Cet article est susceptible d'être mis à jour. Des tirs à l'arme lourde ont été signalés dans la capitale du Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou.
"Nous avons plus que ce qu'il faut pour gagner cette guerre", a déclaré le chef de la junte lorsqu'il a prêté serment en tant que président en février. Exhortant les gens à rester calmes et à éviter les spéculations sur les réseaux sociaux, le chef militaire a déclaré que "des négociations [étaient] en cours pour ramener le calme et la sérénité". Après que des tirs nourris ont été entendus dans certaines parties de la capitale, le chef du pays, le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, a exhorté la population à rester calme.
Heavy gunfire was heard coming from the main military camp and some residential areas of Burkina Faso's capital early on Friday morning, Reuters reporters ...
Large areas of the north and east have become ungovernable since 2018. Soldiers were also seen blocking access to administrative buildings and the national television, which has stopped broadcasting, Reuters reporters said. This week, unknown assailants killed eleven soldiers during an attack on a 150-vehicle convoy taking supplies to a town in northern Burkina Faso.
Explosions and gunfire heard in capital and soldiers block access to administrative buildings.
Burkina Faso army Captain Ibrahim Traore has deposed military leader Paul-Henri Damiba, dissolved the government, and suspended the constitution and ...
“There’s a feeling – when I speak to people who are on the streets of Ouagadougou – of deja vu,” he said. The statement said Damiba had rejected proposals by the officers to reorganise the army and instead continued with the military structure that had led to the fall of the previous government. It is the second takeover in eight months for the West African state.
Army officer Captain Ibrahim Traore has overthrown Paul-Henri Damiba, eight months after he took power.
“It is time for these reactionary and political military factions to stop leading Burkina Faso adrift.” In his speech, Damiba defended his January coup as “an issue of survival for our nation”, even if it was “perhaps reprehensible” to the international community. Many in Burkina Faso initially supported the military takeover, frustrated with the previous government’s inability to stem Islamist violence that has killed thousands and displaced at least 2 million. Some demonstrators voiced support for Russian involvement in order to stem the violence, and shouted slogans critical of France, Burkina Faso’s former coloniser. The soldiers promised the international community they would respect their commitments and urged Burkinabes “to go about their business in peace.” “For us, it is already a coup.”
La journée de vendredi a commencé par des coups de feu entendus à Ouagadougou. Elle se termine par l'annonce de la destitution du chef de la junte militaire ...
La Cédéao trouve "inopportun ce nouveau coup de force au moment où des progrès ont été réalisés (...) pour un retour à l'ordre constitutionnel au plus tard le 1er juillet 2024". Les militaires invoquent "la dégradation continue de la situation sécuritaire" dans le pays. Ce dernier, 34 ans, était jusqu'à présent le chef de l'unité des forces spéciales antijihadistes "Cobra" dans la région de Kaya (nord). Loin de libérer les territoires occupés, les zones jadis paisibles sont passées sous contrôle terroriste", ont-ils encore affirmé. La journée de vendredi a commencé par des coups de feu entendus à Ouagadougou. "Le lieutenant-colonel Damiba est démis de ses fonctions de président du Mouvement patriotique pour la sauvegarde et la restauration" [MPSR, organe dirigeant de la junte), ont déclaré les militaires dans un communiqué lu par un capitaine.
More than a dozen members of Burkina Faso's army seized control of state television late Friday, declaring that the country's coup leader-turned-president, ...
In his speech, Damiba defended his January coup as "an issue of survival for our nation," even if it was "perhaps reprehensible" to the international community. "How can we hope to unite people and the army if the latter is characterized by such serious divisions?" Some demonstrators voiced support for Russian involvement in order to stem the violence, and shouted slogans against France, Burkina Faso's former colonizer. Damiba and his allies overthrew the democratically elected president, coming to power with promises of making the country more secure. Burkina Faso's new military leaders said the country's borders had been closed and a curfew would be in effect from 9 p.m. Ibrahim Traore is the new head of Burkina Faso, the volatile West African country that is battling a mounting Islamic insurgency.
