Han Dong

2023 - 3 - 22

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Image courtesy of "CBC.ca"

MP Han Dong leaving Liberal caucus, denies allegations of working ... (CBC.ca)

Han Dong, the Toronto-area MP at the centre of allegations involving Chinese government interference in Canada's affairs, says he is leaving the Liberal ...

These limitations are therefore essential to ensure the safety, security and prosperity of Canada." "I'll refer you to Mr. No more cover up.

Open, public, independent inquiry now: https://t.co/Bq8SOvYMso https://t.co/QBE7dSkYOT— "Before concluding, I want to assure Mr. Dong told us, following recent media questions." CBC News has not verified the allegations. "There are important limits to what I can publicly discuss, given the need to protect sensitive activities, techniques, methods and sources of intelligence," Eric Balsam said in an email to CBC News on Wednesday. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre posted on Twitter that the allegations are "serious reports of actions that threaten the core of our Canadian democracy." "I will be sitting as the Independent so that business of government and indeed the bills of Parliament is not interrupted as I work to clear my name and the truth is presented to Parliament and to Canadian people." "But let me assure you as a parliamentarian and as a person, I have never and I will never, and would never advocate or support the violation of the basic human rights of any Canadian, of anyone, anywhere, period." "I'm taking this extraordinary step because to [sit] in the government caucus is a privilege and my presence there may be seen by some as a conflict of duty and the wrong place to be as an independent investigation pursues the facts in this matter," he said , reading a statement in the House of Commons on Wednesday night. What has been reported is false, and I will defend myself against these absolutely untrue claims," said the Don Valley North representative in his remarks to Parliament.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Han Dong resigns from Liberal caucus amid foreign interference ... (CTV News)

Han Dong has announced he will be sitting as an independent MP after being the subject of foreign interference allegations.

SEC sues Jake Paul, Lindsay Lohan, Soulja Boy, other celebrities over crypto sales](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/u-s-sec-sues-jake-paul-lindsay-lohan-soulja-boy-other-celebrities-over-crypto-sales-1.6324577) [World](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world) [Appeals court sides with Justice Dept. Julien Levesque, a police spokesperson, said Wednesday evening that two more bodies were retrieved from the historic building that went up in flames last Thursday. Canada's Ambassador to the U.S. In his exclusive column for CTVNews.ca, Don Martin writes this 'startling change of heart' suggests the PMO is in panic mode and reflects badly on the prime minister's decision making. Joe Biden comes for a sleepover next week to make Canada the 18th country he has visited since being sworn in as U.S. More than 130,000 people have signed an e-petition calling on Canada to give transgender and non-binary people fleeing harmful laws in their home countries the right to claim asylum, but that's already possible in this country. Ahead of the visit, both countries are laying out a wide range of potential topics spanning from migration policy to continuing support for Ukraine. Dong isn't the only politician caught up in allegations of foreign interference. "Media reports today quoted unverified and anonymous sources (that) have attacked my reputation and called into question my loyalty to Canada. Dong admitted in the Global News report he had spoken with the Chinese official to discuss the two Michaels, but denied the allegations that he pushed for their release to be delayed. "I will continue to serve the residents of Don Valley North as an independent member of this House.

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Image courtesy of "Globalnews.ca"

Han Dong to sit as Independent MP following 'serious' allegations in ... (Globalnews.ca)

The move came after Global News reported Dong privately advised a senior Chinese diplomat in February 2021 that Beijing should hold off freeing Michael ...

Murphy also suggested that the MP was not acting at the behest of his government. Such a move would help the Liberal government, which was facing an uproar over China’s inhumane treatment of Kovrig and Spavor. However, it was widely perceived that they were jailed in retribution for Canada’s detention of Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei executive facing extradition to the United States. Other Liberal MPs in the House rose to their feet and applauded after Dong finished speaking. “At no time was Mr. “At every opportunity before they returned home, I adamantly demanded their release to Canada without delay.

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Image courtesy of "CP24 Toronto's Breaking News"

Toronto MP Han Dong quits Liberal caucus amid Chinese ... (CP24 Toronto's Breaking News)

Han Dong, the member of Parliament at the centre of allegations of Chinese meddling in Canadian affairs, says he is resigning from the Liberal caucus and ...

