Hamilton's Gord Lewis, guitarist for Teenage Head, will be missed by so many, says friend Lou Molinaro. Lewis's body was found in his Hamilton apartment on ...
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Lewis’s body was found in his Hamilton apartment on the weekend. Molinaro says the last time the band performed together was 2019. The band seemed well on its way to international fame in the early ’80s, with a series of concerts set up for New York City, but Lewis was seriously injured in a car accident from which it took him more than a year to recover. ","shortSeoGoogleHead":"Hamilton’s Gord Lewis of Teenage Head remembered for music that defined lives","canonicalUrl":"https://www.thespec.com/entertainment/music/opinion/2022/08/08/gord-lewis-obituary.html","seoDescription":"Hamilton’s Gord Lewis, guitarist for Teenage Head, will be missed by so many, says friend Lou Molinaro. Lewis’s body was found in his Hamilton apartment on the weekend. 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Lewis’s body was found in his Hamilton apartment on the weekend. He was one of the best.” I’ve always been a Yankees fan but Gord was a real student of the sport and collected cards from the old Negro League days. That was in 2016 or 2017, he recalls. ","heading":"","fullWindow":false,"fullBleed":false,"showFullBleedOnMobile":false,"headColor":"","type":"html5mobile","textColor":"","mobileImageUrl":"","bgColor":"","imageUrl":"","registeredOnly":false,"linkUrl":"","aodaTitle":"teenage head instagram embed","internalScroll":false,"displayStyle":"small-up"},{"text":"Molinaro says the last time the band performed together was 2019.
Gord Lewis, the ginger-haired guitarist who founded the Hamilton band Teenage Dead, is reportedly the man whose decomposed body was found inside a Corktown ...
Venom is immortalized through a mural painted on the side of a building on Rebecca St. in the Beasley neighbourhood. Lewis and the future Venom were inspired after attending local gigs by the New York Dolls and the Ramones in Hamilton in 1976. While Venom died in 2008, the band continued to perform. A leader in punk and rock and roll from the 1970s onwards, his enthusiasm and tenacity to his craft was astonishing, and well worth remembering.pic.twitter.com/SepjicSlyn Gord Lewis was the founder and a guitarist for Teenage Head, which made a Canadian contribution to the punk rock wave of the late 1970s and early 1980s. (The Hip met while attending Kingston Collegiate, although frontman Gord Downie also attended Ernestown, a rural public high school west of the city.) Investigative steps are being taken to confirm a positive identity, and we are working with the family of the occupant.” Lewis played on nine of the band’s studio albums. The Hamilton Spectator reported Monday that Gord Lewis is the city’s third homicide of the year. Residents and passersby should expected “a continued police presence” around 175 Catharine S. for the next couple of days while investigators work. But CBC Hamilton reported that the accused is the son of Lewis. Gord Lewis, the ginger-haired guitarist who founded the Hamilton band Teenage Head, is reportedly the man whose decomposed body was found inside a Corktown apartment yesterday.
A Hamilton, Ont. news outlet says Teenage Head founder Gord Lewis was found dead in a downtown apartment complex during a wellness check.
Police say the accused was a resident at the apartment suite owned by the deceased. In a presser on Monday afternoon, Hamilton Police Det. Sgt. Sarah Beck said positive identification of the body is still pending due to an ongoing autopsy, but did say investigators believe the victim and accused were father and son. She said the body had been decomposing for “several days” estimating perhaps “two to three.”
Hamilton police have charged a 41-year-old man with second-degree murder after guitarist Gord Lewis of the punk rock band Teenage Head was found dead ...
Gord's music was a soundtrack to many people's lives, including mine, so thankfully the legacy will continue." Teenage Head was formed in the 1970s and is considered to be a pioneer in Canada's punk rock scene. The victim is thought to have died two or three days ago, police said. As of midday Monday, police were still at the scene, but said they aren't looking for any other suspects. You were taken from us far too soon." "Our hearts are with his family and all that knew and loved him," the band said on Instagram. "Gord was a force and an inspiration to many.
Gord Lewis, co-founder of Canadian punk band Teenage Head, was found dead in his Hamilton, Ontario apartment of an apparent homicide.
According to the Spectator, on Saturday a reporter there received emails from two accounts in Jonathan Lewis’ name stating that his father was dead. The male had injuries consistent with foul play, and the case was deemed a homicide. Marky Ramone who released an album with Teenage Head in 2008 also reflects on the band’s influence and legacy.
