
2022 - 8 - 30

pakistan flood pakistan flood

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

A third of Pakistan is underwater from floods, climate chief says (The Washington Post)

Calling the deadly rainfall and flash floods “apocalyptic,” Pakistan's climate minister called on global partners to scale up their emissions efforts.

[said ]( week it would release $1.1 billion to the country. Officials spent the past week [appealing for international aid]( [struck ]( Dallas-Fort Worth area. [Last month](, a record-breaking deluge swept through St. Agency for International Development]( said earlier this month that it is providing $100,000 in humanitarian assistance. Higher temperatures [mean ]( water in the air: For every degree of warmer temperature, the air can hold about 4 percent more water. Outside the United States, a state in [Australia ]( about 28 inches of rain last month, while record rainfall in [ South Korea]( tore up parts of the capital, Seoul, this month. Last year, massive floods killed more than 150 people in [Europe]( [Bloomberg]( [said]( on Twitter. [said]( Monday. [growing number of extreme weather events]( around the world is due to the planet’s rising temperatures, weather experts say.

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Image courtesy of "UN News"

Pakistan: $160 million UN emergency plan launched, as 'monsoon ... (UN News)

A $160 million emergency plan to help Pakistan deal with devastating flooding has been launched by the United Nations, aiming to reach “5.2 million of the ...

[WMO]( spokesperson, the deadly flooding is “the footprint of climate change where it is becoming more extreme”. “You have crush injuries from the debris floating in the water. you have the lack of drinking water,” which is “not only a problem for the immediate situation, but for the medium situation as well”. The humanitarian situation has also been compounded by severe impacts to infrastructure. Pakistan has endured severe monsoon weather since June, which saw rainfall levels 67 per cent above normal in that month alone, OCHA said in a statement. In [March and April](, Pakistan “was in the grips of this devastating heat wave and drought” and now “the pendulum has swung”, she warned. The Pakistani people are facing a monsoon on steroids. These include primarily shelter items, but also, “cooking stoves, blankets, solar lamps.” You have electrical shocks from wires… [Secretary-General António Guterres]( [said in a video message]( to launch the six-month appeal in Islamabad and Geneva. [$160 million emergency plan]( to help Pakistan deal with devastating flooding has been launched by the United Nations, aiming to reach “5.2 million of the most vulnerable people in the country”. The third aim is to ensure that “people can access assistance and protection in a way that is both safe and dignified, including family tracing”.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

PHOTOS: A third of Pakistan is underwater in catastrophic floods (NPR)

One-third of Pakistan is inundated, as floods sweep through the country this summer. The catastrophic floods, resulting from monsoon rains that began in ...

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Image courtesy of "Le Nouvelliste"

Pakistan: les efforts s'accentuent pour venir en aide aux victimes des ... (Le Nouvelliste)

Le premier ministre Shehbaz Sharif a déclaré qu'il s'agissait «des pires inondations de l'histoire du Pakistan» et estimé qu'au moins dix milliards de ...

«Je n’ai jamais pensé que j’aurais un jour à vivre ainsi», a déclaré Malang Jan, 60 ans, dont la maison a été engloutie par les eaux. «Le Pakistan est inondé de souffrances. Les États-Unis ont annoncé mardi un premier envoi d’aide humanitaire, d’une valeur de 30 millions de dollars. Le Pakistan a reçu deux fois plus de précipitations qu’habituellement, selon le service météorologique. Ces inondations surviennent au pire moment pour le Pakistan, qui avait déjà sollicité l’aide internationale pour aider son économie en crise. «Il ne reste plus rien chez nous, nous avons juste réussi à sauver nos vies.»

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Pakistan floods: UN set to appeal for $160M in emergency aid (

Pakistani authorities backed by the military, rescuers and volunteers have been battling the aftermath of the floods that have affected more than 33 million ...

