Inflation Canada

2022 - 4 - 21

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Canada's inflation rate rises to 6.7% — highest since 1991 | CBC ... (

Canada's inflation rate rose to 6.7 per cent in March, far more than economists were expecting and a full percentage point higher than February's already ...

"Inflation is likely to remain above the Bank of Canada's target range until 2023, crimping consumer purchasing power and driving interest rates higher." A lot of what Salgueiro sells is imported, and the price of those goods has skyrocketed in the pandemic. But that decline was not felt evenly across the country. Prices for furniture jumped by more than eight per cent in the month of March alone. A big reason for that increase is the 39.8 per cent rise in gasoline costs since March of last year. "Meal prepping is your go-to friend right now," she told CBC News in an interview. "It's tough for everybody right now," she said. And that's just the shipping costs. But Zainab Williams, a financial planner with Elleverity Wealth Management in Caledon, Ont., says there are ways. They include a 5.4 per cent decrease in the cost of servicing a mortgage, a 6.2 per cent decline in the cost of car insurance, a 2.5 per cent decrease in the cost of phone bills, and a large decline of 28 per cent in the costs of car registration fees. Gasoline prices rocketed higher in March mostly due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine throwing global supplies into chaos. Canada is not the only country grappling with high inflation.

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Image courtesy of "Le Journal de Montréal"

L'inflation a bondi de 6,7% au Canada, un record depuis 1991 (Le Journal de Montréal)

L'indice des prix à la consommation bondit à 6,7% en mars; sa plus forte hausse depuis janvier 1991.

Il faut voir quelle portion de l’inflation va être systémique et quelle portion va être court terme. D'une année à l'autre, les Canadiens ont payé 8,7 % de plus pour les aliments achetés en magasin en mars, en hausse par rapport à la croissance de 7,4 % enregistrée en février. Il s'agit de la hausse annuelle la plus marquée depuis mars 2009, selon Statistique Canada. Sans l'essence, l'Indice des prix à la consommation (IPC) a augmenté de 5,5 % d'une année à l'autre en mars, dépassant la hausse enregistrée en février 2022 (+4,7 %), ce qui correspond au «rythme de croissance le plus rapide» de l’indice depuis 1999, selon Statistique Canada.

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L'inflation atteint 6,7 % en mars au pays, du jamais vu depuis 31 ans (

L'indice des prix à la consommation poursuit sa flambée au Canada, où l'inflation a augmenté de 6,7 % en mars dernier sur une base annualisée, ...

Le prix des céréales à déjeuner a quant à lui augmenté de 12,3 % au cours de la même période, contre 17,8 % d'augmentation pour les pâtes alimentaires. L’alimentation n’est pas non plus épargnée par la flambée du prix des denrées, lequel a augmenté de 8,7 % en mars par rapport à la même période l’an dernier. Sur une base annuelle, le litre d'essence coûtait 39,8 % plus cher en mars 2022 qu'en mars 2021.

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Image courtesy of "Le Soleil"

L'inflation annuelle au Canada connaît une hausse inégalée depuis ... (Le Soleil)

L'inflation canadienne a atteint 6,7 % le mois dernier, enregistrant sa progression annuelle la plus rapide en plus de trois décennies, alors que l'attaque ...

Par exemple, les prix des services financiers numériques n'ont avancé que de 0,2 % par rapport à l'an dernier. Par exemple, les prix des aliments et des fournitures pour animaux de compagnie ont augmenté de 9,7 % d'une année à l'autre. C’est la moyenne la plus élevée depuis mars 1991, et elle montre une hausse par rapport à celle de 3,53 % enregistrée en février. À mesure que la demande diminue, les prix ont tendance à augmenter plus lentement, voire à baisser légèrement, ce qui atténue l’inflation. Les prix des aliments achetés en épicerie ont augmenté de 8,7 % d’une année à l’autre, enregistrant leur croissance annuelle la plus rapide depuis mars 2009. La Russie et l’Ukraine sont les principaux exportateurs de blé.

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Image courtesy of "La Presse"

L'inflation monte à 6,7 % au Canada en mars (La Presse)

Le mois dernier, l'indice des prix à la consommation au Canada a augmenté de 6,7 % d'une année à l'autre. Il s'agit de la hausse la plus marquée depuis janvier ...

