Joe Biden

2022 - 7 - 21

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Image courtesy of "New York Post"

Joe Biden says he 'has' cancer thanks to oil industry — but WH ... (New York Post)

President Biden said Wednesday that he has cancer, forcing the White House press office to quickly clarify that he was referring to skin cancer treatment ...

The synagogue said he never visited and the White House later said he was thinking about a 2019 phone call to the synagogue’s rabbi. Exposure to air pollution can worsen skin conditions. These lesions were completely excised, with clear margins,” the doctor added. In September, for example, he told Jewish leaders that he remembered “spending time at” and “going to” the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the mass murder of 11 people in 2018. “It is well-established that President Biden did spend a good deal of time in the sun in his youth,” O’Connor wrote of his patient, a former swimming pool lifeguard. “That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation,” Biden said.

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Here's Why President Biden Just Said He's Been Affected by Cancer (

"How dumb is this tweet? Check out Biden's medical report. Before he became president, he'd had non-melanoma skin cancers removed. Has no one at @RNCResearch ...

In section 8 titled "Skin Cancer Surveillance, routine" under the "Current Health" section, the report states: "It is well-established that President Biden did spend a good deal of time in the sun in his youth. "My mother drove us and rather than us be able to walk and guess what? "Did Joe Biden just announce he has cancer?

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Biden announces modest steps to fight climate's 'clear and present ... (Politico)

Setbacks in Congress and at the Supreme Court are putting President Joe Biden's climate change goals out of reach as brutal heatwaves descend on much of the ...

Despite the gridlock in Congress, and four years of regulatory rollbacks from the Trump administration, the U.S. is actually on track to meet former President Barack Obama’s goal for cutting greenhouse gas pollution — which called for reducing those emissions to 26 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Restocking the bureaucracy at key agencies like EPA have led to slower than desired progress on crafting regulations, government officials said, but the administration now has several rules in the queue for the coming year. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday that a climate emergency remains on the table, though no decision is expected on that this week. “As president, I’ll use my executive powers to combat climate crisis in the absence of congressional action.” Biden on Wednesday proposed the first-ever offshore wind energy area across 700,000 acres in the Gulf of Mexico, which the White House said would enable enough new electricity to power 3 million homes. “And clearly, the climate crisis is a threat to national security.” The GOP has also seized on this year’s historic rise in gasoline prices, even though that increase has been tied to a global oil market — and broader inflation trend that is hardly a U.S.-only problem. That failure in turn threatens to dampen enthusiasm from the younger and progressive voters that Democrats need in this year’s midterm elections. While those steps would help bring renewable power into the grid, Biden is far from reaching his goals of achieving net-zero electricity by 2035. As he has since the campaign, Biden sought to frame his climate agenda in terms of spurring job growth in new competitive arenas of the economy. Biden was visibly sweating as he delivered his speech on a sweltering 90-plus degree afternoon in southeastern Massachusetts, the second day of a heat wave that’s forced communities across the state to open cooling centers for residents and declare heat emergencies. “As president, I have a responsibility to act with urgency and resolve when our nation faces clear and present danger.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Biden announces new climate change programs, but no emergency ... (CNBC)

President Biden announced the new climate change initiatives during a speech at a former coal-fired plant in Somerset, Massachusetts.

But without major climate legislation, the country is on track to miss the president's target, according to an analysis by the independent research firm Rhodium Group. "Under the NEA, you could redirect spending to build out renewable energy systems on military bases, implement large-scale clean transportation solutions and finance distributed energy projects to boost climate resiliency." The orders come as the White House struggles to salvage Biden's aggressive climate agenda after talks with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin stalled last week. Democrats and environmental groups had been calling on the president to issue an emergency declaration that would unlock federal resources to address climate change. Biden is ordering the Interior secretary to advance wind energy development in the waters off the mid- and southern Atlantic Coast and Florida's Gulf Coast. "Since Congress is not acting as it should ... this is an emergency and I will look at it that way," Biden said.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Joe Biden says Pentagon does not support Nancy Pelosi visit to ... (Financial Times)

Comments by US president follow reports that House Speaker planning trip to Taipei in August.

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Image courtesy of "Business Standard"

Joe Biden announces modest climate change actions; pledges more ... (Business Standard)

President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced modest new steps to combat climate change and promised more robust action to come, saying, This is an emergency ...

