2022 - 12 - 11

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

NASA's Artemis I returns from the moon with hopes to get astronauts ... (NPR)

The successful splashdown of the spacecraft with no humans aboard keeps NASA's Artemis mission on track to put the first woman and first person of color on ...

The mission finally [launched]( Nov. [SpaceX human landing system]( to land astronauts on the moon for phase three of the program by 2025. [delayed]( the Artemis 1 mission for several months due what seemed like an engine issue at the time, followed by a liquid hydrogen leak, and then a hurricane. NASA astronaut Shannon Walker on Sunday estimated that NASA will announce the Artemis 1 [traveled]( 1.4 million miles, circling the moon, and returned within 25 and a half days, a feat no other human-rated spacecraft has achieved. "That's the next step and I can't wait." "This test flight is what we need in order to prove this vehicle so that we can fly with a crew," Cabana said Sunday. That's half as hot as the outer "It was a beautiful sight, probably just about several thousand feet in the sky, and we watched that slow descent as the Orion crew module made its way down to the Pacific Ocean." This type of descent will provide data for splashdown sites for future crewed missions, NASA spokesperson Rob Navias said on Ammonia, lethal to humans when PT, marking a successful phase one of

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Image courtesy of "NASA"

Splashdown! NASA's Orion Returns to Earth After Historic Moon ... (NASA)

NASA's Orion spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, west of Baja California, at 9:39 a.m. PST Sunday after a record-breaking mission, traveling more ...

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Image courtesy of "WOKV"

NASA's Orion capsule blazes home from test flight to moon (WOKV)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — (AP) — NASA's Orion capsule made a blisteringly fast return from the moon Sunday, parachuting into the Pacific off Mexico to conclude ...

[The lunar lander belongs to ispace](, a Tokyo company intent on developing an economy up there. In an Apollo throwback, NASA held a splashdown party at Houston’s Johnson Space Center on Sunday, with employees and their families gathering to watch the broadcast of Orion’s homecoming. The AP is solely responsible for all content. Forecasts calling for choppy seas and high wind off the Southern California coast prompted NASA to switch the location. Orion beamed back stunning photos of not only the gray, pitted moon, but also the home planet. To reduce the gravity or G loads, it dipped into the atmosphere and briefly skipped out, also helping to pinpoint the splashdown area. While no one was on the $4 billion test flight, NASA managers were thrilled to pull off the dress rehearsal, especially after so many years of flight delays and busted budgets. It was the first flight of NASA's new Artemis moon program, named after Apollo's mythological twin sister. They were the last of the 12 moonwalkers. A Navy ship quickly moved in to recover the spacecraft and its silent occupants — three test dummies rigged with vibration sensors and radiation monitors. [new mega moon rocket from Kennedy Space Center on Nov. That would be followed by a two-person lunar landing as early as 2025 and, ultimately, a sustainable moon base.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Nasa's Orion capsule makes safe return to Earth (BBC News)

After a 26-day flight around the Moon, Nasa's future astronaut ship parachutes into the Pacific.

This is taking a slow route to the Moon lasting several months. This is due to have its maiden flight above the Earth in the coming months. A third vehicle - the one that will be used on Artemis III, the lunar landing mission - is in an advanced stage of assembly in Germany. The plan is to get ready to go with humans to Mars late in the decade of the 2030s, and then even further beyond," he told reporters. In the absence of the erosion that occurs on Earth, these markings would look exactly the same today, half a century on. This was last achieved exactly 50 years ago to the day by the crew of Apollo 17.

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NASA's Orion capsule returns to earth after 25-day test flight around ... (

Orion rocketed to the moon from NASA's Kennedy Space Center on Nov. 16 and spent nearly a week in a wide, swooping lunar orbit, before heading home.

