
2022 - 12 - 21

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Zelensky in Washington: Ukraine's leader heads to US for first ... (BBC News)

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky is on his way to Washington, where he will meet US President Joe Biden. It is his first foreign trip since Russia ...

President Zelensky has vowed to take back all territory that's under occupation, including areas invaded before February. There, he will find some Republicans who have voiced criticism about the level of US support, as Congress considers approving an extra $50bn in aid. [The UN has recorded 7.8 million people as refugees from Ukraine](https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine) across Europe, including Russia. Mr Zelensky has held regular phone calls with Western leaders since the start of the war. Soldiers gave Mr Zelensky a Ukrainian flag with their names signed on it and asked him to give it to President Biden and the US Congress, in a moment that was captured on camera. "On my way to the US to strengthen resilience and defense capabilities of Ukraine," Mr Zelensky wrote on Twitter.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Biden tells a thankful Zelensky that Ukrainians 'inspire the world' as ... (CNN)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived at the White House on Wednesday launching a dramatic visit to the US -- his first trip outside his homeland ...

He has remained inside his country for the duration of the war, a reflection both of his desire to rally alongside his besieged country and the precarious security situation he would face outside Ukraine. Zelensky viewed the US decision to send Patriot missile defense systems to Ukraine as a major shift in the relationship between the two allies. The official was clear, however, that Biden remained steadfast in keeping the United States out of direct conflict with Russia, despite the enhanced security assistance. For Biden, the visit presents an opportunity to reinforce his convictions for supporting Ukraine, even as the war plods on. On the battlefield, Ukraine has retaken key cities and shown unlikely resistance to an unprepared and ill-equipped Russian army. Scheduling also had to be worked with the White House to assess availability for this to happen. Tight security has been enforced around Zelensky’s visit amid concerns that Russia wants to incapacitate the Ukrainian president, a source close to the Ukrainian leader told CNN on Wednesday. “I understand that we have very important topics and we’ll discuss them, everything, so many challenges in Ukraine, in Europe, in the world, from energy to the situation on the battlefield,” Zelensky said in the Oval Office. Zelensky traveled to Poland by train as part of his journey to the United States on Wednesday. “It’s an honor to be by your side in the united defense against what is a brutal, brutal war that is being waged by Putin.” Biden first discussed the prospect of Zelensky visiting Washington during a telephone call with the Ukrainian leader on December 11, an administration official said. “President Zelensky, the United States stands with the brave people in Ukraine.”

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Image courtesy of "ICI.Radio-Canada.ca"

Volodymyr Zelensky en visite à Washington (ICI.Radio-Canada.ca)

Le président ukrainien n'avait pas quitté son pays depuis le début de l'invasion russe, le 24 février.

Son porte-parole, Dmitri Peskov, a aussi dit ne pas s'attendre à un changement de position de M. Zelensky quant à son refus de négocier avec Vladimir Poutine. Après 300 jours de guerre, Volodymyr Zelensky a réservé sa première visite au pays qui est, de loin, le premier fournisseur d'aide à l'Ukraine. Zelensky a fait part à Joe Biden de sa Le président américain a estimé que c'était un Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a de son côté promis mercredi de continuer à accroître les capacités de son armée et son potentiel nucléaire, tout en se défaussant de toute responsabilité dans la

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Zelensky attendu à Washington mercredi pour une visite déjà ... (Le Devoir)

Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, lors d'une visite dans la ville libérée de Service de presse la présidence ukrainienne via Agence France-Presse Le ...

Et ce processus, bien sûr, nous allons le développer », a déclaré Vladimir Poutine au cours de cette réunion. Son porte-parole, Dmitri Peskov, a aussi dit ne pas s'attendre à un changement de position de M. Zelensky quant à son refus de négocier avec M. Le Kremlin a parallèlement mis en garde contre de nouvelles livraisons d'armes américaines à l'Ukraine, qui n'auront pour effet que d'« aggraver » le conflit. Son ministre de la Défense, Sergueï Choïgou, a dans le même temps assuré que les troupes russes combattaient « les forces combinées de l'Occident » et révélé que Moscou entendait installer des bases de soutien à sa flotte à Marioupol et Berdiansk, deux villes occupées du sud de l'Ukraine. Zelensky, qui n'avait pas quitté son pays depuis le début de l'offensive russe le 24 février, a de son côté exprimé sa « reconnaissance du fond du coeur » pour le soutien des États-Unis, qui se chiffre en milliards de dollars dans le seul domaine militaire, tandis que son hôte a insisté sur la nécessité de parvenir à une « paix juste » pour l'Ukraine.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Zelensky est arrivé à Washington (Le Soleil)

Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, qui n'a pas quitté son pays depuis l'invasion par la Russie le 24 février, sera reçu mercredi à la Maison-Blanche ...

Sur le terrain, les combats se poursuivaient mercredi, l’état-major ukrainien rapportant des attaques et bombardements russes dans l’est et le nord-est. Vladimir Poutine, lui, entend donc faire le point mercredi avec quelque 15 000 responsables militaires, par visioconférence. Nous leur sommes reconnaissants pour leur soutien, mais ce n’est pas assez». Son porte-parole, Dmitri Peskov, a aussi dit ne pas s’attendre à un changement de position de M. Zelensky quant à son refus de négocier avec Vladimir Poutine. Dans un tweet mercredi matin, le président ukrainien a confirmé qu’il était «en route pour les États unis pour renforcer les capacités de résilience et de défense» de l’Ukraine, qu’il rencontrera le président américain et fera un discours devant le Congrès.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

Zelensky meets Biden to boost support for Ukraine before divided ... (The Globe and Mail)

White House says the two leaders will discuss sanctions on Russia and Zelensky's call for a tribunal to prosecute war criminals.

