
2022 - 8 - 1

Ayman al-Zawahiri Ayman al-Zawahiri

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda leader, killed at 71 (The Washington Post)

Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian-born physician, took over as leader of al-Qaeda after the death of Osama bin Laden. He was killed in a U.S. strike.

The death of bin Laden in May 2o11 thrust Zawahiri into the No. 1 position, a role for which, in hindsight, he may not have been ideally suited. “And it is not for the enemy to impose on us the field, place, time and way in which we fight.” He did, however, use the occasion to resurrect his fiery rhetoric from the past, calling once again for a renewal of al-Qaeda’s violent campaigns against enemies everywhere. He launched an ambitious biological weapons program, establishing a laboratory in Afghanistan and dispatching disciples to search for sympathetic scientists as well as lethal strains of anthrax bacteria. Zawahiri made at least one visit to the United States in the 1990s, a brief tour of California mosques under an assumed name to raise money for Muslim charities providing support for Afghan refugees. Three years later, working from al-Qaeda’s base in Afghanistan, he helped oversee the planning of what would become one of history’s most audacious terrorist attacks: the Sept. 11 strikes in New York and Washington. Zawahiri’s steadiness in rendering aid in the face of Soviet bombardment in Afghanistan cemented the doctor’s reputation among the mujahideen, as well as a lifelong friendship with bin Laden. The massive government crackdown that followed landed Zawahiri in prison, along with hundreds of his followers. There, he patched up the wounds of mujahideen who were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan and crossed paths with a charismatic young Saudi, bin Laden. He remained the terrorist group’s figurehead but failed to prevent the splintering of the Islamist movement in Syria and other conflict zones after 2011. Even as his political views hardened, Zawahiri was pursuing a career in the healing arts, earning a degree in medicine from Cairo University and serving briefly as an army surgeon. Zawahiri had led his own militant group and pioneered a brand of terrorism that prized spectacular attacks and the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

US strike in Afghanistan kills al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri ... (The Guardian)

A senior US official had told Reuters the US had conducted a successful operation against a 'significant al-Qaida target'

The official added that al-Zawahiri’s family members were present in other parts of the safe house at the time of the strike, were not targeted and were unharmed. The safe house used by al-Zawahiri is now empty.” He had a $25m bounty on his head. The official continued: “Two Hellfire missiles were fired at Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was killed. The strike was carried out at 9:48pm eastern time on Saturday by an unmanned aerial vehicle. “At the conclusion of the meeting, the president authorised a precise, tailored airstrike on the condition that a strike minimised to the greatest extent possible the risk of civilian casualties,” the official said in a background briefing call.

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Al-Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri killed in US drone strike: Biden (

US President Joe Biden says 'justice has been delivered' after Al Qaeda leader located in Kabul, Afghanistan.

That deal paved the way for the withdrawal of US-led foreign forces in return for a guarantee from the Taliban not to allow groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIL (ISIS) to operate on Afghan soil. A US official said earlier that al-Zawahiri’s presence in Kabul was a “clear violation” of the ‘Doha Agreement’ that Washington and the Taliban signed in 2020. The Taliban confirmed the attack in Kabul, and condemned it as a “violation of international principles”.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Québec"

Les États-Unis tuent le leader d'Al-Qaïda, Ayman al-Zawahiri (Le Journal de Québec)

Les États-Unis ont «réussi» une opération contre une «cible importante au sein d'Al-Qaïda» en Afghanistan.

Zawahiri était l'un des terroristes les plus recherchés au monde et les États-Unis promettaient 25 millions de dollars pour tout renseignement permettant de le retrouver. Héritant en 2011 d'une organisation affaiblie, Ayman al-Zawahiri, 71 ans, avait dû pour survivre multiplier les «franchises» et les allégeances de circonstances, de la péninsule arabique au Maghreb, de la Somalie à l'Afghanistan, en Syrie et en Irak. L'attaque au drone a été menée sans aucune présence militaire américaine au sol, a précisé un responsable américain, preuve de la capacité des États-Unis «d'identifier et de localiser même les terroristes les plus recherchés au monde et de prendre des mesures afin de les éliminer».

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

Afghanistan : Ayman al-Zawahiri, le chef d'Al-Qaïda tué dans une ... (FRANCE 24)

Joe Biden a annoncé lundi la mort d'Ayman al Zawahiri, tué par une frappe américaine en Afghanistan. La mort du chef d'Al-Qaïda va permettre aux familles de ...

