Liz Truss

2022 - 10 - 17

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

With Liz Truss's agenda gutted, Brits ask if prime minister is still in ... (The Washington Post)

With Hunt's announcement, Truss's supply-side plan for growth — which once drew broad support from her Conservative Party — has been gutted.

“If she leads us into the next election, that will mean that the next two years have been a lot more successful than the past four weeks have been.” “Our country needs stability,” she said, “not a soap opera.” Hunt also announced that the government’s popular plan to help with energy bills for households — a “landmark policy supporting millions of people through a difficult winter” — will not continue for two years but last only until April. Although Hunt has taken on a powerful role, he’s hardly a rising star within the party. If Truss survives, “it’s only because Conservative Party grandees can’t agree on a replacement.” “It is the most challenging form of leadership to accept the decision you have made has to be changed,” he told Parliament. He assured the country that Truss was “in charge.” “We will reverse almost all the tax measures announced in the growth plan three weeks ago,” Hunt said. “In any sensible democracy she would have gone by now.” The markets have been receptive to the government’s backtracking. Tax cuts for the wealthy didn’t go down well with a public that is facing record inflation and soaring bills. The growth-through-tax-cuts plan that helped propel her candidacy, and prompted admiring comparisons to Margaret Thatcher, has now been thoroughly gutted.

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Image courtesy of "Quartz"

Liz Truss has been forced to comprehensively shred her divisive tax ... (Quartz)

New chancellor Jeremy Hunt said that almost all budget plans announced three weeks ago will be scrapped.

On Friday she fired her former chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, and began to unpick the policies in their budget proposal. The government planned to cut the basic rate of income tax, currently 20%, by one percentage point in April 2023. [BBC economics editor Faisal Islam]( “perhaps... the biggest U-turn in British economic history,” is deeply embarrassing for Truss. After that, he said, the Treasury would review the policy and try work out how to deliver something less expensive. 23, and would not cut taxes on the highest-paid members of society.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Senior Business Leaders Call on Liz Truss to Resign (Bloomberg)

Senior UK business figures are calling on Liz Truss to stand down as prime minister after she was forced to scrap almost all of her economic policies amid ...

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Truss Watches UK Vision Dismantled as Rivals Fight for Her Job (Bloomberg)

The premier watched on in the House of Commons as Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, the former leadership rival she installed to rescue her premiership, ...

23 “Growth Plan.” She later apologized for her mistakes in a BBC television interview. UK Prime Minister Liz Truss was clinging to power on Monday after suffering the abject humiliation of being forced to U-Turn on much of the economic program she announced only last month. The premier watched on in the House of Commons as Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, the former leadership rival she installed to rescue her premiership,

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Liz Truss's government is living hour by hour (BBC News)

"We will reverse almost all the tax measures" from the mini-budget, Jeremy Hunt said. What an extraordinary thing to hear. Diaries are going out of fashion at ...

Inevitably some couldn't help jump to the conclusion that he was somehow offering a commentary on the pickle she is in. I can bring you a little nugget about one of the things that set tongues wagging last week - that throwaway remark from the King when he met Liz Truss for their weekly audience at Buckingham Palace. But she didn't turn up and instead sent Leader of the Commons Penny Mordaunt, putting back the chancellor's appearance by about an hour. Liz Truss is meeting her backbenchers, offering to see them all this week. "Not many of us buy the idea that another leadership change is the worst case scenario. Originally it was in the diary for November. One source suggested they are working "in lockstep." The statement that has just been delivered is the second yanking forward of an important economic moment for the country. I'm now told it was actually a nod of sympathy because of logistics - it was the prime minister's second visit to the Palace in a matter of hours. Yesterday Liz Truss invited Jeremy Hunt and his family to lunch at Chequers. Labour tried to haul the prime minister to the Commons to answer for what is going on. So if this feels a bit confusing this is where it is at: There had to be an interim statement before the interim statement, to try to steady the ship.

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Will Liz Truss outlast a head of lettuce? U.K. PM the butt of ... (

Some argue that newly elected Prime Minister Liz Truss has a shelf life less than a head of lettuce and now there's a livestream putting the theory to the ...

