Ontario Premier Doug Ford found himself in a squishy situation on Friday when a bee entered his mouth and got down his throat.
As for the bee, who stole the spotlight Friday, Ford said: "This is a good one … I can't remember what we were talking about. "There's one thing we'll guarantee: you'll always be covered by OHIP, not the credit card." "Are we gonna get creative? Man, he went right down the hatch." pic.twitter.com/q5nq3qqZNK— @fitz_meagan
Ford calls this a "classic," and that he'll be "howling" watching this on TV later.
"Man, he went right down the hatch," Premier Doug Ford said after accidentally swallowing a bee during a press conference Friday.
He’s going to be laughing all the way to the city, ” Ford said of the Global News reporter. “He has a lot of real estate!” “I just swallowed a bee,” Ford said before grabbing a bottle of water.
Twitter is buzzing after Ontario Premier Doug Ford swallowed a bee during an announcement in Dundalk, Ont. on Friday.
He has a lot of real estate.” ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Skip Advertisement
Doug Ford's live news conference on Friday was unexpectedly interrupted after the premier swallowed and choked on a bee.
1 hr ago 1 hr ago 1 hr ago 1 hr ago Meanwhile, the alleged driver is now facing charges. A 24-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed Thursday in Montreal's Saint-Michel neighbourhood. 1 hr ago 1 hr ago 1 hr ago 1 hr ago 1 hr ago “That’s a good one.
'He's wedged in my throat'; Ontario Premier was answering a question about staff shortages at hospitals when a bee flew into his mouth.
“This is a good one. “Sorry guys, the little bugger got away in there.” “He’s wedged in my throat,” he said.
This one has got to hurt. Ontario Premier Doug Ford had quite a painful (but free) snack this morning. While speaking to media and answering questi...
Or Doug Ford with bees in his mouth and when he does an announcement, he shoots bees at you?— Justin Ling (@Justin_Ling) https://t.co/dn3XjRYKxP August 12, 2022 It seems the tiny bee did travel down Ford's esophagus and into his gut. Doug Ford goes viral for swallowing and eating buzzing bee during live TV appearance He tells reporters that he's good to go and that the bee is "down here buzzing around right now," pointing to his freshly-fed stomach. Release Doug Ford? Or the bees? Doug Ford goes viral for swallowing and eating buzzing bee during live TV appearance
INSOLITE / Le retour en Chambre du gouvernement Ford a créé tout un «buzz» cette semaine à l'Assemblée législative de l'Ontario en raison de la crise dans ...
Il a même blagué que la vidéo de l’événement allait devenir virale. «J’ai avalé une abeille!», s’est exclamé le premier ministre avant de se moquer de la situation. «J’ai avalé une abeille!»
Le premier ministre de l'Ontario, Doug Ford, s'est retrouvé dans une situation délicate vendredi lorsqu'une abeille est entrée dans sa bouche et s'est.
Quant à l’abeille, qui a volé la vedette vendredi, Ford a déclaré: “C’est une bonne… “Ce connard bourdonne toujours”, a-t-il déclaré à la fin de la conférence de presse. Ford appelle cela un “classique” et qu’il “hurlera” en regardant ça à la télévision plus tard. Ford a déclaré aux journalistes qu’il croyait fermement aux soins de santé publics, mais que son gouvernement allait “faire preuve de créativité” en examinant comment ils pourraient être fournis. Après avoir pris une gorgée d’eau d’une bouteille, Ford a fait la lumière sur la situation en disant: “Cela va être joué encore et encore.” Ford répondait aux questions des journalistes de Dundalk, en Ontario, sur la pénurie de personnel de santé dans toute la province et la possibilité de privatisation lorsque l’abeille a volé dans sa bouche.