“Extreme weather patterns are turning more frequent in the region and Pakistan is not an exception.” Since 1959, Pakistan is responsible for only 0.4% of the world’s historic emissions blamed for climate change. is responsible for 21.5%, China for 16.5% and the EU 15%. “Since mid-June, in fact, Pakistan has been battling one of the most severe, totally anomalous cycles of torrential monsoon weather,” he said. Khan was ousted through a no-confidence vote in the parliament in April. It requires the world’s collective and prioritized attention,” he said. Pakistan saw similar flooding and devastation in 2010 that killed nearly 2,000 people. For us, this is no less than a national emergency,” Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said Tuesday, urging the international community to give generously to the U.N. “The situation is likely to deteriorate even further as heavy rains continue over areas already inundated by more than two months of storms and flooding. He promised funds from the international community would be spent in a transparent manner and that he would ensure all aid reaches those in need. More than 33 million people, or one in seven Pakistanis, have been affected by the catastrophic flooding, which has devastated a country already trying to revive a struggling economy. The National Disaster Management Authority on Tuesday warned emergency services to be on maximum alert, saying flood waters over the next 24 hours could cause further damage.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

«Dégâts massifs» au Pakistan (Le Devoir)

Fareed Khan Associated Press Environ 13 milliards de dollars canadiens seront nécessaires pour réparer les dégâts et reconstruire les infrastructures ...

« Nous avons perdu notre paradis et maintenant nous sommes forcés à vivre une vie de misère. Ces inondations surviennent au pire moment pour le Pakistan, qui avait déjà sollicité l’aide internationale pour aider son économie en crise. Le Pakistan a reçu deux fois plus de précipitations qu’habituellement, selon le service météorologique. Dans les provinces du sud (Baloutchistan et Sind), les plus touchées, les pluies ont été plus de quatre fois supérieures à la moyenne des trente dernières années. » Plus de 10 milliards de dollars (environ 13 milliards de dollars canadiens) seront nécessaires pour réparer les dégâts et reconstruire les infrastructures endommagées par les inondations, a indiqué mardi à l’AFP le ministre de la Planification et du Développement, Ahsan Iqbal.

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Image courtesy of "Vox"

Pakistan's floods are a climate catastrophe (Vox)

The country's south has been most affected, notably the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan. Though some degree of flooding is common in Pakistan during monsoon ...

But Ayesha Siddiqi, a geographer at the University of Cambridge who has researched Pakistan’s response to [the 2010 flooding](, told me that “all disasters are very much constructed, they’re constructed by society, and they’re constructed by people.” [detained on treason charges]( and alleged that he had been tortured in custody. The next general election will be held in 2023, but Khan has been [calling for early elections]( “The state has learned how to go about reaching out to people, but what the state has been far less adept at managing is the longer-term issues of, how do we rehabilitate people in the next five years, 10 years, so that they are not this vulnerable again?” Most recently, the police [issued terrorism charges against him]( over a speech he delivered earlier this month. [Early this year, a political crisis rattled Pakistan]( [hold political rallies]( that reinforce his street power. “Running underneath all of this has been the political crisis.” There has been [$10 billion of damage]( and an estimated 1 million homes wrecked. But Pakistan this year has also endured economic difficulties and a [lethal heat wave]( that, as Vox’s Umair Irfan reported, strained public infrastructure and social services. [calamity]( alone would have been disastrous. The country’s south has been most affected, notably the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan.

'Epochal' floods kill 380 children in Pakistan, 720 others; UN seeks aid (Financial Post)

CHARSADDA — Torrential rains and flooding have killed more than 1100 people, including 380 children, in Pakistan, where army helicopters plucked stranded…

“Pakistan is awash in suffering,” U.N. Sindh province, with a population of 50 million, was hardest hit, getting 466% more rain than the 30-year average. Article content

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Pakistan: l'ONU réclame 160 millions de dollars pour aider plus de 5 ... (TVA Nouvelles)

L'ONU et le gouvernement pakistanais ont lancé mardi un appel urgent aux dons de 160 M$ US pour venir en aide à plus de 5 millions de victimes.

Les personnes vivant dans ces points chauds sont 15 fois plus susceptibles de mourir des impacts climatiques», a rappelé M. «L'Asie du Sud est l'un des points chauds de la crise climatique mondiale. «La population du Pakistan a un besoin urgent de solidarité et de soutien», a-t-il ajouté.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

UN and Pakistan appeal for $160m to help flooding victims (The Guardian)

Call for emergency funding as nearly half a million people displaced and estimated $10bn damage to economy.

