
2023 - 3 - 26

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Putin announces deal to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus (

Russian president says deal struck with Belarusian counterpart would not violate nuclear nonproliferation agreements.

Belarus is closely allied with Russia. His comment followed a British announcement that it would supply Ukraine with these anti-tank shells. We have not used them yet.”

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Putin: Russia to station nuclear weapons in Belarus (BBC News)

President Putin told Russian state television on Saturday that Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko had long raised the issue of stationing tactical nuclear ...

He did not specify when the weapons would be transferred to Belarus. They have long deployed their tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of their allied countries." Russia will have completed the construction of a storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus by 1 July, President Putin added.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Putin says Russia will station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus (NPR)

Putin said the plan was in response to Britain's decision this past week to provide Ukraine with armor-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium.

Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the uranium enrichment process needed to create nuclear weapons. The rounds can't generate a nuclear reaction but they do emit low levels of radiation. The U.S. has nuclear weapons based in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. "We are doing what they have been doing for decades, stationing them in certain allied countries, preparing the launch platforms and training their crews," Putin said, speaking in an interview on state television that aired Saturday night. Russia plans to maintain control over those it sends to Belarus, and construction of storage facilities for them will be completed by July 1, Putin said.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Russia plans to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, Putin says (CNN)

He said Moscow had already transferred an Iskander short-range missile system, a device which can be fitted with nuclear or conventional warheads, to Belarus.

“We are not going to hand over control of nuclear weapons. Belarus has had no nuclear weapons on its territory since the early 1990s. The State Department told CNN it would “continue to monitor the implications” of Russia’s plan to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus but would not adjust its nuclear weapons strategy. Although there is no guarantee that Putin will follow through with his plan to station the weapons in Belarus, any nuclear signaling by him will cause concern in the West. Moscow will complete the construction of a special storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus by the beginning of July, Putin told state broadcaster Russia 1. [plans to station]( tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus, President Vladimir [Putin]( said Saturday.

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Putin says Russia will station nuclear weapons in Belarus (

Russia has struck a deal with neighboring Belarus to station tactical nuclear weapons on its territory but will not violate non-proliferation agreements, ...

Russia has stationed 10 aircraft in Belarus capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons, he said, adding that Moscow had already transferred to Belarus a number of Iskander tactical missile systems than can be used to launch nuclear weapons. “There is nothing unusual here either: firstly, the United States has been doing this for decades. They have long deployed their tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of their allied countries,” he said.

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Ukraine-Russia live: Russia 'took Belarus as a nuclear hostage' (

A top Ukrainian official says deploying nuclear weapons to Belarus is 'a step towards the internal destabilisation'.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

La Russie «a pris le Bélarus en otage nucléaire» (TVA Nouvelles)

Vladimir Poutine a motivé sa décision samedi par la volonté du Royaume-Uni d'envoyer des munitions à uranium appauvri à l'Ukraine, comme évoqué récemment par ...

L'annonce du président russe «maximise le niveau de perception négative et de rejet public de la Russie et de M. Poutine dans la société bélarusse», avance aussi M. La Russie a pris le Bélarus en «otage nucléaire», a estimé dimanche l'Ukraine à la suite de l'annonce par le président Vladimir Poutine d'un déploiement d'armes nucléaires «tactiques» sur le territoire de son allié.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Russia accused of taking Belarus 'nuclear hostage' with deal to ... (The Guardian)

Ukraine says Putin's deal to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus destabilises neighbour.

are talking about the west starting to build a new axis similar to the one created in the 1930s by the fascist regimes of Germany and Italy and militarist Japan,” Putin said. China and Russia signed a “no limits” partnership accord in early 2022, weeks before Putin sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine. They said: “ISW continues to assess that Putin is a risk-averse actor who repeatedly threatens to use nuclear weapons without any intention of following through in order to break western resolve.” The US played down concerns about Putin’s announcement and the potential for Moscow to use nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine. While the Belarusian army has not formally fought in Ukraine, Minsk and Moscow have a close military relationship. We agreed that we will do the same, without violating our obligations – I emphasise, without violating our international obligations on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.”

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La Russie va déployer des armes nucléaires « tactiques » au Bélarus (

Des responsables russes ont émis à plusieurs reprises des menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l'arme nucléaire en Ukraine en cas d'escalade significative du ...