Des représentants américains s'exprimant sous couvert d'anonymat ont indiqué que la frappe avait été menée dimanche à,06h18 locale dans la capitale afghane Kaboul. "Justice a désormais été rendue, et ce chef terroriste n'est plus", a déclaré Joe Biden au cours d'un discours depuis la Maison blanche. Ayman al-Zawahiri, a été tué dans une attaque de drone en Afghanistan sans aucune présence militaire américaine au sol, a indiqué lundi un responsable américain. "Il n'y avait aucun effectif américain sur le terrain à Kaboul", a précisé le haut-responsable, ajoutant que la présence même d'Ayman al-Zawahiri dans la capitale afghane était une "violation claire" des accords conclus avec les talibans à Doha en 2020. Joe Biden a annoncé lundi 1er août la mort d' Ayman al Zawahiri, tué par une frappe américaine en Afghanistan. La mort du chef d'Al-Qaïda va permettre aux familles de victimes du 11-Septembre "de tourner la page", a déclaré le président Américain.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Bin Laden was the face of al-Qaida, but Ayman al-Zawahiri was its ... (NPR)

Al-Zawahiri was deeply involved in the planning of 9/11, and led the organization after bin Laden was killed in 2011. He died in a U.S. drone strike in ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Who was al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri? - CNNPolitics (CNN)

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri's death at the hands of a US drone strike brings an end to his "trail of murder and violence against American citizens," ...

"According to the United Nations, he'd released kind of an unprecedented number of videos. At one point, he narrowly escaped a US onslaught in the rugged, mountainous Tora Bora region of Afghanistan, an attack that left his wife and children dead. "So he was becoming more prominent. "People around the world no longer need to fear the vicious and determined killer. "We are working with brother bin Laden," he said in announcing the merger of his terror group in May 1998. He proudly endorsed Sadat's assassination after the Egyptian leader made peace with Israel.

Ayman al-Zawahiri: from Cairo physician to al Qaeda leader (National Post)

DUBAI — Ayman al-Zawahiri succeeded Osama bin Laden as al Qaeda leader after years as its main organizer and strategist, but his lack of charisma and…

Article content Zawahiri was raised in Cairo’s leafy Maadi suburb, a place favored by expatriates from the Western nations he railed against. Zawahiri did not emerge from Cairo’s slums, like others drawn to militant groups who promised a noble cause. Article content Article content Article content By then he was living the spartan life of a militant after helping Bin Laden to form al Qaeda. Article content Article content Instead, militancy returned to its roots in local-level conflicts, driven by a mix of local grievances and incitement by transnational jihadi networks using social media. Article content Article content

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

Zawahiri «n'est plus»: Biden annonce la mort du chef d'Al-Qaïda (Le Soleil)

Le chef d'Al-Qaïda, l'Égyptien Ayman al-Zawahiri, a été tué dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche en Afghanistan par une frappe de drone américain, ...

Zawahiri était l’un des terroristes les plus recherchés au monde et les États-Unis promettaient 25 millions de dollars pour tout renseignement permettant de le retrouver. Héritant en 2011 d’une organisation affaiblie, Ayman al-Zawahiri, 71 ans, avait dû pour survivre multiplier les «franchises» et les allégeances de circonstances, de la péninsule arabique au Maghreb, de la Somalie à l’Afghanistan, en Syrie et en Irak. Ayman al-Zawahiri avait été repéré «à de multiples reprises et pour de longues durées sur le balcon où il a finalement été touché» par la frappe dans la capitale afghane, a-t-il ajouté.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

Qui était Zawahiri, successeur sans charisme de Ben Laden à la tête ... (TVA Nouvelles)

L'Égyptien Ayman al-Zawahiri a théorisé l'essaimage des franchises jihadistes sans vraiment les contrôler.

Il réfléchit plus sur le plan international», disait de lui Hamid Mir, biographe de Ben Laden, cité par le think tank Counter-Extremism Project (CEP). Il est également condamné à mort par contumace en Égypte pour de nombreux attentats, dont celui de Louxor, en 1997 (62 morts, dont 58 touristes étrangers). Depuis 2011, il a vécu terré entre Pakistan et Afghanistan, limitant ses apparitions à des vidéos de prêches monotones. Jusqu'à l'annonce par le président américain en personne de sa mort, lors d'une «opération antiterroriste» ce week-end. Annoncé mort ou mourant à plusieurs reprises, il avait multiplié récemment les signes de vie. Mais il a dû pour se faire multiplier les «franchises» et les allégeances de circonstances, de la péninsule arabique au Maghreb, de la Somalie à l'Afghanistan, en Syrie et en Irak. Et accepter que celles-ci s'émancipent peu à peu.