The UN said last week it had allocated $3m for its aid agencies and their partners in Pakistan to respond to the floods. But the government did not implement plans to prevent future flooding by preventing construction and homes in flood-prone areas and riverbeds, said Suleri. The US is responsible for 21.5%, China for 16.5% and the EU 15%. Since 1959, Pakistan has been responsible for only 0.4% of the world’s historical CO2 emissions. “This year Pakistan has received the highest rainfall in at least three decades. “It is a preliminary estimate likely to be far greater,” the planning minister, Ahsan Iqbal, said before the launch of the appeal in Islamabad on Tuesday.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

PHOTOS: A third of Pakistan is under water in catastrophic floods (NPR)

One-third of Pakistan is inundated, as floods sweep through the country this summer. The catastrophic floods, resulting from monsoon rains that began in ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Damage caused by Pakistan floods totals more than $10 billion ... (CNN)

Deadly floods that threaten to engulf up to a third of Pakistan by the end of the monsoon season have caused more than $10 billion in damages, according to ...

"Our needs assessment showed that we are already seeing a major increase in cases of diarrhea, skin infections, malaria and other illnesses," she said. The floods have also destroyed key infrastructure including more than 130 bridges and nearly half a million homes, according to NDMA. The funds earmarked for release by the IMF on Monday are part of a 2019 bailout agreement to "put Pakistan's economy on the path of sustainable and balanced growth," according to the IMF.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Pakistan: les efforts s'accentuent pour venir en aide aux victimes des ... (Le Soleil)

Le premier ministre Shehbaz Sharif a déclaré qu'il s'agissait «des pires inondations de l'histoire du Pakistan» et estimé qu'au moins 10 milliards de ...

«Je n’ai jamais pensé que j’aurais un jour à vivre ainsi», a déclaré Malang Jan, 60 ans, dont la maison a été engloutie par les eaux. «Le Pakistan est inondé de souffrances. Les États-Unis ont annoncé mardi un premier envoi d’aide humanitaire, d’une valeur de 30 millions de dollars. Le Pakistan a reçu deux fois plus de précipitations qu’habituellement, selon le service météorologique. Ces inondations surviennent au pire moment pour le Pakistan, qui avait déjà sollicité l’aide internationale pour aider son économie en crise. «Il ne reste plus rien chez nous, nous avons juste réussi à sauver nos vies.»

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Crise climatique meutrière : au moins 1136 morts dans des ... (

Après la canicule qui a touché le pays ce printemps, le Pakistan est depuis le début de l'été frappé par des inondations extrêmes, avec un tiers du pays ...

Car ce sont bien les gaz à effet de serre qui provoquent le réchauffement climatique et aujourd’hui, ce sont 100 entreprises qui, dans leur quête constante pour les profits, [sont responsables de 70% des émissions de ces gaz]( Face à l’urgence climatique, une transition écologique ne peut se faire qu’en s’attaquant à ces multinationales ainsi qu’aux gouvernements impérialistes et leurs relais dans les pays dépendants, qui détruisent les structures capables d’endiguer la crise climatique. Le FMI est déjà en train de réfléchir à un « plan d’aide » qui va assurément approfondir cette dette et enfoncer le pays dans le cercle vicieux de la dette. [40% de son budget au remboursement de sa dette au FMI](, l’empêchant alors d’investir cet argent dans les infrastructures nécessaires pour résoudre ces problèmes. Mais s’il l’est particulièrement en raison de sa situation géographique, c’est parce que les infrastructures ne sont pas suffisamment adaptées que les populations sont aussi directement impactées et que les morts sont aussi nombreux. Une catastrophe qui démontre l’ampleur de la catastrophe écologique dans les pays semi-coloniaux. Les Pakistanais subissaient déjà une inflation de 44%, ils vont demain encore souffrir de la faim. En effet, des milliers de bâtiments sont construits sur des zones inondables et de nombreux habitants vivent dans des bidonvilles. Ces deux maladies mortelles et fortement contagieuses se transmettent l’une par les moustiques qui profitent des eaux stagnantes pour se reproduire et l’autre, par une bactérie présente dans ces mêmes eaux. La plupart des habitants sont donc contraints de partir à pieds ou sur des embarcations de fortune, emportant avec eux tout ce qu’ils peuvent. [véritable catastrophe qui s’est abattue sur le pays](, provoquant la mort d’au moins 1 136 personnes depuis le mois de juin – chiffres largement sous-estimés selon l’ONG Médecins du Monde.

