Pierre Poilievre Conservative leadership

2022 - 4 - 13

Rupa Subramanya: Pierre Poilievre is popular for a reason (National Post)

As the Conservative leadership campaign kicks into high gear, Pierre Poilievre has solidified his position as the front-runner, and unless there's some ...

It seems that for the establishment, left-wing populism represents good governance while sensible and popular policies from the right are a sign that we’re about to turn into a totalitarian dictatorship. Indeed, absurd as it sounds, this is eerily reminiscent of the attempt to tar the Freedom Convoy, claiming they were white supremacists attempting to repeat the Jan. 6, 2021, would-be insurgency on Washington’s Capitol Hill, in Ottawa. Only in an alternative universe is there anything Trumpian in Poilievre’s campaign manifesto. Popular they may be, but for a good reason, as these are bread and butter issues for many Canadians. Article content Article content Article content

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Watch: Heated debate between campaign advisers for Poilievre and ... (CTV News)

The attacks are escalating between Conservative leadership candidates Pierre Poilievre and Jean Charest as the party's race to name its new leader heats up.

NEW Canadians who have been infected twice with COVID-19 continue to experience a wide array of symptoms. 4 min ago Who is Pakistan's new prime minister? 4 hr ago On CTV News Channel's Power Play, key Poilievre adviser Jenni Byrne and co-chair of Charest leadership campaign Tasha Kheiriddin get into a heated exchange over their respective candidates' positions. With Sept. 10 picked as the date for when the Conservative Party of Canada will have a new leader, time is ticking for prospective candidates and their teams to get into place. 3 hr ago Canadians who have been infected twice with COVID-19 continue to experience a wide array of symptoms. 3 hr ago Trudeau announced Tuesday morning that the confidence-and-supply agreement has been brokered, and is effective immediately. 4 hr ago

Bell: Pierre Poilievre, what's up with his crowds? (Calgary Sun)

This time in Calgary. Tuesday night. Another rally, another crowd, a HUGE crowd in this city, the place packed, traffic backed up trying to make it in to hear ...

Article content Article content Article content This is who he is.” Strahl says Poilievre is not about watering down the message. This is what I believe. Article content “These supposed voices of conservatism actually don’t like our membership. Article content Article content Some people might not like him but he is authentic. Article content

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Image courtesy of "Globalnews.ca"

Poilievre camp raises concerns over membership 'fraud' in ... (Globalnews.ca)

Pierre Poilievre is raising concerns over potential “fraud” in the Conservative leadership race, demanding the ban of pre-paid credit cards to purchase ...

If the party’s payment processer cannot accommodate those demands, the Poilievre campaign recommended finding a new one. Pre-paid credit cards have been a perennial issue in Conservative leadership races. The party later struck 1,351 names from its membership roll after an internal investigation. But the Poilievre campaign wrote Tuesday that the memo suggested “no proactive steps” will be taken by the party’s Leadership Election Organizing Committee (LEOC) to prevent the use of pre-paid credit cards to purchase memberships. “Absent an acceptable response by the close of business on April 14, 2022, our campaign will take appropriate steps to require the party comply with the Membership By-Law,” the letter read. “Our campaign will continue to abide by all rules set out by the Conservative Party and Elections Canada. And we will win.”

Poilievre brings Conservative leadership campaign to hometown of ... (Calgary Herald)

Pierre Poilievre brought his Conservative Party of Canada leadership campaign to his hometown on Tuesday night.

Scott Aitchison and former mayor of Brampton, Ont., Patrick Brown are also running. The crowd was all-in from the moment Poilievre stepped onto the stage surrounded on four sides by rows of chairs. For Pequin, there is only one choice for the next party leader. I love how he’s honest, he has integrity and those things are important to me.” He also said he would end wasteful spending and defund the CBC. O’Toole was seen by many within the party to have moved the needle too far to the left.

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Image courtesy of "CTV Toronto"

Conservative leadership 'front runner' Pierre Poilievre returns to ... (CTV Toronto)

As the Conservative Party of Canada searches for its next leader, Carleton MP Pierre Poilievre appears poised to take on the role and challenge Prime ...

6 hr ago 6 hr ago Car-surfing is when one person rides on top of a fast-moving car. 6 hr ago 6 hr ago 6 hr ago 6 hr ago 6 hr ago One expert in B.C. says this comes amid a transition away from public health orders to individual responsibility. 6 hr ago 6 hr ago “Poilievre is young, he's dynamic and charismatic.

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Image courtesy of "CBC.ca"

Big crowds turning out for Poilievre suggest a very different kind of ... (CBC.ca)

In the last two Conservative leadership races, the supposed front-runners stumbled before reaching the finish line. This time, however, the front-runner is ...