Friday's developments felt all too familiar in West Africa, where a coup in Mali in August 2020 set off a series of military power grabs in the region.
None of the juntas has committed to a date for new elections, though Damiba said last week that the transition in Burkina Faso would last for almost two more years. “It is time for these reactionary and political military factions to stop leading Burkina Faso adrift.” Many in Burkina Faso initially supported the military takeover, frustrated with the previous government’s inability to stem Islamic extremist violence that has killed thousands and displaced at least 2 million. Some demonstrators voiced support for Russian involvement in order to stem the violence, and shouted slogans against France, Burkina Faso’s former colonizer. “For us, it is already a coup.” Damiba and his allies overthrew the democratically elected president only nine months ago, coming to power with promises of make the country more secure.
[VIDÉO] ▶️ Le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba a été démis de ses fonctions par des militaires vendredi soir. Il était arrivé au pouvoir en ...
[Couper le chauffage quand on s'absente fait-il économiser de l'énergie ? - 3 - 2 [Que risque-t-on si l'on chauffe son intérieur à plus de 19 degrés ? - 1 Depuis 2015, les attaques récurrentes de mouvements armés affiliés aux djihadistes d'Al-Qaïda et du groupe État islamique, principalement dans le nord et l'est du pays, ont fait des milliers de morts et provoqué le déplacement de quelque deux millions de personnes.
Un groupe de militaires a annoncé à la TV nationale l'éviction du colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, au pouvoir depuis le coup d'Etat du 24 janvier ...
[Seulement une partie des dépêches, que l'Agence Anadolu diffuse à ses abonnés via le Système de Diffusion interne (HAS), est diffusée sur le site de l'AA, de manière résumée. Des militaires burkinabè ont effectué des tirs en l’air ce vendredi matin dans la capitale Ouagadougou, où les accès à la Présidence, à la Primature et à la télévision publique (RTB) sont bloqués depuis la matinée, a constaté le correspondant de l’Agence Anadolu sur place. Dans un communiqué lu à la télévision publique (RTB), le groupe a indiqué que le nouveau président est le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré.
More than a dozen members of Burkina Faso's army seized control of state television late Friday, declaring that the country's coup leader-turned-president, ...
[Lifestyle](https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle) [He thought of the perfect place to propose. Nordic nations said the undersea blasts that damaged the pipelines this week and have led to huge methane leaks involved several hundred pounds of explosives. Ceremonies, marches and other gatherings are taking place across the country Friday as communities mark the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. "How can we hope to unite people and the army if the latter is characterized by such serious divisions?" Earlier this week, at least 11 soldiers were killed and 50 civilians went missing after a supply convoy was attacked by gunmen in Gaskinde commune in Soum province in the Sahel. Earlier this month, he also took on the position of defense minister after dismissing a brigadier general from the post. Some demonstrators voiced support for Russian involvement in order to stem the violence, and shouted slogans against France, Burkina Faso's former colonizer. Mali also saw a second coup nine months after the August 2020 overthrow of its president, when the junta's leader sidelined his civilian transition counterparts and put himself alone in charge. Gunfire had erupted in the capital, Ouagadougou, early Friday and hours passed without any public appearance by Damiba. Damiba and his allies overthrew the democratically elected president, coming to power with promises of make the country more secure. Burkina Faso's new military leaders said the country's borders had been closed and a curfew would be in effect from 9 p.m. Ibrahim Traore is the new military leader of Burkina Faso, a volatile West African country that is battling a mounting Islamic insurgency.
An army captain has announced the removal of the country's military leader Lt Col Paul-Henri Damiba.
