Saints Row

2022 - 8 - 22

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

'Saints Row' (2022) Review: Ain't Woke, Needs Fixing (Forbes)

After months of criticism, 'Saints Row' (2022) won't impress its followers–but not for the reasons many weirdly hope for.

It’s okay when it’s being hilariously stupid, but when it actively gets in the way of simple tasks, it’s a problem–for a game that seems to use the exact same engine as SR3 Remastered, albeit with prettier lighting, it shouldn’t be this way. As with a lot of the Saints Row experience, there’s next-to-no exposition from the stories told, and little pay-off from completing them. Even though Saints Row IV was a purple-neon carbon copy of The Third, it still had heart, that trademark silliness, and a solid storyline. For Saints Row diehards and newcomers alike, one of the biggest disappointments comes with its playlist. While each front offers a different type of mission, the combination of a large cost to unlock them, and the further requirement to complete them to unlock story missions, essentially forces you to set one up and do every single repetitive mission back to back. It’s just as well, really–you’ll be driving all the time, and usually in a stolen car, which you hijack with the exact same animations as previous games. Gun shops have a limited selection of alternatives, but aside from the weapons you can unlock in missions and side quests, they generally lack the silliness of Saints Row’s past arsenals. Empire building is at the center of Saints Row, and it’s an interesting alternative take on the previous formula. Sure, there’s more character customization courtesy of more stores than ever, and you can change your look or gender at any time through your phone–no costly visit to Image as Designed required–but you can still be as cisgender and white and straight as you want to be, if you’re feeling threatened by the reality of multiculturalism. It still has its fun moments, niche appeal, third-person anarchy, and plenty to keep you distracted between missions, but this isn’t a reboot–it’s a reskin of a now-tired formula. In recent memory, it’s impossible to think of a game that people have wanted to fail as much as the 2022 Saints Row reboot. Ultimately, Saints Row 2022 is just painfully Saints Row–an experience that’s often exactly the same as it was over ten years ago with Saints Row the Third.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

'Saints Row' takes players on a crime spree that's goofy, sincere ... (NPR)

'Saints Row' presents a sunny sandbox bursting with heists, hijinks, and witty banter. But the new reboot doesn't quite live up to the satisfying gameplay ...

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Image courtesy of "GameSpot"

Saints Row Review - Open-World Nostalgia (GameSpot)

The Saints Row reboot ditches the over-the-top aspects of its predecessor, but still feels like it's trapped in the past.

Rebooting the series made sense, yet in many ways, Saints Row is still stuck in the past and struggling to live up to its legacy. Saints Row reins in the absurdity to a fairly significant degree but still manages to indulge in some of the chaotic action and silly hijinks the series is known for. Either way, it's a lot of driving from point to point, over and over again, and it doesn't take long to become tedious. Despite all of these changes, combat is very much the same, only you're forced to use bad weapons that take twice as long to kill people. You need to steal food trucks full of drugs for the Chalupacabra restaurant, for example, while the car dealership tasks you with jacking specific vehicles around the city. This goes back to the game's archaic feel, where you spend much of your time simply driving back and forth between missions. Driving in Saints Row feels overly floaty, but this was never a hindrance to my enjoyment of cruising around the city. The heart of Saints Row has always resided in its characters, and the dynamic and playful banter between the friendship group is the highlight of the story. Once your startup is up and running, you can purchase these ventures to generate more money and gradually grow your business. The first one you unlock lets you grab an enemy and stuff a grenade down their pants before heaving them back towards their buddies, which is especially useful for crowd control, on top of just being fun to do. The inaccuracy of the SMGs only compounds the game's awkward aiming, and the shotguns feel decidedly weak and are irritatingly slow to fire--an issue when most enemies soak up damage. While the main character is a self-described murder machine, the rest of your friends are well-rounded and avoid falling into a pitfall of homicidal archetypes.

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Image courtesy of "The A.V. Club"

The new Saints Row reboot is bland, boring, and broken (The A.V. Club)

Why go back to basics for a gaming franchise when the basics are this dull—and buggy?

I shoot a man in the face with my rifle. I shoot a woman in the face with my rifle. (If you need a big map of stuff to checklist your way down, the game will absolutely scratch that itch.) Its tonal issues are, weirdly, a function of making its characters too likable, instead of not enough. The most irritating thing about Saints Row, though…Well, I was going to say something about “the wasted potential,” or the ways it occasionally slips up and lets itself get genuinely goofy and fun for a minute before getting back to the death grind. For a game so interested in making murder seem fun and frivolous, it’s perversely okay with translating it into tedium, instead. But you’d be shocked how often “seize control of drug-dealing food trucks” or “clean up a crime scene for cash” translates to “drive somewhere and shoot a guy in the face.” (Also, every car that isn’t yours is basically made of tissue paper, turning even the most cautious commute into a series of extended explosions.) Tearing across Santo Ileso in a souped-up supercar can be a genuine blast, especially if you stick a tow cable on your favorite sportscar so that you can drag some hapless sap behind you as a makeshift wrecking ball. Sure, activities will be described as though something fun is about to happen, but nine times out of ten, what the game really means is “Drive to this place and shoot someone.” (Sometimes, to break things up, you’ll shoot someone, then drive somewhere else to shoot some people again.) There are a few glimmers of innovation here and there—generally attached to the “Empire” system that makes up much of the game’s side content, tasking you with building various criminal fronts that provide passive upgrades and income in exchange for completing certain tasks. I shoot 20 more people in the face with my rifle. It’s just that the game they’ve been placed at the heart of is also all about stabbing people in the face. But I think I got pretty much everything in there—the only things missing being some sporadic bouts of meme-based humor, and the regular-as-clockwork bit where I had to restart a mission because some aspect of its scripting had managed to bug itself out into oblivion. Our central characters are a crew of roommates who roughly map onto the low-level rungs of each of these factions, with your own player-crafted avatar a new recruit to Marshall who regularly describes themselves as “being good at murder.” After a series of setbacks that sees them ostracized from all of these various power brokers, the group decides to form their own dang gang, founded not on a drive for power, fame, or wealth, but on a shared dedication to each other, and to the idea of the little guy rising up and seizing their destinies for themselves.

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Image courtesy of "IGN"

Saints Row Review - IGN (IGN)

But in between these peaks is a relentless rinse-and-repeat cycle of wave-based shootouts against a handful of rival gangs that are uniformly bullet spongy and ...