More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. For now, Manchin has said he will only agree to a limited legislative deal on health care and prescription drugs. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. Biden pledged last week to take significant executive actions on climate after months-long discussions between Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., came to a standstill. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Biden visited the dusty grounds of the former Brayton Point power plant, which closed in 2017 after burning coal for more than five decades. At least 100 million Americans face heat advisories in the next few days as cities around the U.S. sweat through more intense and longer-lasting heat waves that scientists blame on global warming. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. A federal appeals court later ruled Trump's action was illegal. President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced modest new steps to combat climate change and promised more robust action to come, saying, This is an emergency and I will look at it that way

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

Alors que la planète suffoque, Biden tente de sauver ses ambitions ... (Le Devoir)

L'administration Biden se dit déterminée à tenir ses engagements climatiques, notamment la réduction Nicholas Kamm Agence France-Presse L'administration Biden ...

Le président entend progresser « à son rythme. Si nous ne limitons pas (le réchauffement) à moins de 1,5 degré, nous perdrons tout. Il n’y aura pas de retour en arrière possible », a encore dit le président. « Nous n’avons plus d’excuse », a-t-il estimé.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Biden says he expects to speak with China's Xi in 10 days (CNBC)

U.S. President Joe Biden said he expects to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time since March.

When asked whether he thought Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi should visit Taiwan this summer, Biden said: "The military thinks it's not a good idea right now, but I don't know what the status of it is." - When asked whether he thought Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi should visit Taiwan this summer, Biden said: "The military thinks it's not a good idea right now, but I don't know what the status of it is." - "I think I'll be talking to President Xi within the next 10 days,“ U.S. President Joe Biden told reporters Wednesday Eastern Time, according to a White House transcript.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Biden unveils extreme heat plan – but doesn't declare climate ... (The Guardian)

Initiatives are aimed at helping salvage the president's tattered climate agenda after Joe Manchin delivered a major blow last week.

“You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer.” “When it comes to fighting climate change, I will not take no for an answer. “Right now, there are millions of people suffering from extreme heat at home so my team is also working with the states to deploy $385m right now. The president promised executive actions in the coming weeks. The US will fall about halfway short of such a goal absent any significant congressional action, even with presidential orders, analysts have forecast. “As president, I have a responsibility to act with urgency and resolve when our nation faces clear and present danger,” Biden said. And I will look at it that way.” “And that’s what climate change is about. The White House said the heatwaves showed the climate crisis is a “clear and present danger” to the US. It is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger. An emergency.

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

États-Unis : Joe Biden relance ses promesses climatiques en ... (FRANCE 24)

Le président américain, qui vient de subir un revers parlementaire sur son programme de réformes environnementales, a annoncé de nouvelles mesures ...

Il n'y aura pas de retour en arrière possible", a dit le président. Mais le président américain éprouve à nouveau en matière d'environnement les limites de son pouvoir : il n'a pas de majorité franche au Congrès et le pouvoir judiciaire est contre lui. Le changement climatique est "un danger clair et immédiat" ainsi qu'une "menace existentielle pour notre nation et le monde", a dit le président américain. "La santé de nos concitoyens est en jeu", ainsi que "notre sécurité nationale" et "notre économie", a-t-il ajouté, en visite dans le Massachusetts (nord-est), sur le site d'une ancienne centrale à charbon très polluante, fermée depuis 2017 et en voie de reconversion vers l'énergie éolienne.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Biden Expects to Speak With China's Xi Within Next 10 Days (Bloomberg)

President Joe Biden says he expects to speak to Chinese leader Xi Jinping “within the next 10 days,” as the US considers whether lifting some tariffs on Chinese ...

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Image courtesy of "NDTV"

US President Joe Biden's "I Have Cancer" Remark Stuns Twitter ... (NDTV)

As the President's remarks created a buzz, White House clarified that he was referring to his previous diagnosis.

As the President's remarks created a buzz, White House clarified that he was referring to his previous diagnosis. Though the remark appeared casual, the White House quickly clarified that the President was referring to skin cancer treatment that he had taken before assuming the office in January last year. That's why I - and so damn many other people I grew up with - have cancer and why for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation."

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Image courtesy of "Fall River Herald News"

Did Joe Biden say he has cancer in his climate speech at a ... (Fall River Herald News)

President Joe Biden sparked speculation about his health Wednesday during a speech in Massachusetts where he said, "That's why I, and so damn many other ...

Joe Biden's office said Beau had a relapse of a brain cancer first diagnosed and thought cured in 2013. In February of this year, the White House announced President Biden would be relaunching his 2016 initiative Cancer Moonshot to end cancer. Has no one at @RNCResearch ever had this common procedure?"