Ayman al-Zawahiri: from Cairo physician to al Qaeda leader (Financial Post)

DUBAI — Ayman al-Zawahiri succeeded Osama bin Laden as al Qaeda leader after years as its main organizer and strategist, but his lack of charisma and…

Article content Zawahiri was raised in Cairo’s leafy Maadi suburb, a place favored by expatriates from the Western nations he railed against. Zawahiri did not emerge from Cairo’s slums, like others drawn to militant groups who promised a noble cause. Article content Article content Article content By then he was living the spartan life of a militant after helping Bin Laden to form al Qaeda. Article content Article content Instead, militancy returned to its roots in local-level conflicts, driven by a mix of local grievances and incitement by transnational jihadi networks using social media. Article content Article content

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Al-Zawahiri: From Cairo clinic to al-Qaeda leader (

Key al-Qaeda strategist was born to a comfortable life in Egypt where he studied to be a doctor.

While Bin Laden came from a privileged background in a prominent Saudi family, al-Zawahiri had the experience of an underground revolutionary. People who studied with al-Zawahiri at Cairo University’s Faculty of Medicine in the 1970s describe a lively young man who went to the cinema, listened to music and joked with friends. The son of a pharmacology professor, al-Zawahiri was reportedly arrested at 15 for joining the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. He also found inspiration in the revolutionary ideas of Egyptian writer Sayyid Qutb, who was executed in 1966 on charges of trying to overthrow the state. Born in 1951 to a prominent Cairo family, al-Zawahiri was a grandson of the grand imam of Al Azhar, one of Islam’s most important mosques. In a eulogy for Bin Laden, al-Zawahiri promised to continue attacks on the West, recalling the threat of the group’s founder that “you will not dream of security until we live it as a reality and until you leave the lands of the Muslims”. Taking over the leadership of Islamic Jihad in Egypt in 1993, al-Zawahiri was a leading figure in a campaign in the mid-1990s to overthrow the government and set up a purist Islamic state in which more than 1,200 Egyptians were killed.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Ayman al-Zawahiri: Al-Qaeda leader killed in US drone strike (BBC News)

Ayman al-Zawahiri "carved a trail of murder and violence" against Americans, US President Joe Biden says.

But beyond the question of what this might mean, if anything, for his weak approval ratings, there's a bigger strategic one. Zawahiri took over al-Qaeda after the death of Osama bin Laden in 2011. A new al-Qaeda leader will no doubt emerge, but he will likely have even less influence than his predecessor. However, the Taliban and al-Qaeda are long-time allies and US officials said the Taliban were aware of Zawahiri's presence in Kabul. Mr Biden said he had given the final approval for the "precision strike" on the 71-year-old al-Qaeda leader after months of planning. The US has killed the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in a drone strike in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has confirmed.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Opération antiterroriste | Les États-Unis ont tué le chef d'Al-Qaïda ... (La Presse)

Le chef d'Al-Qaïda, l'Egyptien Ayman al-Zawahiri, a été tué dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche en Afghanistan par une frappe de drone américain, ...

Zawahiri était l’un des terroristes les plus recherchés au monde et les États-Unis promettaient 25 millions de dollars pour tout renseignement permettant de le retrouver. » Ayman al-Zawahiri avait été repéré « à de multiples reprises et pour de longues durées sur le balcon où il a finalement été touché » par la frappe dans la capitale afghane, a-t-il ajouté.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike in ... (CNN)

President Joe Biden will speak at 7:30 p.m. ET on "a successful counterterrorism operation" against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, the White House said Monday. "Over ...

After his release, he made his way to Pakistan, where he treated wounded mujahadeen fighters who fought against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. At one point, he narrowly escaped a US onslaught in the rugged, mountainous Tora Bora region of Afghanistan, an attack that left his wife and children dead. Zawahiri and bin Laden gloated after they escaped a US cruise missile attack in Afghanistan that had been launched in retaliation. For decades, he was the mastermind of attacks against Americans," Biden said. No American personnel were on the ground in Kabul at the time of the strike. Around the time of Kabul's fall, Biden indicated that there would be enduring US military capabilities -- namely, drones -- to target terrorists.

