Kamala Harris

2023 - 3 - 27

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

US Vice President Kamala Harris in Africa to boost ties (Aljazeera.com)

Week-long tour of the continent comes at a time when the US is seeking to counter the influence of Russia, China.

She will meet with the three countries’ presidents and plans to announce public- and private-sector investments. Her final stop is Zambia, on March 31 and April 1. “African nations are not naive …

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Kamala Harris arrives in Ghana, kicking off weeklong Africa visit to ... (PBS NewsHour)

Ghana is one of the continent's most stable democracies, but Harris is arriving at a time of severe challenges for the West African nation.

Before leaving for Tanzania on Wednesday, Harris will meet with women entrepreneurs and Emhoff will tour a chocolate company that was founded by two sisters. On Monday, she plans to visit a skate park and co-working space that has a recording studio for local artists. “What an honor it is to be here in Ghana and on the continent of Africa,” Harris said. [A country of 34 million people](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/ghana/) that’s slightly smaller than Oregon, Ghana is also wary of threats from instability in the region. Ghana is one of the continent’s most stable democracies, but Harris is arriving at a time of severe challenges for the West African nation. The expanded outreach is intended to counter China’s influence, which has become entrenched in recent years through infrastructure initiatives, lending money and expanding telecommunications networks.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Harris seeks to reset U.S.-Africa relations on 3-nation tour (Politico)

ACCRA, Ghana — For Vice President Kamala Harris' first trip in office to Africa, the goal is nothing less than the resetting of relations between the United ...

Experts say Harris isn’t going to erase decades of a lack of partnership with African countries in one week-long trip, the leaders on the continent are going to be watching for cues that the U.S. In her remarks to the African Leaders Summit in December, Harris previewed the message she’s expected to lean on over the next week: That the administration would create partnerships across the continent “grounded in candor, openness, inclusiveness, shared interests, and mutual benefits. “We’re going to quickly wear out our welcome, if we you know, and you know, these trips are great, but they’re enormously burdensome to the host countries. To that point, Harris on Wednesday will announce continent-wide public and private sector investment opportunities aimed at the economic empowerment of women. But experts say the Biden administration has an opportunity to now compete with China as more African leaders see their relationship with China as “a new form of exploitation,” said J. to “digital and financial inclusion on the continent,” meeting with creatives, including heading to a local music studio. And we’ve said very clearly we intend to outcompete China in the long term,” said a senior administration official who spoke on a call with reporters ahead of the trip. Her task will be to convince the African nations that the United States wants to truly invest in the future of the countries here and help change the narrative for Americans and encourage more business investments. “With all of the business investment that the Chinese have made comes a lot of leverage and political influence in those countries. “Washington is playing catch up in Africa,” said Cameron Hudson, a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Africa Program. She’ll hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of each of the three nations, visit Ghana’s Cape Coast slave castle and make announcements about public-private sector investments. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen came in January, first lady Jill Biden visited in February and Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the trip earlier this month.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Vice President Harris arrives for historic Africa trip, focused on ... (ABC News)

Kamala Harris, the first Black woman U.S. vice president, is making her first trip to Africa while in office.

And Harris' time in Zambia will be notable as it marks her return to the country for the first time since she was a young girl. Two notable moments to watch for during Harris' trip will be in Ghana and Zambia. and China but to "expand" their options. "We can't ignore the current geopolitical moment. And we've said very clearly we intend to out-compete China in the long term," the officials said. She said she will also be discussing democracy and government as she meets with various leaders and will be observing just some of the innovation and creativity that is "inspiring the world."

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Kamala Harris kicks off weeklong trip to Africa | CNN (CNN)

The U.S. Vice President is visiting Africa to promote investment opportunities. CNN's Laila Harrak speaks with CSIS analyst Cameron Hudson about the ...

CNN CNN's Laila Harrak speaks with CSIS analyst Cameron Hudson about the landmark trip. The U.S.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Kamala Harris lands in Ghana on a mission to get Africa to 'expand ... (Daily Mail)

Kamala Harris landed in Ghana on Sunday at the start of a three-nation tour which officials say is intended to show Africa that the U.S. is there as a ...