But his administration has also not been able to quell the jihadist violence. "We have more than what it takes to win this war," the junta chief said when he was sworn in as president in February. The United States said it was "deeply concerned" by events in Burkina Faso and encouraged its citizens to limit movements in the country. Lt Col Damiba said there was a "confused situation" created by "mood swings" among some soldiers as rumours of a coup intensified. Earlier on Friday, Lt Col Damiba urged the population to remain calm after heavy gunfire was heard in parts of the capital. "Faced with the deteriorating situation, we tried several times to get Damiba to refocus the transition on the security question," said the statement signed by Traore.
«Le lieutenant-colonel Damiba est démis de ses fonctions de président du Mouvement patriotique pour la sauvegarde et la restauration» (MPSR, organe dirigeant de ...
Damiba avait promis de faire de la sécurité sa priorité, dans ce pays miné depuis des années par de sanglantes attaques jihadistes. Trente-cinq civils, dont de nombreux enfants, sont morts dans l’explosion d’un engin improvisé le 5 septembre. À son arrivée au pouvoir le 24 janvier, lui aussi par un communiqué lu par des hommes en armes à la télévision, M. Loin de libérer les territoires occupés, les zones jadis paisibles sont passées sous contrôle terroriste», ont-ils encore affirmé. Dans un communiqué, la Communauté économique des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cedeao) --dont le Burkina est suspendu des instances depuis le coup d’État de janvier-- a «condamné avec la plus grande fermeté la prise de pouvoir par la force qui vient de s’opérer». «Le lieutenant-colonel Damiba est démis de ses fonctions de président du Mouvement patriotique pour la sauvegarde et la restauration» (MPSR, organe dirigeant de la junte), ont déclaré les militaires dans un communiqué lu par un capitaine.
Un groupe de militaires annonce la fin de la transition dirigée par le lieutenant colonel Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba depuis janvier dernier.
Mais la présence militaire a été renforcée à Ouagadougou. Aucun coup de feu n'a été entendu ce soir. Les " frontières terrestres et aériennes fermées à compter de 00h" et " un couvre feu est instauré à compter de 21h ce 30 septembre 2022."
More than a dozen members of Burkina Faso's army seized control of state television late Friday, declaring that the country's coup leader-turned-president, ...
[Lifestyle](https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle) [He thought of the perfect place to propose. Money wasn't the only thing James Naabye gained after winning $500,000 in a recent Lotto Max draw. Nordic nations said the undersea blasts that damaged the pipelines this week and have led to huge methane leaks involved several hundred pounds of explosives. Ceremonies, marches and other gatherings are taking place across the country Friday as communities mark the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Earlier this week, at least 11 soldiers were killed and 50 civilians went missing after a supply convoy was attacked by gunmen in Gaskinde commune in Soum province in the Sahel. Earlier this month, he also took on the position of defense minister after dismissing a brigadier general from the post. Some demonstrators voiced support for Russian involvement in order to stem the violence, and shouted slogans against France, Burkina Faso's former colonizer. Mali also saw a second coup nine months after the August 2020 overthrow of its president, when the junta's leader sidelined his civilian transition counterparts and put himself alone in charge. Gunfire had erupted in the capital, Ouagadougou, early Friday and hours passed without any public appearance by Damiba. Damiba and his allies overthrew the democratically elected president, coming to power with promises of make the country more secure. Burkina Faso's new military leaders said the country's borders had been closed and a curfew would be in effect from 9 p.m. Ibrahim Traore is the new military leader of Burkina Faso, a volatile West African country that is battling a mounting Islamic insurgency.
Gunfire rang out in Burkina Faso's capital and the state broadcaster went off the air Friday, sparking fears that another coup attempt could be underway ...