Truss had announced a two-year subsidy scheme to support households and businesses through the period of surging energy prices, costing 60 billion pounds (CA$90 billion) in six months. As of publication time Monday, the lettuce is comfortably snuggled up with a sleeping mask, soothing lights and a stuffed animal. [a blonde wig appeared on the l]( orb. [shelf life of a lettuce](” [comparing the country’s newly elected prime minister to a head of lettuce]( [head of the government]( in the United Kingdom or a head of lettuce?

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British PM Liz Truss apologizes but refuses to step down after ... (

British Prime Minister Liz Truss says she is sorry for "mistakes" in a failed tax cuts policy but vows to stay in the job, as doubts swirl over her future ...

government bond yields, a proxy for borrowing costs, surging to their highest levels since 2008. "I'm sticking around because I was elected to deliver for this country," she said. assets, but borrowing costs and mortgage rates remained well above where they stood before the plan's Sept.

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Liz Truss apologizes to UK as she tries to keep troubled premiership ... (

The British prime minister also insists she will 'definitely' lead her party into the next general election.

[forced to deny]( that Truss was hiding from scrutiny. [used a television address]( to essentially tear up the manifesto which Truss ran on to ultimately win the summer’s Tory leadership contest. [openly plotting ways]( to oust the prime minister, who was forced to sack her close friend Kwasi Kwarteng as chancellor following a furious market response to her tax-cutting agenda.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'Hunt's running the show': the day power drained away from Liz Truss (The Guardian)

But Tory MPs were not happy. The former cabinet minister Andrew Mitchell told Times Radio that if it became apparent to Tory MPs that Truss was not up the job, ...

But if one of the aims for the massive volte-face was to save her premiership, it was far from clear it had been successful. Later, she was due to round off a gruelling day at an informal reception with “drinks and nibbles” with her cabinet, before starting the whole engagement process again on Tuesday. “The mood is one of powerlessness,” one insider said. Despite everything, Truss is continuing her “outreach” with Tory MPs, determined to save her premiership, even though that looks virtually impossible. When Truss finally did emerge after her meeting with Brady, it was to sit alongside the chancellor in the Commons as he confirmed the biggest climbdown in modern political history. Hunt held a hastily organised private briefing for Tory MPs in a bid to “calm the horses”. “It means that if she cannot do the job, then she will be replaced.” After they were joined in No 10 by Hunt, the trio led a virtual meeting of the cabinet at 10am to share the U-turn plans. Just a few hours later, in the early hours of Monday morning, the Treasury confirmed that Hunt would make a statement. By the time Downing Street staff arrived at work, Operation “Save Liz” was already in full force. In one particularly bizarre exchange, she insisted: “The prime minister is not under a desk.” In the privacy of her grace-and-favour country mansion, with just their closest aides around them, Hunt went through line by line what was left of the mini-budget.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Trussonomics: who were doomed mini-budget's biggest ... (The Guardian)

“The tax cuts were so huge and bold, the language so extraordinary, that at times, listening to Kwasi Kwarteng, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't ...

“Only by bearing down on the amount of tax the state collects across the income spectrum, and reducing the regulatory burden, can we create better conditions for growth.” The Mail trumpeted its enthusiasm for Kwarteng’s mini-budget across two front pages. Although many warned the budget was doomed from the start, there were also plenty of cheerleaders who greeted it with breathless enthusiasm in late September. [free market thinktank the IEA](, said he was looking forward to the “maxi” budget that would follow the mini-budget. [Alex Brummer, wrote]( “The boldness and courage of Kwasi Kwarteng’s debut budget is seismic,” and erroneously predicted it would result in “lifting confidence and sparking a surge in consumption and investment”. [announcement on 23 September](, heralded the “biggest tax cuts in 30 years!” – which the paper predicted would “turbo-charge growth” rather than precede a sterling crash.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Liz Truss s'accroche au pouvoir après l'abandon de son programme ... (Le Devoir)

... « Désolée » pour ses « erreurs », la première ministre britannique Liz Truss s'est dite déterminée à rester au pouvoir, quelques heures après l'abandon ...

