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Pelosi -- pelosi taiwan Pelosi - pelosi taiwan

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Nancy Pelosi to meet Taiwan's president on Wednesday (Financial Times)

Three people familiar with the situation said Pelosi would meet Tsai in Taipei as part of a wider visit to Asia that began in Singapore on Sunday. Pelosi did ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Pelosi expected to visit Taiwan, Taiwanese and US officials say ... (CNN)

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia, according to a senior Taiwanese government official and a US official ...

But on the other hand, you could say maybe that's when Taiwan also needs to be shown the strength and the support." In 1991, Pelosi unfurled a black-and-white banner in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to commemorate victims of the 1989 massacre, which said, "To those who died for democracy." "On the Taiwan question, we have made our stance loud and clear," Pengyu said. Asked if the US was prepared for fallout with China over the visit, Kirby said that "there is no change to our policy. Officials also believe the Chinese leadership doesn't completely grasp the political dynamics in the United States, leading to a misunderstanding over the significance of Pelosi's potential visit. "And so if the speaker does decide to visit and China tries to create some kind of crisis or otherwise escalate tensions, that would be entirely on Beijing," Blinken said. This is an important trip for the speaker to be on and we're going to do whatever we can to support her," Kirby continued. Administration officials are concerned Pelosi's trip comes at a particularly tense moment, as Xi is expected to seek an unprecedented third term at the upcoming Chinese Communist Party congress. Biden said last month that the US military opposed Pelosi visiting Taiwan, though since then has refused to elaborate on the warnings. "Congress is an independent, coequal branch of government," Blinken said at the United Nations on Monday afternoon. "We would like to tell the US once again that China is standing by, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army will never sit idly by. Though China's military did not mention Taiwan, the People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater Command said it would "bury incoming enemies" in a video posted online Monday showing off its weaponry and fighting tactics.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

White House Urges Calm in Beijing Over Pelosi's Taiwan Visit (Bloomberg)

The White House urged China not to escalate tensions with the US in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's expected visit to Taiwan, signaling the Biden ...

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Pelosi Taiwan trip overrides Chinese military threats (Politico)

Military and diplomatic efforts limit Beijing to angry bluster. Nancy Pelosi reacts after signing the CHIPS For America Act during a bill enrollment ceremony ...

“I do think there will be some form of retaliation,” Fritz said. “PLA Air Force aircraft [could shadow] her flight into or out of Taiwan…but there wouldn’t be any interaction,” Murrett said. That rhetoric reflects the Chinese government’s efforts to push back on long-established standards of U.S. engagement with the self-governing island. “Part of our responsibilities is to make sure that she can travel freely and securely and I can assure you that she will,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said Monday, without elaborating. That tough-on-Taiwan policy is key to Xi’s credibility as he seeks an unprecedented third term as China’s leader this fall. Beijing has strongly protested Pelosi’s Taiwan visit and issued lurid warnings of a stern Chinese response. But the PLA is expected to flex some muscle in the Taiwan Strait — something that Chinese state media can trumpet as a symbol of Xi’s iron resolve — and which projects power over Taiwan without risking military confrontation. “The fairly aggressive statements we’ve had from China over the past few weeks are probably more for domestic than international [consumption] — the Chinese leadership cannot be seen as backing down in any shape or form,” said Ret. Vice Adm. Robert B. Murrett, professor of practice at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School. “President Xi can’t be seen as backing down from what could be viewed as a challenge by the speaker’s visit to Taiwan and at the same time, politically, the Congress and the [Biden] administration can’t be viewed as backing down, either.” U.S. congressional delegation visits to Taiwan are routine and U.S. law — the 2018 Taiwan Travel Act — authorizes “officials at all levels of the United States government … to meet their Taiwanese counterparts.” But the Chinese Communist Party considers “ reunification with Taiwan,” a territory that the CCP has never ruled, a “historical task.” And Chinese President Xi Jinping has ramped up pressure on the island with a relentless campaign of hostility since the 2016 election of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen of the pro-independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party. “In advance of her arrival in Taiwan, the U.S. will relay detailed information about Speaker Pelosi’s flight plans to China’s military,” said Craig Singleton, senior China fellow at the nonprofit Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “U.S. officials will also message, publicly, and privately, the trip’s very limited goals and Washington’s continued adherence to its ‘One China’ policy … [and] work to shape and downplay the media coverage surrounding the trip.” “A visit to Taiwan by her would constitute a gross interference in China’s internal affairs ... and lead to a very serious situation and grave consequences,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Monday.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

What's at stake with a Pelosi visit to Taiwan (The Washington Post)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's arrival would mark the most significant visit of a U.S. official to Taiwan in a quarter-century. But in Beijing's eyes, ...

Taiwan was at the heart of a testy phone call between Biden and Xi at the end of last week. “Had Pelosi not said she was going to Taiwan in the first place, no one would be suggesting she needed to go in order bolster American credibility in Asia,” left-leaning commentator Peter Beinart wrote. The most enthusiastic U.S. supporters of a Pelosi visit to Taiwan include hawkish former Trump administration officials. “Officials and analysts increasingly are competing to forecast when conflict could break out, not whether it will occur.” “There are also significant U.S. naval assets in the region at the moment.” Amid growing bipartisan support for a tighter U.S. embrace of Taiwan, Pelosi’s arrival would mark the most significant visit of a U.S. official to Taiwan in a quarter-century. But in Beijing’s eyes, it’s a dangerous provocation and an infringement of its “territorial integrity.” But that’s not how China will interpret the occasion. Experts have a rough sense of what those countermeasures may be. Whatever the case, the prospect of the third-most senior figure in U.S. government visiting the world’s only Chinese-speaking democracy has roiled Asia’s already choppy geopolitical waters. The United States, meanwhile, has in practice shifted steadily away from its official policy of “strategic ambiguity” over whether it would come to Taiwan’s defense. You’re reading an excerpt from the Today’s WorldView newsletter.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Pelosi's expected Taiwan trip highlights her long defiance of Beijing (The Guardian)

Analysis: The House speaker, who stood up for activists in Tiananmen Square in 1991, has long seen the role as part of her job.

