Giorgia Meloni, the frontrunner in Italy's general election on Sunday, has made no secret of her passion for fantasy author J.R.R. Tolkien, whose classic ...
There she sang along with the far-right band Compagnia dell’Anello (Fellowship of the Ring), whose song “Tomorrow Belongs to Us” was an anthem of MSI’s youth wing. This reading of Tolkien’s work was popular with a far-right youth that felt stifled by the old guard of the MSI and was looking for new inspiration, said Hof. In her early 20s she appeared in chat rooms under the nickname Khy-ri, calling herself the “little dragon of the Undernet (a popular chat platform)” and discussing her passion for fantasy literature – and Tolkien’s works in particular. Similarly, the Hobbits’ sentimental attachment to their unspoiled Shire has been described as a rallying call for xenophobia and the rejection of modernity. Meloni’s frequent references to The Lord of the Rings are no surprise for Paolo Heywood, an anthropologist at Durham University who has researched Italy’s fascist movements. Later that year, she [posed for a magazine profile]( next to a statue of Gandalf, the bearded wizard who roamed Tolkien’s fictional Middle Earth. In real life, Meloni would dress up as a Hobbit – the diminutive, hairy-footed dwellers of Tolkien’s mythical Middle Earth. True to form, she wrapped up her campaign with a nod to another Tolkien hero, Aragorn, whose fiery battle speech she referenced at her final campaign rally in Rome. Giorgia Meloni, the frontrunner in Italy’s general election on Sunday, has made no secret of her passion for fantasy author J.R.R. The camps ended in 1981, when Meloni was just 4 years old. She and her fellow youth activists would gather at the “sounding of the horn of Boromir (a protagonist of The Lord of The Rings)”. [Meloni]( was first elected to cabinet in 2008, becoming Italy’s youngest-ever minister at 31, she vowed she would not be corrupted by the “ring of power” – a reference to the ultimate prize at the heart of Tolkien’s works.
D'après les premiers résultats sortis des urnes, la coalition conservatrice dominée par l'extrême droite est en tête. Giorgia Meloni devrait donc devenir la ...
[VIDÉO - Reims : un distributeur de billets cambriolé par... - 6 - 10 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 L'extrême droite en tête en Italie. L'unité européenne va-t-elle prendre un coup de la probable victoire de Giorgia Meloni ? Oui à la culture de la vie, non à l'abîme de la mort !
Giorgia Meloni is on track to lead Italy's most right-wing government since World War II after exit polls projected a clear victory for her coalition in ...
With full results due on Monday, the far-right party leader is set to become Italy's first female prime minister – and a model for nationalist parties across ...
On Ukraine, Meloni has condemned Russia’s invasion and supported sending weapons to the war-torn country, but it remains unclear whether her government will back the eighth round of EU sanctions being discussed in Brussels. It would be like me, at my age, trying to be a footballer like Maradona.” The coalition has said it is not seeking to renegotiate the plan, but would like to make changes. the model is there, and so is the project.” “It feels as if we’re on a rudderless boat,” said Carlo Russo. Meloni has sought to send reassuring messages, but the prospect of her as prime minister is unlikely to be welcomed in Paris or Berlin. Salvini, who has close ties with Le Pen, said he “can’t wait” to resume his policy of blocking migrant rescue ships from entering Italian ports. “She’s really interested in compromising with the EU on economic politics. “This is a sad evening for the country,” Debora Serracchiani, a senior PD lawmaker, told reporters in the party’s first official comment on the result. One of her first messages of congratulations on Sunday night was from Orbán’s political director, Balázs Orbán, who said: “In these difficult times, we need more than ever friends who share a common vision and approach to Europe’s challenges.” Meloni is also allied to Poland’s ruling nationalist Law and Justice party, the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats and Spain’s far-right Vox party. “It’s going to be a long night, but I wanted to say THANK YOU,” he wrote.
À seulement 45 ans, Giorgia Meloni, cheffe de Fratelli d'Italia, donnée à environ 25 % dans les derniers sondages, est favorite pour prendre la tête d'un ...
[OTAN](, scruteront également la répartition des portefeuilles entre les trois partis. Quel que soit le gouvernement italien issu des élections, qui ne prendra ses fonctions qu’au plus tôt fin octobre, son chemin apparaît d’ores déjà semé d’embûches et sans grande marge de manoeuvre. SD et FdI font partie du même groupe au Parlement européen.