Money wasn't the only thing James Naabye gained after winning $500,000 in a recent Lotto Max draw. [Lifestyle](https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle) [He thought of the perfect place to propose. Nordic nations said the undersea blasts that damaged the pipelines this week and have led to huge methane leaks involved several hundred pounds of explosives. Ceremonies, marches and other gatherings are taking place across the country Friday as communities mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. "How can we hope to unite people and the army if the latter is characterized by such serious divisions?" Earlier this week, at least 11 soldiers were killed and 50 civilians went missing after a supply convoy was attacked by gunmen in Gaskinde commune in Soum province in the Sahel. Some demonstrators voiced support for Russian involvement in order to stem the violence, and shouted slogans against France, Burkina Faso's former colonizer. Mali also saw a second coup nine months after the August 2020 overthrow of its president, when the junta's leader sidelined his civilian transition counterparts and put himself alone in charge. Gunfire had erupted in the capital, Ouagadougou, early Friday and hours passed without any public appearance by Damiba. Damiba and his allies overthrew the democratically elected president, coming to power with promises of make the country more secure. Burkina Faso's new military leaders said the country's borders had been closed and a curfew would be in effect from 9 p.m. Ibrahim Traore is the new military leader of Burkina Faso, a volatile West African country that is battling a mounting Islamic insurgency.
Military officials say they have ousted President Damiba, who took power in a coup earlier this year.
On Monday, a convoy carrying food and basic supplies to the northern town of Djibo, which has been under siege by militants for years, was ambushed. local time, the president's office released a statement on Facebook, part of which said, "In view of the confused situation created as a result of a movement of mood by some elements of the national armed forces this Friday ... Friday, gunfire and a loud explosion were reported in Ouagadougou, in the vicinity of Camp Baba Sy, where Damiba is based. Many military members were wearing face masks and were reluctant to talk, while local police said they had no idea what was happening. They also announced that Burkina Faso's borders had been closed and that a curfew would be in effect from 9 p.m. When Damiba came to power in January, after ousting President Roch Kabore, he had promised to make the country more secure.
Le Burkina Faso a connu vendredi 30 septembre un coup d'État, le second en huit mois. Le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba,...
Dans l'après-midi, plusieurs centaines de personnes, dont certaines brandissaient des drapeaux russes, se sont rassemblées sur la grande place de la Nation à Ouagadougou pour réclamer une coopération militaire avec la Russie, rejeter la présence militaire française au Sahel et exiger le départ du lieutenant-colonel Damiba, a constaté une journaliste de l'AFP. Plusieurs axes de la ville ont été barrés toute la journée par des militaires postés sur les principaux carrefours de la ville, notamment devant le siège de la télévision nationale. Les militaires invoquent "la dégradation continue de la situation sécuritaire" dans le pays. D'autres attaques ont particulièrement marqué l'opinion publique, comme le massacre de Seytenga (nord) en juin, au cours duquel 86 civils ont été tués. Le 13 septembre, le lieutenant-colonel Damiba avait limogé son ministre de la Défense pour assumer lui-même ce rôle. Les putschistes ont promis de convoquer "incessamment les forces vives de la Nation" afin de désigner un "nouveau président du Faso, civil ou militaire". Vendredi soir, peu avant l'annonce télévisée, un important dispositif militaire s'est déployé dans certains quartiers de la capitale, ont constaté des journalistes de l'AFP. L'Union européenne a exprimé ses "inquiétudes", même sentiment du côté des Etats-Unis qui se sont dits "extrêmement inquiets" par la situation à Ouagadougou et qui ont appelés leurs citoyens à limiter leurs déplacements. Le capitaine Traoré, 34 ans, était jusqu'à présent le chef de l'unité des forces spéciales antidjihadistes "Cobra" dans la région de Kaya (nord). Il a été rapidement rattrapé par les attaques djihadistes qui n'ont pas faibli dans le nord et l'est du pays. Un couvre-feu de 21H00 à 05H00 est aussi mis en place. Le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, arrivé au pouvoir par un putsch fin janvier, a été à son tour démis de ses fonctions par des militaires.