Chu said that was the beginning of decades of advocacy that has colored her view of US foreign policy, pointing to a version of the line she repeats often when asked about the subject. Pelosi has long been one of the most strident and outspoken critics of China, a position that has in the past allied her with conservatives. In recent years, Pelosi has emerged as a world leader in her own right, meeting frequently with heads of state to discuss global challenges, the climate crisis chief among them. Two years after Chinese troops with tanks crushed a pro-democracy demonstration in Tiananmen Square, Pelosi visited the site of the massacre alongside two other lawmakers. “This has to ultimately be about the aspirations of the Taiwanese people,” Chu said. During the Trump years, her diplomacy took on an even greater prominence as a high-profile counterweight to the former president’s isolationism. But on Monday, John Kirby, a spokesman for the defense department, said no one in the administration was seeking to change her mind about the trip. A possible Taiwan visit must “be seen through Pelosi’s view: this is not just symbolism,” Silverberg said. The sharp warnings from Beijing, implying that the visit could provoke a military response from China, have Washington on high alert. Pelosi has declined to confirm a visit, citing security concerns. Appearing on Fox News, Gingrich said he hoped Pelosi would make the trip. China, which claims Taiwan as its own province, has threatened unspecified consequences for the US should Pelosi make the trip.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan. Va-t-on éviter le pire? (Le Journal de Montréal)

Le voyage de Pelosi à Taipeh est considéré comme une grave provocation pour les Chinois.

Je pense que le séjour de Nancy Pelosi dans l’île sera bref et plutôt discret. Le voyage de Pelosi à Taipeh est considéré comme une grave provocation pour les Chinois. D’autant plus qu’elle a le soutien des élus des deux partis. Comme le reste de l’économie mondiale. Il ne peut pas se permettre de paraître faible au sujet de Taïwan. Xi Jinping va obtenir un troisième mandat sans précédent à la tête du pays cet automne. Les déclarations intempestives récentes de Biden sur Taïwan attisent les tensions.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Pelosi a «le droit de visiter Taïwan», estime la Maison-Blanche (Le Soleil)

La présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi, qui a entamé lundi à Singapour une tournée asiatique, «a le droit de visiter ...

Des délégations de responsables américains se rendent fréquemment dans cette île pour lui exprimer leur appui. Le Financial Times a même écrit qu’elle rencontrerait la présidente taïwanaise Tsai Ing-wen à Taipei mercredi. La Chine «semble se positionner afin de faire potentiellement un pas de plus dans les prochains jours», a poursuivi M. Kirby : cela «pourrait inclure des provocations militaires comme des tirs de missiles dans le détroit de Taïwan ou autour de Taïwan», ou encore «d’importantes incursions aériennes» dans la zone d’identification de défense aérienne de cette île. «À Singapour, en Malaisie, en Corée du Sud et au Japon, nous aurons des réunions de haut niveau pour discuter de la manière dont nous pouvons promouvoir nos valeurs et nos intérêts communs», avait-elle ajouté, sans mentionner Taïwan dans son itinéraire. Mme Pelosi «a le droit de visiter Taïwan», a martelé lundi John Kirby, le porte-parole de la Maison-Blanche pour les questions stratégiques, et ce le jour où cette haute responsable, deuxième dans l’ordre de succession au président américain, était à Singapour. «Il n’y a pas de raison pour que Pékin fasse de cette visite, qui ne déroge pas à la doctrine américaine de longue date, une forme de crise», a-t-il ajouté, sur fond d’accroissement des tensions américano-chinoises à la suite des informations selon lesquelles Mme Pelosi pourrait aller à Taïwan.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Nancy Pelosi «a le droit de visiter Taiwan» (Le Devoir)

Mme Pelosi entretient le flou sur une escale à Taiwan qui pourrait envenimer davantage encore les relations déjà tendues entre Pékin et Washington, mais ...

Des délégations de responsables américains se rendent fréquemment dans cette île pour lui exprimer leur appui. » Le Financial Times a même écrit qu’elle rencontrerait la présidente taiwanaise, Tsai Ing-wen, à Taipei mercredi.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Un voyage de Pelosi à Taïwan pourrait causer des frictions avec la ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Le voyage en Asie de la présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi, pourrait attirer les foudres de la Chine.

Donc, si [Mme Pelosi] va sur place, c’est clair qu’ils vont protester vivement et ils pourraient prendre des mesures pour l’empêcher de se rendre», a expliqué le spécialiste en entrevue sur les ondes de LCN. Le républicain Newt Gingrich s’était arrêté à Taïwan. • À lire aussi: Mme Pelosi a «le droit de visiter Taïwan», estime la Maison-Blanche

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Mme Pelosi a «le droit de visiter Taïwan», estime la Maison-Blanche (TVA Nouvelles)

La présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi «a le droit de visiter Taïwan», a estimé la Maison-Blanche.

Des délégations de responsables américains se rendent fréquemment dans cette île pour lui exprimer leur appui. Le Financial Times a même écrit qu'elle rencontrerait la présidente taïwanaise Tsai Ing-wen à Taipei mercredi. La semaine dernière, à l'occasion d'un entretien téléphonique avec le président américain, son homologue chinois Xi Jinping avait appelé les États-Unis à ne «pas jouer avec le feu». La Chine «semble se positionner afin de faire potentiellement un pas de plus dans les prochains jours», a poursuivi M. Kirby : cela «pourrait inclure des provocations militaires comme des tirs de missiles dans le détroit de Taïwan ou autour de Taïwan» ou encore «d'importantes incursions aériennes» dans la zone d'identification de défense aérienne de cette île. «Il n'y a pas de raison pour que Pékin fasse de cette visite, qui ne déroge pas à la doctrine américaine de longue date, une forme de crise», a-t-il ajouté, sur fond d'accroissement des tensions américano-chinoises à la suite des informations selon lesquelles Mme Pelosi pourrait aller à Taïwan. La présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi, qui a entamé lundi à Singapour une tournée asiatique, «a le droit de visiter Taïwan», a estimé la Maison-Blanche, selon laquelle la Chine «semble se positionner» pour une démonstration de force militaire autour de cette île qu'elle revendique.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

Nancy Pelosi expected to arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday despite ... (The Globe and Mail)

“We would like to tell the United States once again that China is standing by, the Chinese People's Liberation Army will never sit idly by, and China will take ...