Mr. The White House said the meeting with Mr. It has also tried to find ways to wean Europe off of Russian oil and gas in order to take away the Kremlin’s top source of funds. Zelensky has proven himself a strong communicator during the war, posting daily videos from Kyiv and the front lines, and successfully pressing governments around the world to do more to support his country. I will also have a speech at the Congress and a number of bilateral meetings,” Mr. “Russia is trying to weaponize winter by freezing and starving Ukrainian civilians and forcing families from their home,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement announcing the shipment of Patriot missiles. The White House, with the approval of Congress, has sent nearly US$22-billion in military help to Ukraine over the last two years. Zelensky, speaking in English, said the front lines of the war had stabilized “because of your support” and gave Mr. Zelensky, who wore the olive-green, military-style sweater that had become his trademark throughout the war. “We’re going to continue to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to defend itself,” the U.S. military would give Ukraine Patriot missiles as part of the latest US$1.85-billion package of defence aid. counterpart, Joe Biden, ahead of meetings with national security officials, a news conference and an address to Congress.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Visite à Washington | Zelensky dans les pas de Churchill... jusqu'à ... (La Presse)

Tous deux chefs de guerre d'un pays sous les bombes, tous deux en quête du soutien des États-Unis… La venue de Volodymyr Zelensky à Washington fait écho au ...

Il rencontrera un Joe Biden déterminé à le soutenir. (Washington) Tous deux chefs de guerre d’un pays sous les bombes, tous deux en quête du soutien des États-Unis… « Nous faisons face à des puissances énormes.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

In Photos: Zelensky Meets With Biden In D.C. Ahead Of Historic ... (Forbes)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky landed outside Washington on Wednesday for his first official foreign trip since Russia invaded the country in ...

On top of the funding Congress has already approved, Congress is also considering including [$45 billion](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3781964-final-funding-bill-includes-45b-for-ukraine/) in additional emergency funding for Ukraine in its year-end omnibus bill—$8 billion more than the $37 billion Biden [asked](https://apnews.com/article/biden-europe-congress-government-and-politics-bddc8fc02afcc2a072bbdd388dc1a658) Congress to provide last month. The visit comes as Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced an additional $1.85 billion security [assistance package](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/us-sending-185-billion-in-military-aid-to-ukraine/2022/12/21/a25c302c-8152-11ed-8738-ed7217de2775_story.html) for Ukraine, including an advanced Patriot air defense missile battery—a key defense system that Ukraine has requested in its defense of an onslaught of Russian aerial attacks—as well as funding for SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet service. [provided](https://www.csis.org/analysis/aid-ukraine-explained-six-charts) roughly $68 billion in military and humanitarian aid to the eastern European country since the war began. and address Congress in a joint meeting at 7:30 p.m. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky landed in the U.S. “to strengthen resilience and defense capabilities of [Ukraine]

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

At long last, Zelensky gets his White House meeting (The Washington Post)

Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president of Ukraine on April 21, 2019. He defeated incumbent president Petro Poroshenko by a wide margin, a function both of ...

For his part, Biden wants to demonstrate the solidity of the relationship in part as a way of keeping Russia, and President Vladimir Putin, in check. His trip to the United States is intended to bolster America’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s defense — and once again, to send a signal to Russia about the strength of the U.S.-Ukrainian alliance. and Ukraine were allied was simply a point of pressure Trump could put to his own uses. Now, he wants an international demonstration that the support is ongoing — and even It’s also, in part, probably meant to put pressure on Republican legislators who’ve been using aid to Ukraine as a point of attack against the Biden administration. When Biden, then serving as vice president, joined other international leaders in 2015 in calling for the ouster of a prosecutor accused of corruption, the prosecutor alleged that he’d been targeted by Biden because he’d been about to expose corruption at Burisma. The Ukrainian left his home country in secret, making his way by train to Poland, where With no announcement from Zelensky, the Trump administration halted planned military aid for Ukraine — until a whistleblower drew attention to the effort to leverage governmental power to benefit Trump’s reelection. “We in Ukraine are an independent country and independent Ukraine,” Zelensky said — an unsubtle reminder of the existing conflict with Russia. The supposed predicate, you’ll recall, was that Biden’s son Hunter worked as an adviser to a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma. “I also wanted to thank you for your invitation to visit the United States, specifically Washington, D.C.,” Zelensky told Trump. Behind the scenes, Trump and his allies continued to pressure Zelensky for an announced investigation.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Biden promet à Zelensky de «renforcer» son soutien à l'Ukraine (Le Journal de Québec)

Joe Biden a promis à Volodymyr Zelensky de «continuer à renforcer la capacité de l'Ukraine à se défendre, en particulier la défense antiaérienne».

Il a fait part à Joe Biden de sa «reconnaissance du fond du coeur» pour son rôle «moteur» face à l'invasion de l'Ukraine. Recevant son homologue au coin du feu dans le Bureau ovale, pour le premier déplacement international du président ukrainien depuis l'invasion de son pays en février, le président américain lui a aussi affirmé qu'il soutenait l'aspiration de Kiev à une «paix juste». Lors d'une rencontre historique mercredi, Joe Biden a promis à Volodymyr Zelensky de «continuer à renforcer la capacité de l'Ukraine à se défendre, en particulier la défense antiaérienne», tandis que le président ukrainien l'a remercié pour son «grand soutien».

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Le président Zelensky est arrivé à la Maison-Blanche (TVA Nouvelles)

Volodymyr Zelensky a été accueilli mercredi sur le perron de la Maison-Blanche par son homologue américain Joe Biden pour la première visite du chef d'État ...