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

Biden tente de mobiliser les électeurs avant un scrutin en novembre (La Presse)

Le climat mercredi dans le Massachusetts, la criminalité et les armes à feu jeudi en Pennsylvanie, une réunion en Floride lundi prochain…

Il met en avant son rôle dans le vote récent d’une loi fédérale sur le sujet, la première en près de trente ans, à la portée toutefois timide. Il avait plaidé mercredi pour la lutte contre le changement climatique dans le Massachusetts (nord-est), il ira lundi en Floride à l’invitation d’une association de policiers afro-américains et en profitera pour participer à une réunion de campagne du parti démocrate. Joe Biden multiplie les déplacements pour tenter de mobiliser les électeurs avant un scrutin bien mal engagé en novembre.

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Image courtesy of "The Indian Express"

Joe Biden's 'grew up with cancer' comment triggers speculation ... (The Indian Express)

While speaking on the adverse emissions from oil refineries, Joe Biden recounted a childhood anecdote in which he said he “grew up with cancer”.

“He has had several localised, non-melanoma skin cancers removed with Mohs surgery before he started his presidency. You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. Biden’s physician, Dr Kevin O’Connor had mentioned his history of “non-melanoma” skin cancer in a health report last year. The White House quickly stepped in and posted a transcript of the speech, correcting his “she” reference as “I” such that the transcript read: “And I’m deeply proud of the work she is doing as First Lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she [I] was Vice President and now carries on.” The first frost, you know what was happening? BIDEN IN APRIL: "I have asthma and 80% of the people who, in fact, we grew up with have asthma."

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Image courtesy of "Firstpost"

'I have cancer': Gaffe machine Joe Biden adds to long list of blunders (Firstpost)

From trying to shake the hand of an invisible man to calling Kamala Harris the 'First Lady', US president Joe Biden has been a gaffe machine.

According to a report by NDTV, Morrison was the first one to speak at the conference followed by the then UK prime minister Boris Johnson. When Biden took the stage to make his speech, he first thanked Boris Johnson. But when the time came to express his gratitude towards the Australian prime minister, Biden forgot his name. The video showed Biden applauding the speaker before wiping his eyes and shutting them for some time. Forgetting Australian president's name At a virtual press conference that unveiled the ‘AUKUS’ alliance between Australia, UK and US last year in September, US president Joe Biden struggled to recall Australian prime minister Scott Morrison’s name. In a video that went viral, it can be seen that someone next to him tried to correct his mix-up which had elicited laughter from the audience. Last month, a video of Joe Biden and US vice president Kamala Harris went viral on social media. However, it was not fully established whether he really dozed off or took a brief moment to rest his eyes. I mean, that's a story-book, man.” US president Joe Biden caused a furore on Wednesday when he during a speech mistakenly stated that he has cancer. You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. It is during this discussion that he recounted a childhood anecdote to stress on the harms caused by emissions from oil refineries. Referring to his childhood home in Delaware he said, “My mother drove us rather than us being able to walk and guess what? The remark set off much speculation over his health and medical status.

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Image courtesy of "Vanity Fair"

President Joe Biden Has Tested Positive For COVID (Vanity Fair)

Biden, 79, began experiencing symptoms Wednesday night, according to a memo from the physician to the president Kevin O'Connor. As of Thursday the president had ...

Former president Donald Trump tested positive for Covid while in office — in October 2020 — months before the approval of any vaccines. This is the first time Biden has tested positive for Covid, though several members of his administration have contracted the virus in the last year. “I talked to him just a few minutes ago," First Lady Jill Biden told reporters of the president.

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U.S. President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 (

Biden, who is fully vaccinated and has received two booster shots, is experiencing 'very mild symptoms' and will continue to work while isolating, ...

“He has been in contact with members of the White House staff by phone this morning, and will participate in his planned meetings at the White House this morning via phone and Zoom from the residence,” the statement added. In a statement on Thursday, a White House spokesperson said Biden, who is fully vaccinated and has received two booster shots, will continue to work while isolating. “Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Joe Biden has contracted Covid-19, White House says (Financial Times)

US president has 'very mild symptoms' and started taking Pfizer antiviral pill.

Déclaré positif jeudi à la COVID-19, Joe Biden éprouve des ... (L’actualité)

WASHINGTON — Le président américain, Joe Biden, a été déclaré positif à la COVID-19, jeudi, soulignant la persistance du virus hautement contagieux alors ...