Last Updated Wednesday, March 22, 2023 10:48PM EDT This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 22, 2023 Published Wednesday, March 22, 2023 10:48PM EDT

MP Han Dong resigns from Liberal caucus, denies advising China to ... (National Post)

OTTAWA — MP Han Dong has resigned from the Liberal caucus and will sit as an Independent after a new report alleged that he spoke with Chinese diplomats in ...

The RCMP told a House committee last month it did not open any investigations into foreign meddling in either the 2019 or 2021 elections. I’m just going to focus on my work.” “I have no doubt there is a severe human rights abuse in the Xinjiang region and that needs to be looked at independently,” he said. “I voted to condemn China when they sanctioned one of our vice chairs of a standing committee. In a vote this year, Dong was present for votes on other motions immediately before and immediately after the genocide vote. In tears, he said the truth would protect them and they would get through this together. Michael Spavor and Mr. “At every opportunity before they returned home, I adamantly demanded their release to Canada without delay. According to Global’s reporting, the consulate bussed in seniors and Chinese international students to vote for Dong in the nomination race that was contested by other Liberal candidates. The Liberal MP has faced allegations of having received help from China in winning his Toronto seat. Dong, who represents the Toronto riding of Don Valley North, announced his resignation in an emotional address in the House of Commons on Wednesday evening. Article content

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

MP Han Dong leaving Liberal caucus, denies allegations related to ... (The Globe and Mail)

'What has been reported is false,' Dong says over report that he advised a senior diplomat that Beijing should delay release of Michael Kovrig and Michael ...

Mr. Michael Spavor and Mr. Kovrig and Mr. Michael Kovrig and their families that I did nothing to cause them any harm. Global News reported that Mr. “I want to assure Mr.

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Image courtesy of "Toronto Star"

MP Han Dong quits Liberal caucus after media report that 'attacked ... (Toronto Star)

The Don Valley North MP said the reports about him are “false” and that he will defend himself against “these absolutely untrue claims.”

In February, Global News named Dong as an alleged “witting affiliate” of a Chinese government effort to help him secure the Liberal nomination in Don Valley North so he could run for the party in the 2019 federal election. He also said he has never been contacted by Canadian security officials, police or Elections Canada about alleged Chinese interference. he said he never did anything to cause them harm, and that he worked to try and secure their release from Chinese custody. The Liberal government in Ottawa condemned their imprisonment as “hostage diplomacy” over the arrest of a Chinese telecom executive in Vancouver on a U.S. Dong made the statement after Global News reported allegations that the MP secretly advised a Chinese diplomat in 2021 that Beijing should delay the release of two Canadians jailed in China. “The truth will protect us.

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Image courtesy of "Alaska Highway News"

Toronto MP Han Dong quits Liberal caucus amid Chinese ... (Alaska Highway News)

OTTAWA — Han Dong, the member of Parliament at the centre of allegations of Chinese meddling in Canadian affairs, has resigned from the Liberal caucus and ...

"Let me assure you as a parliamentarian and as a person, I have never and I would never advocate or support the violation of the basic human rights of any Canadian of anyone anywhere," he said Global News reported that Dong told the Chinese consul general that releasing the men would benefit the Opposition Conservatives, but also that showing some "progress" in the case would help the Liberals. "And my presence there may be seen by some as a conflict of duty and the wrong place to be as an independent investigation pursues the facts in this matter."

LILLEY: Liberal MP Dong resigns from party over interference claims (Toronto Sun)

Facing allegations he is part of an election interference network and tried to stop the two Michaels from being released, Dong leaves Libs.

The move to distance themselves from Dong is a sign that may be changing. A short time later, he announced his departure from the Liberal caucus. Dong admitted to Global News that he did have a conversation with Han Tao, China’s Consul General in Toronto, but that he had pressed for the two Michaels to be released. That all changed late Wednesday when another report from Global, citing unnamed sources, said that Dong had spoken to a Chinese diplomat about the detention of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. That’s a really important principle,” Trudeau said in response to the February report. The twice-elected MP from Don Valley North made the announcement in the House of Commons late Wednesday night.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Ingérence chinoise: le député Han Dong se retire du caucus libéral (Le Journal de Montréal)

Han Dong aurait plaidé auprès du consul que la libération des deux hommes avantagerait le Parti conservateur du Canada, prompt à réclamer des comptes au Parti ...

