à être formellement inculpé au ...

Trump n’est pas qu’un simple chef de parti : c’est un maître spirituel. Selon Trump, Koresh n’est pas un coucou qui se prenait pour Jésus Christ. Ils détiennent la Vérité.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Trump returns to New York to face charges in criminal probe (CTV News)

Former U.S. president Donald Trump returned to New York on Monday to face his historic booking and arraignment on hush money charges related to allegations ...

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown will receive the U.S. [Lifestyle]( [Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, to receive Ms. Shania Twain is standing up for others in country music. medical examiners group steps away from 'excited delirium']( president Donald Trump returned to New York on Monday to face his historic booking and arraignment on hush money charges related to allegations of sexual encounters. Biden is expected to formally announce his reelection campaign in coming weeks. One of Trump's staunchest defenders in Congress, Republican Rep. Security in and around Trump Tower was tight. In a Monday filing, Trump's lawyers asked the judge overseeing the case to ban photo and video coverage of his arraignment. The return to New York opened an unprecedented chapter in American history, with Trump the first former president to face criminal charges. Already months into a third campaign to reclaim the White House he lost to President Joe Biden in 2020, Trump and his advisers seemed to relish the attention. The nation's largest city bolstered security and warned potential protesters it was "not a playground for your misplaced anger."

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Trump faces day in court in historic US first (Reuters)

Donald Trump, the ex-president and frontrunner to be Republican nominee in 2024, will appear in court on Tuesday and is set to be formally charged, ...

He testified that Trump directed him to make the payments. Trump and his allies have portrayed the charges as politically motivated. to battle." Trump was indicted last week, becoming the first sitting or former president to face criminal charges, over a case involving a 2016 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump denies having had any such relationship with her. "We have to take back our Country and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" On the Manhattan case, Trump in 2018 initially disputed knowing anything about the payment to Daniels. In 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance law violations for his role in orchestrating the payments to Daniels and McDougal and was sentenced to three years in prison. The arraignment, where Trump will be in court to hear charges and have a chance to enter a plea, was planned for 2:15 p.m. The Manhattan grand jury that indicted Trump heard evidence for months this year about a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in the waning days of the 2016 presidential campaign. The specific charges in the indictment by a grand jury convened are due to be disclosed on Tuesday. Register for free to Reuters and know the full story

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Can Trump turn prosecution into an electoral asset? (BBC News)

The former president's historic court date in Manhattan is also an election campaign event.

And he said he would not assist if there was a request to extradite Mr Trump from Florida to New York Of course you expect this kind of macho bravado to come from the Trump camp. His appearance in court on Tuesday as a criminal defendant will test that cliché to the limit.

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Le début d'un long chemin de croix pour Trump (

Le feu roulant d'enquêtes contre Donald Trump entame de plus en plus sa maque de commerce politique.

La dite commission a exhorté le procureur Garland à inculper l’ancien président pour corruption d'une procédure officielle, de complot visant à frauder les États-Unis, de complot visant à faire une fausse déclaration et d'incitation ou d'aide à l'insurrection. Joe Biden le sait et reste plutôt coi sur les déboires de celui qu'il a battu en 2020. l’homme le plus honorable du monde, comme il s’est défini il y a quelques jours sur son réseau social Truth, cela commence à faire beaucoup dans l’esprit de bien des électeurs. Incapable de se distancier de Trump et de se poser en solution de rechange capable d’attaquer son rival bien en selle, de peur de s’aliéner le mouvement MAGA. Et s'il a ensuite tenté de faire obstruction à une enquête fédérale. En tout cas auprès de ses indéfectibles suiveurs : Trump dit avoir amassé 7 millions de dollars grâce à ses fidèles partisans, depuis l’annonce de sa mise en accusation.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Donald Trump to be arraigned in New York criminal case (Financial Times)

Former president expected to enter 'not guilty' plea as he makes first appearance in hush-money case.

For cost savings, you can change your plan at any time online in the “Settings & Account” section. Compare Standard and Premium Digital For a full comparison of Standard and Premium Digital,

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Trump débarque à New York la veille sa comparution judiciaire ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Donald Trump est arrivé à New York lundi après-midi où un tribunal pénal doit lui signifier mardi son inculpation dans une affaire de fraude.