Le Québec enregistre la même inflation que le Canada dans son ensemble, soit 6,7 % en un an. Ceux qui voudraient passer leur frustration en grignotant vont se rendre compte que le prix des collations a aussi grimpé, tout comme celui de l’alcool acheté en magasin. Le prix des aliments achetés en magasin a bondi de près de 9 % en mars en rythme annuel. Les prix des biens durables ont augmenté de 7,3 % en un an. […] Cela dit, en tenant compte des effets de base, les données de mars devraient représenter le sommet de l’inflation, à moins d’une autre surprise majeure. L’inflation atteint un sommet au pays depuis l’instauration de la TPS en 1991.

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Surging gas prices, Ukraine war pushed inflation to 6.7% in March ... (

The annual rate of inflation hit 6.7 per cent in March, up a full percentage point from its reading in February, Statistics Canada said Wednesday.

As demand goes down prices tend to rise more slowly _ or even edge down – easing inflation. Russia and Ukraine are major wheat exporters. The average of the three core measures of inflation, which are considered better gauges of underlying price pressures and closely tracked by the Bank of Canada, was 3.77 per cent in March. That’s the highest recorded since March 1991 and up from the 3.53 per cent in February. The increase compared with a gain of 5.7 per cent in February, and was the highest reading since inflation hit 6.9 per cent in January 1991 when the GST was introduced. Fuelling much of the increase in March were higher prices at the pumps as gasoline prices rose 39.8 per cent compared with the same month one year earlier. The annual rate of inflation hit 6.7 per cent in March, the fastest year-over-year increase in the consumer price index in over 31 years, Statistics Canada said Wednesday.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Six charts that tell the story of Canada's soaring inflation (CTV News)

Using Statistics Canada data, has created a series of charts to highlight the sharp rise in prices across major sectors that's fuelling ...

Inflation increased at a faster pace in March than in February in every province. In March, household operations, furnishings and equipment saw a surge of 4.5 per cent from 2.7 per cent in February. Due to supply chain issues and higher shipping prices, Canadians paid higher prices for furnishings. Energy prices saw a 27.8 per cent surge from last year. With strong demand for domestic travel and trips to the U.S. during March, air transportation prices also saw an increase. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, global oil prices surged in March due to supply uncertainty, according to Statistics Canada.

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Image courtesy of "Toronto Star"

What Canada's record inflation means for your budget, why it's ... (Toronto Star)

The war is to blame for the rising costs of gas and food, according to Statistics Canada. Grocery store prices rose 8.7 per cent compared to March 2021, in part ...

,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"type":"relatedStories","relatedStories":[]},{"text":"Let’s say you like to buy bacon for breakfast. ","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"As for gas, if it cost you $60 to fill up your tank a year ago, now you’re looking at more than $80.","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"Will my wages ever catch up?" ","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"Is the rate hike even doing anything?" ","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"Thanks for all the percentages, but what does this look like in real life?" ","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"Macdonald expects the costs of travel to increase going into the summer, however, if gas prices stay high." ,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"type":"slimcut"},{"text":"“There has to be a reckoning at some point,” said Wudrick. ","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"The only question, he said, is how quickly or slowly that reckoning arrives." ,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"“It’s going to have no impact on the price of gasoline, it’s going to have no impact on food prices, particularly in the short term,” he said." ,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"type":"textBreakPoint","insertAt":"contentLongBreakPoint"},{"text":"Instead, the bank is trying to balance things out over the longer term through higher borrowing costs and cooling real estate prices, among other factors, said Macdonald.","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"“You might want a decrease in prices, but you might not like how it happens.”","type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"What else is getting more expensive?" ,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"If you own a pet, costs for food and supplies have gone up by almost 10 per cent. ,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"text":"However, he warned that the rate hike isn’t going to fix your grocery woes anytime soon." ,"type":"text","isParagraph":true,"isHeading":false},{"type":"stn-smart-player"},{"text":"The Bank of Canada has been trying to keep up, raising its key policy rate by three-quarters of a percentage point since the year began in an effort to calm the waters. ","heading":"","fullWindow":false,"fullBleed":false,"showFullBleedOnMobile":false,"headColor":"","type":"html5mobile","textColor":"","mobileImageUrl":"","bgColor":"","imageUrl":"","registeredOnly":false,"linkUrl":"","aodaTitle":" ","internalScroll":false,"displayStyle":"small-up"},{"text":"What’s the Bank of Canada doing to slow this train?"