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Image courtesy of "Department of State"

The Death of Ayman al-Zawahiri - United States Department of State (Department of State)

President Biden last year committed to the American people that, following the withdrawal of U.S. forces, the United States would continue to protect our ...

We were able to do so in this instance — and will be positioned to do so going forward — as a result of the skill and professionalism of our intelligence and counterterrorism community colleagues, for whom the President and I are deeply grateful. The world is a safer place following the death of Zawahiri, and the United States will continue to act resolutely against those who would threaten our country, our people, or our allies and partners. They also betrayed the Afghan people and their own stated desire for recognition from and normalization with the international community.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Qui était Zawahiri, successeur sans charisme de Ben Laden à la tête ... (Le Journal de Montréal)

L'Égyptien Ayman al-Zawahiri a théorisé l'essaimage des franchises jihadistes sans vraiment les contrôler.

Il réfléchit plus sur le plan international», disait de lui Hamid Mir, biographe de Ben Laden, cité par le think tank Counter-Extremism Project (CEP). Depuis 2011, il a vécu terré entre Pakistan et Afghanistan, limitant ses apparitions à des vidéos de prêches monotones. Il est également condamné à mort par contumace en Égypte pour de nombreux attentats, dont celui de Louxor, en 1997 (62 morts, dont 58 touristes étrangers). Jusqu'à l'annonce par le président américain en personne de sa mort, lors d'une «opération antiterroriste» ce week-end. Annoncé mort ou mourant à plusieurs reprises, il avait multiplié récemment les signes de vie. Mais il a dû pour se faire multiplier les «franchises» et les allégeances de circonstances, de la péninsule arabique au Maghreb, de la Somalie à l'Afghanistan, en Syrie et en Irak. Et accepter que celles-ci s'émancipent peu à peu.

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Image courtesy of "The New Yorker"

The Death of Ayman al-Zawahiri (The New Yorker)

The Al Qaeda leader was reportedly killed in Afghanistan by a U.S. drone strike.

Zawahiri was always in the background, and many people who studied Al Qaeda thought that bin Laden’s death would bring the curtain down on their creation. In Al Qaeda, he provided the direction, and bin Laden supplied the money. In 2002, when I profiled Ayman al-Zawahiri for The New Yorker, he was called “ the man behind bin Laden.” But since bin Laden was killed by American special forces, in 2011, Zawahiri has been Al Qaeda’s leader.

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Image courtesy of "Le Monde"

Ayman Al-Zawahiri, une vie entière dévouée au djihad (Le Monde)

Ayman Al-Zawahiri est la figure de l'islam radical et djihadiste ayant connu la plus grande longévité, jusqu'à sa mort, annoncée, lundi 1er août, ...

Elève et étudiant brillant− il décroche son diplôme de médecine à l’âge de 23 ans –, plutôt réservé et pieux, Ayman Al-Zawahiri entre en politique dès l’adolescence. En 1966, il rejoint une cellule clandestine des Frères musulmans et se fixe un objectif : le renversement du régime. La date n’est pas indifférente. Elle correspond à la condamnation à mort et à l’exécution du penseur fondamentaliste égyptien Sayyid Qutb, généralement considéré, avec le Pakistanais Abu Ala Al-Maududi, comme l’inspirateur des mouvements djihadistes sunnites. Ayman Al-Zawahiri est issu d’une lignée de religieux, faisant de lui un rejeton de l’aristocratie islamiste.

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Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri killed: How the world reacted (

A round-up of international reaction after the US said a drone strike had killed al-Zawahiri in Kabul.

The death of Ayman al-Zawahiri is a step toward a safer world. “The death of Ayman al-Zawahiri is a step toward a safer world. Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid strongly condemned the attack, calling it a violation of “international principles”.

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

Mort d'Ayman al-Zawahiri : une victoire "symbolique" pour les États ... (FRANCE 24)

La mort du chef d'Al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, ne devrait avoir que peu d'impact sur le plan sécuritaire mais représente une victoire symbolique de taille ...