Et ce processus, bien sûr, nous allons le développer», a déclaré Vladimir Poutine au cours de cette réunion. Au moins cinq personnes ont été tuées et 17 blessées ces dernières 24 heures dans le pays, selon la présidence. Au cours de ce déplacement aux contraintes de sécurité exceptionnelles et qui ne durera que «quelques courtes heures», M. À l'occasion d'un déplacement sur le point le plus chaud du front mardi, à Bakhmout (est), le président ukrainien avait d'une certaine manière déjà levé le voile. Zelensky quant à son refus de négocier avec Vladimir Poutine. Son porte-parole, Dmitri Peskov, a aussi dit ne pas s'attendre à un changement de position de M.

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Image courtesy of "TMZ"

Ukraine's Zelensky Arrives at White House, Meets President Biden (TMZ)

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky just shook hands with President Joe Biden at the White House, his first trip outside his war-torn country since Vladimir ...

[Vladimir Putin](https://www.tmz.com/people/vladimir-putin/)'s forces ... that began with a visit to the White House to meet with President [Joe Biden](https://www.tmz.com/people/joe-biden/). is sending more weapons to arm the Ukrainians, including artillery, missiles, grenade launchers, armored trucks and mortars. The first time came back in March, not long after the Russian invasion started, and he appeared remotely. [addressed Congress before](https://www.tmz.com/2022/03/16/ukraine-volodymyr-zelensky-congress-virtual-plea-live-stream-russia-war/), but not in person. When the applause finally died down and Zelensky had a chance to give his speech, he got emotional ... It's quite a contrast in fashion styles ... Meanwhile, back in the Ukraine ... [Kamala Harris](https://www.tmz.com/people/kamala-harris/) and [Nancy Pelosi](https://www.tmz.com/people/nancy-pelosi/) before trying to begin his speech ... before addressing a joint session of Congress, he was greeted with rousing applause and a standing ovation as he was introduced at the Capitol. with his standing ovation lasting over a minute. This time he was invited to D.C.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Zelensky dans les pas de Churchill à Washington (Le Devoir)

Le premier ministre britannique s'était attardé trois semaines entre fin décembre 1941 et début janvier 1942, à l'invitation de Franklin D. Roosevelt. Les ...

Il a rencontré un Joe Biden déterminé à le soutenir. « Nous faisons face à des puissances énormes. Mais le président américain a bien fait comprendre qu’il n’enverrait certainement pas de troupes en Ukraine, ni même d’avions ou de missiles à longue portée. De telles excentricités sont impensables en 2022, dans un monde où les transports sont infiniment plus rapides, tandis que les échanges diplomatiques sont beaucoup plus policés et surtout soumis à des conditions de sécurité incomparablement plus sévères. [La venue de ](https://www.ledevoir.com/monde/europe/775434/zelensky-attendu-a-washington-mercredi-pour-une-visite-deja-historique?utm_source=recirculation&utm_medium=hyperlien&utm_campaign=corps_texte) [Volodymyr Zelensky](https://www.ledevoir.com/volodymyr-zelensky?utm_source=recirculation&utm_medium=hyperlien&utm_campaign=corps_texte) à Washington fait écho au passage de Winston Churchill dans la capitale américaine en 1941. « Le président Zelensky se tiendra ici comme Winston Churchill s’y est tenu il y a plusieurs générations, non seulement comme un chef d’État mais comme un ambassadeur de la liberté », a déjà noté mercredi Chuck Schumer, chef de file des démocrates au Sénat, avant le discours du président ukrainien, prévu en soirée au Capitole.

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Image courtesy of "iHeartRadio"

Zelensky rencontre Biden et s'adressera au Congrès lors de son ... (iHeartRadio)

Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky est arrivé à la Maison Blanche, mercredi, afin de rencontrer son homologue américain Joe Biden.

M. Biden se réjouissait de la visite de M. Avant de prendre le chemin des États-Unis, M. La visite de M. Zelensky a accepté l'invitation vendredi et elle a été confirmée dimanche, lorsque la Maison-Blanche a commencé à se coordonner avec la présidente de la Chambre, Nancy Pelosi, pour organiser le discours au Congrès. Cette importante visite de M. Biden et Zelensky ont d'abord discuté de l'idée d'une visite lors d'un appel téléphonique le 11 décembre, suivi d'une invitation officielle trois jours plus tard, selon un haut responsable de l'administration américaine. Dans un communiqué publié mardi soir, l'attachée de presse de la Maison-Blanche a indiqué que M. Biden a déclaré que la Russie «essaie d'utiliser l'hiver comme une arme, mais que le peuple ukrainien continue d'inspirer le monde». Il a dit au président Zelensky, qui portait un chandail en coton ouaté et des bottes de couleur vert armée, que «c'est un honneur d'être à ses côtés». Joe Biden a accueilli M. Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky est arrivé aux États-Unis, mercredi.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Your Thursday Briefing: Zelensky at the White House (The New York Times)

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine met with President Biden at the White House during his first trip outside Ukraine since the Russian invasion began ...

[You can find all our puzzles here](https://www.nytimes.com/crosswords). [repatriated artifacts such](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/arts/museums-looted-art-repatriation.html) as precious terra cotta figures to Italy and antiquities to Cambodia. [Patriot missile battery](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/20/world/russia-ukraine-news/the-us-will-give-ukraine-patriot-missiles-for-the-first-time?smid=url-share), the most advanced U.S. But many Republican lawmakers [are hostile to authorizing more money](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/21/world/volodymyr-zelensky-russia-ukraine-news/zelensky-faces-an-uphill-battle-with-many-republican-house-members?smid=url-share) to Ukraine just as they are poised to take control of the House of Representatives in January. [$44 billion more in emergency aid to Ukraine](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/21/world/volodymyr-zelensky-russia-ukraine-news#congress-spending-bill-ukraine-aid), which would bring the total U.S. Biden told Zelensky that the Ukrainian people “ [inspire the world](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/21/world/volodymyr-zelensky-russia-ukraine-news/72280031-dcd1-5768-978e-be1fdebc8123?smid=url-share).” [Ukraine still needs more powerful weapons](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/21/world/volodymyr-zelensky-russia-ukraine-news/on-zelenskys-agenda-messages-of-success-and-thanks-but-also-warnings-of-russias-continued-threat?smid=url-share), according to Ukrainian politicians. In military circles, the Patriot [is viewed as a security blanket](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/21/us/politics/patriot-missiles-russia-ukraine-us.html), protection from incoming fire. [spoke in English and expressed](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/21/world/volodymyr-zelensky-russia-ukraine-news/bf1f8b34-0f9c-5f04-8ee3-bc08797120a2?smid=url-share) “all my appreciations, from my heart, from the heart of Ukrainians — all Ukrainians” for the U.S. Here’s a clue: Biblical garden (four letters). There has been a recent resurgence in violence from the militants. The visit amounts to a daring show of solidarity with Ukraine’s most powerful ally and its largest foreign supplier of weapons.