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Canada inflation surges more than expected in March, hitting 31 ... (Reuters)

Canada's annual inflation rate accelerated faster than expected in March, hitting a 31-year high amid broad price pressures, official data showed on ...

Money markets see a 65% chance the Bank of Canada will go ahead with a second 50-basis-point hike. Governor Tiff Macklem last week said the central bank would continue to act "forcefully" if needed. "That's just broadening inflation. Food prices jumped 8.7% on the year, with pasta and cereal products up on wheat futures, Statscan said. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has put pressure on key commodity prices, adding to the pinch. read more

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Canada: Consumer price inflation blows past expectations in March (

Annual inflation rose to 6.7 percent last month, up from 5.7 percent in February, Statistics Canada reported Wednesday.

Gasoline prices were up 12% on the month, and 40% from a year earlier. And while gasoline prices were the biggest contributor to the monthly and annual gain in prices, inflation has become broad-based with sharp increases in costs for housing, food and cars. Macklem and his officials forecast inflation would slow to an average 4.5% by the fourth quarter of this year. The benchmark Canadian government two-year yield shot up to nearly 2.56% — the highest since October 2008 — from about 2.52% before the release. Food prices were up 7.7% from a year earlier, after a 0.9% gain in March. Grocery prices were up 8.7% on an annual basis. The report shows inflation pressures that are more elevated than the central bank estimated just last week, reinforcing pressure on policymakers led by Governor Tiff Macklem to withdraw stimulus from an overheating economy.

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Image courtesy of "Le Devoir"

L'inflation annuelle passe à 6,7% en mars au Canada (Le Devoir)

Victimes des problèmes dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales, les biens durables n'avaient pas vu leurs prix augmenter autant en une année (+7,3 %) ...

La guerre entre les deux grands exportateurs de blé s’est également invitée à l’épicerie, la hausse du coût des aliments de 0,9 % en un mois et de 7,7 % en un an reflétant entre autres une augmentation de plus de 12 % du prix des céréales au magasin et de presque 18 % de celui des pâtes alimentaires depuis mars 2021. Pour un grand nombre d’analystes, il ne fait pas de doute que la Banque du Canada continuera d’augmenter ses taux d’intérêt aussi vite que possible. À ce chapitre, l’augmentation de l’IPC au Québec (+6,7 %) était parfaitement dans la moyenne canadienne au mois de mars. Comme ces derniers, elle s’attendait tout au plus à une augmentation mensuelle de 0,5 %, pas du double. C’est le cas notamment des voitures (+7 %), dont la production de nouveaux modèles souffre de la pénurie mondiale de semi-conducteurs. »

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Image courtesy of "Ottawa Business Journal"

Statistics Canada says annual inflation rate hit 6.7 per cent in March ... (Ottawa Business Journal)

The annual rate of inflation hit 6.7 per cent in March, the fastest year-over-year increase in the consumer price index since January 1991, ...

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Image courtesy of "La Tribune"

L'inflation annuelle au Canada connaît une hausse inégalée depuis ... (La Tribune)

L'inflation annuelle a atteint 6,7 % en mars, ce qui représentait la plus forte augmentation des prix à la consommation d'une année à l'autre en plus de 31 ...

Par exemple, les prix des services financiers numériques n'ont avancé que de 0,2 % par rapport à l'an dernier. Par exemple, les prix des aliments et des fournitures pour animaux de compagnie ont augmenté de 9,7 % d'une année à l'autre. C’est la moyenne la plus élevée depuis mars 1991, et elle montre une hausse par rapport à celle de 3,53 % enregistrée en février. À mesure que la demande diminue, les prix ont tendance à augmenter plus lentement, voire à baisser légèrement, ce qui atténue l’inflation. Les prix des aliments achetés en épicerie ont augmenté de 8,7 % d’une année à l’autre, enregistrant leur croissance annuelle la plus rapide depuis mars 2009. La Russie et l’Ukraine sont les principaux exportateurs de blé.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Are you adjusting your budget to account for inflation? We want to ... (CTV News)

With Canada's annual inflation at its highest point in more than 30 years, wants to hear from you about how you may be cutting costs. would like to hear from you. Some experts say the high price of goods is here to stay. Have you made adjustments to your budget to account for rising inflation?