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Image courtesy of "Polygon"

Saints Row review: An excellent reboot fueled by Gen Z rage (Polygon)

The Saints Row reboot deviates from series tradition without changing the open-world sandbox DNA on Windows PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Test Saints Row : un bon GTA like en attendant Grand Theft Auto 6 ? (

Retrouvez le test de Saints Row : un bon GTA like en attendant Grand Theft Auto 6 ? du 22/08/2022.Presque dix ans après le dernier volet de la saga Saints ...

[Saints Row]( ne nous donne pas encore de claque graphique. De ce côté-là, si [Saints Row]( a bel et bien fait un saut en avant, force est de constater qu’il n’est pas toujours beau et le même défaut est toujours présent, même après toutes ces années. [Saints Row]( fait du Saints Row avec la disponibilité de grands classiques (pistolets, mitraillette, fusil à pompe…) et quelques excentricités rigolotes, toujours avec la possibilité de customiser l’ensemble. Saints Row n’est pas vraiment ce que l’on peut appeler un redémarrage total de la saga, mais plutôt un soft-reboot : il s’apparente énormément à Saints Row The Third qui, même si apprécié, n’en demeure pas moins âgé d’une dizaine d’années. [Saints Row]( est-il beau ? L’objectif étant de construire toutes les entreprises possibles sur la carte, d’y faire toutes les petites missions dédiées et de prendre le contrôle sur tout Santo Ileso, avec même la possibilité d’ériger un building à l’effigie des Saints. Les textures et effets de lumière sont parfois appréciables, mais on se demande à quel point le travail exercé sur L’action n’étant pas des plus inventives et pouvant amener la répétitivité, on ne saurait que trop bien vous conseiller de faire le jeu avec un ami pour maximiser le fun et rendre l’expérience encore plus délicieusement débile. Le côté profondément urbain laisse ainsi la place à des déserts et des saloons ; la pluie est quant à elle troquée contre quelques tempêtes de sable. Dans le même style, des capacités passives sont à déverouiller et à choisir au fil des défis optionnels que l’on parvient à terminer. Prenez donc le gameplay de Saints Row 3 (presque au modèle près) et ajoutez-y quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités, comme des compétences à débloquer au fil des niveaux d’expériences et à attribuer aux flèches directionnelles (coup de poing enflammé, jet de grenade, tourbillon de tirs, etc.). En collocation avec trois amis - Kevin, un homme à tout faire et constamment topless ; Eli, un gestionnaire et comptable confirmé au look hipster et Neenah, une geek membre d’un gang hispanique - le Boss va se mettre en tête de fonder son propre empire criminel dans Santo Ileso après avoir tout simplement perdu son job.

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Image courtesy of "Breakflip"

Saints Row sur steam, le jeu sera-t-il disponible sur la plateforme ? (Breakflip)

Saints Row sort le 23 août 2022 sur PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, et Xbos Series S/X. Disponible via l'Epic Games Store pour la plateforme PC, le jeu est-il...

[Nos articles sur Saints Row](/fr/saints-row) Vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien suivant pour acheter le jeu Saints Row via l'Epic Games Store. [Saints Row](/fr/saints-row) 2022, le reboot du premier opus de la série de jeux vidéo Saints Row sort le mardi 23 août 2022 sur PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One et Xbox Series.

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Test Saints Row - Retour aux bases ou jeu basique ? (

Annoncé il y a un an presque jour pour jour, le reboot de Saints Row a beaucoup divisé les fans de la série entre sa volonté de revoir un peu son ton, ...

[en suivant la communication]( autour de ce Saints Row que l’aspect qui rendait le plus fier les développeurs était probablement tout ce qui touche à la personnalisation. Il existe également une application à la Uber pour ceux qui veulent se débarrasser d’une personne gênante et les 7 types de découvertes à faire en explorant, qui sont des collectibles et des photos à prendre (et il y en aura beaucoup). Pas de contenu exclusif pour proposer quelques expériences différentes du solo, pas même augmenter la limite du nombre de participants, c’est un peu dommage vu le potentiel qu’il y avait à exploiter. Ce n’est toujours pas fini puisqu’on a aussi les membres de gang à éliminer de vos quartiers et les défis pour améliorer véhicules, armes et débloquer les atouts passifs. L’un des rares ajouts est une combinaison de vol à déployer n’importe quand du moment qu’il y a assez de distance avec le sol, ce qui arrive malheureusement très rarement et fait donc un peu gadget. De même, si les ennemis ont le droit de faire des glissades lors des échanges de tir, notre personnage en est incapable, ce qui peut donc être un peu frustrant. On note la possibilité, lorsque l’on est passager, de monter sur la voiture pour tirer plus facilement et avec de plus grosses armes sur les ennemis. Concrètement, on a l’impression que les blagues ne feraient pas tâche dans le MCU, ou dans le Deadpool de Ryan Reynolds pour celles qui sont plus vulgaires. Les factions adverses gagneraient à avoir un peu plus d’incarnation et de développement des rares personnages qui sont identifiés en dehors du grand antagoniste final. [Saints Row]( a beaucoup divisé les fans de la série entre sa volonté de revoir un peu son ton, revenir à des aventures plus réalistes que les derniers épisodes et la disparition de Johnny Gat, Shaundi, Pierce et les autres. Mais il faut avouer que notre préférence va aux imprévisibles Idols, des anarchistes adeptes de néons et des feux d’artifices qui n’hésitent jamais à faire une pause en plein combat pour prendre un petit selfie. On note quand même le plus gros moment de bravoure du jeu, une série de quêtes basées sur un JdR Grandeur Nature qui permet enfin à Volition de se lâcher un peu.

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Image courtesy of "Gamosaurus"

Test de Saints Row, toujours un défouloir déjanté (Gamosaurus)

Découvrez notre test de Saints Row, un reboot coloré et toujours aussi déjanté de la série singeant la formule des GTA.

On se retrouve avec des personnages hauts en couleur, qui ne correspondent pas aux clichés qu’on pourrait leur attribuer, et qui ne manque pas de piquant. Ici, on retrouve le ton parodique de la série, un certain plaisir à envoyer les codes du genre se faire voir, tout en alignant une histoire cohérente et même parfois touchante. Ce sont surtout des prétextes pour faire le tour de la ville, gagner de la réputation et de l’influence. Que ce soit pour rejoindre le point de rendez-vous, pour semer des ennemis ou simplement sentir l’asphalte brûler sous vos roues, on passe du temps sur la route. Et ce ne sont pas les QTE lors de certaines cinématiques qui viendront rajeunir la licence. Vos amis peuvent vous demander de l’aide pour sécuriser un butin et le protéger de la police. Avec le retour des missions de destruction, semer le chaos en ville dans un temps imparti donne un sentiment de puissance inégalé. Malgré ces quelques écueils, le gameplay de ce Saints Row reste globalement bon pour tout ce qui n’a pas trait au combat. Cela limite grandement les risques, mais vous n’êtes pas à l’abri de ceux qui décident de vous couper la route. Et puisqu’il vous faut de l’argent pour faire grimper votre empire, vous n’aurez pas toujours l’occasion de les esquiver. Que ce soit dans son optimisation ou dans son gameplay, de nombreuses erreurs subsistent. Une fois de plus, en partant de rien, il va falloir gravir les échelons de la criminalité.