She will stay in the country from March 26-29, then in Tanzania from March 29-31. In December, ahead of a U.S.-Africa summit, the U.S. Mahamudu Bawumia welcomed Harris on Sunday. 'I am very excited about the future of Africa. [ Harris will be asking the leaders not to 'choose' between the U.S. and China - but to 'expand' their options.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Arrivée au Ghana de Kamala Harris, première étape de sa tournée ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

Accompagnée de son mari Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris a été accueillie à l'aéroport d'Accra par le vice-président du Ghana Mahamudu Bawumia et de hauts ...

Elle doit aussi visiter une ancienne plaque tournante de la traite des esclaves, le fort de Cape Coast (sud). Accompagnée de son mari Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris a été accueillie à l’aéroport d’Accra par le vice-président du Ghana Mahamudu Bawumia et de hauts responsables. «Je suis très enthousiaste quant à l’avenir de l’Afrique.

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Image courtesy of "Africanews Français"

USA : les enjeux de la visite de Kamala Harris en Afrique | Africanews (Africanews Français)

L'objectif, selon des responsables du gouvernement, est de présenter le continent comme un lieu d'investissement et pas seulement d'aide.

Mais en même temps, les responsables américains ne veulent pas que les dirigeants africains aient l'impression d'être pris au milieu de cette partie d'échecs géopolitique entre les États-Unis et la Chine. Au menu de déplacement le développement économique, le changement climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et la forte croissance de la couche juvénile sur le continent. Elle a beaucoup insisté sur la montée en puissance de la jeunesse en Afrique.

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Image courtesy of "La Croix"

Kamala Harris en opération séduction en Afrique (La Croix)

La vice-présidente américaine entame, lundi 27 mars, une tournée africaine sur fond d'influence grandissante de la Chine et de la Russie sur le continent.

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Image courtesy of "Jeune Afrique"

Le Ghana, première étape de Kamala Harris en Afrique (Jeune Afrique)

La vice-présidente américaine entame une tournée africaine qui la mènera aussi en Tanzanie et en Zambie. À la suite du sommet États-Unis-Afrique de décembre ...

Elle doit aussi visiter une ancienne plaque tournante de la traite des esclaves, le fort de Cape Coast (sud). [Sommet États-Unis – Afrique : que faut-il retenir du Business Forum de Joe Biden ?](https://www.jeuneafrique.com/1400930/economie/sommet-etats-unis-afrique-que-faut-il-retenir-du-business-forum-de-joe-biden/) La vice-présidente américaine Kamala Harris entame ce lundi 27 mars une tournée au Ghana, en Tanzanie et en Zambie jusqu’au 2 avril.

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Image courtesy of "Anadolu Agency"

US Vice President Kamala Harris arrives in Ghana to deepen ties (Anadolu Agency)

'What an honor it is to be here in Ghana and on the continent of Africa. I'm very excited about the future of Africa,' says US vice president - Anadolu ...

[Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories offered to subscribers in the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summarized form. Most of Harris’ events in Ghana will focus on young people. In her first remarks in the capital Accra, she highlighted her commitment to holding discussions that will foster opportunities in various sectors of the continent.

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Image courtesy of "West Hawaii Today"

In Ghana, Kamala Harris 'excited about the future of Africa' - West ... (West Hawaii Today)

ACCRA, Ghana — Vice President Kamala Harris was greeted by schoolchildren, dancers and drummers as she arrived Sunday in Ghana for the start of a weeklong ...

[Already a Subscriber?](https://account.oahupublications.com/wht/account-lookup/)Current print subscriber? [Subscribe Now](https://www.westhawaiitoday.com/subscribe/)Choose a package that suits your preferences. [Start Free Account](https://account.oahupublications.com/wht/free-signup/)Get access to 7 premium stories every month for FREE!

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Image courtesy of "Le Point"

Les enjeux de la tournée africaine de Kamala Harris (Le Point)

DIPLOMATIE. Dans le sillage de sa nouvelle stratégie africaine, Washington pousse pour rétablir des liens avec les pays africains, face à l'influence russe ...