Italy will be led by the most far-right government since the fascist era of Benito Mussolini, early exit polls suggest.
That parliament is scheduled to meet on October 13, at which point the head of state will call on party leaders to decide on the shape of the new government. It is a sad evening for the country,” Debora Serracchiani of the Democratic Party told reporters. Meloni has instead been steadfast in her support for defending Ukraine. Other changes included a younger voting age for the Senate and a reduction in the number of seats to elect – down from 685 seats to 400 in the Senate and from 315 to 200 in the lower House of Parliament. The ultra-conservative Brothers of Italy party looks likely to win between 22 and 26% of the vote, with coalition partners the League, led by Matteo Salvini, taking between 8.5 and 12.5% and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia scoring between 6 and 8% of the vote. [Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy]( party – whose origins lie in post-war fascism – were on track to win between 41 and 45% of the vote in Sunday’s general election, according to data from the Rai exit pollster Piepoli.
Giorgia Meloni's electoral alliance appeared to hold a wide lead in Italy's election, an exit poll on state TV suggested after polls closed Sunday.
But the three populist parties in his coalition boycotted a confidence vote tied to an energy relief measure. She recently defended Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban after the European Commission recommended suspending billions of euros in funding to Hungary over concerns about democratic backsliding and the possible mismanagement of EU money. Her party, with neo-fascist roots, would need to form a coalition with her main allies, anti-migrant League leader Matteo Salvini and conservative former Premier Silvio Berlusconi to command a solid majority in Parliament. Italy's complex electoral law rewards campaign coalitions, meaning the Democrats are disadvantaged since they failed to secure a similarly broad alliance with left-leaning populists and centrists. The counting of paper ballots was expected to begin shortly after polling stations close at 11 p.m. Rai said the exit poll had a margin of error of 3.5%.
L'alliance des droites formée avec la Ligue de Matteo Salvini et Forza Italia de Silvio Berlusconi devrait disposer d'une majorité parlementaire. Publicité.
Le parti post-fasciste Fratelli d'Italia, dirigé par Giorgia Meloni, est arrivé en tête aux législatives de dimanche en Italie, selon les premiers sondages à la sortie des urnes. Car si Giorgia Meloni est atlantiste et soutient les sanctions frappant Moscou, Matteo Salvini s'y oppose. Quel que soit le gouvernement italien issu des élections, qui ne prendra ses fonctions qu'au plus tôt fin octobre, son chemin apparaît d'ores déjà semé d'embûches et sans grande marge de manoeuvre. "C'est une triste soirée pour le pays", a déclaré Debora Serracchiani, députée membre du Parti démocrate, à des journalistes. "La nuit sera longue, mais je veux déjà vous remercier". Le bloc de droite et d'extrême droite est crédité par les sondages de jusqu'à 47 % des voix, Fratelli d'Italia devançant nettement ses alliés avec 22,5 à 26,5 %, ce qui garantirait à Giorgia Meloni de devenir la première femme présidente du Conseil.
Opinion polls suggest that Italy's next leader could be Giorgia Meloni, a far-right leader with post-Fascist roots. She would be the nation's first female ...
On Sunday, up to a third of the Italian population is expected to abstain. In September 2020, they voted in a referendum to reduce the legislative body by a third — reducing the members in the lower house of Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, to 400, from 630, and members in the upper house, the Senate, to 200, from 315. Draghi’s speech was far from conciliatory, and in the knifey world of Italian politics, ambitious coalition partners anxious for early elections looked at his resignation and angry speech as a gift from the electoral gods. “I think we should put the question up to the Italians in a referendum,” Mr. He was photographed visiting apartments in Rome, and had even moved some of his furniture to a flat in a residential neighborhood just outside of the Aurelian walls. “I took a train from Milan to vote for the Democratic Party,” said Guido Tommaso, 29, a Florentine doctor who lives in Milan, nearly 200 miles north of Florence. Bressan said that she — and her whole family — switched from the League to Brothers of Italy because of Mr. She said the current government forced her to get a coronavirus vaccine to go to work, and that Mr. The new members of Parliament will be confirmed and convened in Rome in the middle of October. “It’s going to be a big change, having a woman for the first time but also for the right,” Ms. In 2018, it had 30 percent of the vote in Veneto, while the Brothers of Italy had about 4 percent. In a statement, her office blamed all of the journalists who showed up and said that Ms.
Exit polls suggested a right-wing coalition led by Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy has won a combined 43-47 percent of the vote.