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Image courtesy of "PC Gamer"

Saints Row review (PC Gamer)

Saints Row is a knockabout driving/shooting/flying ragdoll-em-up in which you lead a misnamed gang of sociopaths. The Saints are loveable sociopaths to be ...

Saints Row is always at its best when it cuts loose, when it goes full dubstep-gun stupid, and the reboot forgets that for long stretches. The ragdoll after-touch has been toned down, making it harder to tumble into multiple cars for combos as you flop down the highway like a fish with a death wish. Santo Ileso, a desert burg somewhere in the American Southwest, doesn't have the kind of crowded centre that's fun to buzz in a stolen helicopter as you weave between the skyscraper forest. One of the new Saints quit an unpaid internship to become a mechanic for a crime boss, one's a startup entrepreneur who overdosed on motivational TED talks and podcasts, and the other's a DJ who is allergic to wearing a shirt. Options to change how it plays are welcome and plentiful, with a menu that should be shown to other games while they sit in the corner and think about what they've done. And you have to do side stuff to unlock new missions, a push-and-pull that usually means at least one long stretch of chores because you ate too much meat before polishing off your vegetables. Some of the corners cut to make that framerate happen are obvious, like the fuzzy hair that makes your cat look like it stepped out of another game, the occasional odd shadow or jagged item of clothing, and the way cars in the middle distance transition to the ethereal plane when they see you coming. While I don't care about the new crew in the same way as the scoundrels who grew into a close-knit family over the course of the original games, these characters haven't had a bunch of sequels to develop. The cost is that coats and skirts are noticeably stiff and most of the hairstyles are static, for reasons that became obvious when I tried a ponytail and it clipped right through my face. Which I guess is why, instead of making a new Saints Row where you time-travel or establish a branch on an alien planet or something, Volition hit the reboot button. The reboot comes with a new cast they despised from the first trailer. When fans of SR2 say they miss how grounded it was, they mean they were OK with a game that had motorbike katana duels, but SR3 including a Japanese game show about straight-up murdering people crossed the line.

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Image courtesy of "Presse-citron"

Test Saints Row : un retour gagnant ou absurde ? (Presse-citron)

Neuf ans après le dernier opus, Saints Row est de retour dans un reboot prometteur... Découvrez notre test dès maintenant !

Pour les joueurs qui souhaitent un GTA-Like sérieux, avec un scénario travaillé et des missions intéressantes, ce Saints Row risque de les décevoir. Nous avons le droit à de belles couleurs, de beaux couchers de soleil et la nuit les lumières de Santo Ileso nous offrent un joli spectacle. C’est un juste milieu entre les deux premiers et les deux derniers opus de la saga. Et enfin, les menaces qui seront présentes dans les différentes zones de la ville et que vous allez devoir éliminer pour prendre totalement le contrôle d’un territoire. Une fois que vous êtes parvenus à détruire tous les autres gangs de Santo Ileso, vous allez devoir gérer votre empire et le développer pour prendre le contrôle de la ville. Nous sommes plus dans une guerre des gangs à la Fortnite (les émotes et les danses comprises) que dans une guerre des gangs façon West Coast. C’est la représentation des cow-boys modernes qui foncent dans le tas et qui tirent de partout avant de réfléchir. Pour ce qui est des Los Panteros, ce sont des passionnés de grosses voitures qui aiment la baston par dessus tout. En dépression, sans argent, vous allez faire le choix qui va changer votre vie : vous lancer dans le crime avec la création de votre propre gang. Mais pas le temps de visiter et de faire les touristes. Ce reboot de Saints Row nous plonge dans la région de Santo Ileso, un petit endroit de paradis largement inspiré de l’Arizona, du Nevada et du Nouveau-Mexique aux États-Unis. Les joueurs contrôlaient de véritables superhéros avec des pouvoirs, qui se battaient avec des aliens et des OVNIS, on était clairement dans un grand n’importe quoi, bien assumé par les développeurs.

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Embracer Group takes a hit as new game is panned (Axios)

Negative reviews of the new Saints Row video game are hitting at an awkward time for Swedish gaming giant Embracer Group, as it tries to prove itself a ...

18 interim report to prove that most of the projects from those teams have had a solid return on investment. Why it matters: Since being ousted in April, Khan has been mobilizing huge crowds while railing against the government and breaking a long-standing taboo by criticizing the military. - This new Saints Row, from longtime studio Volition, was meant to revive the long-running, open-world interactive crime franchise of the same name. [page 24]( of its Aug. The stock price for Embracer Group AB dove right after. [turning]( [heads]( its studio shopping sprees.

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Image courtesy of "Kotaku"

The New Saints Row Is Getting Trashed By Critics (Kotaku)

Volition's remake of the open-world crime series isn't reviewing very well.

“The new Saints Row has shed its shark-jumping silliness and smutty tendencies in favor of a return to its open-world gangland roots. [instantly become a mini-monster factory for players](—and its new setting, the fictional [Santo Ileso]( “Previews suggested that this week’s new series reboot, simply titled Saints Row, might wipe the slate clean to provide a fresh perspective on the crime-spree genre. “If you enjoyed previous Saints Row games, you will probably like this one, and if you’ve never played one, this is a decent onboarding point. While never as rich or mechanically satisfying as GTA V, the new Saints Row more than makes up for it with a pitch-perfect balance of comedy and compelling storytelling. From the world not loading in correctly, leaving us dangling in the shadow realm, to characters T-posing, to the sniper rifle scope being permanently plastered to the screen, it’s an incredibly unstable game. “My Saints Row experience was enjoyable and more than occasionally frustrating: At times it feels like Volition is on the cusp of a breakthrough in both social commentary and open-world game mechanics, while at other times it feels like it’s upholding the status quo. [announced last summer](, Saints Row is a full-on reboot of Volition’s long-running series of GTA clones, which hasn’t seen a new entry since 2013’s Saints Row IV (unless you count its standalone 2015 expansion, Gat Out of Hell). “This year’s reboot of Saints Row presents a sunny sandbox bursting with heists, hijinks, and witty banter. But based on what our colleagues in the gaming press corps have to say about it, this may be a blessing: I wouldn’t wish a 40-hour sprint through this open-world game on any of my colleagues (unless they’re named Zack Zwiezen, sorry bud!). I love the new cast of characters and what they represent to marginalized community members who will play this game, and the story is compelling enough that I persevered in the face of some irritating bugs. And it desperately wants you to think you’re having fun, without ever providing concrete steps towards giving players more to do than function in a very rote loop.” — William Hughes

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Image courtesy of "Shacknews"

Saints Row (2022) review: Identity crisis (Shacknews)

A review of 2022's Saints Row including the parts that stick the landing, and the parts that end up missing the mark.