Le pouvoir taliban s'était alors engagé à ne pas faire de l’Afghanistan un sanctuaire pour des terroristes islamistes. Pour cela, il devait avoir une certaine confiance qu'il se trouvait en zone inoffensive ou avait peut-être des garanties sécuritaires", interroge Sonia Ghezali. Annoncé mort ou mourant à plusieurs reprises, Ayman al-Zawahiri, 71 ans, aurait déménagé à Kaboul il y a plusieurs mois, selon un haut responsable américain, multipliant les signes de vie. Ancien bras droit et médecin personnel d'Oussama Ben Laden, celui que l'on surnomme "le professeur" prend la tête de l'organisation en 2011. "Pour le régime taliban c'est une véritable gifle. Il s'agit de la première frappe américaine connue en Afghanistan depuis que les troupes et les diplomates ont quitté le pays en août 2021", note Sonia Ghezali, la correspondante de France 24 à Kaboul.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Killing of Zawahiri draws praise from bipartisan lawmakers, Saudi ... (The Washington Post)

Democrats and Republicans praised the strike, as did Saudi Arabia, which has been accused of complicity in the 9/11 plot Ayman al-Zawahiri helped oversee.

The 9/11 Commission noted in 2004 that it found no evidence that “the Saudi government as an institution or senior officials within the Saudi government funded al Qaeda.” The group 9/11 Families United issued a statement expressing gratitude to U.S. intelligence agencies and the military for the “sacrifices that have been made in removing such evil from our lives.” But the news is also a reminder, said Chair Terry Strada, that for full accountability, “President Biden must also hold the Saudi paymasters accountable for killing our loved ones,” referring to allegations that agents of the Saudi Arabian government provided support for the 9/11 plot. Messages of support poured in from lawmakers shortly after Biden’s address. Following Biden’s address, Saudi Arabia swiftly released a statement welcoming the death of Zawahiri, who it said “led the planning and execution of heinous terrorist operations” that killed innocent people, including Saudi citizens.” The Persian Gulf kingdom became the target of al-Qaeda bombings after 9/11, most notably a 2003 attack in its capital, Riyadh, that killed 11 people and injured more than 120. But Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who has promoted conspiracy theories including one suggesting 9/11 was a hoax, slammed Biden for trying to “act tough on TV.” Greene tweeted that while Zawahiri plotted 9/11 and the bombing of the Navy destroyer Cole in 2000, “no one in America has been sweating an attack from Al Qaeda lately or even heard a thing about them.” The Taliban government “strongly condemned the attack,” chief spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said, calling the strike a violation of international norms and the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, by the United States and the Taliban in 2020.

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Image courtesy of "The Friday Times"

Al-Qaeda Chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri Killed In US Drone Strike In ... (The Friday Times)

US President Biden has announced that a precision drone-attack by the US in downtown Kabul has killed Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

It was here that he was killed by ‘hellfire’ missiles from a US drone. “Now justice has been delivered, and this terrorist leader is no more,” American President Biden said during a press address Monday. “No matter how long it takes, no matter where you hide, if you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out.” United States President Joe Biden has announced that a precision drone-attack by the US in downtown Kabul has killed Al-Qaeda Chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who had helped orchestrate the September 11 attacks.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Ayman al-Zawahiri: Shock in Kabul as US kills al-Qaeda leader (BBC News)

How two thunderous blasts led the BBC's Lyse Doucet to Ayman al-Zawahiri's villa in the "town of thieves".

Was this a reply rehearsed in advance, an echo of the Taliban's official statement? We don't know who they are." Kabulis called it Choorpur, the town of thieves. The Taliban also accuse the US of violating their deal in their attack against a residential neighbourhood of Kabul. A statement from a Taliban spokesman warned that "repeating such actions will damage the existing opportunities". But now it emerges that he was a guest of the Taliban leadership, living in that villa smack in the centre of Kabul and said to belong to Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Taliban interior minister, who is under US terrorism sanctions. They don't speak the local languages.

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Image courtesy of "Le Nouvelliste"

Zawahiri «n'est plus»: Biden annonce la mort du chef d'Al-Qaïda (Le Nouvelliste)

«Justice a été rendue et ce dirigeant terroriste n'est plus», a ajouté Joe Biden. Zawahiri était l'un des terroristes les plus recherchés au monde et ...