"Mr. Poilievre, who is by the way a legislator ... supported a blockade that had very direct consequences on the Canadian economy and which was illegal. Keller rejects the suggestion that Poilievre is divisive. Instead, he's been taking the fight to Poilievre through the media. I think what we need right now is somebody who can heal the nation," said Fast. I'm seeing a lot of similarities with Pierre's campaign," said Keller, a vice president at StrategyCorp and ex-chief of staff to John Baird, a former Harper cabinet minister and an adviser on Poilievre's campaign. To take control of your life: https://t.co/d9I1ky9w2t pic.twitter.com/Rb2WL1VYiN— @PierrePoilievre It also had a field of more than a dozen candidates, which divided the attention and resources of party activists. Poilievre also has the advantage in caucus endorsements. Lewis has tweeted photos of herself addressing sizeable crowds while touring the Prairie provinces. Detractors worry he'll deepen divisions within the party and the country. Poilievre has tweeted photos of rallies in British Columbia and Ontario attended by hundreds of people. This time, however, the front-runner is only showing signs of gaining ground.

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Image courtesy of "Macleans.ca"

Jean Charest lets loose on Pierre Poilievre as debates loom (Macleans.ca)

Politics Insider for April 12: Setting the stage for a CPC leaders debate; Charest goes on the attack; and a disaster for the PQ.

The results of that probe, which is expected to detail the scope and depth of the program in the U.S., are due any day now. Absent from the budget was mention of a timeline for a campaign promise to transfer mental health money to provinces and territories, CTV reports. A big problem for Charest is the rise of Éric Duhaime, leader of the new provincial Conservative party, whose supporters are likelier to support Poilievre than Charest. Human-rights groups filed a complaint Sunday with the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise to investigate allegations that some products sold by 14 Canadian companies are made with forced labour in China, the Globe reports. The by-election was being seen by many as a gauge on the health of the PQ, who ran former NDP MP Pierre Nantel. Almost all the Canadian companies listed in the complaint are subsidiaries of U.S. or other international firms. … Well, I’m sorry, if you want to be a leader of a party, if you want to sit in the House of Commons and make laws, you have to obey them,” he said. The Star has an interesting story about the $5-million Vancouver house he used to make his point. It disqualifies you, as far as I’m concerned, as being someone who thinks, or aspires to be, a leader of a party.” Welcome to a sneak peek of the Maclean’s Politics Insider newsletter. Mr. Charest’s stronger words coincide with clear signs of momentum in the Poilievre campaign, which is frequently attracting large crowds at stops throughout the country. Charest attacks: Speaking of the CPC race, on Sunday, Jean Charest let loose at frontrunner Pierre Poilievre, the Globe reports.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

Politics Briefing: Conservative leadership hopefuls Charest and ... (The Globe and Mail)

Meanwhile, candidate Patrick Brown targeted Poilievre – and the Prime Minister – in a statement on the issue.

Bessma Momani (Contributed to The Globe and Mail) on when the war in Ukraine will end: “The uncomfortable truth is that this war is also gaining steam within Russia, where it is portrayed as a conquest that must be won. Steve Paikin (TVO) on whether the fourth time is the charm for Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath: “Horwath is about to embark on her fourth campaign as leader, a rather astonishing feat at a time when most political parties are happy to jettison leaders who fail to win it all in their first attempt. “To continue with a tax exemption in the 21st century, which was granted to the CPR in the 19th century, would be fundamentally unjust, unfair, unreasonable and an undeserved economic hardship on the residents of Saskatchewan” Senator David Arnot, from Saskatchewan, said in a statement. SENATE ACTION ON CPR TAX EXEMPTION - The Senate has adopted a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Constitution of Canada that ends a century-old tax exemption for the CPR enacted when the province was formed in 1905. But we would be mistaken to assume this war will ignite a backlash, or more incredulous claims of an overthrow of Vladimir Putin. Over the years, the President has masterfully worked to consolidate his power and politically insulate himself from potential opposition, and bought acquiescence from competing power centres.” Policy differences were ignored amid a barrage of accusations and allegations flying over their rival’s failing fitness to hold the job. Mr. Trudeau physically standing by Mr. Zelensky, not long after satellite imagery and intercepted communications seemed to confirm Russian war crimes in Bucha, would show the world that Ukraine’s partners are uncowed and united with resolve in the face of Russian belligerence.” Details of the style and format of the debates will be released later in April. Candidates are also being asked to prepare a two-minute introduction video, to be played ahead of the debates. There’s also the problem of “free ridership” – that some people who got taxpayer cash for buying an EV were going to buy one anyhow. During a speech, Mr. Moe said that “A lot of folks will come to me and say, ‘Hey, you guys have the highest carbon emissions per capita.’ I don’t care,” said Moe. Story here from CBC. GREENSPON DEFENDING LICH - A high-profile criminal defence lawyer in Ottawa has been hired to defend one of the leading figures of the trucker convoy. I would also recognize that Canadians need choice in how to raise their families,” said the statement.