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Devastating Pakistan floods seen from space (satellite photos) (

Satellites have been helping the world keep tabs on the catastrophic Pakistan floods, which have killed more than 1100 people and damaged over a million ...

Follow us on Twitter [@Spacedotcom]( (opens in new tab) or on Follow him on Twitter [@michaeldwall]( (opens in new tab). This is how the Jafarabad District appeared in the image captured on 29 August 2022," Copernicus officials said today (Aug. [Satellites]( have been helping the world keep tabs on this unfolding disaster, which has already impacted 33 million of Pakistan's 240 million people, [according to CNN]( (opens in new tab). Tomorrow, it could be your country." Doves may be small, but they're pretty sharp-eyed; the cubesats are capable of resolving features as small as 10 feet (3 meters) across from their perch in low Earth orbit. Since June, those floodwaters have killed more than 1,100 people and damaged over a million homes, [according to Pakistan's National Disaster Management Agency]( (opens in new tab). "The apocalyptic situation caused by the ongoing #floods in #Pakistan is visible from #Copernicus #Sentinel2's orbit at 786 km [488 miles] in space. "Today, it's Pakistan. [Twitter post]( (opens in new tab) that shared imagery of the ravaged region. "Devastating floods, driven by unusually heavy monsoon rains, are surging across Pakistan. [the Twitter post]( (opens in new tab).

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More than 1000 dead in calamitous Pakistan floods | CBC Radio (

The view from Pakistan, where relentless flooding has killed more than 1000 people, and threatens to leave a third of the country underwater.

Devastating flash floods in Pakistan have submerged one-third of the country, according to its climate minister. Today on Front Burner, Javed tells us more about what she saw and about the disaster unfolding in a country already dealing with political and economic instability. Officials say more than 1,100 people have died since monsoon season began in June and an estimated 33 million people have been affected.

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Image courtesy of "AviationSource"

China Deploys Y-20 Aircraft to Deliver Flood Relief to Pakistan (AviationSource)

Two Chinese Y-20 heavy transport aircraft have landed in Karachi, Pakistan, bringing aid & supplies for residents affected by heavy flooding.

The aircraft is typically operated by a crew of three, including two pilots and loadmaster. It is the first heavy airlift transport aircraft developed in China. LONDON – China has deployed two military Xian Y-20 cargo aircraft to Karachi, Pakistan to provide disaster relief, following devastating flooding in the region.

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'Real calamity': Canadian Pakistani community steps up flood relief ... (

Canadians concerned about loved ones in Pakistan are rallying to send aid as millions are homeless and more than 1000 killed in record-breaking flooding.

government said it would provide US$30 million in assistance to help victims of the flood. And earlier Tuesday morning, a friend from Balochistan said support has been lacking in the province. “Families are completely displaced, they’ve lost their livestock, they don’t have their homes because a lot of them in the rural villages are living in mud homes and it’s also impacted their livelihood.” On Monday, Canada announced $5 million in funding to help “scale up” the humanitarian response. Mahmood Qasim, who recently returned from the flood-affected areas in the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh, said access to the under-developed scattered communities was a main concern. On a personal level, Shaikh is trying to send money directly to people who need it most and is reaching out to his Pakistani circle in Canada to do the same.

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Image courtesy of "CTV Edmonton"

Ottawa Pakistani community collecting supplies for flood-ravaged ... (CTV Edmonton)

Unprecedented monsoon rains have ravaged Pakistan, leaving large swaths of the south-Asian nation underwater. More than 1000 people are dead, millions more ...

RCMP investigating after boy allegedly suffers seizure during Bible camp exorcism]( mass shooter linked to murder case under federal review]( [Toronto]( [Several people still 'severely ill' after mass poisoning at Markham, Ont. for a hazardous materials spill Tuesday afternoon. It was a meeting the tenants at 632 Hale Street say they have been demanding for years. Police in Barrie, Ont., continue to investigate a crash that left six young people dead over the weekend. Party leaders in Quebec are being surrounded by heightened security as they spread out across the province. With considerable attention on an increase in hate and harassment online, questions are being raised over where the federal government's promises stand, related to addressing harmful content. The RCMP says it is investigating the verbal harassment of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland that occurred in Alberta on Aug. NASA will try again Saturday to launch its new rocket on a test flight, after engine trouble halted the first Artemis I mission countdown this week. Details and volunteer contacts are available on the association’s Unprecedented monsoon rains have ravaged Pakistan, leaving large swaths of the south-Asian nation underwater.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

UN seeks $160-million in emergency aid for Pakistan floods (The Globe and Mail)

Pakistan's flooding is a signal to the world to step up action against climate change, says UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who will visit the ...