Not just Los Panteros, but even the Idols and members of Marshall Industries, as well as targets in the Wanted app, often seem to skew towards POC in a negative way. However, the story falls flat, and there are enough bugs to impact your experience in a negative way. Not to mention the fact that in the past, Saints Row has never been considered or designed to be progressive or inclusive. For example, one character gets shot in the stomach and instead of taking him to the hospital, they take him back home, pour alcohol on the wound, and call it good. I spent quite a bit of time creating, and then later going back throughout my time with the game, and adjusting my custom character. The game centers around a young group of friends who live together because “rent is expensive” and eventually team up to create and manage the Saints after things go sour with their rival factions (Idols, Los Panteros), and your character getting fired from a job at Marshall Industries. In another mission, my NPC companion who was supposed to be guiding me out of a burning building got stuck and refused to move, running the clock down to yet another mission restart. Adding to the experience even more, the game offers some surprisingly detailed vehicle customization that, like the game’s character customization, will hold your attention for quite some time as you work to tune your favorite vehicles to the exact look and style that you want. While there were a number of things that soured me on Saints Row, the gameplay certainly wasn’t one of them. In one mission, I had to take out the police, but the police were stuck on a nearby bridge out of range. The gameplay of Saints Row is the biggest draw, and is actually quite enjoyable. Less edgy, and lacking much of the spice and flavor of its predecessors.

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Image courtesy of "Le Monde"

Avec « Saints Row », le retour du clone fantasque et déjanté de ... (Le Monde)

Sept ans après le dernier épisode, la série de jeux en monde ouvert « Saints Row » fait peau neuve avec un « reboot » en demi-teinte, disponible mardi 23 ...

Après des débuts laborieux, et sans jamais rien sacrifier à des mécaniques un brin lénifiantes, Saints Row finit tout de même par se déployer dans ce qu’il a de mieux à offrir. A l’automne 2013, comme pour répondre à GTA V qui s’enorgueillit de son scénario fleuve, Volition dégaine Saints Row IV, où les Saints se trouvent piégés dans une simulation virtuelle par des extraterrestres après que le Boss a été élu président des Etats-Unis. Le jeu est centré sur un groupe d’amis aux profils humanisés mais suffisamment atypiques pour se lancer dans une grande aventure picaresque, avec ses vols en combinaison ailée sur fond d’explosions, ses doigts d’honneur et ses morts gratuites par centaines. Depuis ses débuts en 2006, la série irrévérencieuse Saints Row a évolué dans l’ombre de Grand Theft Auto (GTA), passant du rang d’outsider à celui de cousin un peu taré. A l’heure où le jeu vidéo atteint l’âge de raison, Volition se vautre dans les plaisirs coupables qui lui ont longtemps valu sa réputation de sous-culture peu fréquentable. Le long des voies d’autoroute de Santo Ileso, l’autoradio crache le mantra d’un coach en développement personnel : « Devenez votre propre patron, soyez aux commandes !

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Image courtesy of "Push Square"

Saints Row Guide: All Collectibles (Push Square)

How to unlock The Collector Trophy - Looking for All Collectibles in Saints Row? Well then, you've come to the right place...

Collectibles become available after completing the main story mission 'Office Decor'. There are 115 Collectibles in total, so you don't need to get every single one to unlock the aforementioned Trophy. We've hunted down every Collectible in the game to bring you this guide, which contains pictures of the Collectibles themselves, alongside a screenshot of where they can be found on the map.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

'Saints Row' Reviews Are Here And They Are Bad (Forbes)

Saints Row, the reboot of the beloved open world franchise, has arrived with relatively little marketing fanfare, and now, not very good review scores.

I’ve only played the intro for it so far, but I can immediately understand the complaints about it looking and feeling dated in the modern gaming landscape. It’s too soon to gauge how the characters and their script play, but so far things aren’t looking promising, in that department. There’s definitely no shortage of shallow shoot ‘em up thrills to be had here, but it’s a very familiar and uninspired brand of sandbox fun that’s unlikely to wow anybody who’s played a Saints Row game before, much less a GTA.” [ on Metacritic]( and a 66 [on Open Critic](, but those will likely converge as more reviews arrive. I’m glad the Saints are back, hopefully for another long haul.” Probably not quite worth the price of admission.”

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Image courtesy of "IGN"

Saints Row Performance Review – PS5 vs Xbox Series X vs PC - IGN (IGN)

Volition has always been known for pushing technology, with its game Decent even beating the revolutionary Quake to a full 3D engine. In this Saints Row ...

The current gen consoles run many of the settings at High or the highest and achieves a close match for the PC in many areas. The Series S has a single 1080p mode and its performance is worse than the Series X and PS5 consoles in the 1440 High Quality mode. At 1440p the High FPS mode is close to the 1080p Ultra mode levels of performance, with again both machines being almost identical on the points and levels of dips below 60fps. It does not look that far removed from the best on PC and console and in fact, looks visually better than the Series S due to the higher resolution and almost identical visual settings. As such the 1440p/maximum is my recommendation for this level of GPU, based on the launch day build, and 1080p/maximum for mid-range level GPUs such as the RX 6700 or RTX 2070 and below. In fact, the 1080p Ultra mode on consoles does appear to be almost identical to the PC’s best, aside from shadows which, although still noisy at times even on Ultra, can be a little cleaner and less dithered on the PC’s best at higher resolutions. Finally, the 4K mode, which believe it or not, still targets 60fps is almost never out of the 40s and can even dip just below the 30s in very brief moments. The 4K mode does offer the best image quality and clarity of the lot, sadly with no ray tracing present, which is true on both consoles. It increases the pixel coverage/resolution of the effect as you scale up from 1080p to 1440p, however the setting itself drops from the PC Ultra setting when at 1080p to closer to the PC High setting when at 1440p. With these specs, we can push these options to the max and see how much the PC and game engine can scale.The Ray Traced ambient occlusion operates within screen space and is only available in the 1080p and 1440p modes on the PS5 and Series X. The Series S makes do with a single 1080p mode, as does the Xbox One X, albeit at a higher resolution of 2560x1440p. Due to the number of modes, it would also suggest the engine does not currently offer a dynamic resolution scaling solution.