Jusqu’à présent, la capacité du président américain à éviter de contracter le virus semblait défier les probabilités, même avec les procédures de dépistage en place pour ceux qui devaient être en contact étroit avec lui. Les vagues précédentes du coronavirus ont en effet balayé la classe politique à Washington. Par ailleurs, M. Biden a de plus en plus intensifié ses voyages et a repris la tenue de grands événements en salle, où tout le monde n’est pas testé. «Il a été en contact avec des membres du personnel de la Maison-Blanche par téléphone ce matin et participera à ses réunions prévues à la Maison-Blanche ce matin par téléphone et Zoom depuis la résidence», a ajouté la porte-parole.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Joe Biden déclaré positif à la COVID-19 (Le Journal de Montréal)

Le président américain Joe Biden a reçu un test positif à la COVID-19. Il a de très légers symptômes.

Le très contagieux sous-variant BA.5 d’Omicron est dominant dans le pays, où il représente environ 80% des cas. Son épouse Jill Biden a fait savoir qu’elle avait, elle, effectué un test négatif. «Je lui ai parlé il y a quelques minutes. «Il a été en contact avec des membres de l’équipe de la Maison-Blanche par téléphone ce matin, et il participera aux réunions prévues ce matin à la Maison-Blanche par téléphone et par Zoom» depuis ses appartements privés, a précisé Karine Jean-Pierre.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

US President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid (BBC News)

US President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 and is experiencing "very mild symptoms", the White House says. The 79-year-old, who is fully-vaccinated and has twice received booster jabs, will isolate at the White House and continue to carry ...

Paxlovid is an antiviral medicine that helps stop the Covid virus from multiplying in the body. Just called Senator Casey, Congressman Cartwright, and Mayor Cognetti (and my Scranton cousins!) to send my regrets for missing our event today.— President Biden (@POTUS) It's actually a course of two treatments or tablets. According to CDC guidelines, I'm keeping masked," she said. Mr Biden is not the first US president to suffer Covid after his predecessor Donald Trump had to be taken to hospital after contracting the virus in October 2020 while he was in office. I'm going to keep my schedule.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

President Biden tests positive for COVID-19 (ABC News)

President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday morning, his office said.

The benefits are clear based on the clinical trials of what this drug can do in terms of reducing the risk of hospitalization and death, and that's why it is a straightforward and easy clinical decision to make to give him that medication," she said. "What would be the worst-case scenario if President Biden took Paxlovid and got this so-called rebound phenomenon? But remember, the White House is not like your home or my home -- they can do a lot of medical monitoring and observation and testing right there." Together, they prevent an enzyme the virus uses to make copies of itself inside human cells and spread throughout the body. She will continue following CDC guidance with masking and distancing, her office said. Patients take three pills twice daily over the course of five days. Biden delivered his speech outside and met with local officials. Just called Senator Casey, Congressman Cartwright, and Mayor Cognetti (and my Scranton cousins!) to send my regrets for missing our event today.Keeping busy!— President Biden (@POTUS) July 21, 2022 Biden is experiencing a dry cough, runny nose and fatigue, White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said. Jill Biden said she spoke with the president Thursday morning and said "he’s doing fine" and "feeling good." "He has been in contact with members of the White House staff by phone this morning, and will participate in his planned meetings at the White House this morning via phone and Zoom from the residence," Jean-Pierre said. Thanks for your concern.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Biden Contracts Covid as Pandemic Shows Its Staying Power (Bloomberg)

President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday and is experiencing mild symptoms, according to a White House statement. He's taking Pfizer's ...

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Image courtesy of "TF1 INFO"

États-Unis : Joe Biden évoque "son cancer", la Maison Blanche ... (TF1 INFO)

S'exprimant sur le réchauffement climatique, il s'est rappelé avoir grandi à côté d'une série de raffineries de pétrole dans son État natal, ajoutant qu'elles ...

Ce n'est cependant pas la première fois que le successeur de Donald Trump se laisse aller à une gaffe en public comme il en a, seul, le secret. S'exprimant sur le réchauffement climatique, il s'est rappelé avoir grandi à côté d'une série de raffineries de pétrole dans son État natal, ajoutant qu'elles étaient responsables de la pollution omniprésente dans la région. Là-bas, "vous deviez mettre vos essuie-glaces pour littéralement enlever une nappe d’huile sur le pare-brise", a-t-il expliqué. "C’est pourquoi moi, et tant d’autres personnes avec qui j’ai grandi, avons un cancer.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Joe Biden tests positive for Covid and has 'mild symptoms', White ... (The Guardian)

Press chief says Biden, 79, who has had two boosters, is taking antiviral Paxlovid, while first lady Jill Biden has tested negative.

The US has been seeing as many as 150,000 new Covid cases a day, according to Johns Hopkins University. While this is Biden’s first bout of coronavirus, multiple members of his administration have contracted the virus. Before the event started, Biden briefly addressed news of her husband testing positive for Covid.