Les deux hommes ont été libérés en septembre 2021, après plus de 1000 jours de détention, dans la foulée de l’abandon du processus d’extradition de Meng Wanzhou. Han Dong aurait plaidé auprès du consul que la libération des deux hommes avantagerait le Parti conservateur du Canada, prompt à réclamer des comptes au Parti libéral sur ce dossier. Quelques heures plus tôt, le réseau Global, qui se fie aux témoignages de deux sources anonymes au sein de la sécurité nationale, a révélé que le député torontois aurait conseillé au Consul général de la Chine à Toronto, Han Tao, de garder en détention les deux Michael lors d’une rencontre en février 2021.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Allégations d'ingérence chinoise: le député fédéral Han Dong quitte ... (Le Devoir)

Han Dong, le député fédéral au centre des allégations d'ingérence de la Chine dans les affaires canadiennes, a quitté le caucus libéral mercredi soir et ...

Dong en informe le bureau après avoir reçu des questions des médias. Global News a rapporté que M. « Je prends cette mesure extraordinaire parce que siéger au caucus du gouvernement est un privilège, a déclaré M.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Han Dong quitte les libéraux: «il commence à y avoir beaucoup de ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Le reportage de Global News ayant précédé le départ du député Han Dong du caucus libéral s'ajoute à d'autres incidents liés à l'ingérence chinoise.

«On avait déjà appris que lorsqu’il avait eu son assemblée d’investiture, il avait reçu l’aide du consulat chinois, il y avait eu des étudiants chinois qui avaient été amenés là en autobus, affirme M. «Je pense que oui, et bien sûr, tout ça est sujet à confirmation, dit-il. Il commence à avoir beaucoup de faits inquiétants.

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Image courtesy of "98,5 fm"

Écoutez Paul Arcand discuter avec Guy St Jacques du député Han ... (98,5 fm)

Écoutez Paul Arcand discuter avec Guy St Jacques du député Han Dong qui aurait conseillé de retarder la libération de deux Canadiens en Chine.

Ils ont été libérés quand la directrice financière de Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, a obtenu la confirmation qu’elle pourrait revenir en Chine. Les deux hommes ont été détenus entre le 10 décembre 2018 et le 24 septembre 2021 en Chine. Le député libéral Han Dong, qui aurait conseillé en privé à un haut diplomate chinois de retarder la libération des Canadiens Michael Kovrig et Michael Spavor, quitte le caucus libéral.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Nouvelles allégations d'ingérence chinoise | Un député aurait ... (La Presse)

Le leader néo-démocrate Jagmeet Singh exige de Justin Trudeau qu'il chasse de son caucus le député Han Dong à la lumière de nouvelles allégations selon ...

L’ancien gouverneur général David Johnston a été chargé de trancher à titre de rapporteur spécial de Justin Trudeau ; son verdict est attendu d’ici le 23 mai. Mais l’accumulation des allégations le visant commence à peser lourd, remarque Guy Saint-Jacques : « Il y a plusieurs questions qui se posent au sujet de Han Dong […]. Ce n’est pas la première fois que les liens entre Han Dong et la Chine font la manchette. Leur libération est survenue après que la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique a accepté de relâcher Mme Meng. Comme tous les députés de cette Chambre, j’ai travaillé fort pour défendre leurs intérêts », a aussi juré le député ontarien, assurant que les allégations le visant étaient « fausses ». Si c’est vrai, la sécurité des Canadiens a été mise en danger à des fins politiques.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Han Dong resigns from Liberal caucus, denies interference allegations (CTV News)

Han Dong has announced he will be sitting as an independent MP after being the subject of allegations involving interference by China in Canadian affairs.

[Sci-Tech](https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech) [Skeptical U.S. Here is a list of the locations. The official itinerary has just been released; here's everything you need to know about what will be on the agenda, and what key players are saying about the upcoming visit. The Canadian retail chain launched 12 stores in Ontario and Alberta Thursday, along with a new e-commerce website. In his exclusive column for CTVNews.ca, Don Martin writes this 'startling change of heart' suggests the PMO is in panic mode and reflects badly on the prime minister's decision making. Joe Biden comes for a sleepover next week to make Canada the 18th country he has visited since being sworn in as U.S. More than 130,000 people have signed an e-petition calling on Canada to give transgender and non-binary people fleeing harmful laws in their home countries the right to claim asylum, but that's already possible in this country. "Media reports today quoted unverified and anonymous sources (that) have attacked my reputation and called into question my loyalty to Canada. Ahead of the visit, both countries are laying out a wide range of potential topics spanning from migration policy to continuing support for Ukraine. In the meantime, I’m going to give him the respect to make the decision that he’s made… Dong admitted in the Global News report he had spoken with the Chinese official to discuss the two Michaels, but denied the allegations that he pushed for their release to be delayed. "I will continue to serve the residents of Don Valley North as an independent member of this House.