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Image courtesy of "Rock Paper Shotgun"

Saints Row PC requirements, performance, and the best settings to ... (Rock Paper Shotgun)

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 480 · VRAM: 4GB · CPU: Intel Core i3-3240 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200 · RAM: 8GB · OS: Windows 10 64-bit · Storage: 50GB available ...

Just be sure to keep scene detail on High, and post processing on Ultra; these will let you avoid the pop-in and blurriness that their respective lower settings will induce. There’s only a 2% performance gain to be had from the Low setting, if my GTX 1060 is any indication, although it doesn’t look drastically worse than High either. Ray traced ambient occlusion: As per the above, this is a decent enough improvement on the standard HBAO setting that it can be worth enabling – and there’s little visual difference between its Low and Ultra settings. [Nvidia DLSS]( or [AMD FSR](, getting more frames out of Saints Row will demand a lowering of the graphics settings. Switching this off entirely produced a 6% performance gain, which isn’t peanuts, though doing so makes the environment seem flatter and artificial. Low was unsurprisingly the best for pure performance, producing 84fps, though Medium – with 77fps – is a better balance of smoothness and fidelity. I lean towards a higher setting, admittedly: it’s possible to make enough positive changes elsewhere that even weaker hardware can afford the occasional hit. [Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060]( can handle the Ultra quality preset at 1080p; I used a 6GB model for the bulk of my testing, as it’s still the most-used PC gaming GPU as per [Steam’s hardware surveys]( I also tried an [RTX 3070](, which – still on Ultra quality – eased to 85fps at 1440p and got a playable 45fps at 4K. Meanwhile, the RTX 3070 and its purpose-built RT cores could run this setting on High quality, at 1440p and with the Ultra preset, at 81fps: just 4fps slower than with ray tracing turned off completely. The High preset was only moderately faster than Ultra, averaging 53fps to Ultra’s 47fps, though it was more stable with fewer sharp drops. Really, the only oddity to report is the ray traced ambient occlusion option.

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Image courtesy of "Tom's Hardware"

Saints Row 2022 PC Performance and Settings Preview (Tom's Hardware)

We've tested a collection of graphics cards on the Saints Row 2022 reboot to see what sort of performance you can expect. We also provide an in-depth look ...

4K Ultra remains playable on the RX 6750 XT and above, but only the RX 6950 XT and RTX 3090 Ti — and likely the RTX 3080 Ti and above — break 60 fps. The performance impact of RTAO ends up being around 10–25% for most GPUs, though the RX 6500 XT takes a much larger 47% hit to performance, even at medium quality (for both the preset and RTAO). Performance using the preview build of Saints Row was generally good, provided you don't just max out all the settings on a midrange card and hope for 60 fps or more. Personally, I found plenty to enjoy while running around Santo Ileso, the fictional city of the game world, and there are still plenty of shenanigans and hijinx to keep you entertained. At 1440p, only the RX 6750 XT and above break 60 fps, and you can see that the Nvidia cards generally outpace their AMD counterparts now, with the RTX 3070 leading the 6750 XT by 7%. The best example of what RTAO does compared to the default HBAO can be seen in the following gallery, in areas that would be in the shadow of objects above them. Bumping to 1080p medium, only the RX 550 fails to break 30 fps — and of course it would be joined by Intel's integrated graphics, which we didn't test at medium since they already got 15 fps at low. You can set RTAO to low, medium, high, or ultra, and in our experience the last two options are basically placebo — you'll get nearly the same result with medium RTAO with less of an impact on framerates. You can view full-size images for each of the settings in the above gallery, though with preview code it's possible that some of the settings aren't functioning as expected. The Medium preset does start to have a visible impact, at the same time delivering a 42% improvement in Nvidia fps and a 54% boost to AMD's GPU. We suspect that the last one of those will need a new AMD driver, however, as even the RX 6950 XT barely managed 60 fps at 4K ultra. The minimum recommendation consists of a Core i3-3240 or Ryzen 3 1200 CPU, 8GB of memory, and a GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon RX 480.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

'Saints Row' is good, mindless fun. It's also barely playable. (The Washington Post)

"Saints Row" is a reboot that aims to strike a balance between the franchise's roots and its silliness. Unfortunately, it's a buggy and unoptimized mess.

I would start a mission, see that the quest giver wants to meet me all the way on the other side of town, quit the mission, fast travel to get closer and then start the mission again. On yet another mission, after fighting my way through a gauntlet of enemies to find a car I needed to destroy, the car suddenly became invulnerable. For some bizarre reason, the game won’t let you fast travel during the introductory phase of a main mission. But even without the bugs, “Saints Row” is in dire need of more development time. My game crashed during a cutscene after a main story mission, and when I loaded back in, the mission had already concluded. In the absurdist, cartoony world of “Saints Row” where assassinations are crowdsourced out to the gig economy via an app called Wanted, racking up a body count in the thousands should be gleeful fun.

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Image courtesy of "Game Rant"

Saints Row Reboot Release Time (Game Rant)

Almost one year to the day since being announced at Gamescom 2021, Volition's Saints Row reboot is ready for release. Here's the exact launch time.

The Series X version is the most reviewed at the time of writing and currently holds a 66 rating on Metacritic after 32 critic reviews. Given that the PlayStation versions of the game are between 50 and 60 Gigabytes in size, PC players should allow themselves plenty of time for the game to download, though exactly how much will obviously depend on their internet speeds. It's important to note that the timezone is locked to the region of a player's PS Plus, Xbox Live, or Epic Games Store account rather than their physical location, so those hoping to play

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Saints Row (2022) PS5 and Series X/S tech review: uneven ... (

Thomas Morgan from Digital Foundry investigates the new Saints Row reboot on PS5 and Series X - how's performance and how well does the game play?