Parmi les annonces de lundi, « la plus grosse dépense », le plafond des factures énergétiques pour tous les ménages, sera finalement en vigueur jusqu’à avril seulement et non plus pour deux ans. Signalant dans l’immédiat une détente sur les marchés, la livre a monté de près de 1,6 % à 1,13 dollar vers 20H30 GMT. En revanche, une hausse de l’impôt sur les sociétés aura finalement lieu. [de projets de baisses d’impôts massives]( et d’un soutien colossal aux factures énergétiques par Kwasi Kwarteng, non pleinement chiffrés et devant être financés par emprunt, qui avaient fait craindre un dérapage des comptes publics. Il a dévoilé lundi les grandes lignes du projet budgétaire de moyen terme qui doit être présenté dans sa totalité le 31 octobre. Avertissant de décisions « très dures » avec des coupes à venir dans les dépenses de l’État et des hausses d’impôts, un désaveu total du plan initial de Liz Truss, Jeremy Hunt a toutefois assuré que le gouvernement ferait une priorité de « l’aide aux plus vulnérables ».

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Cinglant revirement pour Liz Truss avec «presque toutes» ses ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Le nouveau ministre britannique des Finances a annoncé annuler presque toutes les baisses d'impôts dévoilées le mois dernier.

Les sondages sont catastrophiques et plusieurs députés ont publiquement déclaré que la quatrième première ministre du Royaume-Uni depuis le référendum du Brexit en 2016 devait partir. Tous les gouvernements peuvent donner des gages de soutenabilité des finances publiques», a souligné M. La Banque d'Angleterre avait dû intervenir pour empêcher la situation de se détériorer en crise financière. Les fonds de pension, qui détiennent une large part de ces titres, s'étaient retrouvés fragilisés. Quitte à limiter dans la durée les aides aux ménages face à la dramatique envolée des prix de l'énergie. Hunt, nommé vendredi dans l'urgence après que le «plan de croissance» de son prédécesseur Kwasi Kwarteng a plongé les marchés britanniques dans la tourmente, a martelé lundi lors d'une déclaration télévisée que la priorité du gouvernement était désormais de restaurer «la stabilité».

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Éviction, élections ou maintien: les scénarios pour Liz Truss (Le Journal de Montréal)

Plus que jamais fragilisée après l'abandon de l'essentiel de ses mesures fiscales controversées, Liz Truss fait face à des appels à la démission.

Mais Liz Truss aurait besoin du soutien de la majorité des députés. Reste à savoir quel serait le seuil pour qu’un vote de défiance soit déclenché. Encore faut-il que le parti parvienne à s’accorder. Voici quatre scénarios possibles pour la cheffe du gouvernement, qui a succédé il y a six semaines à Boris Johnson. • À lire aussi: Dans le sillage du limogeage de son ministre des Finances Kwasi Kwarteng, remplacé par Jeremy Hunt, un ancien rival dans la course à Downing Street, Liz Truss arriverait à la conclusion que son autorité est irrémédiablement mise à terre et qu’elle doit démissionner.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Royaume-Uni | Liz Truss silencieuse après une nouvelle humiliation ... (La Presse)

Liz Truss ne répond plus. Sommée par l'opposition de venir s'expliquer lundi au Parlement, la première ministre britannique s'est fait représenter après une ...

Mme Truss était ensuite arrivée au Parlement, assise silencieuse, le regard absent, quand le nouveau ministre des Finances Jeremy Hunt a expliqué aux députés son changement de cap budgétaire à 180 degrés. Des dizaines d’autres seraient prêts à une motion de défiance. Hunt « pour accepter cette approche ». Elle « n’est pas sous un bureau », a-t-elle dû assurer, provoquant l’hilarité générale. « Si elle n’a pas le courage de venir aujourd’hui, y a-t-il un intérêt à ce qu’elle revienne ? « Où est la première ministre ?

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Chris Mason: Liz Truss tries to cling on as MPs work out next step (BBC News)

Few Tory MPs think she should lead them into an election but they are trying to work out their next move.

That is my message to my colleagues," she concluded. "The important thing is that I've been elected to this position to deliver for the country. "I'm not focused on internal debates within the Conservative Party leader." Her team knows. She is trying to make the best of a desperate situation for her. Liz Truss knows.

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