La doctrine nucléaire russe ne prévoit pas l'utilisation préventive par la Russie de l'arme nucléaire. Moscou se vante d'avoir mis au point des armes supersoniques capables de percer les boucliers antimissiles existants. Nous avons, sans exagérer, des centaines de milliers d'obus de ce type. Poutine a menacé de recourir également à ce type d'obus, utilisé pour percer les blindages, si Kiev venait à en recevoir. [décision a été motivée par la volonté de Londres d'envoyer des munitions à uranium appauvri à l'Ukraine,]( tel qu'évoqué récemment par une responsable britannique. Des responsables russes ont émis à plusieurs reprises des menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l'arme nucléaire en Ukraine en cas d'escalade significative du conflit.

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Image courtesy of "Le Nouvelliste"

L'Ukraine accuse la Russie d'avoir pris le Bélarus « en otage » (Le Nouvelliste)

L'Ukraine a accusé dimanche la Russie d'avoir pris « en otage » le Bélarus après l'annonce par Vladimir Poutine que Moscou déploiera des missiles nucléaires ...

L’annonce de Moscou « maximise le niveau de perception négative et de rejet public de la Russie et de M. « Il n’y a rien d’inhabituel ici : les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies. Poutine dans la société bélarusse », a avancé aussi M. Poutine est un « pas vers la déstabilisation interne du pays ». M. Les responsables russes ont multiplié depuis un an les menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l’arme nucléaire si le conflit avec Kiev venait à connaître une escalade significative.

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Image courtesy of "Noovo Info"

Poutine annonce le déploiement d'armes nucléaires tactiques ... (Noovo Info)

Le président de la Russie, Vladimir Poutine, a annoncé le déploiement d'armes nucléaires tactiques au Belarus voisin.

Poutine a rappelé que la Russie avait aidé à moderniser les forces aériennes biélorusses afin que leurs appareils puissent transporter des ogives nucléaires. Le président russe a ajouté que son pays conserverait le contrôle sur l'utilisation de ces armes nucléaires tactiques. Poutine a affirmé qu'il s'agit d'une riposte à la décision des Britanniques de fournir des munitions antichars contenant de l'uranium appauvri.

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Image courtesy of "Ici Beyrouth"

Moscou va déployer des armes nucléaires au Bélarus (Ici Beyrouth)

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a affirmé samedi que Moscou allait déployer des armes nucléaires "tactiques" sur le territoire.

Nous ne les utilisons pas pour le moment ", a déclaré le président russe. Et le 1er juillet, nous terminerons la construction d’un entrepôt spécial pour les armes nucléaires tactiques sur le territoire du Bélarus ", a-t-il ajouté. " Il n’y a rien d’inhabituel ici : les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

Russia has taken Belarus 'hostage' with plans to station nuclear ... (The Globe and Mail)

A top security adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says Putin's plans will destabilize Belarus.

While the Belarusian army has not formally fought in Ukraine, Minsk and Moscow have a close military relationship. Sharing nuclear weapons makes the situation much worse and risks catastrophic humanitarian consequences,” it said on Twitter. Tactical nuclear weapons refer to those used for specific gains on a battlefield rather than those with the capacity to wipe out cities. We remain committed to the collective defence of the NATO alliance,” a senior U.S. Experts told Reuters the development was significant, since Russia had until now been proud that unlike the United States, it did not deploy nuclear weapons outside its borders. Putin likened his plans to the U.S.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Putin plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus (Financial Times)

We'll send you a myFT Daily Digest email rounding up the latest War in Ukraine news every morning. Vladimir Putin has said Russia plans to deploy tactical ...

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Kyiv and Berlin slam Putin's plan to station nuclear weapons in ... (

The Kremlin “took Belarus as a nuclear hostage,” Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, tweeted on Sunday. Mykhailo ...

said it would “monitor the implications” of Putin’s announcement but would not adjust its nuclear weapons strategy. Russia used Belarus as a staging ground to send troops into Ukraine for Putin’s invasion. “The United States has been doing this for decades,” Putin was quoted as saying. [said]( on Saturday that Russia would construct a storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus by July. stationing its nuclear weapons in Europe, and said Russia would retain control of the nuclear arms stationed in Belarus. “The comparison made by President Putin on the nuclear participation of NATO is misleading and cannot serve to justify the step announced by Russia,” the Foreign Office was

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

L'Ukraine accuse la Russie d'avoir pris le Bélarus « en otage » (Le Soleil)

L'Ukraine a accusé dimanche la Russie d'avoir pris « en otage » le Bélarus après l'annonce par Vladimir Poutine que Moscou déploiera des missiles nucléaires ...

L’annonce de Moscou « maximise le niveau de perception négative et de rejet public de la Russie et de M. « Il n’y a rien d’inhabituel ici : les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies. Poutine dans la société bélarusse », a avancé aussi M. Poutine est un « pas vers la déstabilisation interne du pays ». M. Les responsables russes ont multiplié depuis un an les menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l’arme nucléaire si le conflit avec Kiev venait à connaître une escalade significative.