Si l’accord passé avec Stormy Daniels était bien autorisé, il pourrait toutefois correspondre à une dépense de campagne. L’ancien chef d’État populiste, qui a bouleversé le système politique aux États-Unis, a été inculpé au pénal le 30 mars par le procureur de Manhattan Alvin Bragg. Pendant que le républicain débarquait à New York, le président démocrate était dans une usine du Minnesota (nord), pour vanter son bilan économique et promettre aux ouvriers des jours meilleurs. • À lire aussi:

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Image courtesy of "BNN"

Trump Prepares to Surrender Himself — and Fight Case All the Way ... (BNN)

(Bloomberg) -- Five days after he became the first former US president to be indicted, Donald Trump will surrender to law enforcement officers in lower ...

That case resulted in a guilty plea and a three-year prison sentence for Cohen, who testified twice before Bragg’s grand jury and is expected to be a key prosecution witness in the current case. Documents later unsealed in the federal case show a flurry of calls and text messages that October involving Cohen, campaign press secretary Hope Hicks and top aide Kellyanne Conway, scrambling to prevent Daniels from going public with her claims. Trump’s then lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, now a fierce critic, has testified that his boss covertly reimbursed him for the payments. The New York prosecution alone has sparked an intense national debate and a showdown between Republican and Democratic leaders, including one between Bragg and House Republicans seeking his testimony about the probe. Trump, who is making a comeback bid for the White House, is set to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon following his March 30 indictment by a New York state grand jury. Weisselberg went on to testify against two Trump Organization units convicted of tax fraud in December, also under Merchan.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Trump To Be Arrested Tuesday In Manhattan—Here's What Will ... (Forbes)

Former President Donald Trump will surrender to law enforcement and be arraigned on Tuesday after he was indicted on charges stemming from his alleged “hush ...

Indictment, Report Says]( (Forbes) [Will Trump Get Gag Order In Manhattan DA Case? [Trump Indicted By Manhattan Grand Jury—Arraignment Expected Tuesday On Over 30 Charges, Reports Say]( (Forbes) [Trump Charged With Felony In N.Y. While that didn’t come to pass and the grand jury initially appeared to be pausing its work on the investigation, reports emerged Thursday that the jury had voted for Trump’s indictment. “The Democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to ‘Get Trump,’ but now they’ve done the unthinkable — indicting a completely innocent person in an act of blatant Election Interference,” Trump said. Speculation began that Trump’s indictment was imminent a few weeks ago, with Trump claiming without evidence that he was going to be arrested on March 21. history to be criminally charged, so there’s still a lot of uncertainty about how the process will play out and how any charges against him could be handled differently from typical criminal prosecutions. That led to the company and former CFO Allen Weisselberg being indicted and ultimately found guilty of Trump is the first former president in U.S. No criminal charges were brought against Trump directly for those crimes, however, and while prosecutors initially appeared to shelve their criminal case against the ex-president, the [New York Times]( reported in November that DA Bragg had revived the investigation into Trump and was now focused again on the Daniels payments, which Trump allegedly reimbursed Cohen for after he was already in the White House. Can He Still Be Indicted In Other Investigations? When Will Trump Surrender? What Happens Once Trump’s Taken Into Custody?

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Que se passera-t-il lorsque Donald Trump sera arrêté? (TVA Nouvelles)

L'homme de 76 ans est arrivé à New York lundi après avoir pris l'avion depuis la Floride lundi. Il a passé la nuit à la Trump Tower. Un porte-parole du tribunal ...

L'homme de 76 ans est arrivé à New York lundi après avoir pris l'avion depuis la Floride lundi. Il a passé la nuit à la Trump Tower. Un porte-parole du tribunal de New York a déclaré que la mise en accusation de Trump se fera mardi à 14 heures, selon The Independant.

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Trump set to appear in New York court for historic arraignment | CBC ... (

Donald Trump, the ex-president and frontrunner to be Republican nominee in 2024, will appear in court on Tuesday and is set to be formally charged, ...

Some 48 per cent of self-described Republicans say they want Trump to be their party's presidential nominee, up from 44 per cent in a March 14-20 poll. Ron Desantis fell from 30 per cent to around 19 per cent. Trump and his allies have portrayed the charges as politically motivated. to battle." Trump was indicted last week, becoming the first sitting or former president to face criminal charges, over a case involving a 2016 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. "We have to take back our Country and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Donald Trump to surrender to history-making criminal charges (CTV News)

An extraordinary moment in U.S. history is scheduled to unfold in a Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday: former U.S. President Donald Trump, who faces multiple ...