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Image courtesy of "Morning Star Online"

Zelensky in Washington will only 'bring direct war with Russia closer ... (Morning Star Online)

The Ukrainian president travelled to the US capital today in his first foreign trip since the Russian invasion began in February. In the early days of the ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

What Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden want from this Washington ... (BBC News)

President Volodymyr Zelensky has been tethered to Ukrainian soil ever since Russia invaded his country nearly 10 months ago.

And to the American people, who continue to support US aid in large numbers but not by the overwhelming margins of earlier this year. To US allies who may be wavering in the face of a long, hard winter of high energy prices and economic pain. Ten months and approximately $65bn in US aid later, Mr Zelensky is seeking to demonstrate to his fellow Ukrainians the breadth of US support.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Zelensky à Washington, Biden promet son aide «aussi longtemps ... (Le Soleil)

Joe Biden a promis mercredi au président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, en visite historique à la Maison Blanche, de «continuer à renforcer la capacité de ...

Et ce processus, bien sûr, nous allons le développer», a déclaré Vladimir Poutine au cours de cette réunion. Joe Biden s'est par ailleurs dit «pas du tout inquiet» pour la solidité de l'alliance occidentale face à l'invasion russe. Son ministre de la Défense, Sergueï Choïgou, a dans le même temps assuré que les troupes russes combattaient «les forces combinées de l'Occident» et révélé que Moscou entendait installer des bases de soutien à sa flotte à Marioupol et Berdiansk, deux villes occupées du sud de l'Ukraine. Portant un pull-over kaki siglé du trident ukrainien, M. «Poutine pensait qu'il affaiblirait l'Otan, à la place il a renforcé l'Otan.» «Nous resterons à vos côtés aussi longtemps qu'il le faudra», a déclaré le président américain au cours d'une conférence de presse commune avec le président ukrainien.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Le président Zelensky est arrivé aux États-Unis (Le Journal de Montréal)

Volodymyr Zelensky, qui n'avait pas quitté son pays depuis l'invasion déclenchée par la Russie le 24 février, est arrivé aux États-Unis.

Et ce processus, bien sûr, nous allons le développer», a déclaré Vladimir Poutine au cours de cette réunion. Au moins cinq personnes ont été tuées et 17 blessées ces dernières 24 heures dans le pays, selon la présidence. Au cours de ce déplacement aux contraintes de sécurité exceptionnelles et qui ne durera que «quelques courtes heures», M. À l'occasion d'un déplacement sur le point le plus chaud du front mardi, à Bakhmout (est), le président ukrainien avait d'une certaine manière déjà levé le voile. Zelensky quant à son refus de négocier avec Vladimir Poutine. Son porte-parole, Dmitri Peskov, a aussi dit ne pas s'attendre à un changement de position de M.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Biden and Zelensky Present a United Front Against Russia (The New York Times)

WASHINGTON — President Biden and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine presented a united front against Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Wednesday, ...

But Mr. Mr. Biden and Mr. Zelensky presented Mr. Biden, Mr. And he faces a concerted effort by Mr. weapons would lead “to an aggravation of the conflict,” and Mr. Following the meeting with Mr. Later, when a reporter from Ukraine asked Mr. A top adviser to Mr. In the space of 24 hours, just days before Christmas, Mr. Zelensky said, standing at a podium next to Mr.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

In Washington, Zelensky seeks to rally support for grueling war with ... (The Washington Post)

The Ukrainian leader speaks to Biden and Congress on an extraordinary day marking his first international trip since the start of Russia's invasion.

[Zelensky made an impassioned and emotional plea to Congress](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/12/21/zelensky-biden-congress-speech/?itid=lb_war-in-ukraine-what-you-need-to-know_1) on Wednesday for continued American support in the fight against Russia. Biden has developed a close relationship with Zelensky that has at times been contentious, particularly as the Ukrainian leader has privately and publicly pressured the United States and European nations to do more. The officer met with Zelensky when he made an unexpected visit Tuesday to Bakhmut, the site of some of the bloodiest fighting in the war, and asked the Ukrainian leader to give the medal to Biden as a token of his gratitude. Putin initially thought Kyiv would fall in a matter of days after he invaded the country, but Russia had to quickly scale back its ambitions and focus on the country’s east after Ukrainian forces held them off. The officer wrote Biden a letter, the White House said, to express Ukraine’s appreciation for U.S. Biden also at times spoke in emotional terms about the need to support Ukraine and the horrors Zelensky and his people have endured at the hands of Putin. The president, wearing a blue and yellow tie — the colors of Ukraine’s flag — shook hands with Zelensky before all three posed for photos. Maintaining domestic and global support for Ukraine as the war drags on far longer than initially anticipated has become a central mission of Biden’s presidency and is a microcosm of his broader foreign and domestic policy framework. “It’s fully appropriate that Zelensky’s first trip outside his country would be to Washington,” said Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group, a geopolitical consulting firm. Earlier in the day, Biden vowed to support Ukraine “as long as it takes” as the two leaders spoke about Russian President Vladimir Putin sharply — signaling that an end to the fighting is nowhere in sight. He added, “The main thing what I can wish you, and of course, to be together with us generally because we really fight for our common victory against this tyranny.” But Zelensky, who has found his closest ally in Biden, faced a far greater challenge on Capitol Hill, where a growing number of House Republicans — who are poised to take control of the chamber in January — have expressed skepticism or outright opposition to continuing to send more aid to Ukraine.