Évoquant de « vraies inquiétudes » au sujet des prêts chinois permettant à Pékin d'accroître son contrôle sur les économies fragiles du continent, le responsable a souligné que Washington ne cherchait pas à reproduire les méthodes de la Chine. « Il ne fait aucun (mystère) que nous sommes engagés dans une compétition avec la Chine, très clairement, pour concurrencer la Chine à long terme », a déclaré un haut responsable américain. [Cependant, le climat géopolitique est très différent](https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/investiture-de-joe-biden-l-afrique-entre-soulagement-et-espoir-21-01-2021-2410647_3826.php), avec la guerre en [Ukraine](/tags/ukraine), et surtout l'influence croissante de la [Chine](/tags/chine) et de la Russie. [À LIRE AUSSI« La réticence de l'Afrique à s'aligner sur l'Occident a été un signal »](https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/la-reticence-de-l-afrique-a-s-aligner-sur-l-occident-a-ete-un-signal-15-12-2022-2501911_3826.php) Alors que la récente visite du secrétaire d'État Antony Blinken en Éthiopie et au Niger s'est concentrée sur les défis sécuritaires de ces pays, la tournée de la vice-présidente la conduira dans des pays confrontés à de graves problèmes économiques. Les dirigeants zambiens sont également en pourparlers avec la Chine pour restructurer sa dette et ont également sollicité le soutien financier du Fonds monétaire international La nation riche en cuivre est devenue le premier pays africain à faire défaut sur sa dette lorsque la pandémie de Covid-19 a frappé. [au cours duquel le président Joe Biden a plaidé pour créer un vaste partenariat avec l'Afrique](https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/comment-washington-entend-se-ressaisir-en-afrique-19-02-2020-2363576_3826.php), au moment où les États-Unis cherchent à promouvoir la vision positive portée par Washington, qui voit dans ce continent l'« avenir du monde ». Biden à l'élection présidentielle de 2024, avec Mme Harris à ses côtés](https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/etats-unis-afrique-et-si-biden-gagne-01-11-2020-2398914_3826.php). La jeunesse constitue l'un des grands thèmes du déplacement de Mme Harris, alors que la moyenne d'âge est de seulement 19 ans sur ce continent à la croissance démographique rapide, et où l'on estime qu'un terrien sur quatre vivra d'ici 2050. Dans tous les cas, après d'autres déplacements en Afrique de membres du gouvernement du président Joe Biden ainsi que de son épouse Jill Biden, la visite de Kamala Harris se veut aussi symbolique, elle est la première personne noire et la première femme devenue vice-présidente des États-Unis. [À LIRE AUSSIBarack Obama et l'Afrique : le grand malentendu](https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/barack-obama-et-l-afrique-le-lourd-malentendu-30-10-2016-2079628_3826.php)

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris to announce $139-million aid ... (The Globe and Mail)

The announcement, which is being made during the U.S. Vice-President's week-long trip to Africa, is part of Washington's drive to counter growing Chinese ...

Washington will also deploy an adviser to Ghana from its Office of Technical Assistance to help the country improve its “debt sustainability and support a competitive, dynamic government debt market,” Harris’s office said. “The plan is intended to address regional threats of violent extremism and instability in Coastal West Africa,” the vice-president’s office said in a statement. Vice-President Kamala Harris will on Monday announce a $139-million aid package for Ghana for next year as she begins a week-long trip to Africa, part of Washington’s drive to counter growing Chinese and Russian influence on the continent.

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Image courtesy of "Courrier International"

Kamala Harris en tournée africaine pour contrer Russes et Chinois (Courrier International)

Après Jill Biden et Antony Blinken, c'est au tour de Kamala Harris d'entamer une tournée africaine, qui devra la mener, du 26 mars au 2 avril, au Ghana, ...