[Autos]( [Distraction, speeding, alcohol drive up 2021 U.S. [Lifestyle]( [Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, to receive Ms. Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown will receive the U.S. [World]( [Donald Trump is heading to court. Petersburg cafe that killed a Russian military blogger is set to face a court hearing in the Russian capital Tuesday that will set terms for her pre-trial detention. The deaths of several migrants spark discussions about Canada's immigration system, a U.S. Those investigations concern efforts to undo the 2020 election results as well as the possible mishandling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. The public fascination with the case was evident Monday as national television carried live images of Trump's motorcade from his Mar-a-Lago club to a private, red, white and blue Boeing 757 stenciled with his name. There were signs both supporting and decrying the former president stuck to posts, one urging passers-by to donate to help fund Trump's presidential library and another showing a shouting Trump behind bars. Capitol in a failed bid to halt the congressional certification of Democrat Joe Biden's win. This is when Trump and his defence lawyers will get their first glimpse of the precise allegations against him. Trump, a former reality TV star, has been hyping that narrative to his political advantage, raising millions of dollars since the indictment on claims of a "witch hunt."

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Trump is being arraigned – here's what that means and what ... (The Guardian)

Former president will answer criminal charges related to alleged hush money scheme in Manhattan.

Once the arraignment comes to a close, Trump will almost certainly be released and allowed to return to Florida. Even though the trial is probably still months away, Trump is already planning for a guilty verdict. Once Trump enters a plea, the judge will set a schedule for next steps in the pre-trial process. Tacopina has said he does not expect officers to put Trump in handcuffs, but the former president is likely to be fingerprinted and get his mugshot taken once he surrenders. The New York Young Republican Club has already announced it will hold a rally at a park near the courthouse to protest against Bragg’s “heinous attack” on Trump. On Monday, the former president and current presidential candidate traveled from his Florida home of Mar-a-Lago to New York, where he spent the night at Trump Tower.

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Trump arraignment live: Indicted ex-president to appear in court (

Trump, first US president to face criminal prosecution, will hear the charges against him at a hearing in New York City.

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What New Yorkers think about Trump's arraignment in the city (

Al Jazeera speaks to New Yorkers as the former US president returns to his hometown to appear in court.

I feel very secure [due to the police presence]. I wouldn’t want any New Yorker to hurt him.” I wanted to see all those scary protesters. I had to move and stuff because people found out I liked Trump. I mean, I think it’s political. I will be here tomorrow morning. Today, I’m waiting in line from 4pm until 7am for a news station for them to be able to get inside of the courtroom for the proceeding. “I came here, I fed my homeless people over there at Columbus Park, and I came here today to let them know that there is no man, there’s no woman on the face of this earth above the law. New York City’s 35,000-strong police force – which is coordinating security measures in conjunction with court police, the FBI and Secret Service – have been ordered to be in uniform and ready for deployment. I’m afraid to take my mask off in public now because I don’t want people knowing my address. I want him to vindicate his name. I was a Democrat for years and years, and in 2018, I left the Democratic Party because I saw that the narrative from the media – I always believed that TV was bad because it’s television – they’re telling me a vision.

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Image courtesy of "Noovo Info"

Donald Trump fait face à des accusations criminelles historiques (Noovo Info)

Un moment extraordinaire dans l'histoire des États-Unis devrait se dérouler mardi dans un palais de justice de Manhattan : l'ancien président américain ...

