
2022 - 8 - 8

Purolator leads the way in revolutionizing the transportation industry ... (PRNewswire)

PRNewswire/ - Today, Purolator officially opened its new 443084-sq-ft National Hub – the largest and most technologically advanced sortation facility in its ...

Celebrating over 60 years of delivering its customers' promises, Purolator continues to expand its reach and renowned service levels and reliability to more people, more businesses and more places across the country and around the world. In designing the National Hub, Purolator was committed to prioritizing employee health and safety. The National Hub marks a shift away from a standardized sortation model to a more tailored approach that uses state-of-the-art technology to segment parcels by size, weight, and dimension. It provides greater flexibility to quickly move goods across the country to enable businesses and services in all sectors of the economy to thrive." TORONTO, Aug. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ - Today, Purolator officially opened its new 443,084-sq-ft National Hub – the largest and most technologically advanced sortation facility in its network. When operating at full capacity, it will process up to 70,000 parcels per hour, tripling the capacity of the previous facility.

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Image courtesy of "Canada NewsWire"

Purolator leads the way in revolutionizing the transportation industry ... (Canada NewsWire)

Strategically located near several major highways in Toronto, the National Hub triples the capacity of Purolator's former Ontario sortation facility and ...

Celebrating over 60 years of delivering its customers' promises, Purolator continues to expand its reach and renowned service levels and reliability to more people, more businesses and more places across the country and around the world. In designing the National Hub, Purolator was committed to prioritizing employee health and safety. The National Hub marks a shift away from a standardized sortation model to a more tailored approach that uses state-of-the-art technology to segment parcels by size, weight, and dimension. It provides greater flexibility to quickly move goods across the country to enable businesses and services in all sectors of the economy to thrive." TORONTO, Aug. 9, 2022 /CNW/ - Today, Purolator officially opened its new 443,084-sq-ft National Hub – the largest and most technologically advanced sortation facility in its network. When operating at full capacity, it will process up to 70,000 parcels per hour, tripling the capacity of the previous facility.

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Image courtesy of "LeLézard.com"

Purolator ouvre la marche de la révolution de l'industrie des ... (LeLézard.com)

TORONTO, le 9 août 2022 /CNW/ - Aujourd'hui, Purolator a ouvert officiellement son nouveau centre de tri national d'une superficie de 443?084 pieds carrés; il s ...

Purolator est fière de son héritage canadien et veille à assurer sa durabilité, se positionnant pour croître et prospérer. Purolator est également vouée à contribuer au bien-être des collectivités qu'elle sert et dans lesquelles vivent, travaillent et se détendent ses plus de 14?000 employés. L'établissement comprend une salle multiconfessionnelle, une cafétéria et terrasse de 6?500 pieds carrés, une salle de bien-être plus grande et un centre de formation deux fois plus vaste que celui se trouvant dans l'ancien établissement. « L'innovation se trouve au coeur de toutes les décisions d'affaires que nous prenons, et c'est particulièrement vrai dans le cadre de notre travail de modernisation du réseau étendu de Purolator », ajoute Ferguson. « Nous pouvons maintenant améliorer notre réactivité et augmenter ou réduire rapidement nos activités afin d'offrir des solutions propres à chaque industrie ainsi que répondre à la demande pour l'expédition d'envois urgents. Il nous permettra d'avoir plus de souplesse pour acheminer les marchandises au pays afin de permettre aux entreprises et aux services de tous les secteurs de l'économie de prospérer. » TORONTO, le 9 août 2022 /CNW/ - Aujourd'hui, Purolator a ouvert officiellement son nouveau centre de tri national d'une superficie de 443?084 pieds carrés; il s'agit de l'établissement le plus grand et le plus perfectionné sur le plan technologique de son réseau. Le centre de tri national est situé stratégiquement près de plusieurs autoroutes importantes à Toronto et triplera la capacité de l'ancien établissement de tri de l'Ontario de l'entreprise en plus d'augmenter les capacités de son réseau grâce à des méthodes d'automatisation de classe mondiale et à des technologies de balayage et de tri sophistiqués. L'établissement à la fine pointe de la technologie de 330 millions de dollars est la pièce maîtresse de la stratégie quinquennale de croissance et d'innovation de Purolator et aidera les clients à expédier plus de colis à destination de façon rapide, sécuritaire et fiable.

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Image courtesy of "MultiVu"

Purolator leads the way in revolutionizing the transportation industry ... (MultiVu)

Strategically located near several major highways in Toronto, the National Hub triples the capacity of Purolator's former Ontario sortation facility and ...

Celebrating over 60 years of delivering its customers’ promises, Purolator continues to expand its reach and renowned service levels and reliability to more people, more businesses and more places across the country and around the world. In designing the National Hub, Purolator was committed to prioritizing employee health and safety. The National Hub marks a shift away from a standardized sortation model to a more tailored approach that uses state-of-the-art technology to segment parcels by size, weight, and dimension. TORONTO, AUG. 9, 2022 – Today, Purolator officially opened its new 443,084-sq-ft National Hub – the largest and most technologically advanced sortation facility in its network. It provides greater flexibility to quickly move goods across the country to enable businesses and services in all sectors of the economy to thrive.” When operating at full capacity, it will process up to 70,000 parcels per hour, tripling the capacity of the previous facility.

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