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Canada Finance"

Russia: Ukrainian drone caused blast far from border, 3 hurt (Yahoo Canada Finance)

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian authorities said a Ukrainian drone caused an explosion Sunday that injured three people in a town far from the two countries' ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Bélarus: Washington n'a «aucune indication» que Moscou ait ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

Les États-Unis n'ont «aucune indication» que la Russie ait transféré des armes nucléaires au Bélarus, ni même que le président Vladimir Poutine ait ...

«Il n’y a rien d’inhabituel ici: les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies. «En fait, nous n’avons aucune indication qu’il ait l’intention de recourir à des armes nucléaires en Ukraine», a ajouté le porte-parole. Les États-Unis n’ont «aucune indication» que la Russie ait transféré des armes nucléaires au Bélarus, ni même que le président Vladimir Poutine ait l’intention de recourir à l’arme nucléaire en Ukraine, a déclaré dimanche un haut responsable américain.

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Ukraine urges Security Council meeting over Russia's Belarus ... (

Putin argued that by deploying its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, Russia was following the lead of the United States. He noted that Washington has nuclear ...

In Germany, the foreign ministry called it a “further attempt at nuclear intimidation,” German news agency dpa reported late Saturday. The state-run news agency Tass reported authorities identified the drone as a Ukrainian Tu-141. The Kremlin, Danilov added, “took Belarus as a nuclear hostage.” “Ukraine expects effective action to counter the Kremlin’s nuclear blackmail by the U.K., China, the U.S. He noted that Washington has nuclear weapons based in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. Putin announced the plan in a television interview that aired on Saturday, saying it was triggered by a U.K.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Armes nucléaires au Bélarus: l'Ukraine veut une réunion d'urgence ... (Le Soleil)

Premier pays occidental à réagir à l'annonce de Vladimir Poutine, l'Allemagne a dénoncé une «nouvelle tentative d'intimidation nucléaire» de la part de Moscou.

Les armes nucléaires «tactiques» ont une puissance moindre par rapport à celles dites «stratégiques» mais leurs effets restent mortels et imprévisibles. L'Otan a fustigé une «rhétorique nucléaire dangereuse et irresponsable», disant «suivre la situation de près». «Il n'y a rien d'inhabituel ici : les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies. "Nous n'allons pas nous laisser dévier de notre cap" par ces menaces, a indiqué à l'AFP un responsable du ministère des Affaires étrangères sous couvert de l'anonymat. Les responsables russes ont multiplié depuis un an les menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l'arme nucléaire si le conflit avec Kiev venait à connaître une escalade significative. Et le chef de la diplomatie européenne Josep Borrell a dénoncé une «escalade irresponsable et une menace pour la sécurité européenne», prévenant que l'UE était «prête» à adopter de nouvelles sanctions contre Minsk.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

NATO criticizes Putin for 'dangerous' rhetoric over Belarus nuclear ... (NBC News)

NATO called his rhetoric “dangerous and irresponsible,” while Ukraine accused President Vladimir Putin of making Belarus a “nuclear hostage” with his ...

Germany, which has [previously been cautious ]( providing military aid to Ukraine, “might be encouraged” by the potential threat of closer nuclear weapons, he added. “We have not seen any changes in Russia’s nuclear posture that would lead us to adjust our own,” Lungescu said. [Germany](, [Poland ]( [Lithuania ]( likely to [ “hasten Western weapons” to Ukraine](, he said. Moscow had already stationed 10 aircraft capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons in the country, he said. Russia is also Belarus’ largest and most important political and economic partner. had “not seen any reason to adjust The two nations have stepped up joint military training. American reaction to Putin’s announcement was muted. [NATO’s]( joint chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear regiment called the plan a “strategic error” and “another sign of desperation coming out of the Kremlin,” after 13 months of war in Ukraine and [few victories]( to show for it. [Belarus]( to do and claiming 'Belarus asked us,' but not a peep about it from Minsk,” he said. [Ukraine]( accused President [Vladimir Putin]( of making Belarus a “nuclear hostage” with his announcement that Russia was going to store [ta]( [ctical nuclear weapons]( in the country, which both nations border. and Russia, the world’s two largest nuclear powers](

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Putin Ups the Ante With Nukes in Belarus (The Washington Post)

Let's all hope that Chinese President Xi Jinping sees this outrage as a personal affront and gives his “friend” in Moscow a good talking to at once.