Just hours earlier Sunday, a spacecraft rocketed toward the moon from Cape Canaveral. The AP is solely responsible for all content. Orion was the first capsule to visit the moon since then, launching on NASA’s new mega moon rocket from Kennedy Space Center on Nov. In an Apollo throwback, NASA held a splashdown party at Houston’s Johnson Space Center on Sunday, with employees and their families gathering to watch the broadcast of Orion’s homecoming. Forecasts calling for choppy seas and high wind off the Southern California coast prompted NASA to switch the location. Orion beamed back stunning photos of not only the gray, pitted moon, but also the home planet. To reduce the gravity or G loads, it dipped into the atmosphere and briefly skipped out, also helping to pinpoint the splashdown area. The moon has never been hotter. While no one was on the $4 billion test flight, NASA managers were thrilled to pull off the dress rehearsal, especially after so many years of flight delays and busted budgets. It was the first flight of NASA’s new Artemis moon program, named after Apollo’s mythological twin sister. They were the last of the 12 moonwalkers. A Navy ship quickly moved in to recover the spacecraft and its silent occupants – three test dummies rigged with vibration sensors and radiation monitors.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

In Photos: NASA's Orion Spacecraft Returns After Epic Mission ... (Forbes)

The Artemis-I mission has ended successfully as the Orion spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean after 25.5 days in space and a 1.4-million-mile ...

“With Orion safely returned to Earth we can begin to see our next mission on the horizon which will fly crew to the Moon for the first time as a part of the next era of exploration,” said Jim Free, NASA associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate. This 30 day mission will see Orion—with four astronauts inside—rendezvous with an embryonic Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway, before one female astronaut and one male astronaut descend in a SpaceX Starship vehicle to the lunar surface close to Shackleton Crater at the Moon’s South Pole. The first crewed lunar flyby of the 21st century, Artemis-II will be a repeat of Artemis-1, but with four astronauts on board to test Orion’s life support systems. As it splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 12:40 p.m. As Orion entered Earth’s atmosphere at over 23,000 mph its heatshield reached 5,000ºF. The un-crewed Artemis-I mission was the first test flight of the Orion spacecraft, a capsule somewhat reminiscent of the Apollo capsules that took men to the Moon in the 1960s and 1970s.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Le vaisseau Orion de retour sur Terre après son voyage autour de la ... (Le Devoir)

Après avoir passé un peu plus de 25 jours dans l'espace et s'être rendu autour de la Lune, le vaisseau Orion de la Nasa a amerri dimanche dans l'océan ...

Le but de la Nasa est d’établir une présence humaine durable sur la Lune, grâce à une base à sa surface et une station spatiale en orbite autour d’elle. Après avoir ramené des humains sur la surface lunaire, son but est de préparer un futur voyage vers Mars. D’abord en détaillant l’état du vaisseau après son voyage, mais aussi en analysant les enregistrements de capteurs des accélérations et vibrations subies à bord, ou encore les performances d’une veste anti-radiation. L’eau sera ensuite pompée, permettant que la capsule soit lentement déposée sur un support prévu à cet effet. Peu après, des hélicoptères ont survolé le vaisseau spatial, qui ne montrait pas de dommages apparents. « Ce jour marque une grande réussite pour la Nasa, les États-Unis, nos partenaires internationaux, et toute l’humanité.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Mission Artémis 1 | La capsule Orion de la NASA revient sur Terre ... (La Presse)

Sur un navire, le personnel effectuait des simulations pour s'assurer que toute l'équipe, dirigée depuis le Centre spatial Kennedy, en Floride, serait prête à ...

Et on a utilisé le système pour faire circuler de l’azote. Ça a bien été, mais depuis, on a fait beaucoup de progrès technologique, alors il faut s’assurer que tout ira bien. « Il y a eu plusieurs petits ajustements, notamment dans les systèmes de communication et de navigation. » Si tout va bien, Artemis 2 devrait avoir lieu fin 2024 – la NASA a besoin de deux ans pour préparer cette mission, qui comprendra une mise en orbite autour de la Lune. C’était le dernier test important avant la première mission lunaire humaine depuis 1972.

