

Zooming into the World of Virtual Competence and Digital Fashion

Discover how your Zoom background can boost your competence and if your co-workers would notice you wearing digital clothes!

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Islands Trust Ditches Zoom for 2024 Council Meetings, Anticipates Tax Rate Increases

Exclusive: Find out why the Trustees are saying goodbye to Zoom for their upcoming meetings in 2024. Tax rates are skyrocketing, and the Islands Trust is making strategic changes to cope!

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The Rise of Digital Offshoring: Zoom Cashiers Lead the Way

Tech and AI are changing the outsourcing game, with serious implications for workplace safety. Dive into the evolution of offshoring in the digital age!

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Zoom's Head Reveals What Gen Z Hires Lack & Canmore Photographers Showcase Unique Mountain Perspective

Discover what Zoom's head thinks Gen Z hires are missing and explore Canmore photographers' stunning mountain photography at artsPlace!

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