[Libye](https://www.courrierinternational.com/fiche-pays/libye), [Centrafrique](https://www.courrierinternational.com/fiche-pays/republique-centrafricaine), [Mali](https://www.courrierinternational.com/fiche-pays/mali) et peut-être [Burkina Faso](https://www.courrierinternational.com/fiche-pays/burkina-faso) sont des conquêtes stratégiques dont peut se vanter la diplomatie russe, en effet. [Lire la suite](/notule-source/le-djely-conakry) [Hors-série Géopolitique : le monde de demainComment la guerre en Ukraine bouleverse les alliances, renforce les autocraties, soude l’occident et fait émerger un Sud global.Je commande mon hors-série →](https://boutiquevpc.courrierinternational.com/hors-series/2087-geopolitique-le-monde-de-demain.html) [Suisse AventureEnvie de découvrir la Suisse autrement ? Créé en 2015, le Djely (le “griot” en langue mandingue) est un site d’information sur la Guinée, l’Afrique et le monde. S’appuyant sur le dynamisme de sa jeune équipe et promouvant le débat d’idées, le média revendique son indépendance et son impartialité. De toutes ces initiatives il ressort en effet quelque chose de nouveau : l’Afrique, ce ne sont pas que les guerres, la famine, les épidémies et la misère. [Joe Biden](https://www.courrierinternational.com/sujet/joe-biden) est arrivé avec la ferme intention de la tourner. Ensuite, pour éviter que nos partenaires, qu’ils soient occidentaux, russes ou chinois, ne nous imposent de nouveau la marche à suivre, il faudra miser sur l’éducation. L’aimer au-delà des postures et des discours officiels qui, dans certains cas, n’ont rien à voir avec les sentiments authentiques. Plus discrète, la Chine pousse en effet ses pions en Afrique et s’offre des zones d’influence tant économique que symbolique non négligeables. Mais il n’y a pas que le désir de réparer ce tort de Donald Trump pour expliquer la grande idylle que l’actuelle administration américaine nourrit pour l’Afrique. Et c’est surtout ce qui transparaît de la tournée africaine que la vice-présidente des États-Unis, Kamala Harris, a entamée hier [26 mars] avec l’étape du Ghana. À défaut d’offrir des alternatives suffisamment crédibles au continent noir, ces nouvelles convoitises peuvent tout au moins rehausser la cote de l’Afrique et déboucher sur une meilleure perception des Africains.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Kamala Harris meets with Ghana's president as Africa trip begins (CTV News)

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is meeting with Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo Monday, in a show of support for the West African leader, who's facing ...

stock markets were mixed to start the trading week. [S&P/TSX composite up in late-morning trading, U.S. Police say they have found the sixth and seventh bodies inside a building in Old Montreal that burned down 11 days ago and do not expect find any more victims. A federal lawsuit filed Monday by the city of St. "But in the short term, they're creating goodwill for themselves." is continuing to play catch-up," said Samuel Ramani, associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based defence and security think tank. Wagner began operating in Mali, which ousted French troops based there, and there are concerns that it will also deploy to Burkina Faso, where France also ended its military presence. The United States has already sent troops to train militaries from Ghana and other countries in the hopes of bolstering their defenses. He also expressed concern that private American investors tend to overlook the nation. However, the cost of food and other necessities has been skyrocketing, and the country is facing a debt crisis as it struggles to make payments. "As president of Ghana, you have been very courageous and forward in terms of standing for democratic principles," Harris said to Akufo-Addo. outreach at a time when China and Russia have entrenched interests of their own in Africa.

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Image courtesy of "Billboard"

Kamala Harris' African Music Playlist for Spotify: Full Track List (Billboard)

The vice president's 25-song playlist, dubbed "My Travels," highlights a variety of artists as she travels across Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia this week. By ...

Alikiba, “Mahaba” Zuchu, “Utaniua” [streaming](https://www.billboard.com/t/streaming/) platform, and is designed to “amplify the artists and sounds from my travels” across those countries, per its description. On Monday, Harris will visit Vibrate Space, a Ghanaian music work station that local collective Surf Ghana opened last October with audio recording, mixing, mastering and editing equipment, along with consultations and Masterclass sessions. Amaarae, “Reckless & Sweet” Zambia, Yo Maps and Chef 187.

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Image courtesy of "Africanews Français"

Ghana : Kamala Harris promet de l'aide et des investissements ... (Africanews Français)

La vice-présidente américaine Kamala Harris a fait l'éloge lundi du président ghanéen Nana Akufo-Addo pour ses "principes démocratiques" lors d'une ...