La maison «a toujours été (plongée) dans le noir, sans une seule ampoule allumée». Zawahiri était l’un des terroristes les plus recherchés au monde et les États-Unis promettaient 25 millions de dollars pour tout renseignement permettant de le retrouver. Héritant en 2011 d’une organisation affaiblie, Ayman al-Zawahiri, 71 ans, avait dû pour survivre multiplier les «franchises» et les allégeances de circonstances, de la péninsule arabique au Maghreb, de la Somalie à l’Afghanistan, en Syrie et en Irak. C’est à cette époque, alors que des milliers de combattants islamistes affluaient en Afghanistan que Zawahiri et Ben Laden se sont rencontrés. En 1998, il est devenu l’un des cinq signataires de la «fatwa» de Ben Laden appelant à des attaques contre les Américains. Ayman al-Zawahiri avait été repéré «à de multiples reprises et pour de longues durées sur le balcon où il a finalement été touché» par la frappe dans la capitale afghane, a-t-il ajouté. Sa mort permettra aux familles de victimes tuées le 11 septembre 2001 dans les tours jumelles du World Trade Center, à New York, et au siège du Pentagone près de Washington, «de tourner la page», a déclaré le président démocrate.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Who was Ayman al-Zawahiri? The al-Qaida leader who helped plot ... (The Guardian)

A lifelong jihadist who became Osama bin Laden's right hand man and then successor, al-Zawahiri waged a long war of terror against the US and its allies.

A sudden spate of statements and communications from al-Zawahiri, suggested he was “able to lead more effectively than was possible before the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan”. But al-Zawahiri sought to co-opt the uprisings, and urged Islamic hardliners to take over in the nations where leaders had fallen. The jihad against America “does not halt with the death of a commander or leader,” he said three months after Bin Laden’s death. Yet he reshaped the organisation from a centralised planner of terror attacks into the head of a network. While Bin Laden came from a privileged background in a prominent Saudi family, al-Zawahiri had the experience of an underground revolutionary. He picked ideological fights with critics within the jihadi camp, wagging his finger scoldingly in his videos. “Bin Laden always looked up to him,” said terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman of Georgetown University. Al-Zawahiri “spent time in an Egyptian prison, he was tortured. With his thick beard, heavy-rimmed glasses and the prominent bruise on his forehead from prostration in prayer, he was notoriously prickly and pedantic. Al-Qaida’s branch in Saudi Arabia was crushed by 2006. Al-Zawahiri himself had to write to the head of al-Qaida’s branch in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, to rein in his brutal attacks on Iraqi Shia, which were hurting the network’s image among Muslims. When the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan demolished al-Qaida’s safe haven, al-Zawahiri ensured its survival. Under their leadership, the al-Qaida terror network carried out the deadliest attack ever on American soil, the September 11, 2001, suicide hijackings.

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Image courtesy of "TF1 INFO"

Mort d'Ayman al-Zawahiri : une élimination pour "tourner la page" du ... (TF1 INFO)

[VIDÉO] ▶️ Le chef d'Al-Qaïda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, a été éliminé par une frappe de drone, à Kaboul, en Afghanistan. Le président américain Joe Biden a ...

Placé sur la "liste noire" des États-Unis, suite aux attaques contre les ambassades au Kenya et en Tanzanie en août 1998, il a été condamné à mort par contumace en Égypte pour de nombreux attentats, dont celui de Louxor, en 1997 (62 morts, dont 58 étrangers). Al Zawahiri était "l'idéologue qui a pensé le concept d'Al Qaida", a résumé Gilles Kepel, spécialiste du monde arabe, sur LCI (vidéo en tête de cet article). Les derniers mois avant d'être neutralisé, Ayman al-Zawahiri a multiplié les signes de vie, tranchant avec la période où le théoricien de l'essaimage d'Al-Qaïda, révélé à l'adolescence chez les Frères musulmans, limitait ses apparitions à des vidéos de prêches monotones. Le chef d'Al-Qaïda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, a été tué dans la nuit du samedi 30 au dimanche 31 juillet, en Afghanistan, par une frappe de drone américain. L'annonce en a été faite, lundi 1er août, par le président Joe Biden lors d'une allocution télévisée à la nation. Cela pourrait être Saif al-Adel, ex-lieutenant-colonel des Forces spéciales égyptiennes et figure de la vieille garde d'Al-Qaïda. "Samedi, sur mes ordres, les États-Unis ont mené à bien une frappe aérienne sur Kaboul, qui a tué l'émir d'Al-Qaïda, Ayman al-Zawahiri", a-t-il déclaré depuis la Maison Blanche. "Ce dirigeant terroriste n'est plus." Né le 19 juin 1951 à Maadi, près du Caire, au sein d'une famille bourgeoise, l'ex-bras droit de Ben Laden - et aussi son médecin - aura vécu plus de 40 années de djihad.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

La mort de Zawahiri ouvre une succession délicate pour Al-Qaïda (TVA Nouvelles)

«Contrairement à la situation d'après la mort d'Oussama ben Laden, une grande partie des dirigeants d'Al-Qaïda sont partis en Syrie, où beaucoup ont péri», ...