Aug. 22 to Aug. 15 to Aug. But the government didn’t implement plans to prevent future flooding by preventing construction and homes in flood prone areas and river beds, said Mr. 8 to Aug. “Extreme weather patterns are turning more frequent in the region and Pakistan is not an exception.” 1 to Aug. The funds are part of a US$6-billion bailout agreed on in 2019. “Since mid-June, in fact, Pakistan has been battling one of the most severe, totally anomalous cycles of torrential monsoon weather,” he said. “The situation is likely to deteriorate even further as heavy rains continue over areas already inundated by more than two months of storms and flooding. He promised funds from the international community would be spent in a transparent manner and that he would ensure all aid reaches those in need. More than 33 million people, or one in seven Pakistanis, have been affected by the catastrophic flooding, which has devastated a country already trying to revive a struggling economy.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Why Pakistan Was Hit So Hard By Floods (The New York Times)

You're reading the Climate Forward newsletter, for Times subscribers only. Your must-read guide to the climate crisis. Get it with a Times subscription.

Browse all of our [subscriber-only newsletters here]( [almost 40 percent of Pakistanis]( But government officials in Pakistan estimate [the damage of these floods alone will run over $10 billion]( The ruling was based on a Last survivor, gone: The last member of an uncontacted Indigenous group in Brazil has died. [deadly heat waves](, summer floods have killed more than 1,100 people in Pakistan. The floods in Pakistan offered an example. According to World Bank data, the sector employs This monsoon season, rainfall in Pakistan has been nearly three times the national average of the past 30 years, the country’s disaster agency said. Stories like this are possible because of our deep commitment to original reporting, produced by a global staff of over 1,700 journalists who have all dedicated themselves to helping you understand the world. The South Asian summer monsoon is part of a regional weather pattern. There is little doubt that it made this year’s monsoon season more destructive.

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Image courtesy of "CNN International"

Pakistan floods caused by 'monsoon on steroids,' says UN chief - CNN (CNN International)

UN Secretary General António Guterres on Tuesday launched a flash $160 million appeal for flood-ravaged Pakistan, where more than 1100 people have been ...

We evacuated the women and the cattle. "Our needs assessment showed that we are already seeing a major increase in cases of diarrhea, skin infections, malaria and other illnesses," she said. Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that he hadn't seen such devastation in the country in his "entire political career," during a briefing on Tuesday. "This is a climate crisis," Abdullah Fadil, UNICEF's representative in Pakistan told CNN. By the time the women were leaving the house, the water had become almost waist-deep. Nearly half a million homes have been destroyed, according to NDMA. The country was, however, hit with similarly devastating floods in 2010. "It's not months but years we are talking about." Richer countries also bear a much larger historical responsibility for the crisis in the first place. But that quickly changed. Tomorrow, it could be your country." "Today, it's Pakistan.

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'Today, it's Pakistan. Tomorrow, it could be your country,' UN chief ... (

The United Nations and Pakistan issued an appeal Tuesday for more than $160 million US in emergency funding to help millions affected by record-breaking ...

has been responsible for 21.5 per cent, China for 16.5 per cent and the EU 15 per cent. The funds are part of a $6 billion US bailout agreed on in 2019. Since 1959, Pakistan has been responsible for only 0.4 per cent of the world's historic emissions blamed for climate change. Rainfall during that time was three times the average, and up to six times higher in some areas, he said. "The situation is likely to deteriorate even further as heavy rains continue over areas already inundated by more than two months of storms and flooding. It requires the world's collective and prioritized attention," he said. It said the United States is deeply saddened by the devastating loss of life and livelihoods throughout Pakistan. He promised funds from the international community would be spent in a transparent manner and that he would ensure all aid reaches those in need. More than 33 million people, or one in seven Pakistanis, have been affected by the catastrophic flooding, which has devastated a country already trying to revive a struggling economy. The National Disaster Management Authority on Tuesday warned emergency services to be on maximum alert, saying flood waters over the next 24 hours could cause further damage. On Tuesday, the U.S. According to a statement released by the U.S.