Akufo-Addo a appelé à la solidarité alors que des pays comme le Ghana s'efforcent de remettre leur économie "sur les rails". En outre, des combats sporadiques se sont multipliés dans le nord du Ghana, qui borde le Burkina Faso et le Sahel, une région où des ramifications locales d'Al-Qaïda et du groupe État islamique ont opéré. "En tant que président du Ghana, vous avez été très courageux et avez défendu les principes démocratiques", a déclaré Kamala Harris à M.

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Kamala Harris begins Africa tour, announces security aid in Ghana (Aljazeera.com)

The US pledged help for Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Togo to tackle violent groups and instability.

“I have no doubt that the parliament of Ghana will show as it has done in the past … Parliament held public hearings on the bill starting in 2021. Ghana’s draft bill would make it a crime to be gay, bisexual or transgender.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Kamala Harris kicks off Africa tour with $100M pledge as U.S. tries to ... (CBS News)

Harris opened her visit in Ghana, announcing $100 million in support for a handful of nations to address security, governance and development issues.

believes in their future and wants to invest, as the perception across the continent right now is that Washington is less and less interested and sees the continent merely as a charity case. Harris' trip comes as most African nations struggle to recover from the combined effects of the global coronavirus pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "But at the end of the day," Gowan told CBS News, "African leaders will ask if this is a short-term courtship or the start of a more sustained U.S. If the U.S. Often the investments come in exchange for access to vital mineral resources. Harris was quoted at the summit as saying that U.S. She is the fifth top administration official to visit Africa this year, following Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Harris announced $100 million in new support for Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, and Togo, to help the nations address security, governance, and development issues in the region. That phrasing was a very thinly-veiled jab at China and Russia, which have invested heavily across the continent for years to gain influence. financial support package for Ghana and a handful of other nations in the region. Vice President Kamala Harris arrived in Ghana Sunday night to kick off a three-nation tour of Africa her first visit to the continent since taking office. "The U.S.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Kamala Harris starts Africa tour in Ghana, announces security aid (Reuters)

The United States will provide $100 million to Ghana and four other West African countries to help them deal with violent extremism and instability, ...

"I have no doubt that the parliament of Ghana will show as it has done in the past ... reporter by saying that it was not official government policy but rather had been put forward by legislators acting in a private capacity. officials as Washington seeks to counter growing Chinese and Russian influence on the continent. Parliament held public hearings on the bill starting in 2021. "My understanding ... Ghana's draft bill would make it a crime to be gay, bisexual or transgender.

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Image courtesy of "Africanews Français"

Ghana : Kamala Harris entame sa tournée africaine | Africanews (Africanews Français)

Kamala Harris s'est réjouie de pouvoir "témoigner directement de l'innovation et de la créativité extraordinaires qui se manifestent en Afrique".

La vice-présidente américaine esquissera sans nul doute les axes de cette vision lors de son discours attendu mardi à Accra. Nous nous appuierons sur les réunions précédentes que j'ai eues avec chacun d'entre eux pour renforcer la démocratie et la bonne gouvernance, promouvoir la paix et la sécurité, construire une croissance économique à long terme et renforcer nos relations commerciales". Je suis très enthousiaste quant à l'impact de l'avenir de l'Afrique sur le reste du monde, y compris les États-Unis d'Amérique.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Kamala Harris in Ghana: What Ghana fit gain from US Vice ... (BBC News)

US Vice President, Kamala Harris go meet Ghana President on Monday for diplomatic talks ahead of her formal address tomorrow. Her visit be part of plans to ...

United States give indication say during her bilateral meeting with President Nana Akufo-Addo, Vice President Kamala Harris “ go re-affirm de U.S. One of de clear benefits Ghana go get from dis visit be de commitment of US to strengthen dia economic relationship with de country. One of de main expectations be say de debt crisis Ghana dey go through go fit end soon.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Harris visits Ghana's president, promises aid, investments (CTV News)

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is meeting with Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo Monday, in a show of support for the West African leader, who's facing ...

