Loblaw Companies

2023 - 2 - 18

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Image courtesy of "Simply Wall St"

Those who invested in Loblaw Companies (TSE:L) five years ago ... (Simply Wall St)

When we invest, we're generally looking for stocks that outperform the market average. And in our experience, buying...

As well as measuring the share price return, investors should also consider the total shareholder return (TSR). Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) simplywallst.com. Someone with an optimistic perspective could view the recent improvement in TSR as indicating that the business itself is getting better with time. This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. Whereas the share price return only reflects the change in the share price, the TSR includes the value of dividends (assuming they were reinvested) and the benefit of any discounted capital raising or spin-off. As it happens, Loblaw Companies' TSR for the last 5 years was 149%, which exceeds the share price return mentioned earlier. By comparing earnings per share (EPS) and share price changes over time, we can get a feel for how investor attitudes to a company have morphed over time. But while CEO remuneration is always worth checking, the really important question is whether the company can grow earnings going forward. And that's hardly shocking given the track record of growth. Over half a decade, Loblaw Companies managed to grow its earnings per share at 9.2% a year. However, more recent returns haven't been as impressive as that, with the stock returning just 23% in the last year , including dividends . And in our experience, buying the right stocks can give your wealth a significant boost.

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Image courtesy of "NNN"

Examine company's fundamentals for performance (NNN)

By examining the evolution of EPS and changes in stock prices through the years, we can get an idea of how investors' sentiments towards a corporation have ...

However, total shareholder return takes those into consideration, too–assuming those dividends were reinvested and the extent of any discounted capital markets transactions or spin-offs. [EPS](https://nnn.ng/tag/eps/) and changes in stock prices through the years, we can get an idea of how investors’ sentiments towards a corporation have changed. [](https://nnn.ng/hausa/#=bbc hausa kwankwaso) [](https://nnn.ng/i/#=shortner link) [Loblaw Companies](https://nnn.ng/examine-company-s-fundamentals-for-performance/#Loblaw Companies) [TSR](https://nnn.ng/tag/tsr/)). [Foreign](https://nnn.ng/foreign/)

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