La junte dirigée, depuis le vendredi 30 septembre, par le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré, peu connu de la population, devra faire face à la poussée djihadiste que ...
Selon le communiqué d’Ibrahim Traoré, des propositions visant à une « réorganisation » de l’armée, pour la rendre plus efficace sur le terrain, auraient été proposées au lieutenant-colonel Damiba, qui les aurait rejetées. S’emparant du pouvoir, le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba avait suscité l’espoir d’une partie de la population, promettant la « reconquête » du territoire, dont plus de 40 % échappent au contrôle de l’Etat, ainsi que le retour des personnes déplacées à cause des violences – près d’un Burkinabé sur dix – dans leur village d’origine. Les putschistes ont également annoncé la suspension de la Constitution, l’instauration d’un couvre-feu de « 21 heures à 5 heures » du matin, ainsi que la fermeture des frontières « jusqu’à nouvel ordre ».
News and Press Release in English on Burkina Faso and 3 other countries about Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding and Protection and Human Rights; published on ...
Yayi Boni, former President of the Republic of Benin, as the ECOWAS mediator for Guinea and calls on the transition authorities to work together with the Mediator towards an acceptable calendar for the transition in line with Article 77 of the Transition Charter and ECOWAS requirements; Welcomes the efforts of ECOWAS, including the appointment of the mediator for Burkina Faso, H.E. Referring to its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situations in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali, and on AU Support to the Member States in Political Transition and post-conflict situations, particularly Communique [PSC/PR/COMM. Mahamadou Issoufou, former President of the Republic of Niger; Welcomes the conclusions of the 3rd Meeting of the Transition Support Group (TSG) on Mali by the AU Commission in Lomé, Togo, on 6 September 2022, under the auspices of the Government of Togo; and urges the fulfillment of pledges of support for the Malian transition; Takes note of the progress attained in the implementation of the Transition Roadmap in Mali and the progress made in the conduct of the transition, including the adoption of a new electoral law and the creation of the Independent Electoral Management Authority (AIGE), the enlargement of the composition of the National Transitional Council (NTC), the legislative body of the transition, to strengthen inclusivity, the adoption of a timetable for political, institutional and electoral reforms as well as the appointment of the members of the Committee responsible for drafting the preliminary version of the new Constitution; Taking note of the statements made by H.E. Reiterates its call for the operationalization of the Monitoring Mechanism on the Transition in Guinea (MMTG), comprising the AU, ECOWAS, UN, and all other relevant stakeholders, pursuant to Communique [PSC/PR/COMM.1030(2021)] adopted on 10 September 2021, as a comprehensive framework for coordinated support and follow-up of the transition in Guinea; Welcomes the appointment of H.E. Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security; Ambassador Mahamat Ali Hassan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Chad to the AU, and the representatives of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Faithful to the provisions of all relevant AU normative instruments, including the AU Constitutive Act; the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union; the ACDEG and the Declaration on the Framework for an OAU Response to Unconstitutional Changes of Government, adopted by the 36th Ordinary Session of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, held in Lomé, Togo, July 2000 (the Lomé Declaration);
L'officier qui était à la tête du Burkina Faso depuis neuf mois a été écarté par d'autres putschistes. L'insécurité due à des groupes djihadistes ne cesse ...
Les militaires ont invoqué « la dégradation continue de la situation sécuritaire » dans le pays. Elle qualifie d’ « inopportun ce nouveau coup de force au moment où des progrès ont été réalisés (…) pour un retour à l’ordre constitutionnel au plus tard le 1er juillet 2024 ». Ils ont annoncé la fermeture des frontières terrestres et aériennes ainsi que la suspension de la Constitution et la dissolution du gouvernement et de l’Assemblée législative de transition. Les principaux axes de la capitale, bloqués vendredi par une forte présence militaire, étaient libérés et les stations-service fermées la veille rouvraient, ainsi que les commerces. La circulation reprenait samedi matin sur les principaux axes de Ouagadougou, bloqués vendredi par des militaires, après une nuit calme. Le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, lui-même arrivé au pouvoir en janvier par un putsch, a été démis de ses fonctions par des militaires et remplacé à la tête de la junte par Ibrahim Traoré, un jeune capitaine de 34 ans.