In some U.S. [World](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world) [Jumbled wreckage complicates U.S. 4 hr ago "But in the short term, they're creating goodwill for themselves." is continuing to play catch-up," said Samuel Ramani, associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based defence and security think tank. Some countries have longstanding ties dating back to the Soviet era. Wagner began operating in Mali, which ousted French troops based there, and there are concerns that it will also deploy to Burkina Faso, where France also ended its military presence. The United States has already sent troops to train militaries from Ghana and other countries in the hopes of bolstering their defenses. He also expressed concern that private American investors tend to overlook the nation. However, the cost of food and other necessities has been skyrocketing, and the country is facing a debt crisis as it struggles to make payments. "As president of Ghana, you have been very courageous and forward in terms of standing for democratic principles," Harris said to Akufo-Addo. outreach at a time when China and Russia have entrenched interests of their own in Africa.

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Image courtesy of "BellaNaija"

Kamala Harris Kicks Off Africa Tour — First Stop, Ghana! (BellaNaija)

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has embarked on a week-long trip where she'll be visiting Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia, to strengthen U.S. partnerships ...

Following the news conference, Vice President Kamala Harris paid a visit to Vibrate Space, a recording studio for the community. VP promised assistance with security in the nation and increased investments there, announcing $100 million in U.S. She also emphasized the United States’ commitment to strengthening partnerships with African nations. The U.S. [March 27, 2023] This visit comes as a continuation of the [March 26, 2023] Vice President Kamala Harris has embarked on a week-long trip where she’ll be visiting Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia, to strengthen U.S.

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

JESSE WATTERS: This is why Kamala Harris is visiting Africa (Fox News)

Fox News host Jesse Watters gives his take on Vice President Kamala Harris' trip to Africa on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

[Kamala Harris](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6323111871112), the black face of American colonialism? So, Joe sent Kamala to Africa with the bag. [ONLY A QUARTER OF DEMOCRATS WANT PRESIDENT BIDEN TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2024: POLL](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/only-quarter-democrats-want-president-biden-run-for-re-election-2024-poll) Africa is rich with minerals, key minerals, the ones Biden needs to build electric car batteries, turbines and solar panels. Kamala is a busy woman with a lot to do here in America. [Kamala Harris](https://www.foxnews.com/media/kamala-harris-torched-latest-cringe-story-absolutely-nothing-substance) has a lot of jobs.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

VP Harris, in Ghana, addresses human rights amid anti-LGBTQ ... (ABC News)

Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo on Monday and hold a news conference following their meeting.

She is scheduled to meet with the presidents of both countries. "The president and I had a conversation on this very topic," Harris said. While Harris did not directly address the bill, she said "I feel very strongly about the importance of supporting the freedom and supporting the fighting for equality among all people, and that all people be treated equally. will provide $100 million to support stabilization in the region. He was optimistic that the vice president was also here to bridge gaps between Ghana and investments in the country -- calling it an "active step in the right direction." I will also say that this is an issue that we consider, and I consider to be a human rights issue, and that will not change."

Readout of Vice President Kamala Harris's Meeting with President ... (The White House)

Vice President Kamala Harris met with President Nana Akufo-Addo today in Accra, Ghana. The Vice President affirmed the strength of our bilateral ...

The two leaders discussed the strength of our people-to-people ties, and Vice President Harris applauded President Akufo-Addo’s leadership to elevate engagement with the African Diaspora. The Vice President applauded President Akufo-Addo for his steadfast leadership to defend and advance democracy in West Africa and to hold anti-democratic governments accountable. Vice President Kamala Harris met with President Nana Akufo-Addo today in Accra, Ghana.

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Image courtesy of "Ghana Business News"

US partnership with Africa is for mutual benefits – Kamala Harris (Ghana Business News)

African nations such as Ghana, she said, played a critical role in a number of global issues, citing food security, the climate crisis and “our resilient supply ...

The trip to Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia until April 02, comes after a December summit hosted by President Joe Biden in Washington with US leaders and counterparts from Africa. “The promise of Ghana continues to draw us near,” the US Vice-President stated. “African voices, including that of Ghana, are critical to global peace and security, including the defence of the United Nations’ Charter.

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