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Image courtesy of "Numerama"

Artémis I : la mission de la Nasa vers la Lune est bien rentrée sur Terre (Numerama)

« Après avoir parcouru 1,4 million de km dans l'espace, en orbite autour de la Lune et collecté des données qui nous prépareront à envoyer des astronautes pour ...

[La dernière fois que l’humanité a visité la Lune, c’était en 1972]( [la capsule Orion est partie sans astronautes à son bord]( pour cette fois. [programme Artémis]( s’est achevée avec un superbe plongeon dans l’océan Pacifique, ce dimanche 11 décembre 2022, aux alentours de 18h40. Même si l’habitacle a voyagé sans équipage humain, la mission a eu lieu comme si le vaisseau était occupé. La capsule évoluait alors à la vitesse vertigineuse de 39 400 km par heure. [Orion a entamé sa descente dans l’atmosphère terrestre](

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Le vaisseau spatial Orion de retour sur Terre au terme de la mission ... (

L'amerrissage de la capsule était prévu à 12 h 39 près de l'île de Guadalupe, dans l'océan Pacifique.

La marque précédente, de près de 400 000 kilomètres, avait été établie par Apollo 13 en 1970. effleurant la surface de l'astre avant d'entreprendre sa mise en orbite. Cette dernière étape de la mission Artemis 1 est cruciale, surtout pour le bouclier thermique.

La capsule Orion de la NASA doit revenir sur Terre dimanche - Le ... (Le Canada Français)

Sur un navire, le personnel effectuait des simulations pour s'assurer que toute l'équipe, dirigée depuis le Centre spatial Kennedy, en Floride, serait prête à ...

La marque précédente, de près de 400 000 kilomètres, avait été établie par Apollo 13 en 1970. Cette dernière étape de la mission Artémis-1 est cruciale, surtout pour le bouclier thermique. Le tout s’est déroulé sans anicroche, a indiqué la NASA.

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Image courtesy of "WOKV"

NASA Orion capsule safely blazes back from moon, aces test (WOKV)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — (AP) — NASA's Orion capsule made a blisteringly fast return from the moon Sunday, parachuting into the Pacific off Mexico to conclude ...

[The lunar lander belongs to ispace](, a Tokyo company intent on developing an economy up there. In an Apollo throwback, NASA held a splashdown party at Houston’s Johnson Space Center on Sunday, with employees and their families gathering to watch the broadcast of Orion’s homecoming. The AP is solely responsible for all content. Forecasts calling for choppy seas and high wind off the Southern California coast prompted NASA to switch the location. Orion beamed back stunning photos of not only the gray, pitted moon, but also the home planet. To reduce the gravity or G loads, it dipped into the atmosphere and briefly skipped out, also helping to pinpoint the splashdown area. While no one was on the $4 billion test flight, NASA managers were thrilled to pull off the dress rehearsal, especially after so many years of flight delays and busted budgets. It was the first flight of NASA's new Artemis moon program, named after Apollo's mythological twin sister. They were the last of the 12 moonwalkers. A Navy ship quickly moved in to recover the spacecraft and its silent occupants — three test dummies rigged with vibration sensors and radiation monitors. [new mega moon rocket from Kennedy Space Center on Nov. That would be followed by a two-person lunar landing as early as 2025 and, ultimately, a sustainable moon base.

NASA's Orion Returns From Space, Completing Moon Orbit Mission ... (BNN)

(Bloomberg) -- NASA's Orion spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico on Sunday, bringing a successful end to a 25-day test ...

The Artemis II mission to fly astronauts around the moon is more than a year away at the earliest. It won’t be until the following Artemis III mission when NASA will attempt a crewed lunar landing. From Earth orbit, Orion journeyed to the moon, arriving six days later, then eventually entered a distant lunar orbit. After leaving its elongated lunar orbit, Orion swung by the moon again on Dec. After several delayed launch attempts due to bad weather and technical glitches going back to August, the Artemis I mission carried Orion aloft in the early morning hours of Nov. The spacecraft performed an unusual skip entry technique, bouncing off the atmosphere to slow its speed before resuming its descent.

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