Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a « fermement condamné le meurtre le 11 mai de la journaliste américano-palestinienne Shireen Abu Akleh ».
Le cercueil de la journaliste américano-palestinienne a failli tomber à terre après les coups de matraque contre les porteurs. Samedi 14 mai, Hussein al-Sheikh, ténor de l’autorité palestinienne, a déclaré, sur Twitter, « accueillir la participation de tous les organismes internationaux à l’enquête sur l’assassinat de Shireen Abu Akleh ». Avant d’ajouter : « Ce qu’il s’est passé lors des funérailles (…) renforce notre position qui rejette la participation d’Israël à l’enquête. » Le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas a en effet refusé une enquête conjointe avec Israël. La communauté internationale a dénoncé, vendredi 13 mai, l’intervention de la police israélienne aux funérailles de Shireen Abu Akleh. À la sortie du cercueil de l’hôpital Saint-Joseph à Jérusalem-Est, la police a fait irruption dans l’enceinte de l’établissement et tenté de disperser une foule avec des drapeaux palestiniens.
The UN Security Council on Friday night strongly condemned the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and called for 'an immediate, ...
3 hr ago 3 hr ago 3 hr ago 3 hr ago 2 hr ago 3 hr ago 2 hr ago 3 hr ago Water flowing down the Colorado River fills Lake Mead, which is now drying up. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for her killing and said he would immediately ask the International Criminal Court to investigate. 2 hr ago Israel says it is investigating the incident.
La communauté internationale a dénoncé l'intervention de la police israélienne vendredi aux funérailles à Jérusalem de Shireen Abu Akleh, le cercueil de la ...
Durant l’émeute déclenchée par la foule, des bouteilles en verre et d’autres objets ont été jetés». Elle portait un gilet pare-balles siglé «presse» et un casque de reportage. D’après un communiqué de la police, des «émeutiers ont empêché les membres de la famille de charger le cercueil dans un corbillard pour se rendre au cimetière, comme convenu avec la famille (...) La foule a refusé de remettre le cercueil dans le corbillard et la police est intervenue pour l’empêcher de le prendre. «Si vous n’arrêtez pas ces chants nationalistes, nous devrons vous disperser en utilisant la force et nous empêcherons les funérailles d’avoir lieu», a déclaré dans une mégaphone un policier israélien en direction de la foule dans l’enceinte de l’hôpital Saint-Joseph, selon une vidéo diffusée par la police. La représentation française à Jérusalem a jugé «profondément choquantes» les «violences policières», alors que le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Antonio Guterres, s’est dit «profondément troublé». L’Union européenne a condamné «l’usage disproportionné de la force et le comportement irrespectueux de la police israélienne à l’encontre des participants au cortège funèbre».
La communauté internationale a dénoncé l'intervention de la police israélienne vendredi aux funérailles à Jérusalem de Shireen Abu Akleh, le cercueil de la ...
Celle-ci a accusé la foule de Palestiniens d’avoir «jeté des bouteilles en verre et d’autres objets» sur les policiers. Elle portait un gilet pare-balles siglé «presse» et un casque de reportage. «Le meurtre» de la journaliste de 51 ans a été condamnée à l’unanimité par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, qui a réclamé «une enquête transparente et impartiale». La représentation française à Jérusalem a jugé «profondément choquantes» les «violences policières», et l’Espagne a dénoncé comme «inacceptables» le «recours à la force disproportionné». L’Allemagne a dit regretter que les funérailles n’aient pu se tenir «avec paix et dignité». L’Union européenne a condamné «l’usage disproportionné de la force et le comportement irrespectueux de la police israélienne». «Le commissaire de la police israélienne (...) a ordonné une enquête sur l’incident. Les conclusions seront présentées au commissaire dans les prochains jours», a indiqué la police dans un communiqué. Elle a répété que les policiers «avaient été exposés à la violence des émeutiers, ce qui les a poussés à recourir à la force».
Thousands of people gathered for a memorial service on Thursday while her body was carried through the streets of Jerusalem - with the bulletproof vest she ...
