
2023 - 1 - 15

Police give chase, apprehend suspect (Chatham Daily News)

A 30-year-old woman faces numerous charges after Chatham-Kent police responded to a stolen vehicle complaint in Tilbury on Saturday.

“There were no major injuries as a result of the collision.” “The suspect vehicle then struck an unrelated motorist and came to a stop,” police stated in a release Sunday. The vehicle was spotted entering Chatham shortly after and several police units co-ordinated in an attempt to stop the vehicle.

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Image courtesy of "CBC.ca"

Public to weigh in on proposed Halifax police budget | CBC News (CBC.ca)

The public will have a chance to weigh in on this year's Halifax Regional Police budget at a meeting Monday afternoon.

After all the pre-registered speakers have been called, anyone present in the meeting room can choose to speak then. [proposed a $95.2-million budget](https://www.halifax.ca/media/80534) for the 2023-24 fiscal year, which is up about $6 million from last year, largely due to a bump in officer salaries. It's also looking for two civilian positions: an in-house psychologist and occupational health nurse. [second public meeting of its kind](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/increase-to-halifax-police-budget-faces-public-opposition-at-commission-meeting-1.6335060) after the board opened the budget conversation to public input last year. [holding a special meeting in Dartmouth](https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/boards-committees-commissions/january-16-2023-board-police-commissioners-special-meeting) on the main floor of Alderney Landing. The public will have a chance to weigh in on this year's Halifax police budget at a meeting Monday afternoon.

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Image courtesy of "CTV Toronto"

UofT student suing Toronto police for $1.6M after he was allegedly ... (CTV Toronto)

A police officer's knee was pinned against the neck of a University of Toronto student as he was repeatedly Tasered on the ground with his hands behind his ...

[Montreal](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/) [Man, woman found dead in Vaudreuil-Dorion, Que. [one year after George Floyd](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/george-floyd-s-death-was-a-year-ago-and-traumatizing-details-are-everywhere-here-s-how-to-cope-1.5440373?cache=yes%3FclipId%3D89619) was pinned to the ground by the knee of an officer in Minneapolis. Quebec provincial police (SQ) are investigating after a man and woman were found dead at a home in Vaudreuil-Dorion Sunday. A solidarity mass is underway in a town north of Montreal where three people remain missing following a fire and explosion at a propane distribution company. A plane making a 27-minute flight to a Nepal tourist town crashed into a gorge Sunday while attempting to land at a newly opened airport, killing at least 68 of the 72 people. Ogilvie by the Defendants was anti-Black, discriminatory, unlawful and in violation of the terms of the Ontario Human Rights Code.” Ogilvie, the Defendant Constable Rietkoetter placed his knee and leg on Mr. When O’Gilvie noticed a cruiser following him, he “feared for his safety,” the statement of claim says. The cruiser followed. For that reason, a Toronto police spokesperson said they could not comment on the case. O’Gilvie, 27 at the time, was dropping by a North York plaza before catching the bus to the university’s downtown campus, according to a statement of claim. His mother, Christine O’Gilvie, is also pursuing $250,000 in damages under the Family Law Act.

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Image courtesy of "My Grande Prairie Now"

UPDATE: Clairmont police incident resolved : My Grande Prairie Now (My Grande Prairie Now)

UPDATE: The RCMP says the situation has been resolved as of 11:36 a.m. More information is expected to be released. People in Clairmont are being asked to ...

More details are expected to be released. People in Clairmont are being asked to avoid the 97 block of 108A Avenue in Clairmont due to an ongoing police incident. More information is expected to be released.

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Image courtesy of "BlackburnNews.com"

CK police briefs – Sunday, January 15, 2023 (BlackburnNews.com)

Tilbury woman charged after stolen vehicle rammed into police cruiser, other vehicle. A 30-year-old faces several charges after police say a woman driving a ...

She was charged with theft of a motor vehicle, possession of property obtained by crime. “There were no major injuries as a result of the collision.” The accused was identified as a Tilbury woman and she was arrested at the scene.

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Image courtesy of "CTV Windsor"

Woman hits police cruiser with stolen vehicle before being arrested ... (CTV Windsor)

Chatham-Kent Police responded to a vehicle complaint in Tilbury, Saturday evening, turning into a series of events before an arrest was made.