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Image courtesy of "Le Droit"

Pakistan: les efforts s'accentuent pour venir en aide aux victimes des ... (Le Droit)

Le premier ministre Shehbaz Sharif a déclaré qu'il s'agissait «des pires inondations de l'histoire du Pakistan» et estimé qu'au moins 10 milliards de ...

«Je n’ai jamais pensé que j’aurais un jour à vivre ainsi», a déclaré Malang Jan, 60 ans, dont la maison a été engloutie par les eaux. «Le Pakistan est inondé de souffrances. Les États-Unis ont annoncé mardi un premier envoi d’aide humanitaire, d’une valeur de 30 millions de dollars. Le Pakistan a reçu deux fois plus de précipitations qu’habituellement, selon le service météorologique. Ces inondations surviennent au pire moment pour le Pakistan, qui avait déjà sollicité l’aide internationale pour aider son économie en crise. «Il ne reste plus rien chez nous, nous avons juste réussi à sauver nos vies.»

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Pakistan floods: before-and-after images show extent of devastation (The Guardian)

More than 1,100 people have been killed in flooding described by Pakistan PM Shebaz Sharif as worst in country's history. Satellite images released by Maxar ...

The UN launched a formal Sharif said the floods badly destroyed crops, and his government was considering importing wheat to avoid any shortage of food. Sharif said it would cost at least $10bn to repair damaged infrastructure spread across the country. Satellite images reveal the same areas months or weeks later covered in brown water. But such intense downpours have not been seen for three decades. “Today, it’s Pakistan.

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Image courtesy of "La Tribune"

Pakistan: les efforts s'accentuent pour venir en aide aux victimes des ... (La Tribune)

Les efforts s'accentuent mardi pour venir en aide aux dizaines de millions de Pakistanais affectés par les pluies de mousson tombées sans répit depuis juin, ...

«Je n’ai jamais pensé que j’aurais un jour à vivre ainsi», a déclaré Malang Jan, 60 ans, dont la maison a été engloutie par les eaux. «Le Pakistan est inondé de souffrances. Les États-Unis ont annoncé mardi un premier envoi d’aide humanitaire, d’une valeur de 30 millions de dollars. Le Pakistan a reçu deux fois plus de précipitations qu’habituellement, selon le service météorologique. Ces inondations surviennent au pire moment pour le Pakistan, qui avait déjà sollicité l’aide internationale pour aider son économie en crise. «Il ne reste plus rien chez nous, nous avons juste réussi à sauver nos vies.»

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Image courtesy of "SaltWire Network"

St. John's-based artist raising money for relief efforts in Pakistan (SaltWire Network)

ST. JOHN'S, N.L. — When artist Shazia Ahmad watched news coverage of the devastating flooding in her native Pakistan that has caused more than 1000 deaths .

The number right now in this event is less than 2,000, but I have a feeling people are thinking it’s going to be much worse. “In 2010 it was probably the worst flooding Pakistan had up to that point. “I was born in Karachi, Pakistan and raised there until I was 18. In 2010, the country was hit with similar flooding. Pakistan is dealing with a major crisis after two months of nearly continuous rainfall caused flooding over nearly one-third of the country, killing more than 1,000 people and affecting 33 million people. I’m keeping the campaign open, but I’m thinking I’ll make the first donation this evening (Tuesday) to organizations that are on the ground in Pakistan.”

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Image courtesy of "CTV News London"

Pakistan flood impacts London-area families as local relief effort ... (CTV News London)

Londoner Imtiaz Shah is thankful his family is safe in flood-ravaged Pakistan. However, for some of his loved ones, it was a narrow escape.

RCMP investigating East Preston homicide after body found inside vehicle]( 1 hr ago A restaurant in Markham, Ont. 4 hr ago Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reassigned ministers Filomena Tassi and Helena Jaczek in a small internal cabinet shuffle at Rideau Hall on Wednesday. As an expert, he knows more could be done to ease the losses from floods in his homeland, but for now, he just wants to help people recover. 5 hr ago 2 hr ago Why?” In some areas, the water has now receded. However, for some of his loved ones, it was a narrow escape. “It was just heart wrenching.

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