La capacité de New York à mener des procédures judiciaires sûres et sans drame dans une affaire impliquant un ex-président polarisant pourrait être un cas test important alors que les procureurs d'Atlanta et de Washington mènent leurs propres enquêtes sur Trump qui pourraient également entraîner des accusations. Après avoir été initialement pris au dépourvu lorsque la nouvelle de l'acte d'accusation a été connue jeudi soir, Trump et son équipe espèrent utiliser l'affaire à son avantage. Pourtant, ils ont demandé au juge dans une requête lundi d'interdire la couverture photo et vidéo de la mise en accusation. Biden, qui n'a pas encore officiellement annoncé qu'il briguait sa réélection l'année prochaine, et d'autres démocrates de premier plan n'ont pratiquement rien dit à ce sujet. C'est à ce moment-là que Trump et ses avocats de la défense auront leur premier aperçu des allégations précises portées contre lui. De là, Trump Il a attaqué le procureur du district de Manhattan, incité ses partisans à protester et affirmé sans preuve que le juge présidant l'affaire «me déteste» – ce qu'a réfuté son propre avocat. Les deux disent qu'ils ont eu des relations sexuelles avec Trump, alors qu'il était marié, des années avant qu'il ne se lance en politique. Trump nie avoir eu des liaisons sexuelles avec l'une ou l'autre des femmes et a nié tout acte répréhensible impliquant des paiements. «Ce sera un gentleman», a dit McLaughlin. La fascination du public pour l'affaire était évidente lundi alors que la télévision nationale diffusait des images en direct du cortège de Trump de son club Mar-a-Lago à un Boeing 757 privé, rouge, blanc et bleu au pochoir de son nom. La mise en accusation se déroulera dans le contexte d'une sécurité renforcée à New York, plus de deux ans après que les partisans de Trump ont pris d'assaut le Capitole américain dans une tentative infructueuse d'arrêter la certification par le Congrès de la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Donald Trump to appear in court and be charged in historic moment ... (CNN)

Donald Trump will officially become the first former president to face criminal charges Tuesday when he's arraigned in a New York courtroom -- an appearance ...

Trump will be taken through back hallways and elevators to the courthouse, which is in the same building as the district attorney’s office. His arrest will be processed in the district attorney’s office, where he will be fingerprinted. He stayed overnight in Trump Tower, and will head 4 miles south to the courthouse in downtown Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon. Trump will be accompanied throughout the day by the Secret Service. And a [Fulton County special grand jury ]( completed its investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia. The investigation stemmed from a hush money payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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Image courtesy of "CP24 Toronto's Breaking News"

Trump to be arraigned in New York (CP24 Toronto's Breaking News)

An extraordinary moment in U.S. history is set to soon unfold in a Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday: Former President Donald Trump, who faces multiple ...

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Donald Trump to be arraigned in historic court moment (CTV News)

An extraordinary moment in U.S. history is set to soon unfold in a Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday: Former U.S. President Donald Trump, who faces multiple ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Que se passera-t-il lorsque Donald Trump sera arrêté? (Le Journal de Québec)

Le juge lui lira l'acte d'accusation et pourrait lui demander s'il compte plaider coupable ou innocent. Si la question est posée, Donald Trump plaidera «non ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

[EN IMAGES] Les médias du monde entier attendent Donald Trump ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

Au passage du Journal devant la Trump Tower, mardi matin, 5e avenue à New York, les caméras télé se disputaient les quelques places disponibles dans des espaces ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

[EN IMAGES] Les médias du monde entier attendent Donald Trump ... (Le Journal de Québec)

Au passage du Journal devant la Trump Tower, mardi matin, 5e avenue à New York, les caméras télé se disputaient les quelques places disponibles dans des espaces ...

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Une relation « amour-haine » entre Trump et New York (La Presse)

Je ne peux pas avoir un procès équitable à New York ! » : Donald Trump avait eu ce cri du cœur en réagissant jeudi à son inculpation pénale.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

C'est historique, l'ex-président américain Trump va comparaître au ... (Le Soleil)

Donald Trump va vivre mardi à New York un événement judiciaire inédit pour un ancien président américain: il comparaîtra devant un tribunal pénal pour se ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Trump et les États-Désunis d'Amérique (Le Journal de Québec)

Le procès de Donald Trump, qui occupera l'actualité des prochains temps, est révélateur de la fracture intime de l'empire au sud de notre frontière, traversé par une querelle fratricide aux airs de guerre civile. • À lire aussi: Que se passera-t-il ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

New York retient son souffle avant la comparution de Trump (Le Devoir)

Fabien Deglise Le Devoir Nadine Seler est arrivée tôt mardi matin dans le Collect Pond Park, juste en face de la Cour pénale de Manhattan où l'ex-président ...

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Donald Trump va comparaître devant le tribunal à New York (La Presse)

Les autorités, inquiètes pour la sécurité autour du palais de justice de Manhattan, ont placé la police de New York « en alerte » et le maire Eric Adams a mis ...

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Devant le tribunal de New York, pro et anti-Trump tenus à distance (TVA Nouvelles)

Une militante trumpiste, casquette à l'effigie de son champion sur la tête, a marché sur la banderole et tenté de l'arracher, créant un moment de confusion ...