An army captain has announced the removal of the country's military leader Lt Col Paul-Henri Damiba.
France issued a similar warning to its more than 4,000 citizens living in the capital city Ouagadougou. But since Friday evening Lt Col Damiba's whereabouts are unknown. Little is known about Col Traoré, the 34-year-old soldier whose statement effectively declared himself the interim leader of Burkina Faso. The United States said it was "deeply concerned" by events in Burkina Faso and encouraged its citizens to limit movements in the country. A spokesman for the ousted government, Lionel Bilgo, told AFP news agency on Friday that the "crisis" was in essence an army pay dispute, and that Lt Col Damiba was taking part in negotiations. But in Friday's announcement came the promise that the "driving forces of the nation" would in time be brought together to appoint a new civilian or military president and a new "transitional charter".
Concerns are mounting in Burkina Faso that the West African nation's military latest coup will only further set back the fight against Islamic extremists.
“It is time for these reactionary and political military factions to stop leading Burkina Faso adrift.” Mali also saw a second coup nine months after the August 2020 overthrow of its president, when the junta’s leader sidelined his civilian transition counterparts and put himself alone in charge. Ibrahim Traore, is vowing to overhaul the military so it is better prepared to fight extremists. He accused Damiba of following the same failed strategies as former President Roch Marc Christian Kabore, whom Damiba overthrew in a January coup, . “A meeting will be convened to adopt a new transitional constitution charter and to select a new Burkina Faso president be it civilian or military,” the statement continued. The junta said in a statement late Friday that the country would be committing “all fighting forces to refocus on the security issue and the restoration of the integrity of our territory.” But it remains to be seen whether the new leadership can turn around a crisis that has forced 2 million residents to flee their homes.
Rappel des événements depuis le coup d'État militaire de janvier 2022 au Burkina Faso, théâtre vendredi d'un second putsch en huit mois.
Le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, nouvel homme fort du pays, annonce la fermeture des frontières, la dissolution du gouvernement et la suspension de la Constitution. Les putschistes annoncent la fermeture des frontières, la suspension de la Constitution, la dissolution du gouvernement et de l’Assemblée de transition. Le 9, le nouveau chef d’état-major de l’armée promet un « souffle nouveau dans la lutte contre le terrorisme ». Le 7, l’ancien président Blaise Compaoré revient au Burkina pour la première fois depuis son renversement en 2014 par une insurrection populaire, un retour de deux jours « pour la réconciliation » à l’invitation du président Damiba. Le même jour, la junte rétablit la Constitution, mais modifie les institutions « en attendant la mise en place des organes de transition », sans calendrier de retour à l’ordre constitutionnel. Le 23, des mutins réclament le « remplacement » des chefs de l’armée, des « moyens adaptés » contre les jihadistes et une « meilleure prise en charge des blessés ».
Le président de la Commission de l'Union africaine (UA) a condamné samedi «le changement anticonstitutionnel de gouvernement».
• À lire aussi:
As Islamic extremists intensified their attacks in Burkina Faso earlier this year, coup leader Lt. Col. Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba urged the West African ...