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Image courtesy of "The Verge"

President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 (The Verge)

President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19, the White House said. He is "experiencing very mild symptoms" and taking Paxlovid.

At the time, the White House press secretary Jen Psaki conceded that it was possible that Biden could get COVID-19 but said there were no plans to increase testing or require masks around the president. At the time, in 2020, there were no vaccines available. At 79 years old, Biden’s age puts him at increased risk of serious symptoms from COVID-19, though unvaccinated older adults are at much higher risk than the double-boosted president.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

Après le climat, la criminalité: Biden tente de mobiliser les électeurs (Le Journal de Montréal)

Joe Biden multiplie les déplacements pour tenter de mobiliser les électeurs avant un scrutin bien mal engagé en novembre.

Il met en avant son rôle dans le vote récent d’une loi fédérale sur le sujet, la première en près de trente ans, à la portée toutefois timide. Le climat mercredi dans le Massachusetts, la criminalité et les armes à feu jeudi en Pennsylvanie, une réunion en Floride lundi prochain... Joe Biden multiplie les déplacements pour tenter de mobiliser les électeurs avant un scrutin bien mal engagé en novembre.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Biden tests positive for COVID-19, has 'very mild symptoms' (CTV News)

U.S. President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday and is experiencing "very mild symptoms," the White House said, as new variants of the ...

Experts say Canada needs to develop a robust system to detect COVID-19 activity in the absence of wide-scale PCR testing. Not only did these flying reptiles have feathers, but they could actually control the colour of those feathers on a cellular level to create multicolour plumage in a way similar to modern birds, new research has revealed. Canadians considering summer travel plans have to factor in COVID-19 restrictions that are in flux around the world, as countries change their rules on masking and border-crossing. As cases sharply declined earlier this year, Biden highlighted his administration's efforts to end the pandemic and help the nation regain a sense of normalcy. The coronavirus pandemic helped put Biden in the White House, as he pledged to handle COVID-19 better than his predecessor. Harris planned to remain masked on the guidance of the White House medical team. Up to this point, Biden's ability to avoid the virus seemed to defy the odds, even with the testing procedures in place for those expected to be in close contact with him. People expected to be in close proximity to Biden are tested daily. The first lady, who was wearing a mask, said she tested negative earlier in the day. Biden also called South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn to wish him a happy birthday and congratulate him on receiving an award from the NAACP. The CDC says symptoms can appear two to 14 days after exposure to the virus. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden has begun taking Paxlovid, an antiviral drug designed to reduce the severity of the disease.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Biden tests positive for Covid-19, White House says - CNNPolitics (CNN)

President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 and is experiencing "mild symptoms," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday.

All of the roughly 2,600 guests were required to be fully vaccinated and show proof of a negative test on the day of the event. The Biden administration is continuing the Covid-19 public health emergency as it seeks new funding from Congress for treatments and vaccines. On Wednesday, Biden traveled to Somerset, Massachusetts, for an event on climate executive actions, where he was seen shaking hands and greeting attendees in the outdoor crowd. This is the first time Biden has tested positive for Covid-19, and he last tested negative on Tuesday, per Jean-Pierre. Vice President Kamala Harris and first lady Jill Biden have tested negative on Thursday. He has begun taking Paxlovid," she said, referring to Pfizer's antiviral drug, which is available via emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19 in people 12 and older who are at high risk of severe illness. The plan for a subsequently scheduled Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Philadelphia has yet to be determined. The public health emergency declaration allows many Americans to obtain free Covid-19 testing, therapeutic treatment and vaccines. "This morning, President Biden tested positive for Covid-19. He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms. "I talked to him just a few minutes ago. Harris is expected to keep her normal schedule. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House domestic policy adviser Susan Rice were some of the highest-ranking Biden administration officials to test positive for Covid-19 after the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington in April. The President also attended the dinner and delivered remarks. The mild symptoms and diagnosis protocol for Biden -- a double-boosted 79-year-old at high risk for experiencing severe illness -- so far will mean "working and resting" at the White House for the rest of the day, according to a senior administration official.

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Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19: White House (

US President releases video saying he is “doing well”, has “mild symptoms” and is fully vaccinated with two boosters.

His predecessor Donald Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 in October, 2020 and was briefly hospitalised for the illness. He was then expected to travel to Wilmington, Delaware, where he has a home, for the weekend. The White House says it will provide a daily update on Biden’s status, and will inform anyone who has been in close contact with the president. The president tweeted a photo Thursday saying “I’m doing great. The medic anticipated Biden “will respond favorably” to treatment. The president has begun taking Paxlovid, an antiviral drug recommended for those at risk of severe illness.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Biden tests positive for COVID-19, has 'very mild symptoms' (CTV News)

U.S. President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday and is experiencing 'very mild symptoms,' the White House said, as new variants of the ...