China views visits by U.S. officials to Taiwan, a self-ruled island claimed by Beijing, as sending an encouraging signal to the pro-independence camp in the island. Taiwan rejects China’s sovereignty claims and says only its people can decide the island’s future. Last Wednesday, Biden told reporters he thought the U.S. military believed a Pelosi visit to Taiwan was “not a good idea right now.” “The speaker has the right to visit Taiwan,” he told the White House briefing. Biden told Xi that U.S. policy on Taiwan had not changed and that Washington strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. A visit by Pelosi, who is second in the line of succession to the U.S. presidency and a long-time critic of China, would come amid worsening ties between Washington and Beijing. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday that it would be “a gross interference in China’s internal affairs” if Pelosi visits Taiwan, and warned that it would lead to “very serious developments and consequences.” “We would like to tell the United States once again that China is standing by, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will never sit idly by, and China will take resolute responses and strong countermeasures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Zhao told a regular daily briefing. The Taiwan dollar slipped to its lowest levels in more than two years on the weaker side of 30 per U.S. dollar and investor worries about a potential Pelosi visit and China’s reaction appeared to be behind Tuesday’s declines in China’s yuan and north Asian stock markets. U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi was expected to arrive in Taipei later on Tuesday, people briefed on the matter said, as the United States said it would not be intimidated by Chinese “sabre rattling” over the visit. Pelosi was scheduled to visit Malaysia on Tuesday. She began her Asia tour in Singapore on Monday, and her office has said she will also visit South Korea and Japan. It has not mentioned a Taiwan visit. Taiwan’s foreign ministry said it had no comment on reports of Pelosi’s travel plans, but the White House – which would not confirm the trip – said she had the right to go.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Taiwan Stocks Decline as US-China Tensions Sap Risk Appetite (Bloomberg)

The benchmark Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Index declined as much as 2.1%. Shares of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. sank 3.1%. China views Taiwan as ...

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Image courtesy of "The Wall Street Journal"

China-U.S. Tensions Escalate Over Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan Visit ... (The Wall Street Journal)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, second in line to the presidency, is making the highest-level trip in 25 years by a U.S. government official to Taiwan, ...

Mrs. Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan would heighten geopolitical tensions, presenting another risk for global investors, warned OCBC Research in a note this week.

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Asian markets rattled by tensions over Pelosi's Taiwan visit (Aljazeera.com)

Indexes in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Australia dip ahead of expected trip.

The Biden administration has said it does not support independence for Taiwan or changing the “one China” policy, but that Pelosi has the right to visit the island. China’s Communist Party considers self-ruled Taiwan its territory and has promised to achieve “reunification” with the mainland by force if necessary, although the party has never had control of the island. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index dipped 2.5 percent.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Chinese fighter jets fly close to Taiwan ahead of Nancy Pelosi's visit (Financial Times)

Taipei and Washington braced for violent reaction after Beijing warns it will 'not sit by idly'

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Nancy Pelosi atterrit en Malaisie, une escale à Taïwan de plus en ... (Le Journal de Québec)

Il s'agit de la 2e étape d'une tournée qui risque d'accentuer les tensions entre la Chine et les États-Unis en raison d'une possible visite à Taïwan.

La présidente de la Chambre des représentants serait, si sa visite se confirme, la plus haute responsable américaine à visiter Taïwan depuis son prédécesseur Newt Gingrich en 1997. La présidente de la Chambre voyage à bord d’un avion militaire et bien que Washington ne craigne pas d’attaque directe, le risque d’une «erreur de calcul» est bien présent. Nancy Pelosi, la présidente de la Chambre des représentants américaine, est arrivée mardi en Malaisie, deuxième étape d’une tournée asiatique qui risque de faire monter les tensions entre la Chine et les États-Unis en raison d’une visite à Taïwan non-confirmée mais de plus en plus probable.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Pelosi's Taiwan Trip Raises Angst in Global Financial Markets (Bloomberg)

Traders are bracing for US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's expected arrival in Taipei Tuesday to raise tensions with China, with stocks sliding and global ...

Ten-year Treasury yields dropped for a fifth day and approached 2.5%, a level last seen in April. The Taiwan dollar hit its lowest since May 2020. Traders are bracing for US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expected arrival in Taipei Tuesday to raise tensions with China, with stocks sliding and global havens the yen and Treasuries climbing. Taiwan’s benchmark stock index fell as much as 2.1%, Hong Kong and Chinese shares slumped, while the Japanese currency touched a two-month high.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Pelosi arrives in Malaysia as tensions rise over possible Taiwan visit (NPR)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Malaysia on Tuesday for the second leg of an Asian tour that has been overshadowed by an ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Taiwan and China step up military rhetoric as expected Pelosi visit ... (The Guardian)

US House speaker is expected to arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday in a controversial visit likely to increase tensions between Beijing and Washington.

In a lengthy phone call last week, China’s president Xi Jinping warned US president Joe Biden against “playing with fire” over Taiwan, while officials have repeatedly said the PLA would not “stand idly by” over the visit. The CCP strongly objects to foreign shows of support for what it says is a “separatist” government in Taiwan, especially from the US. He noted visits by previous speakers and other members of Congress to Taiwan, and urged calm from China. “A visit to Taiwan by her would constitute a gross interference in China’s internal affairs, seriously undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, wantonly trample on the one-China principle,” he said. Taiwan, whose government has refused to comment on the visit, often welcomes foreign delegations as it seeks to grow its international relationships. Multiple media reports have said Pelosi will land in Taipei on Tuesday night and meet Taiwan’s president on Wednesday, as an unofficial stop during her Asia tour.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Nancy Pelosi atterrit en Malaisie, une escale à Taïwan de plus en ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

Il s'agit de la 2e étape d'une tournée qui risque d'accentuer les tensions entre la Chine et les États-Unis en raison d'une possible visite à Taïwan.

La présidente de la Chambre des représentants serait, si sa visite se confirme, la plus haute responsable américaine à visiter Taïwan depuis son prédécesseur Newt Gingrich en 1997. La présidente de la Chambre voyage à bord d’un avion militaire et bien que Washington ne craigne pas d’attaque directe, le risque d’une «erreur de calcul» est bien présent. Nancy Pelosi, la présidente de la Chambre des représentants américaine, est arrivée mardi en Malaisie, deuxième étape d’une tournée asiatique qui risque de faire monter les tensions entre la Chine et les États-Unis en raison d’une visite à Taïwan non-confirmée mais de plus en plus probable.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan. Va-t-on éviter le pire? (Le Journal de Québec)

Le voyage de Pelosi à Taipeh est considéré comme une grave provocation pour les Chinois.