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Image courtesy of "Rolling Stone"

Ukrainian President Zelensky Addresses Congress in D.C. (Rolling Stone)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Congress on Wednesday, his first trip abroad since Russia invaded in February.

decision to send the Patriot missile defense system long sought by Ukraine’s government as a major shift between the allies, and a decision that seems to have influenced his visit to Washington. “I mean that sincerely — not just inspire us, but inspire the world with their courage.” The Patriot could aid Ukraine’s defense against Russian missile attacks that Zelensky previously said have targeted about half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. “Let the world see that the United States are here.” Security was tight around Zelensky’s arrival amid concerns that Russia aims to incapacitate the Ukrainian president, a source told CNN on Wednesday. Earlier on Wednesday, Zelensky sat down with Biden for a discussion in the Oval Office about the country’s future with Ukraine. The world is too interconnected and interdependent to allow someone to stay aside and at the same time feel safe when such a battle continues. “The Ukrainian people continue to inspire the world,” he continued. The visit came ahead of the Ukrainian President’s address to [Congress](https://www.rollingstone.com/t/congress/) as he seeks military and economic support from his top international partner to counter Russian attacks. “The Russian tyranny has lost control over.” In his speech, he thanked his allies for the support and underscored the victories made so far, while also looking to strengthen sanctions against Russia. Zelensky entered the chamber at around 7:36 pm E.T.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Zelensky Thanks U.S. In Speech To Congress—But Calls For More ... (Forbes)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country is “alive and kicking” despite Russia's brutal 10-month-long invasion during a speech to Congress ...

aid](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-62512681) with helping Ukraine stifle Russia’s ambitions, as the country [deflected](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/interactive/2022/kyiv-battle-ukraine-survival/) an attempted Russian takeover of Kyiv and [pushed back](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-62512681) against Russia’s occupation of eastern Ukraine. [Mitch McConnell](https://www.republicanleader.senate.gov/newsroom/remarks/mcconnell-on-zelenskyy-visit-helping-ukraine-directly-serves-core-american-interests) (R-Ky.), but a handful of lawmakers are more skeptical. Most recently, the Pentagon unveiled a $1.85 billion aid package this week that included a [long-sought](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/ukraine-welcomes-arms-offers-word-patriot-missiles-94201349) [Patriot air defense system](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/21/us/politics/patriot-missiles-russia-ukraine-us.html), leading Zelensky to say Wednesday he will return home with “good news.” [series of](https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2022/05/01/nancy-pelosi-leads-congressional-delegation-in-secret-visit-to-kyiv-meets-zelensky/?sh=7d58e8ca1fa9) [congressional trips](https://www.forbes.com/sites/annakaplan/2022/05/14/mcconnell-makes-secret-trip-to-ukraine-with-delegation-of-republican-senators/?sh=2328f54e7f76) to Kyiv. But Zelensky has [regularly asked](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-did-ukraine-president-zelensky-ask-for-during-his-call-with-u-s-congress) Biden and American lawmakers for more assistance, and [some](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/12/19/ukrainian-fears-grow-new-russian-invasion-belarus/) [Ukrainian military officials](https://www.economist.com/zaluzhny-transcript) warn Russia could redouble its efforts to take over wide swaths of Ukraine or even mount a second invasion of the country next year. In the coming days, Congress could approve another $44.9 billion in Ukraine-related funding as part of its 2023 fiscal year spending package. and its allies to tighten their already-strict sanctions on Russia’s government and economy, with Zelensky [calling](https://www.politico.eu/article/zelenskyy-criticizes-eu-price-cap-on-russian-oil-as-weak/) a $60-per-barrel cap on the price of Russian oil imposed by the U.S. Earlier Wednesday, Zelensky visited the White House to meet with President Joe Biden. The United States has offered extensive support to Ukraine’s military since the war began, ranging from fairly straightforward anti-tank and anti-air weapons to more sophisticated long-range rocket launchers and air [defense systems](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/21/1144662505/us-ukraine-patriot-missile-system). lawmakers for sending military support to Ukraine while also making the case for more western aid. offered to begin sending to Ukraine this week—will help deflect Russian air attacks on Ukrainian cities. global security and democracy.”

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Biden promet à Zelensky de «renforcer» son soutien à l'Ukraine (Le Journal de Montréal)

Joe Biden a promis à Volodymyr Zelensky de «continuer à renforcer la capacité de l'Ukraine à se défendre, en particulier la défense antiaérienne».

Et ce processus, bien sûr, nous allons le développer», a déclaré Vladimir Poutine au cours de cette réunion. Joe Biden s’est par ailleurs dit «pas du tout inquiet» pour la solidité de l’alliance occidentale face à l’invasion russe. «Je n’ai jamais vu l’OTAN ou l’UE aussi unies», a-t-il déclaré. Portant un pull-over kaki siglé du trident ukrainien, M. Son ministre de la Défense, Sergueï Choïgou, a dans le même temps assuré que les troupes russes combattaient «les forces combinées de l’Occident» et révélé que Moscou entendait installer des bases de soutien à sa flotte à Marioupol et Berdiansk, deux villes occupées du sud de l’Ukraine. Joe Biden a promis mercredi au président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, en visite historique à la Maison-Blanche, de «continuer à renforcer la capacité de l’Ukraine à se défendre», avec l’engagement des États-Unis de lui fournir leur système sophistiqué de défense antiaérienne Patriot.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Zelensky offre au Congrès américain un drapeau ukrainien (TVA Nouvelles)

Zelensky offre au Congrès américain un drapeau ukrainien venant de Bakhmout, une ville de l'Ukraine actuellement le point le plus chaud du front.