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Trump surrenders for alleged role in porn star hush money payment (Politico)

It is the first time a current or former president has been arrested on criminal charges.

It started with an effort by Trump to suppress the National Enquirer’s publication of a former Trump Tower doorman’s claim about a child Trump purportedly had out of wedlock. He has argued that the hush money case was kept alive only by a Covid-extended statute of limitations even though prosecutors — and even Bragg himself — long seemed wary of bringing an indictment. That investigation yielded a 2021 conviction of the Trump Organization and a guilty plea from its longtime chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, who is currently serving a five-month prison sentence. Across the street from the courthouse, competing factions of anti- and pro-Trump protesters, featuring appearances by Reps. Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison on those charges, as well as tax and fraud offenses. Trump has railed against the hush money case and has called Bragg politically motivated. The charging documents suggest that prosecutors are relying on witness testimony, business records and a recorded conversation in September 2016 between Trump and his then-attorney Michael Cohen. His attorneys echoed his allegations about the charges after the arraignment. All 34 counts he faces are for “falsifying business records,” a crime that carries a sentence of up to four years in prison when charged as a felony. He sat at a table in the courtroom alongside attorneys Todd Blanche, Susan Necheles, Joe Tacopina and Boris Epshteyn. Trump entered the not guilty plea himself and remained solemn, looking straight ahead throughout the proceedings. Trump, the first former president ever indicted, delivered his plea in a Manhattan courtroom a few hours after turning himself in to authorities.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

EN DIRECT | Trump plaide non coupable à 34 chefs d'accusation (TVA Nouvelles)

L'ancien président des États-Unis, Donald Trump comparait cet après-midi devant un tribunal de New York.

«Je me dirige vers (...) le tribunal. [La «mugshot» de Donald Trump, potentiellement une pièce de collection]( Ça semble si SURREALISTE - WOW, ils vont M'ARRETER. «L'acte d'accusation lui-même est un texte standard (...). Trump a comparu. [La «mugshot» de Donald Trump, potentiellement une pièce de collection](

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Donald Trump comparaît devant le tribunal à New York (La Presse)

Il devrait plaider « non coupable » dans une affaire de fraude liée à de l'argent versé en 2016 à une vedette du porno en échange de son silence.

Ce qui n’a pas empêché Ozzie Hernandez, un New-Yorkais de 58 ans, de brandir une affiche anti-Trump parmi la foule des pro-Trump. « Ce stratagème a violé la loi électorale de New York, qui considère comme un crime le fait de conspirer pour promouvoir une candidature par des moyens illégaux. Une heure plus tard, la mine sombre, il a fait son entrée dans la salle d’audience du juge Juan Merchan, après avoir donné ses empreintes digitales. Cela dit, les 34 chefs d’accusation sont liés exclusivement à l’argent versé à Stormy Daniels par Michael Cohen, l’ancien avocat de Donald Trump. » Donald Trump n’en a pas dit davantage mardi lors de sa comparution historique devant un juge de Manhattan. Ce dernier venait de lui demander comment il plaidait aux 34 chefs d’accusation le visant pour falsification de documents d’affaires concernant un versement de 130 000 $ à l’actrice porno Stormy Daniels.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Trump plaide non coupable devant un juge à 34 chefs d'accusation (TVA Nouvelles)

Le visage fermé, Donald Trump est entré mardi dans une salle d'audience d'un tribunal de New York pour être inculpé pénalement.

C’est exactement ce dont il est question dans cette affaire », a-t-il déclaré. Les autorités étaient soucieuses que cette situation tendue ne dégénère pas, craignant un scénario comme celui de l’émeute du Capitole. Le républicain est ainsi devenu le premier président des États-Unis à être inculpé dans l’histoire du pays. Le magistrat a averti le camp Trump de « ne pas envoyer quelconque message qui inciterait à la violence ou qui menacerait quelconque responsable », a rapporté le réseau CNN, qui a pu assister à l’audience mardi. Les procureurs ont soutenu quant à eux que Trump menaçait la Ville de New York, le système judiciaire, le tribunal et le bureau du procureur avec des publications « irresponsables » sur les médias sociaux. Les 34 accusations déposées mardi contre Donald Trump touchent à trois affaires différentes susceptibles de miner sa candidature à la Maison-Blanche de 2016 que le milliardaire a voulu étouffer en orchestrant une série de paiements, a révélé mardi le procureur du district de Manhattan, Alvin Bragg. « Je me dirige vers [...] le tribunal. Todd Blanche, un autre avocat de la défense de Trump, a fait savoir que le milliardaire new-yorkais était « frustré » et « contrarié » d’être inculpé. « Donald Trump n’a cessé de mentir », a critiqué le procureur de New York Alvin Bragg, dénonçant la « conduite délictuelle grave » du milliardaire new-yorkais lors d’une conférence de presse tenue dans l’heure suivant l’audience. En revanche, il a vraisemblablement échappé à la fameuse « mugshot » – la prise de la photo d’identité judiciaire. Ça semble si SURRÉALISTE – WOW, ils vont M’ARRÊTER. Dans la salle d’audience où il a été photographié, il a plaidé non coupable à 34 chefs d’accusation identiques de « falsifications de documents comptables ».