Les connivences présumées de Saïf al-Adel avec l'Iran, où il est présumé avoir passé la majeure partie des vingt dernières années, pourraient lui aliéner le soutien de la jeune garde d'Al-Qaïda et des tendances les plus violemment antichiites au sein du réseau, au profit de chefs jihadistes implantés en Syrie, comme Abou Abdelkarim al-Masri, selon la note. Succédant en 2011 à Oussama ben Laden tué dans un raid américain au Pakistan, il a joué un rôle moteur dans le processus de décentralisation qui a permis à Al-Qaïda de survivre aux épreuves, indique à l'AFP Hans-Jakob Schindler, directeur de l'ONG Counter-Extremism Project (CEP), ancien expert des Nations unies sur le jihadisme. Du Sahel au Pacifique, la mort d'Ayman al-Zawahiri dans une frappe américaine à Kaboul n'entamera pas les capacités des groupes affiliés à Al-Qaïda, mais ouvre une période de succession cruciale pour le réseau, selon des analystes.

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Mort de Ayman Al Zawahiri : quelle menace représente encore Al ... (La Croix)

L'Égyptien Ayman Al Zawahiri, qui avait pris la tête d'Al-Qaida en 2011 après la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden, a été tué dans la nuit du samedi 30 au dimanche ...

Reste qu’en deux décennies de lutte contre le terrorisme, les États-Unis et leurs alliés n’ont pas réussi à en éradiquer le terreau, lié à des problèmes politiques dans plusieurs régions du monde. C’est une des conclusions d’un récent rapport du Conseil de sécurité : Al-Qaida a un peu repris le dessus au sein du mouvement djihadiste par rapport à l’ État islamique, après les récentes défaites de ce dernier. Ces groupes veulent conquérir leur propre pays et affichent parfois quelques ambitions régionales, comme les chebabs au Kenya et en Éthiopie.

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A U.S. strike on al-Zawahiri points to a new chapter in the battle ... (NPR)

The U.S. targeted the top al-Qaida leader, showing it could track down and strike against a hard-to-find extremist figure even in a country where the U.S. ...

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Qui était Ayman al-Zawahiri, le chef d'Al-Qaïda tué par les États-Unis ... (BBC Afrique)

Ancien chirurgien ophtalmologue égyptien, il a pris la tête du réseau terroriste après la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden en 2011.

Au cours du procès collectif, Zawahiri est apparu comme le chef des accusés et a été filmé en train de dire à la cour : "Nous sommes des musulmans qui croyons en notre religion. La guerre ne fait que commencer". La campagne menée par le groupe pour renverser le gouvernement et instaurer un État islamique dans le pays au milieu des années 1990 a entraîné la mort de plus de 1 200 Égyptiens. Zawahiri a pris la tête du Jihad islamique égyptien après sa réapparition en 1993, et a été l'un des principaux artisans d'une série d'attentats perpétrés par le groupe contre des ministres du gouvernement égyptien, dont le Premier ministre, Atif Sidqi. Dans les années qui ont suivi les attentats, Zawahiri est devenu le porte-parole le plus en vue d'Al-Qaida, apparaissant dans 16 vidéos et bandes audio en 2007 - quatre fois plus que Ben Laden - alors que le groupe tentait de radicaliser et de recruter des musulmans dans le monde entier. Zawahiri était numéro deux - derrière Ben Laden - sur la liste des 22 "terroristes les plus recherchés" annoncée par le gouvernement américain en 2001 et sa tête était mise à prix pour 25 millions de dollars.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Ayman al-Zawahiri obituary (The Guardian)

Founder of al-Qaida with Osama bin Laden who went on to succeed him as its leader.