«Quand j'étais à Bakhmout hier, nos héros m'ont donné le drapeau, leur drapeau. • À lire aussi:

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

«L'Ukraine ne se rendra jamais» (Le Devoir)

Photo: Carolyn Kaster Associated Press La cheffe de la Chambre desreprésentants, Nancy Pelosi, a remis à Volodymyr Zelensky un drapeau américain. En échange, le ...

« Nous avons de l’artillerie, oui », a-t-il dit, ajoutant : « Est-ce assez ? Accueilli par une ovation debout des membres de la Chambre des représentants et du Sénat, le président ukrainien, vêtu de sa traditionnelle tenue kaki, en anglais et avec la plus grande solennité, a dit : « Contrairement aux prédictions les plus funestes, l’Ukraine n’est pas tombée. « Quand j’étais à Bakhmout, hier, nos héros m’ont donné le drapeau, leur drapeau. « Les drones mortels envoyés par centaines par l’Iran à la Russie sont devenus une menace pour notre infrastructure stratégique. » L’Ukraine est vivante et combative.

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Image courtesy of "The Atlantic"

Zelensky Recalled Us to Ourselves (The Atlantic)

He came to thank the U.S. for supporting Ukraine. It is Americans who should thank him. By David Frum. President Volodymyr Zelensky with a Ukrainian ...

We didn’t believe the Ukrainians could do it, in part because we didn’t believe we could do it. The extremists and conspiracists and populists, the authoritarians and kleptocrats and theocrats who have all gained so much ascendancy in recent years, they do not speak for us. His praise strengthened Republican friends of Ukraine such as Senator Mitch McConnell—and the reverberating applause for his praise left the friends of Putin in Congress and in conservative media more aware than ever of their ideological extremism and political isolation. Certainly, it surprised the rest of the world, democratic and nondemocratic alike. The intended victim began to win. Perhaps it surprised the Ukrainians themselves. When he ordered the invasion 10 months ago, Putin apparently expected to roll into Kyiv in days. The slogan “America First”—seemingly discredited forever along with its fascism-friendly promoters of the late 1930s and early ’40s—was revived. Unsurprisingly, “America First” summoned forth reciprocal chauvinism from countries on the receiving end of American tariffs and American disrespect. Political scientists have dubbed the past 20 years an age of “democratic recession.” There are fewer democracies on the planet. He came to Washington to ask for assistance. Congress, those eight may have been the most urgent and important.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

À Washington, Zelensky dans les pas de Churchill... jusqu'à un ... (Le Soleil)

Comment ne pas penser au «Nous ne nous rendrons jamais», («We shall never surrender») du premier ministre britannique, dans l'un des plus célèbres discours de l ...

Mais le président américain n'a aucune intention d'envoyer des troupes en Ukraine, et d'engager les États-Unis dans une guerre mondiale. Joe Biden a certes répété qu'il soutiendrait l'Ukraine «aussi longtemps qu'il le faudra». «Nous faisons face à des puissances énormes. C'est exactement ce que fait le peuple ukrainien», a-t-elle affirmé. Winston Churchill s'est risqué à traverser l'océan malgré la menace des sous-marins allemands, tandis que le voyage du chef d'État ukrainien, en avion, a été préparé dans le plus grand secret, et annoncé à la dernière minute. Il avait «dit à l'époque que nous faisions le plus noble travail du monde, en défendant non seulement des foyers et des maisons mais la cause de la liberté dans tous les pays.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

«Vous ne serez jamais seuls», promet Biden à Zelensky (Le Soleil)

«Vous ne serez jamais seuls», voilà la promesse solennelle faite à Washington par Joe Biden à Volodymyr Zelensky, tandis que ce dernier a dit qu'il n'était ...

(...) Il est prêt à donner sa vie pour son pays», a assuré le président américain. «C’est la guerre, je suis désolé», a-t-il ensuite fait mine de s’excuser en anglais, faisant rire la salle et sourire son homologue. Les Européens «ne veulent pas entrer en guerre avec la Russie», a-t-il dit.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

«L'Ukraine ne se rendra jamais» assure Zelensky sous les ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

L'Ukraine «tient ses positions et ne se rendra jamais», a lancé Volodymyr Zelensky mercredi sous les applaudissements du Congrès américain.

«Quand j'étais à Bakhmout hier (une ville de l'est ravagée par les combats, ndlr) nos héros m'ont donné le drapeau, leur drapeau. «Les drones mortels envoyés par centaines par l'Iran à la Russie sont devenus une menace pour notre infrastructure stratégique. L'Ukraine est vivante et combative.»

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Zelensky offre au Congrès américain un drapeau ukrainien (Le Journal de Montréal)

Zelensky offre au Congrès américain un drapeau ukrainien venant de Bakhmout, une ville de l'Ukraine actuellement le point le plus chaud du front.

«Quand j'étais à Bakhmout hier, nos héros m'ont donné le drapeau, leur drapeau. • À lire aussi:

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Zelensky seizes moment before GOP controls House (CNN)

Fresh from a trip to the bloody front lines in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky strode onto the ornate US House floor on Wednesday evening in his ...