Putting the question of who was to blame to one side for a moment, Israeli words and actions following her death, have done nothing to calm a febrile, and angry atmosphere here. The findings will make little difference to the thousands gathered in Jerusalem to bury her - to Palestinians she was murdered and they have lost a voice that spent decades reporting on events in the West Bank On Thursday, thousands of people gathered for a memorial service while her body was carried through the streets - with the bulletproof vest on top of the coffin. Ms Abu Akleh, 51, was reporting on an Israeli raid in the city of Jenin on Wednesday when she was shot in the head whilst wearing a press vest. Israeli police have fired tear gas and attempted to arrest mourners at the funeral in Jerusalem of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot dead whilst covering a raid. Thousands of people gathered for a memorial service on Thursday while her body was carried through the streets of Jerusalem - with the bulletproof vest she was wearing when she was shot on top of the coffin.
Israeli police beat mourners with batons as Shireen Abu Akleh's funeral procession got underway Friday.
“For the first time, she managed to raise the Palestinian flag by thousands of Palestinian people in [Jerusalem’s] Jaffa Gate.” Palestinian officials refused Thursday to turn the bullet over for Israeli analysis. At a White House briefing on Friday, press secretary Jen Psaki noted the “deeply disturbing images” of the beatings. The standoff eventually prompted Akleh’s brother, sitting on a man’s shoulders, to beseech the crowd to let the hearse through. By noon, a crowd of several hundred formed at the entrance to St. Joseph’s Hospital in East Jerusalem, where Abu Akleh’s body had rested overnight. At one point, Abu Akleh’s coffin lurched toward the ground, but the pallbearers managed to keep it aloft.
Des milliers de Palestiniens ont dit adieu à Jérusalem à Shireen Abu Akleh, tuée d'une balle dans la tête en Cisjordanie occupée.
Dans un premier temps, Israël a affirmé qu’elle avait «probablement» succombé à un tir palestinien. Initiée par les États-Unis, cette très rare position unanime du Conseil de sécurité sur un sujet concernant Israël réclame aussi «une enquête immédiate, approfondie, transparente et impartiale» sur ce meurtre. Le groupe armé palestinien Jihad islamique a indiqué que ses combattants l’avaient tué. Mais l’État hébreu a ensuite dit ne pas écarter que la balle ait été tirée par ses soldats. Elle portait un gilet pare-balles siglé «presse» et un casque de reportage. Du côté de Washington, «nous avons été profondément troublés de voir les images de l’intrusion de la police israélienne au sein du cortège funéraire» de la journaliste, a dit le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken dans un communiqué.
Israeli riot police on Friday pushed and beat pallbearers at the funeral for slain Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, causing them to briefly drop the ...
CTVNews.ca has some tips on how to catch the astronomical event. This case, however, drew heavy scrutiny because Abu Akleh was well-known and also a U.S. citizen. The PA has refused, saying it will conduct its own investigation and send the results to the International Criminal Court, which is already investigating possible Israeli war crimes. It said it could not determine who was responsible for her death without a ballistic analysis. Her grave was decorated with a Palestinian flag and flowers. "We regret the intrusion into what should have been a peaceful procession." The network added that it remains committed to covering the news and will not be deterred. It said police intervened "so that the funeral could proceed as planned in accordance with the wishes of the family." It claims all of the city as its eternal capital and has annexed the eastern sector in a move that is not internationally recognized. Al Jazeera correspondent Givara Budeiri said the police crackdown was like killing Abu Akleh again. It was believed to be the largest Palestinian funeral in Jerusalem since Faisal Husseini, a Palestinian leader and scion of a prominent family, died in 2001. Abu Akleh, 51, was a household name across the Arab world, synonymous with Al Jazeera's coverage of life under Israeli rule, which is well into its sixth decade with no end in sight.
Les Palestiniens s'apprêtent vendredi à Jérusalem à dire adieu à une de leurs journalistes vedettes, Shireen Abu Akleh, tuée d'une balle dans la tête deux ...