Experts say Canada needs to develop a robust system to detect COVID-19 activity in the absence of wide-scale PCR testing. Not only did these flying reptiles have feathers, but they could actually control the colour of those feathers on a cellular level to create multicolour plumage in a way similar to modern birds, new research has revealed. Canadians considering summer travel plans have to factor in COVID-19 restrictions that are in flux around the world, as countries change their rules on masking and border-crossing. As cases sharply declined earlier this year, Biden highlighted his administration's efforts to end the pandemic and help the nation regain a sense of normalcy. The coronavirus pandemic helped put Biden in the White House, as he pledged to handle COVID-19 better than his predecessor. Harris planned to remain masked on the guidance of the White House medical team. Up to this point, Biden's ability to avoid the virus seemed to defy the odds, even with the testing procedures in place for those expected to be in close contact with him. People expected to be in close proximity to Biden are tested daily. The first lady, who was wearing a mask, said she tested negative earlier in the day. Biden also called South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn to wish him a happy birthday and congratulate him on receiving an award from the NAACP. The CDC says symptoms can appear two to 14 days after exposure to the virus. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden has begun taking Paxlovid, an antiviral drug designed to reduce the severity of the disease.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Biden tests positive for Covid (Politico)

President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid, the White House said on Thursday, raising concerns about his immediate health and underscoring the pandemic's ...

Trump has called the story “fake news.” Trump, who repeatedly downplayed the virus and often resisted wearing a mask, was sicker with Covid than was publicly acknowledged at the time, The New York Times reported in February 2021. Biden’s infection is the second time a U.S. president has been personally hit with the virus. He received drugs not widely available at the time, such as Regeneron’s antibody cocktail and the antiviral drug remdesivir, during his three-day stay in the hospital. The announcement of his infection comes as the White House is trying to manage crises on multiple fronts. “They’ve been preparing for this probably for several months now given the percentage of people in the country who have tested positive,” Psaki said. The White House has also consistently battled outside concerns and commentary about Biden’s age and health. The White House has continued to aggressively push for Americans to either get vaccinated or get their booster shots. The extra shots are even more important for adults 50 and older. It also comes just after Biden’s return from a trip to the Middle East and as the highly contagious BA.5 variant has raised concerns about another wave of infections across the globe. Among those was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has been critical of the Covid vaccine. “The schedule will continue as planned.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

«Je vais très bien», assure Joe Biden, déclaré positif à la COVID-19 (Le Devoir)

Le président « continuera à assumer la totalité de ses fonctions » pendant son isolement, depuis ses appartements privés, a insisté la Maison-Blanche. Son ...

Le très contagieux sous-variant BA.5 d’Omicron est dominant dans le pays, où il représente environ 80 % des cas. Son épouse Jill Biden a fait savoir qu’elle avait, elle, effectué un test négatif. « Je lui ai parlé il y a quelques minutes. « Je suis désolé d’apprendre que le président Biden a été testé positif à la COVID-19. Je lui souhaite un prompt rétablissement », a ainsi tweeté le chef de file des sénateurs républicains, Mitch McConnell. « Par souci de grande transparence », la Maison-Blanche a promis de communiquer « chaque jour » sur l’état de santé de Joe Biden, qu’un examen médical en novembre dernier avait trouvé « robuste » et « apte » à exercer ses fonctions. Le président « continuera à assumer la totalité de ses fonctions » pendant son isolement, depuis ses appartements privés, a insisté la Maison-Blanche. « Mes amis, je vais très bien » : le président américain, Joe Biden, a donné jeudi de ses nouvelles sur Twitter, après avoir été testé positif à COVID-19 à l’âge de 79 ans.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

« Je vais très bien », dit Joe Biden, positif à la COVID-19 (La Presse)

« Mes amis, je vais très bien » : le président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, a donné jeudi de ses nouvelles sur Twitter, après avoir été déclaré positif à la ...

Le très contagieux sous-variant BA.5 d’Omicron est dominant dans le pays, où il représente environ 80 % des cas. « Je vais bien, je travaille beaucoup et je vais continuer à le faire. Je lui ai parlé il y a quelques minutes. « Par souci de grande transparence », la Maison-Blanche a promis de communiquer « chaque jour » sur l’état de santé de Joe Biden, qu’un examen médical en novembre dernier avait trouvé « robuste » et « apte » à exercer ses fonctions. Et pendant ce temps, merci de vous être inquiétés pour moi et gardez la foi. Just called Senator Casey, Congressman Cartwright, and Mayor Cognetti (and my Scranton cousins!) to send my regrets for missing our event today.— President Biden (@POTUS)

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

«Je vais très bien», assure Joe Biden, déclaré positif à la COVID-19 (Le Devoir)

Le président « continuera à assumer la totalité de ses fonctions » pendant son isolement, depuis ses appartements privés, a insisté la Maison-Blanche. Son ...

