Kratos leans on a windowsill, exhausted with how long God of War Ragnarok is. Who's more tired, you or Kratos? Image: Santa Monica Studio/Sony via Polygon.
We’ve also listed the realms they’re set in, so you can be extra sure where you’re at. What’s more, God of War Ragnarök never tells you how far along you are, and it doesn’t include a percentage completion meter, so it’s tough to tell for sure how long the game actually is. You know how the previous game — 2018’s well-regarded God of War for the PlayStation 4 — was centered around a giant hub area called the Lake of the Nine?
L'heure est enfin arrivée pour les joueurs du monde entier de retrouver Kratos et Atreus dans les Neuf Royaumes alors qu'ils se préparent pour la guerre à venir ...
This will guide will take you from the Jarnsmida Pitmines to The Applecore. In the process, we will make sure to point you toward the treasure.