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Image courtesy of "CBC.ca"

MPs to vote on motion calling for public inquiry into foreign ... (CBC.ca)

MPs will be voting later today in the House of Commons about whether to endorse a report calling for a public inquiry into foreign interference, ...

These limitations are therefore essential to ensure the safety, security and prosperity of Canada." Johnston has until May 23 to decide whether he'll suggest the government call a public inquiry. "Before concluding, I want to assure Mr. Johnston has since resigned from the foundation. CBC News has not verified the allegation. Dong told us, following recent media questions." "What we're doing today is forcing a vote on this very matter." The motion calls for the government to endorse a report from the procedure and House affairs committee calling on the government to "launch a national public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in Canada's democratic system." [concluded that foreign meddling did not affect the outcome.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/election-interference-report-2021-1.6763333) CSIS calls foreign interference activities by China's government the "greatest strategic threat to national security." The government has so far resisted calls for a public inquiry, suggesting review bodies like the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians and the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency are better suited to delve into these issues. "I'm taking this extraordinary step because to [sit] in the government caucus is a privilege and my presence there may be seen by some as a conflict of duty and the wrong place to be as an independent investigation pursues the facts in this matter," he said, reading a statement in the House of Commons. While the motion is not binding, it's likely to raise the pressure on the federal government to commit to an independent probe of foreign interference following Toronto-area MP Han Dong's shocking departure from the Liberal caucus in response to a news report.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Canada MP Han Dong steps down over Chinese interference claims (BBC News)

Han Dong denies claims he lobbied to delay the release of the 'Two Michaels', Canadians detained in China.

The following day, Ms Wanzhou was released from detention in Canada and returned to China following a deal with US prosecutors. "China opposes interference in other countries' internal affairs. The two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, were imprisoned in China for more than 1,000 days on spying charges. Mr Dong confirmed to Global News that he did speak with diplomat Han Tao but said he called for the immediate release of the two Canadians. The allegations against Mr Dong come as Canada grapples with wider accusations that China attempted to interfere in the last two federal elections and a mayoral election in Vancouver. According to the Global News report, Mr Dong allegedly suggested to the diplomat in February 2021 that a release of the two Canadians would benefit the federal Conservative Party of Canada, which is seen as unfriendly to Beijing.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Démission de Han Dong | Pékin nie s'être ingéré dans la politique ... (La Presse)

Le gouvernement chinois maintient qu'il ne s'est jamais ingéré dans la politique canadienne et nie les allégations qui ont poussé le député Han Dong à se ...

Questionné sur la décision de M. Dong a assuré qu’il a l’intention de se défendre contre « ces allégations complètement fausses ». M.

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Image courtesy of "Alaska Highway News"

Beijing denies meddling after MP Han Dong's resignation from ... (Alaska Highway News)

OTTAWA — Beijing says it has nothing to say about ongoing allegations that China has meddled in Canadian affairs, including those regarding a member of ...

China's Toronto consulate similarly called the claims "utterly groundless" and asked media to "stop smearing and attacking China" with such claims. Wenbin said "the Canadian side may be in a better position" to comment, and that "China opposes interference in other countries' internal affairs." Dong told the House of Commons he would defend himself "against these absolutely untrue claims" and that he did nothing to cause Spavor and Kovrig any harm.

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Image courtesy of "Noovo Info"

Le député fédéral Han Dong quitte le caucus libéral (Noovo Info)

Global News a rapporté que M. Dong a déclaré au consul général chinois que la libération des deux hommes serait bénéfique pour les conservateurs de l'opposition ...

Dong en informe le bureau après avoir reçu des questions des médias. Dong s’est également adressé à MM. Global News a rapporté que M.

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