Je pense que le séjour de Nancy Pelosi dans l’île sera bref et plutôt discret. Le voyage de Pelosi à Taipeh est considéré comme une grave provocation pour les Chinois. D’autant plus qu’elle a le soutien des élus des deux partis. Comme le reste de l’économie mondiale. Il ne peut pas se permettre de paraître faible au sujet de Taïwan. Xi Jinping va obtenir un troisième mandat sans précédent à la tête du pays cet automne. Les déclarations intempestives récentes de Biden sur Taïwan attisent les tensions.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Taiwan braces for Chinese show of force, with Pelosi set to visit (The Washington Post)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — The Chinese and Taiwanese militaries dispatched fighter jets, ordered military exercises and bolstered combat readiness as Taiwan prepared ...

“Tonight we call it fried chicken of democracy,” he said of his plan to hand out 100 portions. Lam said he was invited to attend an event Wednesday with the American Institute in Taiwan, the de facto U.S. Embassy, but was not told whether Pelosi would be there. “Pelosi’s visit now has a very different meaning,” said Chu Shulong, professor of political science and international relations at Tsinghua University, comparing Pelosi’s trip to Gingrich’s visit. “Taiwan will be the biggest winner. In the last Taiwan Strait crisis in 1995-1996, China sent missiles that landed near Taiwan. Pelosi would be the first House speaker to travel to Taiwan since Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) in 1997. “The United States should and must take full responsibility for this,” she said. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has pledged to “reunify” Taiwan with China by force if necessary. Chinese maritime authorities, meanwhile, announced additional military exercises in the South China Sea and live-fire drills in the Bohai Sea, near the Korean Peninsula, this week. China banned food shipments on Monday from more than 100 Taiwanese exporters. Taiwanese media outlets reported that Pelosi was expected to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen, lawmakers and human rights activists on Wednesday. The impending visit has drawn outrage from China, which for years has sought to diplomatically isolate Taiwan and views such exchanges with high-level foreign dignitaries as support for the island’s formal independence.

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Image courtesy of "Toronto Star"

Pelosi believed headed to Taiwan, raising tension with China (Toronto Star)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi left Malaysia on Tuesday and was expected to visit Taiwan, escalating tensions with Beij...

“It is important for the U.S. and China to ensure continuing communication to avoid any miscalculation and further escalation of tensions,” said Foreign Affairs spokesperson Teresita Daza. Taiwan and China split in 1949 after the Communists won a civil war on the mainland. Pelosi is also due to visit Japan, but it is unclear when she heading there. This was echoed by Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi in Tokyo, who said stable ties between the two rival powers “are extremely important for the international community as well.” Beijing sees official American contact with Taiwan as encouragement to make the island’s decades-old de facto independence permanent, a step U.S. leaders say they don’t support. It was unclear where she was headed from Malaysia, but local media in Taiwan reported that she would arrive on Tuesday night, becoming the highest-ranking elected U.S. official to visit in more than 25 years. The Philippines urged the U.S. and China to be “responsible actors“ in the region. Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry declined to comment. Hua said China has been in constant communication with the U.S. and made clear “how dangerous it would be if the visit actually happens.” Any countermeasures China take will be “justified and necessary“ in the face of Washington’s “unscrupulous behavior,” she said. “If the speaker does decide to visit, and China tries to create some kind of a crisis or otherwise escalate tensions, that would be entirely on Beijing,” he told reporters at U.N. headquarters in New York. “We are looking for them, in the event she decides to visit, to act responsibly and not to engage in any escalation going forward.” “Put simply, there is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with long-standing U.S. policy into some sort of crisis or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait,” Kirby said. “The U.S. and Taiwan have colluded to make provocations first, and China has only been compelled to act out of self-defense,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters Tuesday in Beijing.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

China could make show of force if Pelosi visits Taiwan - US (BBC News)

US officials say China may fire missiles near Taiwan if top lawmaker Nancy Pelosi visits the island.

She has previously met pro-democracy dissidents and visited Tiananmen Square to commemorate victims of the 1989 massacre. There is no drama to talk to. On Monday, China's United Nations envoy Zhang Jun warned the visit would undermine relations between Beijing and Washington, Reuters news agency reported.

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Image courtesy of "The San Francisco Standard"

Nancy Pelosi's Planned Trip to Taiwan Enrages SF Anti-War Activists (The San Francisco Standard)

A coalition of Chinese Americans and anti-war activists accused the House speaker of picking a fight instead of delivering for her district.

She’s going with the flow, going with pushing U.S. hegemony to contain China. For what? But people really need her to focus on our needs here.” China.” Josh Koehn / The Standard “I mean, she’s made fun of Trump on our behalf. Josh Koehn / The Standard

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Pelosi to Visit Taiwan as China Threatens Military Action (Bloomberg)

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to land in Taiwan on Tuesday evening in defiance of Chinese threats, a trip that would make her the ...

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Pelosi believed headed to Taiwan, raising tension with China (CTV News)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was believed headed for Taiwan on Tuesday on a visit that could significantly escalate tensions with Beijing, which claims ...

A drug is available for monkeypox patients who have or who are at risk of severe disease, but doctors say they continue to face challenges getting access to it. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has bolstered her front-runner status in the race to succeed Prime Minister Boris Johnson by gaining a valuable endorsement from a former rival. The U.S. drone strike that killed Zawahiri on his balcony in downtown Kabul was the product of months of highly secret planning by Biden and a tight circle of his senior advisers. U.S. lawmakers are also looking at a comprehensive effort to legalize marijuana, which the legal cannabis industry in Canada would love to see become law. A drug is available for monkeypox patients who have or who are at risk of severe disease, but doctors say they continue to face challenges getting access to it. "It is important for the U.S. and China to ensure continuing communication to avoid any miscalculation and further escalation of tensions," said Foreign Affairs spokesperson Teresita Daza. This was echoed by Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi in Tokyo, who said stable ties between the two rival powers "are extremely important for the international community as well." Taiwan and China split in 1949 after the Communists won a civil war on the mainland. But they are wrong," Wang Ting-yu, a legislator with the Democratic Progressive Party, said on Twitter in response to the attack. Hua said China has been in constant communication with the U.S. and made clear "how dangerous it would be if the visit actually happens." The United Daily News, Liberty Times and China Times -- Taiwan's three largest national newspapers -- cited unidentified sources as saying she would spend the night in Taiwan. "Some American politicians are playing with fire on the issue of Taiwan," Wang said in a statement.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Pelosi visit is a test for Taiwan's global status under Chinese pressure (The Washington Post)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — For Taiwan, a successful visit by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week is about more than avoiding an immediate crisis in the Taiwan Strait ...