Just a third of Republicans supported indefinite support in the survey. The Patriot missiles the Biden administration will send to Ukraine have gotten so much attention as a defensive system that could help protect Kyiv and the country’s electrical grid. “We want to make sure there’s accountability for every money that we spent.” Wednesday’s White House reception could not have been the one Zelensky envisioned years ago when he faced then-President Donald Trump’s call for him to investigate Biden in exchange for military aid. Without specifics, Zelensky endorsed the idea of a peace summit for this winter. “We need you right now,” he said at the time, early in the conflict, when he compared daily Russian strikes on Ukraine to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, attacks that shocked the United States. She handed him an American flag that had been flown over the US Capitol, which he carried out of the chamber. One major reason the US has not provided more direct aid to Ukraine is concern that Putin would be provoked against NATO. The US has provided more than $21 billion in defense assistance in less than a year. It’s in contrast to Vladimir Putin, who David Petraeus before Zelensky’s remarks. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has previously floated the idea of Russia retreating out of areas it invaded since February.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

For Zelensky, a Celebration of Resilience and a Sales Pitch for ... (The New York Times)

President Volodymyr Zelensky behind a podium as lawmakers give him a standing ovation. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine urged a joint session of Congress ...

Putin himself got a bit of the last word on Wednesday, saying he would spend whatever it takes, and take whatever time is required, to meet his goals. But they fully expect him to conduct a long, grinding conflict in the south and east, centered on the provinces he has declared are part of Russia. Air defenses have taken down a large percentage of the drones and missiles fired at Ukraine’s cities and infrastructure, but the number of attacks is so overwhelming that plenty get through. It was a subtle way of saying that the war is not just Ukraine’s fight, but part of Washington’s long standoff with a state sponsor of terror that is Zelensky tried to appeal to the minority of Republicans who are reluctant to spend more in a conflict whose end is nowhere in sight. From the start of the conflict, Mr. And he made clear, without quite saying so, that the biggest mistake now would be to give Mr. He was, of course, turning to the real reason for his visit. Zelensky to address all of that and make the case for more without actually reading out a shopping list. Yet he acknowledged the sheer mass of the Russian force now being reassembled as Mr. Russia has been in retreat, America has provided ever-more-powerful weapons, there is plenty of money for more, and the Western alliance is still intact. Zelensky and his top military officials doubt that the Russian forces that invaded in February can be

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Visite de Zelensky à Washington: aucune «volonté d'écouter la ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

Le Kremlin a estimé jeudi que la visite du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky aux Etats-Unis n'a illustré aucune «volonté d'écouter la Russie».

Zelensky contre «la poursuite du bombardement des immeubles résidentiels dans les zones peuplées du Donbass», région de l'est de l'Ukraine en partie contrôlée par des séparatistes prorusses et régulièrement visée par les forces ukrainiennes. Choïgou s'est d'ailleurs rendu pour une inspection sur les positions russes en Ukraine, a indiqué son ministère jeudi sans préciser le lieu ou la date de cette visite. Il s'était déjà rendu dans la zone de l'opération quelques jours auparavant, signe d'une volonté d'un contrôle plus étroit de Moscou sur ses troupes sur place. Zelensky a été reçu en héros à Washington, s'entretenant avec son homologue Joe Biden et prononçant un discours sous les applaudissements des parlementaires américains. Peskov, il n'y a pas eu lors de cette visite «de véritables appels à la paix» ou de «mises en garde» américaines à M. Le Kremlin a dénoncé jeudi une absence de «volonté d'écouter la Russie» après la visite du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky aux États-Unis, lors de laquelle il a reçu de nouvelles promesses d'aides, preuve pour Moscou que Washington mène une «guerre indirecte» en Ukraine.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Ukraine war: Zelensky urges US to help it defeat Russia (BBC News)

On his first foreign trip since the Russian invasion began, the Ukrainian leader pleads for more support.

"Ukraine holds its lines and will never surrender." They threw everything against us, similar to the other tyranny, which in the Battle of the Bulge threw everything it had against the free world. Concluding his speech, Mr Zelensky presented Congress with a battle flag signed by the defenders of Bakhmut, a frontline city in the east of Ukraine that he visited on the eve of his Washington trip. In fact, Republican support for continued assistance has been eroding. They burn down and destroy everything they see. Mr Zelensky - wearing his trademark combat-green sweatshirt and boots - expressed hope that Congress would pass an extra $45bn in aid to Ukraine - currently before the US Senate - to "help us to defend our values and independence".

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Image courtesy of "The American Conservative"

Zelensky Takes Washington - The American Conservative (The American Conservative)

I wish the US had leaders that cared about our country's interests as much as Zelensky cares about his.

None of this diminishes the courage and canny of President Zelensky, but it does challenge what faith one has in the ruling class of the United States. One has had surgery and is on hormones, and will be dependent on pharmaceuticals for the rest of her life. Said my friend, "If that were me, I would leave the US and move to a place where this madness is labeled what it is: madness." This does not mean that Ukraine should become a puppet state of Moscow, but it does mean that it is folly to think that Russia can stand by while Ukraine allies with its enemy. It's easy to put the Ukrainian flag on your front porch, to say, "Slava Ukraini," and the rest, when you don't feel the cost of continuing this war. (On that front, just this morning, a European friend texted with the information that his close friend from high school moved to California some years ago, and let my friend know this morning that his (the immigrant to California) daughter now wants to be a boy. They most certainly have not, and that is mostly due to the leadership of Zelensky. He also says it is absurd for the United States, whose "Monroe Doctrine" requires it to oppose any Great Powers establishing themselves in the Americas, to also believe that Russia has no legitimate interest in preventing Ukraine from joining NATO. If that is the standard for "absolute victory," then the war will grind on. As I see it, if Ukraine would give up its claims to its eastern territories and to Crimea (where the Russian Black Sea fleet is docked), in exchange for solid security guarantees, short of joining NATO, and if the US would give up its insistence that Ukraine join NATO, then we might conceivably have peace. It sounds like the whole "if we don't fight them there, we will have to fight them here" line that the Bush Administration used to justify the unjust and foolish Iraq war. The Russians, one of the three Great Powers of the world, should have been able to overrun Ukraine quickly.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

How did President Zelensky get to Washington? (BBC News)

The extraordinary measures taken to transport Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky from Ukraine to the US capital are a sign of just how crucial the two ...