[Montreal](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/) [Man, woman found dead in Vaudreuil-Dorion, Que. Quebec provincial police (SQ) are investigating after a man and woman were found dead at a home in Vaudreuil-Dorion Sunday. [Vancouver](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/) [Winnipeg](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/) [One person in hospital after train collision in Southdale](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/one-person-in-hospital-after-train-collision-in-southdale-1.6231742) [Calgary](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/) [Armed combat tournament brings medieval knights to Okotoks](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/armed-combat-tournament-brings-medieval-knights-to-okotoks-1.6231771) A solidarity mass is underway in a town north of Montreal where three people remain missing following a fire and explosion at a propane distribution company. home](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/man-woman-found-dead-in-vaudreuil-dorion-que-home-1.6231772) A plane making a 27-minute flight to a Nepal tourist town crashed into a gorge Sunday while attempting to land at a newly opened airport, killing at least 68 of the 72 people. [Northern Ontario](https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/) [National Non-Smoking Week kicks-off](https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/national-non-smoking-week-kicks-off-1.6231783) [Ottawa](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/) [Ottawa firefighters use cellphone signals to find lost hikers](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-firefighters-use-cellphone-signals-to-find-lost-hikers-1.6231490) [Barrie](https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/) [Ryan's Hope over capacity, searching for new space](https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/ryan-s-hope-over-capacity-searching-for-new-space-1.6231708) [Windsor Top Stories](https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/)

Daily News Release- January 15, 2023 - Chatham-Kent Police Service (ckpolice.com)

On 2023-01-14 the Chatham-Kent Police responded to a stolen vehicle complaint in Tilbury. The vehicle was observed entering Chatham shortly thereafter and ...

The accused was identified as a 30 year old Tilbury Woman and arrested at the scene. The vehicle was observed entering Chatham shortly thereafter and several Police units coordinated to stop the vehicle in a safe manner. The suspect vehicle rammed the Police cruiser in front of it and proceeded to flee through a red light at an intersection.

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Image courtesy of "Noovo Info"

Maîtrisé avec un genou sur le cou: un étudiant poursuit la police de ... (Noovo Info)

Un policier a mis son genou sur le cou d'un étudiant de l'Université de Toronto qui avait les mains derrière sa tête, lui qui a également encaissé plusieurs ...

Pour cette raison, un porte-parole de la police de Toronto a déclaré qu'ils ne pouvaient pas commenter l'affaire. La présumée victime, qui était alors âgée de 27 ans à l’époque, se dirigeait vers le campus de l’université. L’étudiant raconte avoir remarqué qu’un véhicule de patrouille le suivait le 12 août 2021.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Allemagne: la police finit d'évacuer les militants opposés à une mine ... (Le Soleil)

La police a annoncé dimanche avoir pratiquement fini d'évacuer les militants pour le climat d'un village allemand dont la destruction a été ordonnée pour ...

a fait état samedi de dizaines de blessés, dont certains graves, dans les rangs des protestataires. Une vingtaine d'entre eux étaient hospitalisés, selon une infirmière de ce groupe de militants, Birte Schramm. Plusieurs véhicules de police ont été endommagés, en particulier par des jets de pierres, et un grand nombre de pneus de véhicules de police ont été crevés, a souligné la police.

POLICE: Drug, weapon charges (Belleville Intelligencer)

A Mallorytown resident faces charges after provincial police seized drugs, cash and a stun gun while investigating a disturbance on Saturday.

Article content

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

70 policiers blessés dans une manifestation contre l'extension d'une ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Quelque 70 policiers ont été blessés samedi dans des affrontements avec des milliers de manifestants s'opposant à l'extension d'une mine de charbon.

Environ 15 000 manifestants, selon la police - 35 000 selon les organisateurs -, dont l'activiste suédoise Greta Thunberg ont protesté contre l'extension d'une mine de lignite à ciel ouvert entraînant la destruction du hameau de Lützerath, dans le bassin rhénan, entre Düsseldorf et Cologne, soutenant des activistes qui occupaient le site et que la police a entrepris de déloger depuis mercredi. Le gouvernement juge nécessaire l'extension de la mine pour la sécurité énergétique de l'Allemagne qui doit compenser l'interruption des livraisons de gaz russe, un motif impérieux que contestent les opposants, au nom de la lutte contre les énergies fossiles. Quelque 70 policiers ont été blessés samedi dans des affrontements avec des milliers de manifestants s'opposant à l'extension d'une mine de charbon dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne, a indiqué dimanche la police allemande.