According to Taiwanese survey data, only 35 of those polled in March were confident that the United States would intervene, down from 65 percent in November. For Tsai and many others within her Democratic Progressive Party, raising Taiwan’s international status is not, as Beijing charges, a change in the status quo. Chinese President Xi Jinping “faces a dilemma to optimize the robustness of China’s response to Pelosi’s visit,” Sung said. Taiwanese analysts expect that China will go beyond large-scale military drills and adopt various forms of economic coercion to punish Taiwan for the visit. Chinese scholars claim these represent a change in the United States’ one China policy, which neither challenges nor endorses Beijing’s sovereignty claims over Taiwan. Pelosi (D-Calif.) is expected to land Tuesday night local time and meet with President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday.

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Image courtesy of "National Post"

Milestones in relations between the U.S., China and Taiwan (National Post)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was expected to visit Taiwan on Tuesday, drawing sharp warnings from Beijing, which claims the self-ruled island as its own…

May 2008 – KMT-backed President Ma Ying-jeou, who favors closer ties with China, comes into power and sets aside political disputes with China to discuss deals ranging from tourism to commercial flights. Article content 1996 – Third Taiwan Strait Crisis: Taiwan holds its first direct presidential vote. 2005 – Beijing adopts an anti-secession bill in March that makes secession by Taiwan illegal. Article content 1979 – The United States endorses the “One China Policy” and switches diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping offers the concepts of “one country, two systems” and “peaceful unification” as possible alternatives to taking Taiwan by force. In April, leaders of Taiwan’s major opposition KMT and the Communist Party of China meet for the first time since 1949. China does not seize control of any Taiwan-held island. Article content Taipei loses its control of some islands and moves remaining forces and residents to Taiwan. Article content 1949 – Mao Zedong’s communists take power in Beijing after defeating Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang (KMT) nationalists in a civil war.

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Image courtesy of "CBC.ca"

Nancy Pelosi's expected visit to Taiwan latest flashpoint in U.S. ... (CBC.ca)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi left Malaysia on Tuesday and was expected to visit Taiwan, escalating tensions with Beijing, which claims the self-ruled ...

U.S. officials have said the U.S. military would increase its movement of forces and assets in the Indo-Pacific region. Peskov's comments reflected close ties between Moscow and Beijing, which have grown stronger since Russia sent its troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24. The plane carrying Pelosi and her delegation left from a Malaysian air force base, with local media in Taiwan reporting that she would arrive there on Tuesday night. The Philippines, which maintains relations with both the U.S. and China, urged them to be "responsible actors" in the region. The U.S. maintains informal relations and defence ties with Taiwan even as it recognizes Beijing as the government of China. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which has governed U.S. relations with the island, does not require the U.S. to step in militarily if China invades, but makes it American policy to ensure Taiwan has the resources to defend itself and to prevent any unilateral change of status by Beijing. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov warned that such a visit would be "extremely provocative," adding that it would "exacerbate the situation in the region and fuel tensions." Taiwan's Foreign Ministry declined to comment. Taiwan and China split in 1949 after the Communists won a civil war on the mainland. "The U.S. and Taiwan have colluded to make provocations first, and China has only been compelled to act out of self-defence," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters Tuesday in Beijing. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged China to "act responsibly" if Pelosi proceeds with the visit. Any countermeasures China takes will be "justified and necessary" in the face of Washington's "unscrupulous behaviour" should Pelosi visit, Hua said. Pelosi, head of one of three branches of the U.S. government, would be the highest-ranking elected American official to visit Taiwan since then-speaker Newt Gingrich in 1997.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taiwan as China ratchets up military activity (Financial Times)

Beijing accuses House Speaker of stirring up trouble with highest-profile US visit in 25 years.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, defying Beijing (CTV News)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday night despite threats from Beijing of serious consequences, becoming the highest-ranking ...

A drug is available for monkeypox patients who have or who are at risk of severe disease, but doctors say they continue to face challenges getting access to it. The U.S. drone strike that killed Zawahiri on his balcony in downtown Kabul was the product of months of highly secret planning by Biden and a tight circle of his senior advisers. A drug is available for monkeypox patients who have or who are at risk of severe disease, but doctors say they continue to face challenges getting access to it. "It is important for the U.S. and China to ensure continuing communication to avoid any miscalculation and further escalation of tensions," said Foreign Affairs spokesperson Teresita Daza. The flight tracking site Flightradar24 said Pelosi's aircraft, a U.S. Air Force Boeing C-40C, was the most tracked in the world on Tuesday evening with 300,000 viewers. Beijing sees official American contact with Taiwan as encouragement to make the island's decades-old de facto independence permanent, a step U.S. leaders say they don't support. Taiwan and China split in 1949 after the Communists won a civil war on the mainland. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group were in the Philippine Sea on Monday, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations. "China thinks by launching a multi-domain pressure campaign against Taiwan, the people of Taiwan will be intimidated. Hua said China has been in constant communication with the U.S. and made clear "how dangerous it would be if the visit actually happens." "Some American politicians are playing with fire on the issue of Taiwan," Wang said in a statement. China had warned of "resolute and strong measures" if Pelosi went ahead with the trip, but has given no details on what they might be.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Taïwan | Pelosi assure que sa visite démontre le « soutien ... (La Presse)

La présidente démocrate de la Chambre américaine des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, a affirmé que sa visite à Taïwan mardi démontrait le « soutien ...

De son côté, la Chine a organisé dimanche un exercice militaire « à munitions réelles » dans le détroit de Taïwan – très près cependant des côtes chinoises. En tournée en Asie, Nancy Pelosi, 82 ans, est la plus haute responsable américaine élue à se rendre sur l’île en 25 ans. La Russie, alliée majeure de la Chine, a accusé mardi les Américains de « déstabiliser le monde » et décrit la visite de Nancy Pelosi comme une « pure provocation ». La Chine a annoncé mardi que l’armée allait lancer des « actions militaires ciblées » en réponse à la visite à Taïwan de Nancy Pelosi. « La visite de notre délégation parlementaire à Taïwan démontre le soutien inconditionnel de l’Amérique à la dynamique démocratie de Taïwan », a-t-elle déclaré dans ce communiqué en ajoutant que cette visite ne contrevenait d’« aucune façon » à la politique de longue date des États-Unis vis-à-vis de la Chine. La présidente démocrate de la Chambre américaine des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, a affirmé que sa visite à Taïwan mardi démontrait le « soutien inconditionnel » des États-Unis, dans un communiqué publié peu après son atterrissage sur l’île.

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan will not trigger World War III (Aljazeera.com)

No one knows for sure whether the speaker will meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen or any other top local official as other senior US officials did ...