The visit appears to have gone smoothly, but American security officials will only relax when Mr Zelensky has returned safely to Kyiv. "We are very cognizant that Russia has assets in this country and might try to do something," one senior official told the network. Pictures from Polish TV showed an entourage including Mr Zelensky walking along a platform with a blue-yellow Ukrainian train in the background.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Zelensky à Washington: «Biden met l'accent sur un éventuel plan de ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Mercredi, le président ukrainien a rencontré Joe Biden à Washington. Voici l'analyse de Luc Laliberté, spécialiste en politique américaine.

De l’autre côté, il rappelle à M. Il y a des armes qu’il refuse à l’Ukraine pour éviter une escalade du conflit. Dans son allocution d’une trentaine de minutes, Zelensky a fait référence aux batailles de Saratoga, donc l’indépendance des États-Unis, et il a aussi référé à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Leadership Stagecraft: Churchill And Zelensky Stand Up For Freedom (Forbes)

Winston Churchill spent Christmas of 1941 in the White House. Churchill used the time to plot strategy with Franklin Roosevelt in the wake of the U.S.'s ...

Both used their craft to bring the audience, at home and abroad, into the heart of their message. And it is heartening that both Churchill and Zelensky view America not simply as a giant storehouse of weaponry and financial support. “It is not given to us to peer into the mysteries of the future. Congress to have it as a gesture of their gratitude. When the speech emerges from an existential threat, words become the window into the leader's soul and hopes for the future. And it gives me good reason to share with you our first, first joint victory: We defeated Russia in the battle for minds of the world. The American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory. Both leaders also invested themselves in the delivery, alternately charming and direct. By the way, I cannot help reflecting that if my father had been American and my mother British instead of the other way around, I might have got here on my own.” The U.S. Churchill used the time to plot strategy with Franklin Roosevelt in the wake of the U.S.'s entry into World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Ukrainians gained this victory, and it gives us courage which inspires the entire world.

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Image courtesy of "The New Yorker"

Volodymyr Zelensky's Critical Visit to Washington, D.C. (The New Yorker)

The Ukrainian President's trajectory is often cast as surprising, but what makes him compelling as a political leader is the former comic's talent for ...

“It’s an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.” He appealed to their vanity. Zelensky noted that he showered and that he likes to eat. “Ladies and gentlemen—ladies and gentlemen, Americans, in two days we will celebrate Christmas,” Zelensky said, his phrasing underscoring the synchronicity of the American and Ukrainian holiday. “This battle,” he said, “cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will provide a protection.” He appealed to their economic self-interest, too. All of these will be the result of Russian missile and drone attacks on our energy infrastructure.” But, he reassured his listeners, he was not challenging their right to have heat, hot water, and the power to determine how long the war in Ukraine will last. Your well-being is the product of your national security; the result of your struggle for independence and your many victories. [tortured](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/10/inside-russias-filtration-camps-in-eastern-ukraine) and [executed](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/08/08/the-prosecution-of-russian-war-crimes-in-ukraine) Ukrainians, erased entire towns from the face of the earth, and [targeted civilian infrastructure](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-hits-energy-infrastructure-military-targets-ukraine-russian-media-2022-11-18/) in order to deprive civilians of heat, light, and running water in winter. Later that day, in his speech to Congress, Zelensky returned to the obscenity. [trajectory](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/11/04/how-trumps-emissaries-put-pressure-on-ukraines-new-president)—from comedian to media manager to President to wartime President—is often cast as surprising, but what makes him compelling as a political leader is the comic’s talent for exposing the crux of the matter. “We have artillery, yes,” Zelensky said. The United States and its allies have not done enough to stop the war in Ukraine. [Volodymyr Zelensky](https://www.newyorker.com/tag/volodymyr-zelensky), a reporter for the Ukrainian television channel One Plus One asked a question about the logic of American military aid to [Ukraine](https://www.newyorker.com/tag/ukraine).

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Zelensky Connects With His Audience (Forbes)

After the formal amenities of recognizing and thanking his hosts, the dignitaries in the U.S. Capitol, the first words of Ukrainian President Volodomyr ...

- Reagan was always dressed and groomed immaculately, but Zelensky wore combat fatigues and has a scruffy beard—appropriate symbols of a country leader engaged in a difficult war. I am a corporate presentations coach and author. [back to his acting career](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9smD823aE0&t=20s), has an innate coarse quality, but he makes up for it with passion. Just like the brave American soldiers which held their lives and fought back Hitler's forces during the Christmas of 1944, brave Ukrainian soldiers are doing the same to Putin's forces this Christmas.” Ordinarily, written speeches cause speakers to lose energy, but not Zelensky who addressed his words out to the audience rather than down to the script. Capitol, the first

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

How Zelensky appealed to history, explained (The Washington Post)

In the coarsest terms, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's surprise trip to the United States was predicated on securing political and military support ...

The victory was total, helping to turn the tide of the war. “They threw everything against us, similar to the other tyranny, which is in the Battle of the Bulge,” he said. “To ensure Bakhmut is not just a stronghold that holds back the Russian Army, but for the Russian Army to completely pull out, more cannons and shells are needed,” Zelensky said. So much in the world depends on you,” meaning the United States and, specifically, those in Congress tasked with deploying the country’s resources. That war began when colonists rebelled against the governance of King George III. “The United States, united as never before, has drawn the sword for freedom and cast away the scabbard,” Churchill said then. In 1940, England had sustained repeated air raids by German attackers, an onslaught dubbed the Battle of Britain. This is clearly in part because of the ways in which Germany declared war on the United States on Dec. The Churchill speech came only weeks after the United States entered World War II following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In the coarsest terms, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s surprise trip to the United States was predicated on securing political and military support for his country’s ongoing war against Russia. It’s also because the world’s power centers — the United States and the European Union vs.

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