It's a shame to not see much better squeezed from the machine, and the best route forward there might be to cap it at 30fps. Performance between PS5 and Series X is interesting too - in 1440p high quality with RTAO, there is a consistent 3-6fps advantage for PS5, with a higher differential in dense grassy areas and a lower differential during (more CPU-dependent) rapid driving scenarios. Finally, you can opt for a native 4K, 3840x2160, but this comes at the cost to other visual settings with drops to shadow quality, world draw and foliage density. At 1440p, you also three settings options: 1440p high FPS mode, 1440p high quality mode and 1440p high quality with RTAO. The bigger issue is that 1080p just doesn't look great compared to the higher resolution modes when scaled to a 4K set. There is a hit to fidelity, but it's not as radical as you'd expect - at least compared to the other 1080p modes. We noted no visual differences between PS5 and Series X in terms of settings or resolution, so let's instead cover these five modes in more detail - what's the best way to experience Saints Row? This means you extract the maximum amount of performance available in every scene, but the 'dynamic frame-rate' can be distracting if you don't have a VRR display to smooth things out. Some of these appear to be design choices - like NPCs with low frame-rate animation at range that unfortunately stick out like a sore thumb on PS5 and Series X. Not because of the game itself - it's good chaotic fun - but because of Volition's approach to PS5 and Xbox Series X support. On the surface, the level of customisability on PS5 and Series X is amazing stuff, offering tons of flexibility - but it also requires a ton of testing, both on our side and in the Volition QA department. Before we get into the issues - and there are issues - let's cover the positives.

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Image courtesy of "The Loadout"

Five Saints Row tips to build a successful criminal empire (The Loadout)

Want some Saints Row tips to help build up your empire and bring an end to the Marshall troops, Idols, and Los Panteros. Here are some to help you out:

To get easy money, simply leave your game on when you have to do some adulting and let the cash build up in your bank account over time. If you want more guides and help, check out our If you don’t know already, your businesses and criminal empire will slowly add cash to your app on your phone. But, our Saints Row tips are here to help you through those early hours and point you in the right direction. Very little else in the game is lucrative initially and these missions offer the most XP and money so there isn’t much of a reason to tackle Side Hustles or challenges initially. These Saints Row (2022) tips will mostly focus on some key things we recommend you should do when you really begin exploring Santo Ileso.

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Image courtesy of "The Loadout"

Saints Row El Dorado Hidden History guide (The Loadout)

This Saints Row El Dorado Hidden History guide will take you through all the interactible locations so you can complete it and work towards 100%

Check out our Saints Row El Dorado Hidden History guide below: But, if you are in El Dorado, you may be wanting a guide for the Saints Row El Dorado Hidden History activity. These activities require you to hunt around an environment for placards or signposts related to the history of the area or the district in Santo Illeso.

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Image courtesy of "The Loadout"

Saints Row walkthrough, guides, and more (The Loadout)

Our Saints Row walkthrough is packed with useful information from details on the characters, missions, vehicles and weapons, upgrades, skills, activities, and ...

That is all of our Saints Row guides summarised in this article. Well, this article is our complete and thorough Saints Row walkthrough which is packed with tips, tricks, and useful information to help you do everything in the game. For more on the game, check out what we thought in our Our guides on the side objectives and collectibles in Saints Row cover some of the activities you can complete in the world and the various items and discoveries you can find and complete. This first section of our Saints Row walkthrough is all about basic tips and information you need to know when starting the game! This section of our walkthrough covers everything you need to know about weapons, vehicles, skills, perks, character creation and customisation. [Saints Row Crimes of Opportunities guide]( [Saints Row Side Hustles]( [Saints Row Threats]( [Saints Row collectible locations]( [Saints Row challenges]( [Saints Row El Dorado Hidden History]( [Saints Row missions]( [Saints Row loyalty missions]( [Saints Row criminal ventures]( [Saints Row where should you place Criminal Ventures on the map?]( [Saints Row Bright Future missions and location]( [Saints Row Castle Kraken missions and location]( [Saints Row Chalupacabra missions and location]( [Saints Row JimRob’s Garage missions and location]( [Saints Row Shady Oaks missions and location]( [Saints Row Wuzyerz Repo missions and location]( Our Saints Row walkthrough is packed with useful information from details on the characters, missions, vehicles and weapons, upgrades, skills, activities, and collectibles. Whether you want some general information about the game like what features it has or how long it is or more detailed guides on what you can expect, this article is packed with all of that and more. So, read on below for our Saints Row walkthrough which covers everything you need to know to ensure you build a thriving criminal empire. Want to know everything there is to know about the reboot of

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Image courtesy of "Game Rant"

Saints Row: How to Unlock New Fast Travel Locations (Game Rant)

In order to travel quickly, Saints Row players will need to unlock new fast travel locations by taking photos of some of the landmarks around the map.

Thankfully, players should be able to tell the difference between the two pretty easily, as the icon for fast travel landmarks shows a train carriage rather than a camera and a photo. Once within range of a landmark, players should press up on the D-Pad to open the camera app on their phone and then frame the landmark in the center of the screen, ensuring that they're neither too close nor far away. Unfortunately, the icons will only show up once players get within a certain range of the landmark locations, so players will need to explore the map pretty thoroughly in order to find them all.

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Image courtesy of "The Loadout"

Saints Row how to get the Playlist app and make a playlist (The Loadout)

If, like us, you aren't finding any of the radio stations fit your music taste, you may be wondering if you can create you own custom playlist.

But, the bad news is you have to get the Playlist app in Saints Row first. You can also find more help in our [Saints Row walkthrough]( Once you have helped Kevin out, the app will be automatically added to your phone.

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Image courtesy of "The Loadout"

Saints Row how to import characters from Boss Factory (The Loadout)

Playing Saints Row and want to know how to import characters from the Boss Factory. Thankfully, the process is painless and a lot easier than you might ...

To import characters from Boss Factory into Saints Row, all you need to do is save them in Boss Factory. Well, they can be brought over to the full game and this guide will cover how to import characters from the Boss Factory in Saints Row. We will also touch on ways you can search for Bosses if you just want to use someone else’s design.

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Saints Row - Best Ways to Make Money (

Fortunately, money comes easily in Saints Row, handed out liberally for doing virtually everything in the game, from story missions to gunning down rival gang ...

That’s a wrap on our guide to making money in Saints Row. Each one comes with a chunky cash reward, usually in the tens of thousands and much higher as you progress through the game. Each district of Santo Ileso has five threats, though you’ll need to establish a criminal venture in the area to unlock them on the map. There’s a hard limit to how much money you can have sitting in the app. To make the most of these ventures, complete venture-specific missions along with the Threats in the local vicinity to increase the hourly rate of return. Fortunately, money comes easily in Saints Row, handed out liberally for doing virtually everything in the game, from story missions to gunning down rival gang members.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

'Saints Row' Is Actually Better Than You've Heard, For Saints Row ... (Forbes)

With a 64 Metascore, that's one of the lowest rated major releases of the year, and miles below where you want your game to land. Even if you're grading on a ...