With the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 20th National Congress – which will mark a dramatic reshuffle of local leadership – just months away and the country facing a severe economic slowdown, Xi will likely shun a major military confrontation. To this end, Xi has made it clear that he will employ “all necessary means” to reincorporate Taiwan into China and safeguard his country’s territorial claims in the region. Pelosi’s expected visit to Taipei will mark the latest and most high-profile visit yet by a top American official. At this exact point, the US entered the picture by deploying the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy to the region in defence of KMT forces. The end of World War II saw the withdrawal of Japanese forces from Taiwan. But it was not the exit of Japanese forces but the civil war between communist and nationalist forces in mainland China that made Taiwan what it is today. The problem, however, is that even calibrated military manoeuvres could risk major incidents and spark unintended escalation between the protagonists. On Monday, China deployed several fighter jets into Taiwan’s airspace amid an uptick in the Asian power’s military drills in the area. On July 25, China’s foreign ministry warned that a potential visit by Pelosi would result in “serious consequences” for which the US would need to assume full responsibility. After a series of major defeats at the hand of Maoist forces, the Kuomintang (KMT), led by Chiang Kai-shek, retreated to the island. Recent reports suggest that Pelosi will visit Taiwan before heading to Northeast Asia, but the duration and nature of her visit are still a mystery. This time, Pelosi will be visiting the island amid an ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which has drawn many ominous comparisons with the situation in Taiwan. After all, China considers the self-ruling island a “renegade province” that should eventually be fully reintegrated into the mainland.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Pelosi's expected Taiwan visit risks creating greater instability ... (CNN)

Neither the United States nor China has overt interests in their budding superpower rivalry boiling over into open military clashes despite soaring tensions ...

The assumption in Washington is that Xi has no more interest in a direct military showdown than Biden does. Some analysts say such a shift could not only risk dragging the United States into a war in the Pacific against China that Americans are not prepared for, but that it could also make Beijing even more aggressive. And there is a strongly nationalist streak within the Chinese military along with growing confidence about its capacity. The United States recognizes the People's Republic of China on the mainland as the sole legitimate government of China and doesn't regard Taiwan as a country. Biden has reorganized US foreign policy around the principle of countering China's growing might in Asia and further afield. Thirty years ago, Washington hoped that by encouraging then-reclusive China into the global economy it could promote political liberalization and usher it into the Western-oriented global economic and political system. And his government's questionable handling of the Covid-19 pandemic -- mass lockdowns are still common in Chinese cities -- and a slowing economy, mean Xi could be tempted into a nationalistic stand to mask domestic liabilities. The island is viewed by Beijing as a rightful part of its territory. Pelosi is also a symbol of democracy -- a way of life that Taipei is desperate to preserve under China's authoritarian shadow. Xi built his power base on aggressive nationalism and the idea that Taiwan's destiny is "reunification" with the mainland. Most of its options -- following a barrage of threats and propaganda that have raised expectations for its riposte -- are quite alarming. It would be unpalatable for Pelosi, following a political career partly defined by standing up to China, to give up on her plan.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan amid soaring tensions with China (The Guardian)

US politician's visit appears to prompt high levels of military movement among Chinese, Taiwanese and US militaries.

Pelosi is expected to stay in the Grand Hyatt hotel on the outskirts of Taipei city, before meeting Tsai on Wednesday morning. Taiwan officials would not comment on the highly anticipated visit before Pelosi’s arrival, other than to say it always welcomes the visits of foreign friends. Among the concerns about China’s reaction were fears it would send PLA aircraft to intercept or tail her plane into Taiwan’s airspace. On Tuesday afternoon, almost 300,000 people were tracking a US air force flight that was potentially carrying the speaker’s delegation. Some, including senior Taiwanese figures who spoke on condition of anonymity, expected any significant act to occur after Pelosi departed, to avoid a confrontation with US military assets. According to multiple social media posts it also drove dozens of tanks and other armoured vehicles through the Chinese mainland city of Xiamen, which is just three miles (5km) across the water from Taiwan’s outlying Kinmen Island.

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan amid heightened US-China tensions (Aljazeera.com)

Beijing had warned Washington that it would 'pay the price' if the US House speaker visited Taipei.

China will argue that it will take action at a timing of its own choosing, rather than reacting or dancing to the tune of external ‘provocations’,” Sung said. Four US naval ships, including one aircraft carrier, were deployed in the waters east of Taiwan before Pelosi’s arrival. “It will allow the government to show it’s being bullied by China and that it needs support from friendly nations like the US, Japan, and Australia,” Feingold said. “On the other hand, the use of force could backfire against China and further entrench Taiwanese voters’ views that China is the aggressor, as happened in 1996 during the Third Cross-Strait Crisis.” “The message China intends to send is that it has the ‘ability’ to respond, but whether it currently has the ‘intention’ to respond or not, is a different matter. “Chinese warships and fighters may cross over the median line in response to the visit, but they are unlikely to enter Taiwan’s national airspace or its territorial waters, as there is too high a risk of engaging Taiwanese air force fighters,” Lee said.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Pelosi assure que sa visite à Taïwan démontre le «soutien ... (TVA Nouvelles)

Nancy Pelosi a affirmé que sa visite à Taïwan mardi démontrait le «soutien inconditionnel» des États-Unis.

Elle a aussi suscité l'embarras de la Maison-Blanche. «La visite de notre délégation parlementaire à Taïwan démontre le soutien inconditionnel de l'Amérique à la dynamique démocratie de Taïwan», a-t-elle déclaré dans ce communiqué en ajoutant que cette visite ne «contredisait d'aucune façon» la politique de longue date des États-Unis vis-à-vis de la Chine. • À lire aussi: Un voyage de Pelosi à Taïwan pourrait causer des frictions avec la Chine

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

De l'Ukraine à Taiwan (Le Devoir)

C'est sur un fond de tensions renouvelées entre la Chine et les États-Unis que la présidente de la Chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, a amorcé lundi ...