In 2000, Zawahiri was blamed for the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen. In 2001, he hired the Malaysian biochemist Yazid Sufaat to cultivate anthrax in a laboratory near Kandahar airport. Bin Laden and Zawahiri accused the Saudi royal family – “brothers of Satan” – of betraying Islam through deference to a Jewish-controlled west. Zawahiri further inflamed intra-Muslim tensions when he accused Iran – and by extension, Shias – of being “religion-sellers” who helped the UK and US bring down the Taliban. In April 2013 the former leader of al-Qaida in Mesopotamia, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, announced the birth of IS in Raqqa, Syria. Soon his zealots were fighting al-Qaida’s official Syrian subsidiary, the al-Nusra Front. They attracted Nusra deserters and younger foreign recruits, including from Britain, France, the US and Australia. Unlike al-Qaida, IS conquered actual territory. Bin Laden moved his headquarters to Sudan late that year and Zawahiri followed. Zawahiri called democracy “a new religion that deifies humans and gives them the authority to formulate their own laws … while Islam gives the right to legislate exclusively to Allah”. More than anything, he wrote, Egypt’s rapid defeat in the June 1967 war persuaded him that existing Arab structures were bankrupt. From a state school Zawahiri went to Cairo University, and in 1974 graduated as a doctor. As a spokesperson, he often appeared on video; seven weeks after the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005, for instance, he hailed “ the blessed London battle … a slap to the face of the tyrannical, crusader British arrogance”. After Azzam was murdered in 1989, Zawahiri became Bin Laden’s new mentor, personal physician, spokesperson and arms procurer. The extent to which Zawahiri had shaped al-Qaida showed in the 9/11 attacks. The former was the son of a wealthy Saudi building contractor; the latter a product of Egypt’s educated class. After nearly two decades in hiding, the Egyptian terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, successor to Osama bin Laden as head of al-Qaida, has died aged 71.

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Families of 9/11 victims hail killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (The Guardian)

Drone strike against al-Qaida leader praised across US political spectrum but 9/11 families press for Saudi accountability.

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi nationals. If we’re going to be serious about accountability, we must hold everyone accountable.” The Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, said in a statement that Biden “deserves credit” for approving the strike that killed Zawahiri, but the Republican stalwart noted that the administration needs a “comprehensive plan” to address al-Qaida in Afghanistan.

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Republicans Offer Double-Edged Praise of Biden's Operation Killing ... (Vanity Fair)

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said Biden “deserves credit” for the strike, but added that al-Zawahiri's presence in Kabul shows that “Afghanistan is ...

Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the most anti-interventionist Democrats in Congress, said the strike made the world “a safer place,” adding, “Zawahiri was a monster responsible for the deaths of thousands around the world.” Rep. Mike Waltz, a Florida Republican, congratulated “the Department of Defense, intelligence community, and the administration for carrying out this successful operation,” before taking a subtle shot at Biden’s decision to cede control of the country to the Taliban. “The good: we took out a horrible terrorist. Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said Biden “deserves credit” for the strike, but added that al-Zawahiri’s presence in Kabul shows that “Afghanistan is again becoming a major thicket of terrorist activity following the president’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces.” Rep. Michael McCaul, the top GOP member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, echoed the criticism. “After carefully considering the clear and convincing evidence of [al-Zawahiri’s] location, I authorized a precision strike that would remove him from the battlefield once and for all,” Biden said at the White House on Monday. The president also reiterated a “promise” he made to Americans following last year’s Afghanistan withdrawal, saying his administration would “continue to conduct effective counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan and beyond. Al-Zawahiri, who took control of al-Qaida following Osama bin Laden’s assassination in 2011, was killed in Kabul, Afghanistan, in a CIA drone operation conducted over the weekend. The bad: Al Qaeda is back in Kabul––just as they were in 2001,” Waltz tweeted. Senator Marco Rubio also applauded the “successful operation,” saying, “The world is safer without him in it, and this strike demonstrates our ongoing commitment to hunt down all terrorists responsible for 9/11 and those who continue to pose a threat to U.S. interests.”

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Opinion: What Ayman al-Zawahiri's death means for al-Qaida's future (NPR)

After hunting for him for 21 years, U.S. forces killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri over the weekend with a drone strike targeting him at a safe house in ...

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US Mission to Kill Zawahiri Tracked Family for Months Before Attack (Bloomberg)

The US operation to kill al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan took several months of intelligence work to track the terrorist's family to Kabul and ...

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