Le très contagieux sous-variant BA.5 d’Omicron est dominant dans le pays, où il représente environ 80 % des cas. Son épouse Jill Biden a fait savoir qu’elle avait, elle, effectué un test négatif. « Je lui ai parlé il y a quelques minutes. « Je suis désolé d’apprendre que le président Biden a été testé positif à la COVID-19. Je lui souhaite un prompt rétablissement », a ainsi tweeté le chef de file des sénateurs républicains, Mitch McConnell. « Par souci de grande transparence », la Maison-Blanche a promis de communiquer « chaque jour » sur l’état de santé de Joe Biden, qu’un examen médical en novembre dernier avait trouvé « robuste » et « apte » à exercer ses fonctions. Le président « continuera à assumer la totalité de ses fonctions » pendant son isolement, depuis ses appartements privés, a insisté la Maison-Blanche. « Mes amis, je vais très bien » : le président américain, Joe Biden, a donné jeudi de ses nouvelles sur Twitter, après avoir été testé positif à COVID-19 à l’âge de 79 ans.

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Image courtesy of "The Atlantic"

Of Course Biden Has COVID (The Atlantic)

And there it is: President Joe Biden has tested positive for the coronavirus, the White House announced Thursday morning, and is dosing up with Paxlovid to ...

In this current environment, however, “the virus has that many more pathways to spread through the community,” Bell told me—up to and including the president. Although the White House has made plenty of noise about the need for funding to keep the country awash in tests, treatments, and vaccines, Congress has not provided those resources, and the administration has not marshaled the political will to change that situation. At the beginning of this month, in a Fourth of July celebration, the president crowed that the country was “closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus”; weeks later, he is playing host to that same foe. And although he might have had access to the tools needed to combat it, “that doesn’t mean they’re going into the hands of the people who need them,” Essien told me. In 2020, Trump alarmed experts by peeling off his mask and walking into the White House just after being discharged from the hospital that treated him for COVID. Nearly two years later, Biden, to begin with, is apparently modeling some version of business as usual: The White House has already announced that he “continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation” … which somehow involves the country’s chief decision maker tweeting out maskless photos (taken by someone else, presumably) of himself doing paperwork at his desk. SARS-CoV-2 has been spewing out variants and subvariants at an absolutely blistering clip, and wave after wave of infections has slammed the nation, collapsing case peaks into a never-ending plateau.

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Image courtesy of "98,5 fm"

Le président des États Unis a contracté le coronavirus pour la ... (98,5 fm)

Le chef d'État, qui est âgé de 79 ans, a d'abord eu un résultat positif après un test antigénique de routine. Il a ensuite été confirmé par un test PCR. Il ...

«Il continue à travailler, pour démontrer une image d'homme fort. Il a ensuite été confirmé par un test PCR. Le chef d'État, qui est âgé de 79 ans, a d'abord eu un résultat positif après un test antigénique de routine.

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Biden isolating after testing positive for COVID-19, has 'very mild ... (

U.S. President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday and is isolating with "very mild symptoms," the White House said, as new variants of the ...

White House officials told reporters that Biden planned to minimize contact during the trip, yet as soon as he exited Air Force One on July 13, the president was fist-bumping, handshaking and even seen in the occasional hug. Harris planned to remain masked on the guidance of the White House medical team. The first lady, who was wearing a mask, said she tested negative earlier in the day. "We are now executing on our plan so that the president can continue to work seamlessly from the Residence." Biden also called South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn to wish him a happy birthday and congratulate him on receiving an award from the NAACP. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden has begun taking Paxlovid, an antiviral drug designed to reduce the severity of the disease.

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Image courtesy of "TVA Nouvelles"

«Je vais très bien», dit Biden, positif à la COVID à 79 ans (TVA Nouvelles)

Le président américain Joe Biden a reçu un test positif à la COVID-19. Il a de très légers symptômes.