Dans un premier temps, Israël a affirmé qu’elle avait «probablement» succombé à un tir palestinien. Initiée par les États-Unis, cette très rare position unanime du Conseil de sécurité sur un sujet concernant Israël réclame aussi «une enquête immédiate, approfondie, transparente et impartiale» sur ce meurtre. Le groupe armé palestinien Jihad islamique a indiqué que ses combattants l’avaient tué. Elle portait un gilet pare-balles siglé «presse» et un casque de reportage. Mais l’État hébreu a ensuite dit ne pas écarter que la balle ait été tirée par ses soldats. Du côté de Washington, «nous avons été profondément troublés de voir les images de l’intrusion de la police israélienne au sein du cortège funéraire» de la journaliste, a dit le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken dans un communiqué.
Israeli police officers charged at the crowd carrying the coffin of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, some beating pallbearers with batons and kicking them.
Palestinian authorities have described Abu Akleh’s killing as an assassination by Israeli forces. Egypt, Qatar and Al Jazeera condemned the police’s conduct. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group meanwhile claimed responsibility for the death of an Israeli police officer in an exchange of gunfire in Jenin. Israeli forces on Friday resumed raids on the outskirts of Jenin, where Abu Akleh was killed, and the Palestinian Health Ministry said 13 Palestinians had been wounded. The Palestinian Attorney General’s office issued a statement on Friday in which it said initial investigations have found that the sole source of gunfire in the area where Abu Akleh was hurt was Israeli. “We’re here because we are screaming for justice.
Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a «fermement condamné le meurtre le 11 mai de la journaliste américano-palestinienne Shireen Abu Akleh».
Dans un premier temps, Israël a affirmé qu'elle avait «probablement» succombé à un tir palestinien. L'Autorité palestinienne, la chaîne Al Jazeera et le gouvernement du Qatar ont accusé l'armée israélienne de l'avoir tuée. Initiée par les États-Unis, cette très rare position unanime du Conseil de sécurité sur un sujet concernant Israël réclame aussi «une enquête immédiate, approfondie, transparente et impartiale» sur ce meurtre.
Council also calls for immediate investigation into the death of the Al Jazeera journalist who was shot on Wednesday.
It said Israeli forces returned fire, and that without doing ballistic analysis, it was not able to determine who was responsible for her death. It also came amid a high rate of attacks against Palestinian journalists. Abu Akleh, an internationally respected veteran journalist for Al Jazeera, was shot by Israeli armed forces as she covered a raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. She was wearing a helmet and a vest that clearly identified her as a journalist.
Her killing prompted outrage among Palestinians and journalists around the world and calls for an independent investigation by the U.S. government. In addition ...
Canada’s ambassador to the UN, Bob Rae, condemned the killing of Abu Akleh and the wounding of her producer and called for an investigation. Canadians also need to have a more open and honest dialogue about Israel and its oppression of the Palestinian people. When other children around the world were watching cartoons, I and many other Palestinian children were watching Abu Akleh — listening to her tell the stories of Palestinians struggling for their freedom and rights. She was a hero to millions of Palestinians and others throughout the Middle East and beyond, who regularly followed her reporting. She began her career with Al Jazeera in 1997 and quickly became a household name in Palestine and throughout the region, known for her calm and poise in dangerous situations. In addition to being Palestinian and a highly respected journalist, Abu Akleh was also an American citizen.
Des violences ont éclaté vendredi dans l'enceinte d'un hôpital à Jérusalem à la sortie du cercueil de la journaliste palestinienne Shireen Abu Akleh, ...
Plus tôt dans la journée, des violences ont éclaté dans l'enceinte d'un hôpital à Jérusalem à la sortie du cercueil de la journaliste, selon des journalistes de l'AFP sur place et des médias locaux. Les funérailles de la journaliste ont lieu tandis que de nouveaux heurts ont éclaté dans le camp de réfugiés de Jénine, dans le nord de la Cisjordanie, territoire palestinien occupé par Israël. Treize Palestiniens y ont été blessés lors d'une nouvelle opération de l'armée israélienne, selon le ministère palestinien de la Santé. Maintaining public order can be done by other means.— Dimiter Tzantchev (@DTzantchev) May 13, 2022 "Un comportement aussi disproportionné ne fait qu'alimenter les tensions", juge l'Union européenne. "Consternée par la violence dans l'enceinte de l'hôpital Saint-Joseph et par le niveau de force inutile exercée par la police israélienne tout au long du cortège funèbre", a tweeté la délégation de l'UE auprès des Palestiniens. Des images retransmises par des télévisions locales montrent le cercueil de la reporter de la télévision du Qatar Al Jazeera manquer de tomber au sol. Selon elle, "des centaines de personnes" se sont rassemblées à l'hôpital et des pierres ont été jetées en direction de la police qui a été "obligée d'utiliser des moyens de dispersion anti-émeute".