Money wasn't the only thing James Naabye gained after winning $500,000 in a recent Lotto Max draw. federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Mexican government against U.S. Nordic nations said the undersea blasts that damaged the pipelines this week and have led to huge methane leaks involved several hundred pounds of explosives. Ceremonies, marches and other gatherings are taking place across the country Friday as communities mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. CTVNews.ca takes a look at this trend. Russia said Saturday it has withdrawn its troops from the once-occupied city of Lyman, as Ukraine's eastern counteroffensive recaptures more territory. "How can we hope to unite people and the army if the latter is characterized by such serious divisions?" Mali also saw a second coup nine months after the August 2020 overthrow of its president, when the junta's leader sidelined his civilian transition counterparts and put himself alone in charge. Only two days later, a roadside bomb struck a military convoy in the north, killing at least 35 people. But it remains to be seen whether the new leadership can turn around a crisis that has forced 2 million residents to flee their homes. Ibrahim Traore, is vowing to overhaul the military so it is better prepared to fight extremists. Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba urged the West African nation's people to give him until September to improve things as interim president.
Le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, lui-même arrivé au pouvoir en janvier par un putsch, a été démis de ses fonctions par des militaires et ...
Au sein de l’armée et des populations, des voix s’élèvent pour demander un partenariat avec la Russie. Damiba, soulevait aussi des questions sur l’influence de Moscou dans ce nouveau putsch. Mais cela reste au stade de la théorie. C’est un coup de force intra-muros. Un couvre-feu a également été mis en place de 21 h à 5 h. « Damiba a échoué.
As uncertainty prevailed Saturday, the international community condemned the ouster of Lt. Col. Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba, who overthrew the country's ...
Still, some in Burkina Faso’s military, Damiba was seen as too cozy with former colonizer France, which maintains a military presence in Africa’s Sahel region to help countries fight Islamic extremists. But the group of officers led by Traore said Friday that Damiba had failed and was being removed. But it remains to be seen whether the junta can turn around the crisis. He later told Radio Omega: “We have no intention to bring Damiba to justice. Jean Baptiste Kabre, reading a statement on behalf of the new junta leadership. “We don’t want to harm him, because we don’t have any personal problem with him.
Gunfire was heard in Burkina Faso's capital on Saturday a day after President Paul-Henri Damiba was declared ousted in the second coup the West African ...
Anti-French demonstrators also gathered and stoned the French Cultural Centre in the Southern town of Bobo-Dioulasso. Some of the special forces were sent ... The French foreign ministry issued a statement saying the base had never hosted Damiba, who seized power in a Jan. Damiba also denied he was at the base, saying the reports were a deliberate manipulation of public opinion. The French foreign ministry said it condemned violence against its embassy. secretary-general denounced the upheaval.
Overthrow of President Damiba is second coup this year in the West African country. Alleged attempted coup in Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso ...
“ECOWAS reaffirms its unequivocal opposition to any seizure or maintenance of power by unconstitutional means,” the group said in a “All political activity is suspended,” the spokesperson said. [read](https://youtu.be/tzczbS8YZxY?t=75) out a statement announcing that Captain Ibrahim Traore will be the new leader of the country.
Des militaires étaient déployés samedi à Ouagadougou après de nouveaux tirs, un regain de tension au lendemain d'un coup d'État, le deuxième en huit mois, ...
Damiba de ne pas mobiliser toutes les forces sur le terrain. Et des hélicoptères survolaient à basse altitude le centre-ville, selon un journaliste de l’AFP. Vendredi, quelques heures avant le coup d’État, plusieurs centaines de personnes avaient manifesté dans la capitale pour réclamer le départ de M. Un couvre-feu a également été mis en place de 21 h à 5 h (locales). Les choses devront être recentrées sur la lutte antidjihadiste », décrypte l’analyste politique Drissa Traoré. Dans une brève allocution télévisée, les putschistes ont déclaré que M.
The military leaders said their decision was rooted in the failure of Lt. Col. Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba to control escalating violence.