Depuis le début du conflit en Ukraine, le régime de Xi s’est montré plus pugnace dans ses initiatives pour miner la réputation des États-Unis comme agent de stabilité en Asie-Pacifique et dans le reste du monde. Sa gestion de la COVID-19 de même que sa grande tolérance à la boucherie de Vladimir Poutine en Ukraine lui vaudraient d’immenses critiques si le peuple avait encore la capacité de s’exprimer librement. Nancy Pelosi, farouche défenderesse des droits de la personne en Chine tout au long de sa carrière, ne voudra pas reculer. Washington ne voudra pas donner l’impression que la Chine dicte désormais, sous le coup de la menace, la nature et l’étendue des relations que les États-Unis peuvent entretenir avec les régimes démocratiques d’Asie-Pacifique. C’est tout ce dont le monde, en proie à une guerre sans précédent en Ukraine, avait besoin : un accroissement des tensions entre deux superpuissances qui devront nécessairement trouver des voies de passage pour maintenir la paix et la stabilité dans le monde. L’élue démocrate laisse planer le doute sur la possibilité de visiter Taiwan ou pas, suscitant l’irritation du régime de Xi. Le président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, marche sur des oeufs.

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Image courtesy of "CBC.ca"

U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taiwan for official visit heavily ... (CBC.ca)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday, an official visit sure to escalate tensions with Beijing, which claims the self-ruled island ...

U.S. officials have said the U.S. military would increase its movement of forces and assets in the Indo-Pacific region. China's Defence Ministry said Tuesday night it will conduct a series of targeted military operations to "safeguard national sovereignty" in response to Pelosi's visit. Peskov's comments reflected close ties between Moscow and Beijing, which have grown stronger since Russia sent its troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24. The plane carrying Pelosi and her delegation took off from a Malaysian air force base and landed in Taipei on Tuesday night just before 11 p.m. local time. Unspecified hackers launched a cyberattack on the Taiwanese Presidential Office's website, making it temporarily unavailable Tuesday evening. China had warned of "resolute and strong measures" if Pelosi went ahead with the trip. The Philippines, which maintains relations with both the U.S. and China, urged them to be "responsible actors" in the region. The U.S. maintains informal relations and defence ties with Taiwan even as it recognizes Beijing as the government of China. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which has governed U.S. relations with the island, does not require the U.S. to step in militarily if China invades, but makes it American policy to ensure Taiwan has the resources to defend itself and to prevent any unilateral change of status by Beijing. Taiwan and China split in 1949 after the Communists won a civil war on the mainland. Pelosi, head of one of three branches of the U.S. government, is the highest-ranking elected American official to visit Taiwan since then-speaker Newt Gingrich in 1997. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday, an official visit sure to escalate tensions with Beijing, which claims the self-ruled island as its own territory. Pelosi is the highest-ranking American official to visit Taiwan in 25 years

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Nancy Pelosi défie Pékin et atterrit à Taïwan (Le Soleil)

Un affront à la Chine : la présidente américaine de la Chambre des représentants Nancy Pelosi a atterri mardi à Taïwan, malgré les avertissements de Pékin ...

«Les États-Unis auront assurément la responsabilité [des conséquences] et devront payer le prix de leur atteinte à la souveraineté et à la sécurité de la Chine», a déclaré mardi Hua Chunying, une porte-parole de la diplomatie chinoise. Une initiative controversée qui crée déjà de fortes tensions dans la région. La Russie, alliée majeure de la Chine, a accusé mardi les Américains de «déstabiliser le monde» et décrit la visite de Nancy Pelosi comme une «pure provocation». Le ministère chinois de la Défense a lui promis des «actions militaires ciblées» de la part de l’armée. Dès l’arrivée de Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a dénoncé «une grave violation» des engagements américains vis-à-vis de la Chine, qui «porte gravement atteinte à la paix et à la stabilité» régionales. «La visite de notre délégation parlementaire à Taïwan démontre le soutien inconditionnel de l’Amérique à la vibrante démocratie de Taïwan», a-t-elle déclaré dans un communiqué publié peu après son arrivée.

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Image courtesy of "Globalnews.ca"

Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taiwan as China issues warning (Globalnews.ca)

Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday night, becoming the highest-ranking American official to visit the self-ruled island that is claimed by China in ...

“It is important for the U.S. and China to ensure continuing communication to avoid any miscalculation and further escalation of tensions,” said Foreign Affairs spokesperson Teresita Daza. Pelosi has used her position in the U.S. Congress as an emissary for the U.S. on the global stage. This was echoed by Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi in Tokyo, who said stable ties between the two rival powers “are extremely important for the international community as well.” Taiwan and China split in 1949 after the Communists won a civil war on the mainland. The flight tracking site Flightradar24 said Pelosi’s aircraft, a U.S. Air Force Boeing C-40C, was the most tracked in the world on Tuesday evening with 300,000 viewers. But they are wrong,” Wang Ting-yu, a legislator with the Democratic Progressive Party, said on Twitter in response to the attack. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group were in the Philippine Sea on Monday, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations. Beijing sees official American contact with Taiwan as encouragement to make the island’s decades-old de facto independence permanent, a step U.S. leaders say they don’t support. “Some American politicians are playing with fire on the issue of Taiwan,” Wang said in a statement. The Philippines urged the U.S. and China to be “responsible actors” in the region. Barricades were erected outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Taipei where Pelosi was expected to stay amid heightened security. Unspecified hackers launched a cyberattack on the Taiwanese Presidential Office’s website, making it temporarily unavailable Tuesday evening.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Nancy Pelosi défie Pékin et arrive à Taïwan (Le Devoir)

Elle devient la plus importante dirigeante américaine à visiter ce que Pékin considère être une province rebelle de la Chine continentale en 25 ans. La visite ...

Le ministère chinois de la Défense a déclaré mardi soir que la Chine mènerait une série d’opérations militaires ciblées pour « sauvegarder la souveraineté nationale » en réponse à la visite de Mme Pelosi. Le ministère s’est engagé à « contrecarrer résolument les ingérences extérieures et les tentatives séparatistes d’“indépendance de Taïwan” ». La visite de Mme Pelosi a fait grimper d’un cran les tensions entre la Chine et les États-Unis. La Chine prétend que Taïwan lui appartient et menace occasionnellement de l’annexer par la force, et elle considère toute visite par un dirigeant étranger comme une reconnaissance de l’indépendance de l’île. La présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi, est arrivée à Taïwan mardi soir, en dépit des avertissements de Pékin concernant de graves conséquences.

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Image courtesy of "Le Nouvelliste"

Nancy Pelosi atterrit à Taïwan malgré les avertissements de Pékin (Le Nouvelliste)

La présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis Nancy Pelosi a atterri à Taïwan, malgré l'ultime avertissement de la Chine, qui a prévenu mardi ...