In an interview with CPJ, Hanaysha recounted the incident and spoke about Abu Akleh's influence in the occupied Palestinian Territories and beyond. Abu Akleh's ...
Most of the time, Shireen was the one covering the news. She was magnificent. She was killed in Jenin and buried in Jerusalem. Every Palestinian village mourned her. Both on the personal and professional levels, she was great. There weren’t any clashes, not even burning tires, which was the reason we had kept going – in order to get closer to the action and cover what was happening. We were fired upon from an area above us and shots hit the tree I was standing behind from above. Back when I was young, there weren’t many news outlets, only Al-Jazeera. This channel was in every Palestinian house, we followed all the news on it. We were facing a house and an open space. We moved about 100 meters [328 feet] and then the shooting started at us. I looked at Shireen and I thought that she just fell down. I heard the shots but couldn’t imagine they were directed at us. Abu Akleh’s funeral was also met with violence as Israeli forces beat up mourners.
More journalists like Abu Akleh will be killed and at the ruthless hands of Israeli forces who see Palestinians as non-human—obstacles to the completion of ...
Til more Canadians, including our leaders, become more caring and not indifferent to the suffering of Palestinians we cannot expect to see a mass movement, in solidarity with Palestine, to end Israeli apartheid. Today, we reiterate our commitment to a continued, prosperous, and valuable relationship between the people of Israel and Canada, as well as lasting peace in the Middle East. For our government to pretend, as it has all too long, that Israel fundamentally embodies virtuosity, such as democracy or Judaism, is not only a lie. They were, in keeping with the selfish spirit of Western society, wanting us to shut up and focus on our own lives. It asks Canadians to see Israel as good while ignoring the violence it inflicts on Palestinians daily. That such suffering is something others have to “figure out”, as it’s not “our problem.” We Canadians enjoy internationally a reputation for being “kind”, “considerate”, “good.” We should be interrogating this. It’s this very same attitude that underlies Western indifference to Palestine. This includes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s failure to make any statement regarding the brutal killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh—shot in the head by Israeli military forces. I looked out the window of the store. That we don’t want to be “bothered” by the suffering of others. There was a woman with special needs who was being a “nuisance” to the staff. It was no way to treat another human being, especially a vulnerable person.
Les funérailles de la journaliste palestino-américaine Shireen Abu Akleh ont été marquées, vendredi, par une violente charge de la police israélienne au ...
Initiée par les États-Unis, cette très rare position unanime du Conseil de sécurité sur un sujet concernant Israël réclame aussi "une enquête immédiate, approfondie, transparente et impartiale" sur ce meurtre. Dans un premier temps, Israël a affirmé qu'elle avait "probablement" succombé à un tir palestinien. Le groupe armé palestinien Jihad islamique a indiqué que ses combattants l'avaient tué. Elle portait un gilet pare-balles siglé "presse" et un casque de reportage. Mais l'État hébreu a ensuite dit ne pas écarter que la balle ait été tirée par ses soldats. Maintaining public order can be done by other means.— Dimiter Tzantchev (@DTzantchev) May 13, 2022
The Joe Biden administration has drawn sharp criticism for its 'silence' over the Al Jazeera journalist's killing, blamed by the news channel and witnesses ...
Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech SE said on Friday they had agreed to push back deliveries of their Covid-19 vaccines to the European Union by three months as the bloc prepares for a potential booster campaign in the fall. In a continuation of his announcement from a day ago that the Twitter acquisition deal was being put on hold temporarily, world's richest person Elon Musk announced on Saturday his team will do 'random sampling' of 100 followers of Twitter's account on the social media giant's own platform. "Gonna replace the board of directors with Jimmy from my corner Fish Fry, Tommy Chung and tha guy with the ponytail on CNBC." Israel, on the other hand, denies it was responsible for Shireen Abu Akleh’s death. Also, several mourners, who were carrying the Palestinian flag, saw the flag being ripped from their hands by the police. “This is sickening.