Gord Lewis, the lead guitarist of Canadian punk band Teenage Head, has been found murdered in his Hamilton apartment, the Toronto Sun has confirmed.
We all have lost a great, great man and a musical genius of our time. Article content Article content
A man has been found dead in Hamilton, ON, and the body is reported to be that of Gord Lewis, guitarist of the classic Canadian punk group T...
A man — Jonathan Lewis, aged 41 — has been charged with second degree murder; investigators believe that the accused is Gord Lewis's son. He was found during a wellness check by officers, who were tipped off by email with information about the deceased. updated their Facebook page with a tributeto Lewis, writing, "We are heartbroken and still trying to process the loss of our friend, bandmate and brother Gord Lewis Our hearts are with his family and all that knew and loved him.
Police charged Jonathan Lewis, Gord's son, with second-degree murder in the case, and Beck said police were not seeking additional suspects. Advertisement.
In 1980, the band broke through with Frantic City, which featured the hits “Let’s Shake” and “Somethin’ on My Mind.” In their most famous lineup, Venom provided vocals while Nick Stipanitz played drums and Steve Mahon played bass. In a press briefing, Hamilton Detective Sara Beck said police received information related to a deceased person.
They were cursed. Frankie Venom, their singer, died suddenly in 2008, and his passing hit me like a lightning bolt. Frankie had given his last-ever performance ...
It is impossible to describe how much of a loss Frankie and Gord’s deaths are to this country’s music scene. The legal system has the son now. They did a wellness check on Gord, and found his body. I was with family on the weekend, so I just deleted the emails without reading them. Lots of people in the GTA music and political scene were. And now, Gord Lewis has been found dead in a Hamilton apartment building. They deserved to be huge, but never really were. He was the rock who anchored Frankie Venom to Earth, supplying riffs that attracted fans from the Ramones to Eddie Vedder. Frankie Venom, their singer, died suddenly in 2008, and his passing hit me like a lightning bolt. Teenage Head, to us Prairie punks who rarely got to experience greatness close up, were gods, and therefore in no need of protection. So we promulgate Cancon rules, and foreign ownership laws, to protect and promote what little we have. Article content
One of the founding member of Canadian punk rock band Teenage Head has died. The Hamilton, Ont. band confirmed the death of Gord Lewis, who was the founding ...
"We are heartbroken and still trying to process the loss of our friend, bandmate and brother Gord Lewis," the band wrote. "A gigantic loss to the Canadian musical landscape, and an even bigger one to the Hamilton punk scene," one person said. "He's been an inspiration to so many," she said of the band, which hails from her hometown.
We are heartbroken and still trying to process the loss of our friend, bandmate and brother Gord Lewis,” a statement from Teenage Head reads.
Gord was a force and an inspiration to many. The Spectator called police, prompting a wellness check where Gord's body was found. Gord Lewis, co-founding guitarist of Canadian punk band Teenage Head, was found dead in his Hamilton, Ontario apartment on Sunday (8/7), the The Hamilton Spectator reports.
The guitarist helped form the Canadian punk band in 1975 with Frankie Venom, Steve Mahon and Nick Stipanitz. They witnessed a wave of success in their home ...
See some more tributes to the late rocker on social media below. The police had initially been unable to identify the body because of the stage of decomposition, so it's unclear exactly when he died, though police believe it happened about two or three days prior to him being discovered. One of them, which was sent the following morning, read, "Funeral people need to get here quick.
Gord Lewis, the band's longtime lead guitarist, was found dead in an apartment at 175 Catharine Street South on Sunday. The band confirmed his death on its ...
On Sunday, Teenage Head guitarist and Canadian punk pioneer Gord Lewis was found dead in a downtown Hamilton apartment. His son Jonathan Lewis has been ...
The promising schedule of shows was cancelled – a major opportunity missed. “I knew we were going to crash,” Lewis told the Hamilton Spectator. “You could feel it inside the van.” Shortly before the tour was set to begin, however, their luck abruptly came to a halt. Mounted policemen pushed the crowd back through a hail of beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. Parents did not exist; it was the teenagers’ turn to “heat up the RCA.” But here’s the thing: The words lucky and Teenage Head don’t belong in the same sentence.