If the exit poll is right, winning 43-47 percent of the vote would mean a majority of at least 15-20 senators, “which means you can govern in a much more stable way, without problems,” he said. [recast the Brothers of Italy]( as a mainstream conservative group, to appeal to more sophisticated voters, aligning herself completely with NATO and the U.S. Given the necessary horse-trading over Cabinet positions, the next government may not take office for several weeks. It will be a long night, but I already want to say THANK YOU.” An earlier exit poll by the SWG polling agency put the right-wing coalition on course for 43-47 percent of the vote. “She will be an excellent prime minister.”
Le parti post-fasciste Fratelli d'Italia, dirigé par Giorgia Meloni, aurait recueilli entre 22 et 26% des voix, tandis que ses partenaires de coalition, la Ligue d'extrême droite de Matteo Salvini et le parti conservateur Forza Italia de Silvio ...
Le taux de participation à la clôture des urnes chute à 64,07%, contre 73,86% en 2018. La coalition de droite Salvini-Berlusconi-Meloni obtiendrait 41% à 45% Gorgia Meloni devrait ainsi devenir la prochaine cheffe du gouvernement.
Meloni, set to become Italy's first female prime minister, says 'clear indication' from voters of what they want.
“A sense of responsibility is prevailing now and we are starting to feel the weight of what is happening. The two parites “after their relative dramatic electoral results will have to rethink their leaderships and their policies to attract votes,” said Ruggeri. The election results will be confirmed on Monday, but a new government will not be formed before mid-November. She has also made clear she will continue to support Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, while keeping a critical tone within the European block. The Five Star Movement, long considered a moribund party, seems to have done better than expected, conquering the south and getting 16.6 percent of the vote. to make them proud of being Italians, to waive the Italian flag,” Meloni told the media in a much more subdued tone than her usual roaring.
Selon les résultats partiels, la coalition des droites a récolté plus de 44 % des voix, dimanche, s'assurant probablement la majorité absolue des sièges ...
Dans le dossier ukrainien, l’Europe et les alliés de l’Italie, membre de l’OTAN, scruteront également la répartition des portefeuilles entre les trois partis. Orban, par la voix de son directeur politique, le député Balazs Orban, a ajouté ce message : « Nous avons plus que jamais besoin d’amis partageant une vision et une approche communes de l’Europe ». Dans ce pays à l’instabilité gouvernementale chronique, les experts s’accordent déjà sur la courte espérance de vie de la coalition victorieuse, un mariage de raison entre trois alliés aux ambitions concurrentes. La formation fondée fin 2012 par Giorgia Meloni avec des dissidents du berlusconisme devance le Parti démocrate (PD) d’Enrico Letta, qui n’a pas réussi à susciter un vote utile pour faire barrage à l’extrême droite et qui obtient moins de 20 % selon les résultats partiels. [a cinglé sur Twitter]( le président du Rassemblement national français, Jordan Bardella. « Les Italiens ont offert une leçon d’humilité à l’UE qui, par la voix de Mme von der Leyen, prétendait leur dicter leur vote », « Nous le ferons dans l’objectif d’unir le peuple », a-t-elle ajouté dans un discours de rassemblement et d’apaisement en reconnaissant que la campagne électorale avait été « violente et agressive ». Car si Giorgia Meloni est atlantiste et soutient les sanctions frappant Moscou, M. Bêtes noires de Bruxelles, le premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban et son homologue polonais Mateusz Morawiecki ont adressé, dès dimanche soir, leurs « félicitations » à Giorgia Meloni. [En campagne, Giorgia Meloni, la cheffe de l’extrême droite, dénonce le déclin de l’Italie]( « Les Italiens ont envoyé un message clair en faveur d’un gouvernement de droite dirigé par Fratelli d’Italia », a-t-elle déclaré lors d’une brève allocution, en soirée, à la presse à Rome. « Nous gouvernerons pour tous » les Italiens, a-t-elle promis.
Overseas voting in the 2022 midterms has started, and Global Insider comes to you from Singapore this week, where the Milken Institute Asia Summit kicks off ...
[Paris]( [Playbook]( [London Influence]( [EU Influence]( Influence]( [EU Confidential]( [London Playbook]( [Story highlights]( [Brussels Playbook]( [on loan from his lobbying firm](, Fullbrook Strategies. [there’s no sign protests are abating]( in Iran. [when Meloni rises to speak]( [European Conservatives and Reformists]( party network includes the U.K.