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

Don Martin: The personal antipathy between Charest and Poilievre ... (CTV News)

By then the confused Conservative member will be convinced Charest is a Justin Trudeau clone and Poilievre is Maxime Bernier's twin. It sets up the spectacle of ...

10 hr ago 1 hr ago On CTV News Channel's Power Play, key Poilievre adviser Jenni Byrne and co-chair of Charest leadership campaign Tasha Kheiriddin get into a heated exchange over their respective candidates' positions. 10 hr ago 1 hr ago 10 hr ago 1 hr ago With Sept. 10 picked as the date for when the Conservative Party of Canada will have a new leader, time is ticking for prospective candidates and their teams to get into place. 10 hr ago Trudeau announced Tuesday morning that the confidence-and-supply agreement has been brokered, and is effective immediately. That doesn’t bode well for Charest, who needs a significant Quebec surge to carry him into the leadership. And even when the discussion gets overheated, there’s rarely lingering acrimony after the show goes to commercial.

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Image courtesy of "The Globe and Mail"

Politics Briefing: Cities 'essential partner in solving housing crisis ... (The Globe and Mail)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was pressed to respond to Pierre Poilievre's assertions that 'big city gatekeepers' are to blame for the hot housing market ...

What’s interesting about Lindsey and Teles’s argument is that there’s nothing inherently conservative about it; indeed, in many ways it could just as easily have been adopted by someone like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren – or, in the Canadian context, Jagmeet Singh or Andrea Horwath.” Robyn Urback (The Globe and Mail) on Pierre Poilievre being onto something when he rants about Canada’s housing nightmare: “His tone is perfect for the swaths of young Canadians who have done everything right, but who not only can’t afford to live where they grew up, likely can’t even afford to live hours away. John Ibbitson (The Globe and Mail) on data backing up younger voters’ excitement over Pierre Poilievre: “Pierre Poilievre is upending every conventional assumption about Canadian politics. Campbell Clark (The Globe and Mail) on Ben Harper scorching Jean Charest, while Pierre Poilievre’s team nurses a grudge: Stephen Harper hasn’t personally jumped into the Conservative leadership race’s public stage, but there is a Harper who has emerged to pick sides: Ben Harper, son of the former prime minister. On Wednesday’s edition of The Globe and Mail podcast, the Globe’s Quebec correspondent Eric Andrew-Gee talks about a by-election, this week, in a Montreal suburb that ended in defeat for the Parti Quebecois, the province’s champion of separatism for the last 50 years. The Prime Minister was then, according to his schedule, set to spend personal time in Whistler, B.C. Story here from The National Post. Ms. Lewis is to campaign Thursday night at a golf and country club in North Vancouver. The Democratic Senator for West Virginia intends to advance that discussion by getting Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to testify in Washington before the U.S. Senate committee on energy and natural resources, which Mr. Manchin chairs, about how much the U.S. relies on Canadian oil. BANK OF CANADA INCREASES INTEREST RATE - The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point, the first oversized rate hike in decades and an aggressive step forward in its campaign to tackle runaway inflation. KEYSTONE XL WON’T BE REVIVED: U.S. SENATOR - The Keystone XL pipeline is unlikely to be revived, says a key U.S. senator, but Joe Manchin expects to see a greater push for more energy conduits between Canada and his country. “We know that municipalities are an essential partner in solving the housing crisis.

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Image courtesy of "Toronto Sun"

KINSELLA: Pierre Poilievre has the Conservative hype but not the ... (Toronto Sun)

How does Pierre plan to be the voice of law and order when he arguably championed lawlessness? Can he pull that off?

Dare to disagree with Pierre or Jenni, and they’ll accuse you of treason and treachery. They’re like Game of Thrones’ Cersei and Jaime Lannister, except a lot less pleasant or charismatic. But there, incredibly, was Pierre Poilievre in a YouTube video last week, smoking a shisha pipe, shoeless, waxing poetic about whackadoodle cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes. You know: Truly conservative approaches to finance. Pocket protector and Texas Instruments calculator in hand, he’s giddily knocking down all of the sacred totems of the conservative movement. He’s one of the guys who hung out with the other guys in the physics lab, silently sneering at the jocks and the freaks and the teachers.

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