«Je vais bien, je travaille beaucoup et je vais continuer à le faire. Le très contagieux sous-variant BA.5 d'Omicron représente environ 80% des cas. Et pendant ce temps, merci de vous être inquiétés pour moi et gardez la foi. Le président «continuera à assumer la totalité de ses fonctions» depuis ses appartements privés, a insisté la Maison-Blanche, qui a promis de faire un point quotidien sur sa santé. Examiné et interrogé par son médecin, le président a signalé quelques symptômes: un «nez qui coule», de la «fatigue», «une toux sèche occasionnelle» et une nuit agitée. Ses niveaux d'oxygène mercredi étaient «normaux», a dit Ashish Jha, qui coordonne l'action de l'exécutif américain contre la COVID-19. «Mes amis, je vais très bien»: avec le ton décontracté qui est sa marque de fabrique, le président américain Joe Biden a donné jeudi de ses nouvelles sur Twitter, après avoir été déclaré positif à la COVID-19 à l'âge de 79 ans.

PolitiFact - This isn't a real NBC News headline about a Biden ... (PolitiFact)

A Texas farmer was “arrested for using illegal immigrants for free labor by pretending to be Joe Biden.” true false. Texas ...

Looking more broadly online, we didn’t find the story on any credible sites. It doesn’t appear on NBC’s website, nor in Google search results where you can find echoes of old headlines even after they’ve been deleted on a news outlet’s site. The image looks like a screenshot from NBC’s website.

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

États-Unis : le président Joe Biden testé positif au Covid-19 (FRANCE 24)

Doublement vacciné, le président américain a été testé positif au coronavirus, jeudi, et présente des "symptômes très légers", a-t-il fait savoir sur ...

Il a également convoqué la presse pour recevoir ses doses de vaccin, espérant encourager ses concitoyens à l'imiter. Le président "continuera à assumer la totalité de ses fonctions" depuis ses appartements privés, a insisté la Maison Blanche. Et pendant ce temps, merci de vous être inquiétés pour moi et gardez la foi.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

China's Xi wishes Biden a 'speedy recovery' from Covid (CNBC)

Chinese President Xi Jinping wished U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday a speedy recovery from Covid, according to state media.

Xi expressed his "deepest sympathies," according to a CNBC translation of the Chinese state media report. BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping contacted U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday to wish the American leader a "speedy recovery" from Covid, according to state media. - Chinese President Xi Jinping contacted U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday to wish the American leader a speedy recovery from Covid, according to state media.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Biden's Covid-19 symptoms were still mild as of late Thursday night ... (CNN)

President Joe Biden's Covid-19 symptoms remained mild as of late Thursday and he continues to convalesce at the White House, a top adviser told CNN on ...

You have heard from Dr. O'Connor in the letter. First lady Jill Biden, who is considered a close contact but has tested negative, will stay in Delaware through the weekend and "following (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines," he said. But I'll check in with them (the White House medical unit) this morning, I'll check in with him this morning." Asked again whether any of Biden's symptoms were getting worse, Jha told CNN, "Nope. As of 10:00 p.m. last night, no. "Dr. O'Connor is his personal physician. Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday, becoming the second US president to contract the virus during the two-and-a-half year pandemic.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

White House attempts to use Biden's Covid diagnosis as 'teachable ... (The Guardian)

President 'takes reasonable precautions against Covid but does his job', says the White House chief of staff, Ron Klain.

Jean-Pierre said the first lady, Jill Biden, was in close contact with the president, but she declined to discuss others who also might have been exposed, citing privacy reasons. Biden, in a blazer and Oxford shirt, recorded a video from the White House balcony telling people: “I’m doing well, getting a lot of work done. For more than a year, Joe Biden’s ability to avoid the coronavirus seemed to defy the odds.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

As the US watched the January 6 hearing, Fox News showed ... (The Guardian)

Fox News's primetime stars chided Biden for contracting the virus they say he alleged couldn't be caught with a vaccine.

And then heasked why no Secret Service agents were called to testify, conveniently leaving out the part where they submitted a single text message to the committee after deleting all their exchanges from that day. He skewered the committee for not calling the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, or Washington mayor Muriel Bowser to testify about the lack of security at the Capitol while suggesting a slew of crude reinforcements that might’ve kept the mob at bay. Science, and the left’s supposed efforts to monopolize it, was a consistent theme on both Carlson’s and Hannity’s shows. He had Yale School of Public Health epidemiologist Harvey Risch on the show to tout ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as far more effective defenses against Covid – despite considerable medical assertions to the contrary. Carlson opened his hour-long show with a spirited takedown of Biden, scolding him for spreading the virus during his Middle East trip and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for dismissing the question of where the president might have contracted the virus. On Thursday night, as the Congressional hearings into the January 6 Capitol riot drew to a close, Tucker Carlson directed his outrage at a president he felt had lied and was not being held accountable for falsehoods that shook popular faith in the American democratic system.

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