I also respect that a good amount of work and detail has gone into Saints Row here. By the end there, the series was starting to be in pretty rough shape, and I’d argue that this reboot feels a lot more polished than 4 did at the time, and is closer to be on par with Saints Row the Third. It’s not brilliant by any means (I mean, were Saints Row scripts ever?), but it’s passable, and I’ve even genuinely laughed a few times (when teaching a friend to shoot, my boss: “I just like to imagine there’s a little white crosshair on my target when I fire”). And as a Saints Row fan, I really do think this game has gotten a good amount of the formula right. If we are judging on the overall scale of AAA games these days, sure, there’s a lot about Saints Row that feels dated and unpolished. Even if you’re grading on a curve and expecting a bit less from Saints Row as a series, mid-70s would have been considered much closer to a win.

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Image courtesy of "Push Square"

Saints Row Guide: All Collectibles, Tips and Tricks for Finding Them (Push Square)

How to unlock The Collector Trophy - Looking for All Collectibles in Saints Row? Well then, you've come to the right place...

The Collectibles app is always worth a look if you're completely stumped on where a Collectible is hiding (although this guide will hopefully stop that from happening in the first place!). If you're only just starting your Collectibles spree, then this is the easiest way to spot a bunch of objects quite quickly. Collectibles become available after completing the main story mission 'Office Decor'. Collecting them still counts towards the Collector Trophy. There are 115 Collectibles in total, so you don't need to get every single one to unlock the aforementioned Trophy. We've hunted down every Collectible in the game to bring you this guide, which contains pictures of the Collectibles themselves, alongside a screenshot of where they can be found on the map.

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Image courtesy of "TheGamer"

Saints Row: The Best Ways To Make Money (TheGamer)

And it's good advice, as you can make a decent amount of cash from these activities. Whether it's the Wingsuit Saboteur, Riding Shotgun, or any others, you ...

Therefore, these things don't provide an instant boost to your wallet, but they do increase your earning potential and make you more money in the long term. But it takes such little effort to acquire the bills that you might as well destroy any you pass to top up your funds. One of the first things the game recommends you do to make money is complete side hustles. In the @Tcha side hustle, you leave poor reviews at certain establishments and then defend yourself against whatever gang is associated with the place. And it's good advice, as you can make a decent amount of cash from these activities. Their lack of funds serves as a setup for the story, but it's also truthful, as you don't begin your adventure in Santo Ileso with a lot of money.

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Image courtesy of "Dexerto"

How to change your Boss' appearance in Saints Row: Character ... (Dexerto)

Want to create your own Boss in Saints Row? Here's how to customize your character's appearance and get more clothes in the Saints Row reboot.

If you want to change your body type within Saints Row, it’s exceptionally easy to do so. However, if you’re keen to experiment and try new outfits, follow these steps to change your Boss’ appearance: While the long-running GTA-influenced series sports zany missions and chaotic action, most players have a blast [with the franchise’s character customization]( options.

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Embracer stock price falls following Saints Row reviews (

Disappointing Saints Row reviews have hit publisher Embracer's stock price. Today's launch of the Saints Row reboot has…

Become a supporter of Eurogamer and you can view the site completely ad-free, as well as gaining exclusive access to articles, podcasts and conversations that will bring you closer to the team, the stories, and the games we all love. Originally set for launch in February, the game was later delayed by six months, to ultimately arrive this week. We want to make Eurogamer better, and that means better for our readers - not for algorithms. [indeed moved its struggling Knights of the Old Republic remake to another internal studio]( following production problems. [Embracer announced it intended to purchase the rights to make video games based on Tolkien's Middle-earth](, including The Lord of the Rings, for what many saw as a surprisingly low amount. [spree of acquisitions]( over the past couple of years.

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Image courtesy of "For The Win"

Saints Row: The fastest cars and where to find them (For The Win)

You're going to be doing plenty of driving in Saints Row, so having the fastest and most stylish ride is crucial.

The Attrazione is a bit of a rare spawn, but if you drive around the high-rise rich parts of the city you should find one fairly easily. This may be a piece about the fastest cars, but can we interest you in this bike? This is one of the easier cars to find out in the wild, and it’ll spawn in any area on a semi-regular basis. If you prefer are more subtle design then you’ll be pleased with the Raycaster, and it can be made into a convertible. One of the best-looking muscle cars in the game, the Phoenix packs quite a lot of power, making it ideal if you like this style of car, but don’t want to compromise on speed. If you’re looking to make lots of cash in Saints Row then check out our

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Image courtesy of "Windows Central"

Saints Row (2022): Does it support crossplay? (Windows Central)

This soft reboot of the Saints Row franchise features classic multiplayer modes, but does Saints Row (2022) support crossplay?

[Amazon]( (opens in new tab) [Xbox]( (opens in new tab) [Xbox Series X]( or [Xbox Series S]( and have a friend on Xbox One, you can play together. You can find him on Twitter This Expansion Pass will be adding three different expansions post-launch, each with new areas to explore and shoot across. The same holds true for [PS5]( and PS4 players. [Xbox]( (opens in new tab) [best Xbox games]( released in recent years support crossplay, not every game is built to include this feature. There is a saving grace addendum however, as like most cross-generation multiplayer games, Saints Row supports playing together across different console platform generations. [Saints Row]( is primarily built as a single-player experience, so this isn't as big of a deal as it would be for some games that are focused around the multiplayer, or multiplayer-only titles. With that said, players within the same console "family" can play with each other, like with practically every other cross-generation multiplayer game. If you want to play with your friends, be sure to coordinate.

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Image courtesy of "Polygon"

Beginner's tips for Saints Row (Polygon)

Saints Row beginner's guide, tips, and tricks · Focus on the campaign · Save your money · Keep your game running while you sleep · Start working on car and weapon ...

Perks unlock in a specific order each time you complete a Challenge, but they aren’t attached to specific Challenges. But the real reason you want to complete these Challenges is to unlock new perks, which you can buy slots for and equip in the perk app. Take a picture of the area with your phone (if you look on the map, you’ll see a preview of the item it wants to you snap a photo of) and it’ll unlock the point for fast travel, allowing you to teleport there instantly for the rest of the game. Completing these main missions is how you upgrade your gang to the next level. But you’ll be a bit strapped for cash when the game first starts out, and each individual mission or side hustle only gives you a couple of grand. But in order to get some of those ridiculous toys, you’ll need to unlock new tools, weapons, vehicles, and customization options for your gang.