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

Allemagne : la police accusée de "violence" lors d'une manifestation ... (FRANCE 24)

Selon la police allemande, quelque 70 policiers ont été blessés dans les affrontements avec ces milliers de manifestants s'opposant à l'extension d'une mine de ...

L'évacuation de ces personnes devait initialement durer des semaines, mais la police a déclaré dimanche qu'il ne restait que deux d'entre elles dans ce village, terrées dans un souterrain. Selon la police allemande, quelque 70 policiers ont été blessés dans les affrontements avec ces milliers de manifestants s'opposant à l'extension d'une mine de charbon dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne. a fait état de dizaines de blessés, dont certains graves, dans les rangs des militants, notamment à cause de morsures de chien et des canons à eau.

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Image courtesy of "Le Monde"

En Allemagne, la police accusée de « violence » lors de la ... (Le Monde)

Chaque camp accuse l'autre d'avoir fait monter d'un cran la tension sur le terrain samedi. Des militants s'opposant à l'extension d'une mine de charbon à ...

D’après les forces de l’ordre, plusieurs véhicules de police ont par ailleurs été endommagés, en particulier par des jets de pierres ou leur pneus ayant été crevés. Elle a affirmé que les agents de police avaient battu « sans retenue » les militants pour le climat, en frappant plusieurs d’entre eux à la tête. Ces derniers étaient venus soutenir les activistes qui occupaient le site depuis deux ans et que la police a entrepris de déloger cette semaine.

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Image courtesy of "Le Temps"

La police a entièrement évacué le village de Lützerath pour faire ... (Le Temps)

Des centaines de membres des forces de l'ordre ont évacué les 300 activistes climatiques qui occupaient le hameau a.

«Nous avons été visés par des projectiles, avec des pierres, de la boue, des feux d’artifice», a dit à l’AFP Andreas Müller, son porte-parole. Plusieurs manifestants ont accusé dimanche la police d’avoir réprimé avec «violence» leur rassemblement la veille, qui a dégénéré en affrontements au cours desquels des dizaines de policiers et de manifestants ont été blessés. La police a annoncé dimanche avoir pratiquement fini d’évacuer les militants pour le climat d’un village allemand dont la destruction a été ordonnée pour faire place à l’extension d’une mine de charbon.

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Image courtesy of "Le Nouvelliste"

Allemagne: la police finit d'évacuer les militants opposés à une mine ... (Le Nouvelliste)

La police a annoncé dimanche avoir pratiquement fini d'évacuer les militants pour le climat d'un village allemand dont la destruction a été ordonnée pour ...

a fait état samedi de dizaines de blessés, dont certains graves, dans les rangs des protestataires. Une vingtaine d'entre eux étaient hospitalisés, selon une infirmière de ce groupe de militants, Birte Schramm. Plusieurs véhicules de police ont été endommagés, en particulier par des jets de pierres, et un grand nombre de pneus de véhicules de police ont été crevés, a souligné la police.

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Image courtesy of "SaltWire Network"

Police investigating property damage at a home in Clarenville (SaltWire Network)

CLARENVILLE, N.L. — Police are investigating a residence shot by paintballs that caused property damage in Clarenville on Jan. 11. Police said sometime ...

Police said sometime overnight, a home on Old Church Hill Road was shot with multiple paintball rounds that damaged the residence’s siding. Police ask anyone with information about the incident to call — Police are investigating a residence shot by paintballs that caused property damage in Clarenville on Jan.

POLICE: Drug, weapon charges (Brockville Recorder and Times)

A Mallorytown resident faces charges after provincial police seized drugs, cash and a stun gun while investigating a disturbance on Saturday.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

New plans to widen police powers for disruptive protests (BBC News)

Officers would be able to shut down protests before they cause serious disruption, under new plans.