Arab journalist's shooting highlights challenges Palestinians face in holding the Israeli army to account for civilian deaths.
Israeli police decided on Saturday to investigate the conduct of their officers who attacked the funeral of a slain Al Jazeera journalist, causing mourners ...
There was something about the snake plant that seemed to speak to him. Russian troops are withdrawing from around Ukraine's second-largest city after bombarding it for weeks, the Ukrainian military said Saturday, as Kyiv and Moscow's forces engaged in a grinding battle for the country's eastern industrial heartland. 1 hr ago 1 hr ago Water flowing down the Colorado River fills Lake Mead, which is now drying up. 1 hr ago 1 hr ago Russian troops are withdrawing from around Ukraine's second-largest city after bombarding it for weeks, the Ukrainian military said Saturday, as Kyiv and Moscow's forces engaged in a grinding battle for the country's eastern industrial heartland. The PA has refused, saying it will conduct its own investigation and send the results to the International Criminal Court, which is already investigating possible Israeli war crimes. "Every family deserves to lay their loved ones to rest in a dignified and unimpeded manner," he tweeted. They also illustrated the deep sensitivities over east Jerusalem -- which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians and has sparked repeated rounds of violence. In a statement Saturday, the Israeli police said their commissioner has instructed an investigation that would be concluded in the coming days.
Les Palestiniens s'apprêtent vendredi à Jérusalem à dire adieu à une de leurs journalistes vedettes, Shireen Abu Akleh, tuée d'une balle dans la tête deux ...
Dans un premier temps, Israël a affirmé qu’elle avait «probablement» succombé à un tir palestinien. Initiée par les États-Unis, cette très rare position unanime du Conseil de sécurité sur un sujet concernant Israël réclame aussi «une enquête immédiate, approfondie, transparente et impartiale» sur ce meurtre. Le groupe armé palestinien Jihad islamique a indiqué que ses combattants l’avaient tué. Elle portait un gilet pare-balles siglé «presse» et un casque de reportage. Mais l’État hébreu a ensuite dit ne pas écarter que la balle ait été tirée par ses soldats. Du côté de Washington, «nous avons été profondément troublés de voir les images de l’intrusion de la police israélienne au sein du cortège funéraire» de la journaliste, a dit le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken dans un communiqué.
Israeli police violently disrupted the funeral of slain Al Jazeera journalist and Palestinian American icon Shireen Abu Akleh while the world looked on.
Abu Akleh is perhaps the most high-profile journalist to be killed there, but she is by no means the first. Israel has, for years, unofficially prohibited the expression of Palestinian identity and culture in occupied East Jerusalem out of fear that such public expressions could undermine its attempt to control the society and derail its plan to demographically alter Jerusalem’s ethnic composition and skew it in favor of the Jewish state. Israel’s wishful thinking is that by prohibiting symbols and expression of Palestinian identity and nationality, it can cause Palestinian character to be permanently ripped out of the city’s ancient fabric. Israeli police wanted to deny Abu Akleh’s family and the public from publicly grieving the national icon and journalistic hero because they didn’t want her funeral to serve as a reminder of the national cause for liberation, dignity and independence. Video shows police attacking mourners and pallbearers, beating them with batons, and at one point, almost causing pallbearers to drop the coffin. As I have been told by colleagues close to the family, those police had communicated to the family that they did not want a public procession out of fear it would be a public disturbance.
In a rare example of unity council calls for an immediate, impartial investigation into journalist's death.
The EU said it was “appalled by the violence in the St Joseph hospital compound and the level of unnecessary force exercised by Israeli police throughout the funeral procession”. Earlier, the US said it was “deeply troubled to see the images of Israeli police intruding into her funeral procession”. In a rare, unanimous statement the security council also called for “an immediate, thorough, transparent and impartial investigation into her killing”.