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Image courtesy of "Rock Paper Shotgun"

No, wait, Saints Row is filled with bizarre bugs after all (Rock Paper Shotgun)

Saints Row players are bumping into all sorts of nasty bugs, some merely visual and some ending the fun entirely. It doesn't seem to run on the Steam Deck, ...

You could consider this less of an outright failing than all the bugs and glitches, since Saints Row was never intended to run on the Linux-based SteamOS in the first place (and a lot of games that are actually on Steam, and thus don’t require any further tweaking with launchers, are incompatible with the Deck as well). [Steam Deck]( Right now it’s only available via the Epic Games Launcher, which I have installed on SteamOS [via this method]( and Liam uses through the [Heroic Games Launcher](, but neither of us can get past the DirectX version selection screen on the game’s own launcher. [Saints Row]( at the moment. Although I spent the latter half of last week playing and [performance testing]( it, the worst I saw in terms of bugs, glitches and unintentional chicanery was one temporarily floating pedestrian and a few de-synced execution animations. Even so, hopefully a patch or three is in the works, as clearly not all of these issues are as harmless as Liam capping his own windows.

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar"

Saints Row fans think buggy launch means the end of the franchise (GamesRadar)

The new Saints Row game (and its bugs) has fans worried about the franchise.

[August 22, 2022] [Skill Up's review]( (opens in new tab) calls the technical state of Saints Row "very, very bad." The team over at [Kinda Funny games experienced the exact same character model glitch]( (opens in new tab). While some of Saints Row's negative or middling reviews can be attributed to the game's overall vibe (which I myself wrote is "dated"), the major issue is the plethora of bugs. [Saints Row]( bugs have many franchise fans worried this could be the death knell for the series. I myself ran into a glitch during the Insurance Fraud missions where all the cars in Santo Ileso would just disappear. Our [Saints Row review]( mentions a few of the bugs encountered during 20 hours of gameplay, which included a mission that had to be replayed several times and a bug that temporarily broke all takedown animations - but there are many more circulating the internet.

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Image courtesy of "PCGamesN"

Are Saints Row cheats in the 2022 reboot? (PCGamesN)

Saints Row cheats are a staple throughout the series so far, but the huge question is whether they exist in Volition's 2022 reboot or not.

Plus, since you can’t cheat your way to a full garage, take a look at the [best Saints Row vehicles]( to keep an eye out for on the road. And, while you might use cheats to infinitely buff your stats, you can still increase your health and damage with some skills. For now, you’ll have to play the game as intended, but with some suitably silly skills and abilities available. This is still a Saints Row game, after all. With Saints Row racing full-throttle into the gen-z era, it’s only natural to wonder if its classic cheats are still a thing. However, you might be surprised by the

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Image courtesy of "TheGamer"

Saints Row: 7 Beginner Tips (TheGamer)

Saints Row: 7 Beginner Tips · Don't Use Takedowns Randomly · Complete Wanted Missions · Buy Weapons · Run And Jump Into Cars · Drive Toward Oncoming Traffic · Unlock ...

There are landmarks on the map that serve as fast travel points as long as you take a picture of them. As a result, it's more fun to roam around once you've played through a bunch of missions. To do so, simply run towards a car and hit the button you usually use to enter a vehicle. And it's particularly helpful early in the game when you need as much XP as possible. From the map, you can teleport to specific locations, such as your apartment or hideout. But while playing the game, you will be spending plenty of time driving, so you may as well earn some XP while you do it. At the beginning of the game, you own a pistol and a rifle - you have access to different guns on certain missions. While playing through the game, you might expect to acquire more automatically. However, unlike many games like this, there are no weapons to find, enemies don't drop them, and you only occasionally get one as a mission reward. And they're worth doing, particularly early on, as you make a decent amount of money for each kill - more than you make for most main missions. Alternatively, if there's an enemy with a particularly dangerous weapon, it might be worth using a takedown on them to remove the hazard. Takedowns are a key feature of Saints Row's combat, as with one button press, they allow you to kill any unarmored enemy.

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Image courtesy of "Den of Geek"

Saints Row: Worst Bugs, Glitches, and Technical Problems So Far (Den of Geek)

Saints Row is certainly buggy, but should you avoid playing this reboot altogether due to its technical problems?

At the moment, it feels like this is just “one of those things” that is going to happen in most games from time to time. The game’s aiming issues and mission progress bugs are the biggest technical problem I’ve encountered and heard about at the time of this writing. Realistically, though, you kind of have to accept that these problems are going to pop up in a lot of modern games from time to time. You will most likely encounter a notable number of bugs and glitches in this game, but many of them will be visual bugs that impact the presentation more than anything else. We were warned that some of those problems were on the devs’ radars as “known issues,” and it does seem like some of those known issues have already been addressed. The earliest versions of Saints Row (pre-release review versions) seem to have suffered from a bug that would prevent you from doing pretty much anything. While this is going to be a theme throughout this article, it’s worth noting now that your mileage may vary in terms of how many animation bugs you encounter and how much they ruin your experience. In fact, this might be more of a design problem than anything else. While this obviously isn’t the biggest technical problem you could possibly run into in a modern game, this particular presentation glitch does seem to be more common than some of the others. While we’ll talk more about some of the game’s design, structure, and writing problems in future articles, you should first know a little more about some of the game’s various bugs, glitches, and technical problems. “Hilarious” really is the right word to describe both the quantity and nature of those glitches. While few modern video games are entirely free of technical problems, it does seem like more and more major new games are being released in a fundamentally unfinished state.

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Image courtesy of "TheGamer"

Saints Row: Complete Venture Quest Guide (TheGamer)

This is a guide to every venture quest in Saints Row, including Insurance Fraud and Chop Shop.

Afterward, you get the option of building the venture known as Castle Kraken to continue this plotline. During the main mission named The Dustmoot, you get introduced to the world of live-action role-play. It's not hard to guess what the venture quests are for this one. After building up your empire a bit and completing the Drawing Heat mission, you get some new venture options. To do so, you go to marked spots on the map, and after talking with your informant there, you forcibly steal a nearby food truck. It's another one that becomes available right after the game introduces you to the empire table. When you first gain access to the empire table, Bright Future is one of the criminal ventures that you can get for free. You get paid for each barrel that survives the journey. At the same time, you unlock the venture quests known collectively as Chop shop. Therefore, each criminal venture you purchase comes with a set of quests for you to complete, which helps out the business in some way. Regardless, you need to steal what he wants and bring them back to Jimrobs. Yet, the boss isn't the type of leader to let everything else do the work.

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