«Les États-Unis auront assurément la responsabilité (des conséquences) et devront payer le prix de leur atteinte à la souveraineté et à la sécurité de la Chine», a martelé mardi Hua Chunying, une porte-parole de la diplomatie chinoise. La Russie, une alliée majeure de la Chine, a accusé mardi les Américains de «déstabiliser le monde» et décrit la visite de Nancy Pelosi comme une «pure provocation». «La partie chinoise a le droit de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour protéger sa souveraineté et son intégrité territoriale concernant le problème de Taïwan», a déclaré le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères. Le ministère chinois de la Défense a quant à lui promis des «actions militaires ciblées». Il a annoncé une série de manoeuvres militaires autour de l’île qui commenceront mercredi, dont «le tir de munitions réelles de longue portée» dans le détroit de Taïwan. Pékin a clairement dit voir en sa visite une provocation majeure. Dès l’arrivée de Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a dénoncé «une grave violation» des engagements américains vis-à-vis de la Chine, qui «porte gravement atteinte à la paix et à la stabilité» régionales. Mme Pelosi a rappelé dans un communiqué distinct ce «soutien inconditionnel de l’Amérique à la vibrante démocratie de Taïwan», estimant que sa présence ne contrevenait en «aucune façon» à la politique de longue date des États-Unis envers la Chine.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, defying Beijing (The Globe and Mail)

Taiwan's foreign minister and other Taiwanese and American officials greeted Pelosi on the tarmac at Taipei's international airport. Her visit has ratcheted up ...

She has long challenged China on human rights, including travelling to Tiananmen Square in 1991, two years after China crushed a wave of democracy protests. The flight-tracking site Flightradar24 said Pelosi’s aircraft, an Air Force version of the Boeing 737, was the most tracked in the world on Tuesday evening with 300,000 viewers. Beijing sees official American contact with Taiwan as encouragement to make the island’s decades-old de facto independence permanent, a step U.S. leaders say they don’t support. U.S. officials have said the American military will increase its movements in the Indo-Pacific region during Pelosi’s visit. Two buildings in the capital lit up LED displays with words of welcome, including the iconic Taipei 101 building, which said “Welcome to Taiwan, Speaker Pelosi.” The statement called trips by members of Congress to Taiwan routine. Meanwhile, Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said early Wednesday that China had sent 21 planes flying toward Taiwan, 18 of them fighter jets. China’s official Xinhua News said the army planned to conduct live-fire drills from Aug. 4 to 7 across multiple locations. She posed for photos before her motorcade whisked her unseen into the parking garage of a hotel. “Some American politicians are playing with fire on the issue of Taiwan,” Wang said in a statement that referred to the U.S. as “the world’s biggest saboteur of peace.” “We must stand by Taiwan,” she said in an opinion piece published by The Washington Post on her arrival in Taiwan. She cited the commitment that the U.S. made to a democratic Taiwan under a 1979 law. The speaker framed the trip as part of a broader mission at a time when “the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy.” Her visit comes after she led a congressional delegation to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv in the spring, and it serves as a capstone to her many years of promoting democracy abroad.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Taiwan presidential office website hit by cyberattack ahead of Pelosi ... (Politico)

Tense moment: The attack took place hours ahead of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. The Chinese government threatened to take action to respond to ...

A spokesperson for the White House did not immediately respond to questions around if the Biden administration is tracking cyber threats to Taiwan. Nonetheless, we believe China is capable of significant cyber attacks inside Taiwan and abroad.” All three websites were up and running as of publication.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Nancy Pelosi atterrit à Taïwan malgré les avertissements de Pékin (Le Soleil)

La présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis Nancy Pelosi a atterri à Taïwan, malgré l'ultime avertissement de la Chine, qui a prévenu mardi ...

«Les États-Unis auront assurément la responsabilité (des conséquences) et devront payer le prix de leur atteinte à la souveraineté et à la sécurité de la Chine», a martelé mardi Hua Chunying, une porte-parole de la diplomatie chinoise. La Russie, une alliée majeure de la Chine, a accusé mardi les Américains de «déstabiliser le monde» et décrit la visite de Nancy Pelosi comme une «pure provocation». «La partie chinoise a le droit de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour protéger sa souveraineté et son intégrité territoriale concernant le problème de Taïwan», a déclaré le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères. Le ministère chinois de la Défense a quant à lui promis des «actions militaires ciblées». Il a annoncé une série de manoeuvres militaires autour de l’île qui commenceront mercredi, dont «le tir de munitions réelles de longue portée» dans le détroit de Taïwan. Pékin a clairement dit voir en sa visite une provocation majeure. Dès l’arrivée de Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a dénoncé «une grave violation» des engagements américains vis-à-vis de la Chine, qui «porte gravement atteinte à la paix et à la stabilité» régionales. Mme Pelosi a rappelé dans un communiqué distinct ce «soutien inconditionnel de l’Amérique à la vibrante démocratie de Taïwan», estimant que sa présence ne contrevenait en «aucune façon» à la politique de longue date des États-Unis envers la Chine.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Les États-Unis « paieront le prix » si Pelosi visite Taïwan, prévient ... (La Presse)

En tournée en Asie, Nancy Pelosi, 82 ans, serait la plus haute responsable américaine élue à se rendre sur l'île en 25 ans. Sa visite, non confirmée, pourrait ...

La Russie, une alliée majeure de la Chine, a accusé mardi les Américains de « déstabiliser le monde » et décrit la visite de Nancy Pelosi comme une « pure provocation ». « La partie chinoise a le droit de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour protéger sa souveraineté et son intégrité territoriale concernant le problème de Taïwan », a déclaré le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères. « Les États-Unis auront assurément la responsabilité [des conséquences] et devront payer le prix de leur atteinte à la souveraineté et à la sécurité de la Chine », a martelé mardi Hua Chunying, une porte-parole de la diplomatie chinoise. Pékin a clairement dit voir en sa visite une provocation majeure. Le ministère chinois de la Défense a quant à lui promis des « actions militaires ciblées ». Il a annoncé une série de manœuvres militaires autour de l’île qui commenceront mercredi, dont « le tir de munitions réelles de longue portée » dans le détroit de Taïwan. Dès l’arrivée de Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a dénoncé « une grave violation » des engagements américains vis-à-vis de la Chine, qui « porte gravement atteinte à la paix et à la stabilité » régionales. Mme Pelosi a rappelé dans un communiqué distinct ce « soutien inconditionnel de l’Amérique à la vibrante démocratie de Taïwan », estimant que sa présence ne contrevenait en « aucune façon » à la politique de longue date des États-Unis envers la Chine.

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