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Image courtesy of "Ottawa Business Journal"

Statistics Canada says annual inflation rate hit 6.7 per cent in March ... (Ottawa Business Journal)

The annual rate of inflation hit 6.7 per cent in March, the fastest year-over-year increase in the consumer price index since January 1991, ...

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Inflation : la Banque du Canada a-t-elle été trop accommodante? (

Normalement, comme cela a été le cas au début de mars, les augmentations sont plus modérées, à 25 points de base. Si cette prédiction se concrétise, le taux ...

Selon elle, l’inflation en avril sur une base annualisée pourrait dépasser les 8 % avec l’ajout des prix des véhicules usagés dans l’indice des prix à la consommation, ce qui serait du jamais vu depuis le début des années 1980. arguments solides pour un relèvement du taux directeur de 75 à 100 points de base… Au même moment, faut-il le rappeler, les prix des biens et des services ont respectivement explosé de 9,2 % et 4,3 % depuis un an.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Canada inflation could be at peak, but that's little relief for central bank (Reuters)

Canada's headline inflation may have peaked after hitting a 31-year high in March, economists said, though the central bank still faces an uphill battle to ...

Later this month it will begin reducing its government bond holdings, allowing them to roll off as they mature, but interest rates remain its main tool in the fight against inflation. Register now for FREE unlimited access to At the same time, Canada's Liberal-led government is still pumping stimulus into the economy, albeit at a slower pace, helping drive domestic inflation. Any easing of those factors is expected to be gradual, said economists. Register now for FREE unlimited access to Register now for FREE unlimited access to

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Image courtesy of "CityNews Ottawa"

Time for Canadians to change spending habits amid skyrocketing ... (CityNews Ottawa)

The recommendation is for consumers to choose local, in season, and on sale food– rather than what is on their list.

Because we were used to relatively cheap food, we were used to making choices when we would go to the grocery store that were not the most efficient. We never had to question access to food and the price of food because it was cheap. And so we made probably bad choices,” he said. And as you devote more and more of your income on food … you don’t have availability to spend on other items, he explained. “Despite our … climate, we’ve had one of the cheapest food basket in the world. That is for the average Canadian, of course.

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Bank of Canada head won't 'rule anything out' to tame inflation ... (

Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem said everything is on the table as he meets with world bank leaders in Washington, where the U.S. Federal Reserve is ...

Macklem said he understands some homeowners are concerned right now, but explained that the Canadian economy “needs higher interest rates” and that the central bank will be carefully watching the impact on all Canadians. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy NASDAQ fell around 2 per cent. Greater and faster interest rate hikes could put even more pressure on homeowners with variable-rate mortgages who are just getting used to a recent increase to prime rates.Canada’s big banks were swift to lift their prime rates by 50 basis points to 3.20 per cent after the Bank of Canada hiked interest rates last week. “However, with longer-run inflation expectations well anchored, I think the easier path would be for the Bank of Canada to keep lifting rates in 50 basis point increments,” he said. Andrew Kelvin, strategist at TD Securities, said in an interview that he believes the central bank could lift rates by more than 50 basis points if “there is little to no slack left in the economy.” He wouldn’t rule out pushing rates beyond 50 basis points all in one sitting, after moving to lift rates by that amount to one per cent just last week, but said he “is prepared to be as forceful as needed.”

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Image courtesy of "Eminetra Canada"

Bank of Canada leaders do not “exclude anything” to curb inflation ... (Eminetra Canada)

On the day the Federal Reserve surprised the market with harsh discussions on interest rates, Bank of Canada Governor Tiff McClem said he “doesn't rule out ...

After a major Canadian bank raised its prime rate by 50 basis points to 3.20 percent, the Bank of Canada quickly raised interest rates last week. Gary Bovair said in an interview. He didn’t intend to rule out more than 50 basis points at a time after raising that amount to 1% last week, but he said, “I’m ready to do what I need. Said that there is. Meanwhile, technology-intensive NASDAQ fell about 2%. “

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Bank of Canada not ruling out larger rate increases to fight inflation (Reuters)

The Bank of Canada could consider a larger rate increase than the half-point move it made last week, as the central bank grapples with reining in inflation ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News Canada"

Canada inflation could be at peak, but that is little relief for central bank (Yahoo News Canada)

Canada's headline inflation may have peaked after hitting a 31-year high in March, economists said, though the central bank still faces an uphill battle to ...

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