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Live updates as Donald Trump enters not guilty plea to 34 counts of ... (CTV News)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump is scheduled to appear in court in New York on Tuesday, a moment that would mark the first president ever to be charged ...

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown will receive the U.S. However, the so-called "perp walk" -- where a suspect is taken from a police precinct and driven to the courthouse in handcuffs -- is not going to happen for the former U.S. While Canada's recently announced grocery rebate has yet to be implemented, heard from dozens of Canadians who say they already know how they would spend the extra money. Here's a comprehensive explainer outlining everything you need to know about how Bill C-11 got to this point, how the legislation has evolved over successive studies, and what may be ahead. And Trump's attorneys Joe Tacopina, Susan Necheles and Todd Blanche will work with the judge and the district attorney's office to set a date for the next time he'd be back in court. Former President Donald Trump leaves Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. president at the start of his arraignment. During his journey from Trump Tower to the courthouse, Trump posted on his social media platform Truth Social: "Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Wearing a navy blue suit and a bright red tie, Trump entered the courthouse around 12:20 p.m. He did not acknowledge a television camera sending live images from the hallway outside the courtroom. Photos from the courtroom showed Trump sitting at the table reserved for defendants and their attorneys. After Tuesday’s hearing, Trump will fly straight back to his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, to deliver a primetime address at 8.15 p.m.

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Image courtesy of "CP24 Toronto's Breaking News"

Trump pleads not guilty to 34 criminal charges in New York (CP24 Toronto's Breaking News)

Donald Trump, the former U.S. president and front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to 34 felony counts of falsifying ...

Even so, the indictment amounts to a remarkable reckoning for Trump after years of investigations into his personal, business and political dealings. He arrived at court in an eight-car motorcade from Trump Tower, communicating in real time his anger at the process. In a sign of that other probes are weighing on him, Trump also steered his speech into a broadside against a separate Justice Department investigation into the mishandling of classified documents. It includes 34 counts of fudging records related to checks Trump sent to his personal lawyer and problem-solver to reimburse him for his role in paying off a porn actor who said she had an extramarital sexual encounter with Trump years earlier. With Trump watching in silence, prosecutors bluntly accused him of criminal conduct and set the stage for a possible criminal trial in the city where he became a celebrity decades ago. He appeared to glare for a period at Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the prosecutor who brought the case.

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Image courtesy of "BNN"

Trump enters New York City courtroom for arraignment - BNN ... (BNN)

Former President Donald Trump surrendered to authorities Tuesday at a Manhattan courthouse ahead of his arraignment on criminal charges stemming from a hush ...

Police tried to keep apart protesters supporting the former president and those opposing him by confining them to separate sides of a park near the courthouse using metal barricades. Those investigations concern efforts to undo the 2020 election results as well as the possible mishandling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Capitol in a failed bid to halt the congressional certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s win. Earlier, Tacopina said in a TV interview that the former president wouldn't plead guilty to lesser charges, even if it might resolve the case. The arraignment, though procedural in nature, amounts to a remarkable reckoning for Trump after years of investigations into his personal, business and political dealings. Trump was defiant ahead of his arraignment. Both say they had sexual encounters with the married Trump years before he got into politics. At least 500 prominent supporters have been invited, with some of the most pro-Trump congressional Republicans expected to attend. He arrived at court in an eight-car motorcade from Trump Tower, communicating in real time his anger at the process. House but was never convicted in the U.S. “Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse," the voluble ex-president posted on his Truth Social platform. Trump, who was impeached twice by the U.S.

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