In Ouagadougou, Honorine Ouedraogo woke up early on the morning of the coup to go to church. State Department [said in a statement ](https://www.state.gov/the-situation-in-burkina-faso/)that it is “deeply concerned” by events in Burkina Faso and will be “closely monitoring this fluid situation.” Protesters bashed windows and lit fires outside the French Embassy in Ouagadougou, [according to videos on social media](https://twitter.com/matteomaillard/status/1576278033270702080?s=20&t=PlAqKtR9SZdd-w6zqz_sZA). Last year, Burkina Faso became the epicenter of the growing security crisis in the Sahel, with its death toll from insurgent attacks surpassing that in Mali. Ibrahim Traoré — said in a statement broadcast on local television that Damiba had begun to focus more on politics than on addressing the security issues that drove the January coup. “It was pretty much the same story as in January — except the only difference is that this was a coup-within-a-coup.”
Gunshots rang out on Saturday in Burkina Faso's capital amid signs of lingering tensions a day after a group of military officers overthrew the man who had ...
For some in Burkina Faso's military, Damiba was seen as too cozy with former colonizer France, which maintains a military presence in Africa's Sahel region to help countries fight Islamic extremists. But a group of officers led by Traore said Friday that Damiba had failed and so was being removed. He later told Radio Omega: "We have no intention to bring Damiba to justice. But we don't want this catastrophe," Traore told the Voice of America. Damiba's whereabouts remained unknown but France's Foreign Ministry issued a strongly worded statement: "We formally deny involvement in the events unfolding in Burkina Faso. Jean Baptiste Kabre, reading a statement on behalf of the new junta leadership.
Le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Antonio Gutteres, a 'fermement' condamné dans un communiqué samedi 1er octobre "toute tentative de prise de pou...
Le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Antonio Gutteres, a ‘fermement’ condamné dans un communiqué samedi 1er octobre "toute tentative de prise de pouvoir par la force des armes" au Burkina Faso, au lendemain d'un coup d'Etat dans le pays. Le Burkina Faso a connu vendredi son second coup d'Etat en huit mois, mené pour renverser le lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, arrivé au pouvoir par un putsch fin janvier. L'Union européenne a dénoncé de son côté, par la voix de son chef de la diplomatie, Josep Borell, le nouveau coup de force et a appellé au respect des engagements pris pour un retour à l'ordre constitutionnel,
AU chief joins regional leaders in condemning military leader Damiba's removal in a coup – the second since January.
All political and civil society activities were suspended and a curfew from 9pm to 5am was introduced. He accused Damiba of following the same failed strategies as former President Roch Marc Christian Kabore, whom [suspended](/news/2022/1/31/africa-union-suspends-burkina-faso-after-coup-as-envoys-head-for-talks) Burkina Faso from participation in its activities “until the effective restoration of constitutional order in the country”. [Heavy gunfire, soldiers on the streets in Burkina Faso capital](/news/2022/9/30/heavy-gunfire-heard-in-burkina-faso-capital) [Burkina Faso’s military government struggles to contain violence](/features/2022/7/11/burkina-fasos-military-government-struggles-to-contain-violence) [acts of violence](/news/2022/9/30/heavy-gunfire-heard-in-burkina-faso-capital) or threats to the civilian population, civil liberties, human rights,” the AU said in a statement on Saturday, calling for the restoration of the constitutional order by July next year “at the latest”. The African Union chief Moussa Faki Mahamat has condemned the “unconstitutional change of government” in Burkina Faso after the second coup in less than a year in which
Gunshots rang out in Burkina Faso's capital amid signs of lingering tensions a day after a group of military officers overthrew the man who had seized power ...
"It is time for these reactionary and political military factions to stop leading Burkina Faso adrift." "How can we hope to unite people and the army if the latter is characterized by such serious divisions?" Mali also saw a second coup nine months after the August 2020 overthrow of its president, when the junta's leader sidelined his civilian transition counterparts and put himself alone in charge. Only two days later, a roadside bomb struck a military convoy in the north, killing at least 35 people. After taking power, Damiba made promises to end the Islamic extremist violence that has forced 2 million people to flee their homes in Burkina Faso. The African Union and the West African region bloc known as ECOWAS sharply criticized the developments.