
2023 - 1 - 30

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Image courtesy of "Business Wire"

PowerSchool Launches New Tools and Resources to Help ... (Business Wire)

PowerSchool (NYSE: PWSC), the leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education in North America, today announced updates to its PowerSchool.

PowerSchool supports over 45 million students globally and more than 15,000 customers, including more than 90 of the top 100 districts by student enrollment in the United States, and sells solutions in more than 90 countries. Its mission is to power the education ecosystem with unified technology that helps educators and students realize their full potential, in their way. The Student Support Cloud helps boost student attendance and outcomes with communication tools that are proven to increase family engagement and overall support. It simultaneously helps school counselors, state-level agencies, and everyone in between have the insights they need to better support a wide variety of college, career, and life readiness initiatives. The Educator Recruitment Cloud decreases time from recruit to onboarding, while increasing the quality and quantity of applicants. [What Works Clearinghouse*:](https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fies.ed.gov%2Fncee%2FWWC&esheet=53293332&newsitemid=20230130005537&lan=en-US&anchor=What+Works+Clearinghouse*%3A&index=7&md5=19142d1415ad72e0d9c4c1d69d9a7967)Provides evidence-backed academic practice guides on a variety of topics including emotional and physical safety, bullying and physical and mental health. The Student Information Cloud helps educators get actionable insights from various stakeholders, keeps data safe and accessible and improves family engagement and convenience via mobile-responsive solutions that a student’s family can access on any device. Each student is at a different place in their learning journey, making it clear that educators need tools and resources that will help personalize learning, address individual student needs, and streamline their operations. “While educators know every student learns and develops at their own pace, they do not have the time to create individual learning pathways for each student. As we emerge from the past two and half years, the impact of the dramatic learning disruptions experienced by students nationwide is evident. PowerSchool also announced time-saving software Clouds built to provide educators with a more connected approach to planning, engaging, and monitoring students’ unique needs. [BUSINESS WIRE](https://www.businesswire.com/))-- [PowerSchool](https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.powerschool.com%2F&esheet=53293332&newsitemid=20230130005537&lan=en-US&anchor=PowerSchool&index=1&md5=1b1ae7a4dd16c261458ecf41c9477da2) (NYSE: PWSC), the leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education in North America, today announced updates to its [PowerSchool Unified Classroom](https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.powerschool.com%2Fclassroom%2F&esheet=53293332&newsitemid=20230130005537&lan=en-US&anchor=PowerSchool+Unified+Classroom&index=2&md5=029ab4249fd3d868d7c65f496854129b)® and [PowerSchool Unified Insights](https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.powerschool.com%2Finsights%2F&esheet=53293332&newsitemid=20230130005537&lan=en-US&anchor=PowerSchool+Unified+Insights&index=3&md5=9fe85fbaa6f59e60ba72fa8b48eed87b)™ solutions.

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