Putin is also trying to conflate his own plans in Belarus with the long-standing US practice of stationing nuclear bombs in Allied nations such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Turkey. As ever, Putin is using the full repertoire of the KGB methods he learned in his early career, distorting reality to create narratives that Russians and “useful idiots” in other countries will spread. The lesson for wannabe tyrants and aggressors everywhere — from North Korea to Iran and beyond — is plain. His escalation is especially odious because it rhymes with his suspension last month of New START, the only remaining arms control treaty to limit strategic nukes. In reality, Putin is once again ignoring — or perhaps relishing — the bitter irony of the perfidious path he followed to this moment in history. And he regards Belarus as a personal fief destined eventually to be merged into a “Union State” with — obviously — Putin at its head.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Putin's timeline for storing tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is ... (The Guardian)

Although Alexander Lukashenko has agreed to host nuclear bases little construction work seems to have started.

For non-weapon states and arms control advocates, however, that is a cynical dodge and against the spirit of the NPT. The Obama administration contemplated withdrawal of the B61s from Europe as a move towards disarmament, but some European allies resisted any move that might suggest the nuclear umbrella was getting thinner, and then relations with Moscow worsened again. The Soviet Union accepted them and at the time, Moscow could deploy its nuclear weapons in Belarus or any other of its republics. “I’ve looked around at some of the likely bases and I don’t see anything that indicates construction of a nuclear storage site,” said Hans Kristensen, director of the nuclear information project at the Federation of American Scientists. Instead, he focused on a longstanding gripe of Moscow’s about the US nuclear-sharing arrangements with five of its allies: Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Turkey. Over a year ago, the Belarus leader staged a referendum to change the constitution to allow for that.

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L'UE menace le Bélarus de sanctions s'il accueille des armes ... (

Pour sa part, l'OTAN avertit la Russie que la rhétorique nucléaire est « irresponsable et dangereuse ».

Nous n'avons constaté aucun changement dans le dispositif nucléaire de la Russie qui nous amènerait à ajuster le nôtre. La Russie n'a cessé de violer ses engagements en matière de maîtrise des armements, suspendant dernièrement sa participation au nouveau traité START, a réagi la porte-parole de l'OTAN. L'accueil par le Bélarus d'armes nucléaires russes constituerait une escalade irresponsable et une menace pour la sécurité européenne.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Bélarus: Washington n'a «aucune indication» que Moscou ait ... (Le Journal de Québec)

Les États-Unis n'ont «aucune indication» que la Russie ait transféré des armes nucléaires au Bélarus, ni même que le président Vladimir Poutine ait ...

«Il n’y a rien d’inhabituel ici: les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies. «En fait, nous n’avons aucune indication qu’il ait l’intention de recourir à des armes nucléaires en Ukraine», a ajouté le porte-parole. Les États-Unis n’ont «aucune indication» que la Russie ait transféré des armes nucléaires au Bélarus, ni même que le président Vladimir Poutine ait l’intention de recourir à l’arme nucléaire en Ukraine, a déclaré dimanche un haut responsable américain.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Putin says he'll move nukes to Belarus, prompting Ukrainian alarm ... (ABC News)

U.S. officials and lawmakers reacted with caution and concern after Putin said he would be moving tactical nuclear weapons into Belarus near Ukraine.

and inspections of nuclear sites. "Not very responsible. "We can't allow that to be a cause for delaying critical weapon systems that we need to deliver to the Ukrainians." [said on CBS' "Face the Nation." It is something to be concerned about, but we should not allow his threat to deter us," said Gallagher, R-Wis. National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said later Saturday that the U.S. [said at a fundraiser in October]( that Putin was "not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons" and that "we have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" in the 1960s. nothing to do with nuclear weapons." [subsequently said on "This Week"]( in October that Biden was reflecting the very high "stakes" of the conflict rather than immediate danger. U.S. ]( "Obviously, we would agree that no nuclear war should be fought, no nuclear war could be won and clearly that would cross a major threshold." [tactical nuclear weapons]( into neighboring Belarus, which provided a crucial staging ground [for the invasion of Ukraine](

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

How the world is responding to Putin's threat of nukes in Belarus (The Hill)

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Saturday that the Kremlin plans to station nuclear weapons in Belarus, drawing claims of “nuclear blackmail” ...

“We demand to immediately convene an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council for this purpose.” and other western powers to counter Russia’s “nuclear blackmail.” Lukashenko is a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and has helped Russia’s war by allowing Russian troops to stage attacks along its border with Ukraine. which will further turn this country into a hostage of the Kremlin.” “We are going to do the same thing.” “NATO is vigilant, and were are closely monitoring the situation. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the leader of the opposition to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, said Russia’s deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in her country would violate its constitution and “grossly contradicts the will of the Belarusian people.” The U.S. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry also appealed Belarus “to prevent the fulfillment of the criminal purposes regarding the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus … [requested]( an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council after Russia announced its plans to station nuclear weapons in Belarus, calling for the U.S. During an appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said that there has been “no indication” of Russia moving nuclear weapons to Belarus. [ announced ]( Saturday that the Kremlin plans to station nuclear weapons in Belarus, drawing claims of “nuclear blackmail” from Ukraine and condemnation from the United States and NATO.