"We cannot have protests conducted by a small minority disrupting the lives of the ordinary public. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "The right to protest is a fundamental principle of our democracy, but this is not absolute. Under this existing legislation, if the police want to restrict a protest, they generally have to show it may result in "serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community". "Allowing the police to shut down protests before any disruption has taken place simply on the off-chance that it might sets a dangerous precedent, not to mention making the job of officers policing protests much more complex," she said. A balance must be struck between the rights of individuals and the rights of the hard-working majority to go about their day-to-day business. No 10 said the changes would mean police would not have to wait for disruption to take place to shut down a protest.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

UK police to get new powers to shut down protests before disruption ... (The Guardian)

Plans aimed at preventing tactics such as 'slow marching' are part of Rishi Sunak's public order crackdown.

We have not sought any new powers to curtail or constrain protest, but have asked for legal clarity about where the balance of rights should be struck.” Announcing the plans to crack down even further, Sunak said: “The right to protest is a fundamental principle of our democracy, but this is not absolute. It will also bring in new serious disruption prevention orders to place restrictions on individual activists and new stop and search powers for protest. She added they “should be seen for what they are: a desperate attempt to shut down any route for ordinary people to make their voices heard”. No 10 said it would mean that police “will not need to wait for disruption to take place and can shut protests down before chaos erupts”. Sunak said the proposals would be tabled through an amendment to the public order bill, which will be debated in the House of Lords this week.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Sunak Plans to Strengthen Anti-Protest Laws With Police Powers (Bloomberg)

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to strengthen anti-protest legislation, giving police additional powers to clamp down on demonstrations even before ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Police defend big jump in officers in UK schools (BBC News)

The Runnymede Trust race equality think tank found 979 Safer Schools Officers (SSOs) in schools last spring, compared with 683 in 2021. It found SSOs are more ...

"She was in a room, locked in a room. "I felt quite helpless that even my mum couldn't take me to the police station. The government says the deployment of officers in schools is an operational decision for police forces and a matter for individual schools. Another girl was later charged and convicted of assault. The Runnymede Trust is calling for the removal of all SSOs and for the government to invest more funding in school wellbeing services. The Department of Education also says a new investment of a further £10m in 2022/23 will help up to 8,000 schools and colleges promote and support the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils. "Many of the young people that I deal with already have a fear of the police because they feel that they are discriminated against and don't believe the police are fair," she says. "There needs to be dialogue in terms of when you use the police and how they come into schools." "It was weird because I was the only female in the van and they were [grown-ups]," she said. "[SSOs] being in and around schools is to help children and young persons to feel safe," she says. "It's an opportunity to work with children and young persons in a secure environment, to build up that trust and confidence, start those conversations, to build up that rapport," she said. Police officers have worked in schools for decades and were formally introduced in the Safer Schools Partnership programme in 2002.

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Image courtesy of "The Times of Israel"

Haredi protesters clash with police outside Jerusalem cellphone store (The Times of Israel)

Demonstrators rage against sale of devices that can access the internet; Ben Gvir orders police to probe treatment of protesters.

Sign in to stop seeing this](//crm.timesofisrael.com/sign-in) If so, please join The Times of Israel Community. Haredi politicians, now back in power as part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new hard-right coalition, have promised to swiftly reverse those reforms and others they feel targeted the community. Do you rely on The Times of Israel for accurate and insightful news on Israel and the Jewish world? [Join the Times of Israel Community](https://crm.timesofisrael.com/sign-up?utm_campaign=important&utm_source=website&utm_medium=article_end) [Join our Community](https://crm.timesofisrael.com/sign-up?utm_campaign=important&utm_source=website&utm_medium=article_end) [Already a member? Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox men clashed with police outside a Jerusalem cellphone store Sunday evening, as a protest against the sale of phones that can access the internet turned into a brawl.

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

UK government to make it easier for police to stop protests (Aljazeera.com)

UK Prime Minister says changes needed to stop disruption, but critics warn of risk to civil liberties.

“Providing such clarity will create a clearer line for the police to enforce when protests impact upon others who simply wish to go about their lawful business,” he said. Under the proposed changes, police in the UK will be able to close down protests before they even happen, and be allowed to consider the “total impact” of a series of protests rather than handling them individually. The amendments to the Public Order Bill, to be tabled on Monday, will broaden the legal definition of “serious disruption”, giving police greater flexibility and “absolute clarity” over when they can intervene in a protest.

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