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Image courtesy of "EURACTIV"

EU, NATO blast Russia's 'dangerous' decision to station nukes in ... (EURACTIV)

EU and NATO on Sunday (26 March) condemned Russia's intentions to station nuclear weapons in Belarus, calling on Minsk to rethink the move amid fears of the ...

(…) We demand that an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council be immediately convened for this purpose,” it said in a statement. It called on “all members of the international community to convey to the criminal Putin regime the categorical unacceptability of its latest nuclear provocations.” Ukraine’s foreign ministry accused Russia of breaching its obligations and undermining the “nuclear disarmament architecture and the international security system in general”. Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, charged that Russia “took Belarus as a nuclear hostage” in a On Sunday, NATO criticised Russia for its “dangerous and irresponsible” nuclear rhetoric and called Moscow’s reference to NATO’s nuclear sharing “misleading”. With fears of a nuclear war rising since the invasion, experts believe that any Russian strike would likely involve small-size battlefield weapons, called “tactical” as opposed to “strategic” high-powered, long-range nuclear weapons.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

NATO slams Putin rhetoric on nuclear weapons in Belarus (The Globe and Mail)

Putin's plan to station weapons in Belarus is one of Russia's clearest nuclear signals since the start of its invasion of Ukraine.

Mr. While the Belarusian army has not formally fought in Ukraine, Minsk and Moscow have close military ties. Tactical nuclear weapons refer to those used for specific gains on a battlefield rather than those with the capacity to wipe out cities. Experts said Russia’s move was significant since it had until now been proud that unlike the United States, it did not deploy nuclear weapons outside its borders. While Washington, the world’s other nuclear superpower, played down concerns about Mr. stationing its weapons in Europe, while insisting that Russia would not violate its nuclear non-proliferation promises.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

L'Ukraine accuse la Russie d'avoir pris le Bélarus «en otage» (Le Soleil)

L'Ukraine a accusé dimanche la Russie d'avoir pris «en otage» le Bélarus après l'annonce par Vladimir Poutine que Moscou déploiera des missiles nucléaires ...

L’annonce de Moscou «maximise le niveau de perception négative et de rejet public de la Russie et de M. «Il n’y a rien d’inhabituel ici : les États-Unis font cela depuis des décennies. Poutine dans la société bélarusse», a avancé aussi M. Poutine est un « pas vers la déstabilisation interne du pays». M. Les responsables russes ont multiplié depuis un an les menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l’arme nucléaire si le conflit avec Kiev venait à connaître une escalade significative.

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Image courtesy of "Le Nouvelliste"

La Russie va déployer des armes nucléaires «tactiques» au Bélarus (Le Nouvelliste)

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a affirmé samedi que Moscou allait déployer des armes nucléaires « tactiques » sur le territoire de son allié, ...

Nous avons, sans exagérer, des centaines de milliers d’obus de ce type. Nous avons, sans exagérer, des centaines de milliers d'obus de ce type. Et le 1er juillet, nous terminerons la construction d'un entrepôt spécial pour les armes nucléaires tactiques sur le territoire du Bélarus », a-t-il ajouté. Dix avions sont prêts à utiliser ce type d'arme », a poursuivi M. « Nous avons déjà aidé nos collègues bélarusses et équipé leurs avions [...] sans violer nos engagements internationaux en matière de non-prolifération des armes nucléaires. Des responsables russes ont émis à plusieurs reprises des menaces à peine voilées de se servir de l'arme nucléaire en Ukraine en cas d'escalade significative du conflit.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

La Russie va déployer des armes nucléaires tactiques au Bélarus (Le Journal de Québec)

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a affirmé samedi que Moscou allait déployer des armes nucléaires «tactiques» sur le territoire du Bélarus.

Et le 1er juillet, nous terminerons la construction d'un entrepôt spécial pour les armes nucléaires tactiques sur le territoire du Bélarus», a-t-il ajouté. Ils déploient depuis longtemps leurs armes nucléaires tactiques sur le territoire de leurs alliés», a déclaré M. «Nous avons déjà aidé nos collègues bélarusses et équipé leurs avions (...) sans violer nos engagements internationaux en matière de non-prolifération des armes nucléaires.

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